• Published 2nd May 2012
  • 1,617 Views, 91 Comments

Knights of the Everfree - Lightning Shaker

This is the story of how a small group of foals grew into something more than what they were, the story of how these foals faced the darkness of the Everfree, and survived. This is the story of the Knights of the Everfree, and how they got there.

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Rain and Surprises


of the Everfree

Chapter Six:

Evening had come, and Lightning Shaker looked outside with a feeling of longing. The rain hadn’t let up for hours and so he was stuck indoors. Even if Lightning couldn’t run or fly it would still be nice to go outside and enjoy the warm sun. He stared out the window dejectedly, shivering a bit from the chill that came not only with the rain, but also with the all too rapid approach of fall. The rain came down in heavy rivulets, distorting the view through the window and making the outside world seem to dance and sway about.

A soft knock on the door broke Lightning Shaker out of his reverie. “Come in.” He called without looking back. The door opened and Lightning was greeted by the sound of an uneven gait, a thump followed by three quieter clips. “Hey Little Gear, what’s up?” He called over his shoulder, the distinctive sound she made while walking on her crutch unmistakable.

An exasperated sigh and a few more of her unsteady steps was the only response he got for a few moments. Deciding he didn’t feel like asking again Lightning continued his vigil of the outside wistfully gazing at the town outside, empty save for a few stray ponies with tasks too important to be stopped by rain.

“Why are you so down? The cast is off your wing, you should be happy about that right?” Little Gear asked, and Lightning could hear some shuffling coming from behind him.

He finally pulled himself away from the window turning around he gave Little Gear his best impression of a grin as he flared out his wings. “Yeah, it’s nice having the cast off, but I’m still not allowed to fly. Also, it’s raining out, so we’re stuck inside. I’m bored and I’d like to at least sit outside and be bored, you know?” He said as he climbed onto his bed. Little Gear gave him a wry grin as she laid out some papers and carefully laid down on the floor with her quill in mouth. Lightning took this as a silent offer of companionship, which he had grown used to in the past few weeks he had been here. Laying with his head over the edge of the bed, Lightning looked at the designs she was working on. “Looks like that’s finished, what do you still need to do on it?” He asked.

“Details, gear locations, all the fine little points that need working out to make sure it moves smoothly so I can actually use it.” She didn’t look up as she spoke around the quill. Lightning Shaker marveled at the detail that went into the device; a 'prosthetic' she had called it. He watched Little Gear work in silence for a while, the distraction was just what he had needed to cheer up, and he was as always grateful for the company; even if it was quiet company. “I wanted to thank you.” He was startled awake by Little Gear suddenly speaking having had nodded off.

He looked down at her a bit perplexed. “Thank me for what?” He asked, rubbing his eyes a bit.

She smiled at him, a slight blush darkening her orange coat. “Your offer to be family, even though I have one already I have been terribly lonely since I was left here in Ponyville, I have not hardly left this hospital because I was too nervous.”

Lightning Smiled down at her. “You don’t have to thank me for that; I figure you’ve helped me a lot since I got here too.”

“Does this mean I have to call you my brother?” Little Gear asked, grinning.

Lightning shrugged. “Only if you want to, I don’t think our kind of family means having to follow any weird rules.” He gave a stretch of his wings, still feeling the need to fly.

Little Gear was about to say something when the door was knocked on again, opening it without waiting for a response a very soaked Dream Dasher came walking in. “Hey Lightning you’ll never guess what I fou-“ He stopped when he saw Little Gear. “Oh hey, sorry. Didn’t know you had company.” Dream Dasher sat down and looked like he was simply going to wait, water dripping off of him and forming a puddle on the floor.

“Uh hey Dash, you met Little Gear right?” Lightning asked, seeing the filly starting to withdraw into her shell.

Dream Dasher looked at her with barely contained impatience as he was eager to show Lightning what he had found in the ruins but didn’t want to get another pony involved. “Maybe, I don’t remember.” He replied shortly.

Little Gear got up awkwardly, having to lean on the crutch while she secured the strap to her leg. “I will just leave you two alone.” She said quietly, picking up her papers and stuffing them into her saddlebag before slowly making her way to the door.

“Wait, you don’t need to go, Dash is just being a jerk.” Lightning said, glaring at Dream Dasher.

Little Gear looked at Lightning Shaker with her usual sad smile. “It is okay, I am used to it.”

Lightning shook his head, his face still a mask of anger. “Dash, she’s family now, so whatever it is you want to say she can hear too.”

Dream Dasher looked between them and shrugged, letting out a long sigh. “Whatever. She can stay then.” He checked outside the door to make sure nopony was there. Then shutting it, he locked the door. “I found the ruins.” He opened his saddlebag and pulled out the orb, glowing with its orange and blue lights.

Lightning leaned forward a shocked expression on his face, Little Gear let out a low whistle followed by an “Ooh.”

The orb emitted a glow that lit up the whole room; it seemed to give off a soft hum that could be heard over the steady sound of the rain pelting against the window. “This was in a room down some stairs, it was easy to find because the room was dark, there were bodies all over most were wearing armor. I found some of the armor that wasn’t being used too, but it’s too big to wear.” Dream Dasher said, poking the orb a bit with his hoof.

“What were the ruins like?” Lightning asked, finally looking away from the orb.

Dream Dasher shrugged. “They were like ruins, dark and wet. You’ll have to come with me next time.” He grinned.

“This thing is somehow magical; it seems to be radiating energy.” Little Gear stated, having been silently studying the orb with great interest.

“Magical? It’s just a glowing orb-thing.” Dream Dasher said, poking it again. The light from the orb was making his features harsher, the whole room being flooded with the glow both orange and blue. “It came in handy as a light when I was in the ruins.” He continued smugly.

Little Gear gasped loudly, her timid nature washed away by her more mechanical – and Lightning assumed scientific – mindset as she set her features to lecture. Clearing her throat a bit to get his attention, Little Gear began as if reading from a book. “Magic is the very thing that binds all of Equestria and indeed every other land as well together. Everypony has magic, be they unicorn, pegasus or earth pony. And absolutely none of it should be taken lightly, especially given the nature with which you found it. You said there were bodies of ponies in that room, how do you know this didn’t kill them?” Her annoyed look dissipated a moment later as she realized what she had said.

Dream Dasher gave her a brief look before turning to Lightning Shaker, his eyes narrowing. “Suddenly we are in school...”

Lightning didn’t have a chance to respond, as with a loud pop and a bright flash the lights went out, the heavy rumble of thunder sounded almost immediately. The only light, now coming from the orb sitting between them, was at least enough to see by as Lightning Shaker and Dream Dasher made their way to the window to look at the storm that was now raging outside.

“Huh, wasn’t that bad when I came from the forest. I wonder why the weather team made this storm so big.” Dream Dasher said, looking around at the town as a few ponies scrambled to get out of the rain and wind. The sky was really dark now. A streak of lightning lit up the area and he thought he saw somepony standing by a tree near the building, but when he looked again he didn’t see anything.

Lightning Shaker frowned at the heavy rain outside. “You’ll have to stay here till this lets up, no sense being out in that.” He said, stretching a bit as he walked back to his bed. Being on his injured hoof was still painful.

Dream Dasher sighed as he went over to his saddlebags. “I guess we shouldn't leave this out. It’ll get noticed, and I don’t want to have to explain it to the grown-ups.” He stuffed the orb back in its place in his bag and closed it, sealing the room once again in darkness.

Lightning Shaker wished he had a lantern to use, but you pretty much had to have those set up in advance, and couldn’t use them for too long before you had to release the bugs inside. They sat in silence for a while, just listening to the sound of the rain and thunder; Lightning was getting tired and thought about trying to get some sleep.

Suddenly the sound of rain pelting against the window stopped. Lightning looked up, figuring that maybe the storm was letting up. ‘No.’ He thought, he could still hear the rain outside, just not on the window. A flash of lightning lit up the sky outside, but most of the window remained darkened. With a jolt, Lightning realized somepony must be outside.

His thoughts were mirrored when a small voice came from the other side of the room. “Is there somepony at the window? I thought I saw something when the lightning struck.” It was Little Gear, barely audible over the rumble of thunder. Lightning felt sheepish realizing he had forgotten she was there.

Dream Dasher was already at the window looking out, he called over his shoulder. “You’re still here? You’re so quiet I forgot you were in the room still.” He opened the window looking out; a moment later he pulled his head back in shrugging in the darkness. “I don’t see anypony out there.” He stated. Looking around, he found Little Gear hiding in a corner. “Why are you trying to hide? For a moment I thought you had grown a spine.” He said, smirking at her.

“Dash, why are you being so rude?” Lightning couldn’t believe the way his friend was acting.

“Hey, you said we’re family right? Do you expect me to be all nice and cuddly with family? I’m not even nice to ponies who aren’t family, Lightning.” Dream Dasher chuckled.

“I really do not mind, I am used to it.” Little Gear said in her quiet voice from her shadowy corner.

A jiggle of the handle and a knock at the door was followed by the voice of nurse Redheart on the other side. “Is everypony alright?” Lightning got up and unlocked the door, opening it for the nurse. She looked around the room, a flashlight carefully cradled in one hoof. “Oh dear, Mister Dasher, Miss Gear, it’s getting late. Mister Dasher, would you like to stay in one of the empty rooms tonight? This storm doesn’t look like it’s going to die down anytime soon.” She said in her usual cheery voice.

Little Gear smiled at Lightning and waved as she made her way out of the room quietly, her papers once again secured in her saddlebags. Dream Dasher groaned audibly. “Do I look like a Mister Anypony?” His indigent response rattling the nurse. The two ponies followed Little Gear out of the room. “I’ll come see you in the morning.” Dream Dasher called over his shoulder, the earth pony chuckling to himself.

Lightning yawned he felt drained. He looked back at the window again, he was sure he had seen somepony there.

The next day was bright, the sky cloudless now that the storm had passed. Some ponies were cleaning up after the storm, as it had been pretty severe. Others seemed to be running about town, trying to get things done that had been put off the day before.

Lightning had gotten up early and was watching the town out his window, from his vantage point he couldn’t see much of Ponyville, but he could still see some of it, as well as Sweet Apple Acres, and even Cloudsdale much to the young pegasus pony’s joy. As he was watching out his window Lightning saw a young filly leaving Sweet Apple Acres, she had one of those sacks attached to a stick, a 'bindle' he remembered it being called by Melody Spring. “Doesn’t that mean she’s running away from home?” He asked out loud.

Lightning tried to remember the little filly’s name, was it Applejack? That sounded right to him, he wondered if he should tell anypony. There was a knock at his door, and it opened almost immediately. “Come on in Dash.” He muttered watching the little filly disappear off to the west.

“There you go again thinking I’m somepony else, I wonder if it’s the hospital, or if this is just a thing you do.” Rare Charmer said chuckling behind him.

He turned around smiling. “Oh sorry Miss Charmer, I thought you were Dash making good on his promise to show up in the morning.”

“Lightning Shaker, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me Miss Charmer?” She sighed as she set down her saddlebags near the door.

“Oh right... sorry, Charm.” He blushed again at using the informal name for her.

“That’s better.” She said smiling brightly. “You want to go outside? I brought some lunch along if you want, it’s a nice day out.”

He smiled and nodded, it felt like he had been stuck in this room forever. As they walked – more of a hobble in Lightning’s case – they talked about various things, Lightning only paid enough attention to be able to give the right answers his mind drawn to the things that had happened recently.

He couldn’t believe how much things had changed in the past month, he was still just a colt but had met a filly he thought he could spend the rest of his life with, and he smiled at her now causing her expression to shift, and it seemed he had distracted her in mid sentence. She asked him about the smile and he just grinned in return. Lightning went back to his musings on recent events; the trip to the forest should have been like any other, those nightmares... he had never seen creatures like those before. It bothered him, as it almost felt like it had been a trap set up on purpose.

He had been injured pretty badly in the fight, but of course what could he do against such big ponies like those? He had met Little Gear, who was a great pony and he really enjoyed her company, watching her work on her designs for her new leg was always fun, even if they didn’t talk or if he fell asleep. It was great to have company here at the hospital when Dash and Charm couldn’t be there.

Speaking of Dash, he had gone back into the Everfree forest alone, and had found the ruins. Lightning was a bit upset that he hadn’t gotten to find them with him, but he was still excited at the prospect, they were there, and there was stuff to find in them. It made Lightning even more eager to be healthy again so he could go, and they could find adventure together. ‘And just who was that outside my window last night?’ He wondered to himself. He was sure he had seen somepony out there, it must have been a pegasus as his room was on the second floor, and there were no trees or anything outside it to climb on.

His thoughts were interrupted as Lightning noticed they were outside now, his fillyfriend; he blushed as he thought that, was setting up a blanket and a basket she must have left somewhere nearby, Lightning hadn’t noticed her grab them as he thought to himself. Where they a couple? They hadn’t talked about it, but she certainly acted like it. ‘I’ll ask her if she wants to be my fillyfriend later.’ He thought, smiling at her again.

Rare Charmer patted a spot on the blanket, and he took that as a cue to lay down there. His movements only slightly slow from a dull ache and being careful of his injured hoof, Lightning lowered himself down, once settled he spread his wings as he stretched working out the kinks in his aching muscles he hadn’t been very active lately and it was making him feel sore all over.

Rare Charmer smiled at Lightning as he spread his wings out a bit, clearly enjoying the warmth of the day. Looking at his unkempt mane, and his tail and coat all matted, she wondered if he had even bathed himself since he had gotten here. Rare Charmer shuddered at the thought as an idea came to her. Levitating a brush from her saddlebags she went to work on brushing his mane.

Lightning Shaker gave a bit of a start at this, but didn’t protest. Feeling encouraged Rare Charmer continued brushing his mane with light brown aura wrapped around the brush. While she was busy with that, she pulled some sandwiches and a couple bottles of juice out of her basket. A boisterous laugh caught their attention and both looked over to see Dream Dasher rolling in hysterics as Little Gear was gesturing wildly, a grin plastered on her face as she regaled him with some tale that was apparently very funny.

Lightning smiled; clearly whatever issues Dash had with her had been worked out when he had accepted her as family. He was a bit surprised at the easy manner Little Gear had about her, usually so shy and reserved, her face was brimming with confidence as she lifted her crutch with the other hoof and swung it like a sword. “Stop stop, I can’t take it!” Dream Dasher was shouting, holding his sides as though he was afraid they would split open.

Lightning Shaker chuckled, and then sighed contentedly as the brush went from his mane to his tail. This day seemed perfect; he was here with Rare Charmer, sharing a lunch and being cared for, his friends and closest family were getting along nearby, and the day was nice and warm. He felt rejuvenated, his injuries felt like they were almost completely healed. He suddenly felt compelled to stand up, causing Rare Charmer to squeak in surprise. He smiled apologetically. “Sorry, I just really want to try using my wings, and right now seems like as good a time as any.” She nodded at him, smiling as Lightning gave a few experimental flaps of his wings. His muscles felt tight at his withers and the base of his wings, but he continued to flap. Being careful to not use his right foreleg he gave a soft push off the ground.

There were many things in his life that made Lightning Shaker happy, his friends and family, birthday parties, imagining being a knight serving princess Celestia, but today he found something new to be happy about, so happy he shouted and cheered celebrating in an overjoyed manner. There were claps and stomps of cheering coming from all around him as Lightning hovered, it was an unsteady hover due to his wings having not been used in a while, but he still remained airborne.

Lightning saw Rare Charmer and Dream Dasher clapping, even Little Gear was stomping her hoof in approval and nurse Redheart pointed and clapped her hooves as well as a few other patients she had been assisting saw and began cheering for the colt.

He set himself back down on the blanket wincing slightly as he forgot to keep off his bad hoof. He was suddenly assaulted as Rare Charmer wrapped her forelegs around him in a tight hug; she was both laughing and crying. Lightning Shaker hugged her back, smiling and filled with so much joy he couldn’t help but grin. ‘With all these good things what could possibly go wrong?’ He thought to himself as the two separated and he slowly set himself back down onto the blanket.

Nearby a lone figure watched Lightning and his friends, careful to remain hidden from view. It grinned and let out a soft chuckle before disappearing back into the Everfree forest.