• Published 10th Dec 2014
  • 10,152 Views, 532 Comments

Sweetie Bot - A Heart's Warming Tale - Grimweird

Sweetie Belle discovers she's a robot - and runs away from home.

  • ...

Epilogue: My body - Myself - And my Cybernetic life.

And so, dear readers, we come to the end of Sweeties journey. Even though short. It would leave a lasting impression on many things that would echo for decades to come.

Professor Neurosa Screwbolt was taken into the same intensive care she had sent her own daughter into.
Several charges where pressed against her. But she was judged to unstable to even begin to stand trial.

Other ponies who suffered similar fates included the ranks of: Molten Metalhoof, Shockwave, Marrow, Necro and Prism Prestiege. They were all departed to different mental hospitals, where they were subjected to study and treatment for their unique case of crystallized brain damage. So far no method for reverting the condition has been found. And the only way to remove the crystallized tissue would be lobotomy.

Dr P. Morbious was also sent to a medical institute, though he did not face the same charges as the others - His severe physical and mental condition labeled him in need for drastic care - and he has since then proved a unique case for his caretakers.

Even though he had finally crossed that bridge of his life - Bronco found the life of a researcher waiting for him on the other side. He got a new life at Canterlot institute for magic research, and was the only one from the project who resumed his studies of the artificial crystals.

No one knows what became of the channeling known by the aliases of Madam Macadam and Dr Heartache. She suddenly vanished from the festivities after Sweetie Belles reconstruction. Presumably using her changeling abilities to escape the guards. Nopony noticed she was gone until it was time to leave the factory. Rumors have it she might have gone back to the hive. Presumably to continue her own research.

After her near death experience, Mrs Sedative Sully finally stopped chewing on needles.
She and Brick went back to working as Nurse and Caretaker under Dr Cardiac. The two remained I close contact with Sweetie. As did Sweeties parents, who stayed in Ponyville for the duration of Sweetie's treatment. Her father helped Brick organize a volleyball tournament for all residence and staff members of the mental asylum - That, due to the fire, had to be temporarily relocated to Ponyville infirmary. Mr Belle brought his long forgotten Volleyball skills to the play. And Mrs Belle provided lots of cookies and refreshments for the players.

Sully even reluctantly agreed to form a cheerleader team. And Screwloose became the field mascot. She proved herself an excellent ball fetcher for whenever a ball where thrown of field, through a window, or when one of the inmates mindlessly wandered of.

Dr Cardiac took Screwloose under his wings. And adopted the poor mare.
He wrote in an article:

… “Its normal for the individual to adapt to her surroundings. If someone can not adapt to our norms we label them as odd, different or misplaced.
But sometimes, as I've come to learn, it is we int the surrounding community that needs to adapt and accept when something is different. And to not shun those that are.
I do not know if Screw Loose will ever become a “real mare”. But I believe that if we just show them love and care. Then everything will work out in the end.”

Several dispatch units where sent to clean up White Tail Woods of clay ponies and Steel stallions.
After the forest was deemed safe, work returned to the sawmill. Mr Thrunk's established a new contract with Major Mare. Who's town seems to be in a constant need for repair and rebuilding, and therefore had a constant need for construction material. With the new income, his son Branch was finally able to go to school.

Even though the forest was thoroughly cleaned. There are still rumors of sightings of equine creatures of both mud and metal wandering aimlessly throughout the forest.

The restaurant known as Teddy's Tacos went out of business after, what the locals of Ravenloft refer to as “The incident”. Nopony thought to do anything with the old building And children were taught not to go near it. As such the old restaurant was left to rot.
Its former owner - 'Taco Teddy' - is now serving time behind bars for various charges - most of them actually being severe violations of workplace health and ethnics. And a variety of financial frauds.

The sole employee of Teddy's, the purple stallion, received a small gift of comfort for his troubles from the crown. (Which was quite larger than his last salary check - which he would never get - would have been.) With it, the former janitor/guard pony was able to purchase the bracelet he intended for his very special somepony. And was able to propose to her on Hearts Warming Eve.

He swore that he would never work another night shift at any other fast food restaurant again.

As for the dolls bearing the resemblance of Equestrians 6 heroes - Official reports say they were all confiscated by the royal science department. Thought their current whereabouts are … Unknown.

On an unrelated note: The Equestrian fire department declared that the biggest fire hazard this Hearts Warming Eve was not forgotten candles. But flammable cooking oil and fryer batter.

As for Sweetie Belle: The remainder of her tail could be recovered from the garbage wagon. And a new skin could be regrown from the genetic sample. Though complete reconstruction would take several weeks.

During those weeks - Sweetie tried to get back to something resembling a normal life.

Though normality was gonna have to wait.

As the weeks of winter past. Sweetie barely left the house. And Rarity never left her side. In the first weeks she even slept in the same bed out of fear of letting her sister out of sight.

It would take a lot of therapy to get life back into something resembling order. Dr Cardiac often came to visit. And he often had Screw loose with him. The Mad Mare was always happy to see Sweetie. And she eased the tension in all therapeutic sessions. It is after all said that a dog is a pony’s best friend.

Cardiac aided Sweetie in meditation like sessions were she would go into herself and slowly reprogram all the features she had lost. Everything from bowel movement to hunger, to exhaustion, tiredness and finally sleeping.
Sweetie came to terms whit herself whit surprisingly little trouble given the ordeal she went threw. To her - It was all just a matter of getting used to her new self.

Though the question remained. Even though she was able to start accepting who and what she was – would others?

In time for winter wrap up Sweetie started leaving the house. First only occasionally. Then with increasing frequency. To sort of ease the population into her existence.

Naturally everypony in Ponyville had some kind of reaction.

Rainbow thought it was kind of Awesome.

Applejack was taken aback but could not deny the truth before her.

Fluttershy - the ever timid caretaker. Was shocked by the news. But her kind nature made her an excellent listener and a good shoulder to cry on whenever Sweetie or Rarity needed to cry about the horrifying experience.

Pinkie Pie claimed to have always known.
When asked how she possible could have she simply smiled, stating that it was obvious.
No one ever questioned.

She threw the biggest party in the Carousel Boutique, in celebration of everything from cutie mark acquisition to a second symbolic birthday. Even though none but a chosen few where allowed to attend this party, Sweetie received gift from all over town.

Scootaloo tried to make Sweetie take all her toys (of which there weren't many). But sweetie insisted that she did not want her toys but her friendship. Still Scoot was beating herself bad for what she had said and done and were not ready to accept Sweeties forgiveness.

Applebloom was grounded for a month of heavy chores for the making of homemade explosives that severely injured her friend. As a result the trio barely spoke to each other during the whole winter. Still, the two were the only foals allowed to occasionally visit the Boutique.

Though no other foals where allowed to see Sweetie - she received letters from all her classmates. (She suspected Cheerilee would have something to do with making the class wright to her.) She also got many letters from Branch. And the two of them became pen-pals.

And the population... They got use to it pretty quick all things considered. Considering their town lay at the border of one of the most dangerous forests in the kingdom, and was under frequent attack and or visit from all sorts of things. Including a chaos lord who has moved in with the local animal caretaker. It was even home to an all powerful sorceress- who had a dragon as an assistant.

Said sorceress had also taken steps into getting the rumors over and done with before sweetie was seen in public again. And made sure the media stayed out of her life. Some folks still asked where the real sweetie had gone of to. Or other questions about her true nature. But it all settled down in time.

People could after all get used to even the craziest of things. Especially in this town.

As spring started to show its first signs The time had eventually come for sweetie to leave the comfort zone of the Boutique and reunite with the world.

The time came for her to go back to school.


“But mom! Why do I have to go to school? Can't Twilight just transfer some knowledge into a crystal and let me download it?” Sweetie protested loudly. “School is boring!”

“Experience is just as important as knowledge.” Said Twilight, and stroked her mane. Doing so still sent a satisfying tingling of static electricity down Sweeties cranial plate. And turned her defiant pout into a satisfactory slime.

Twilight leaned in and whispered.

“Besides. I think we both know you are just staling.”

It was true. Sweetie was nervous about going back to school. To face all those faces again. During her long time in isolation she had barely spoken to anypony outside the boutique. And she had never been unsupervised.

That was about to change.

Her mother put her saddlebags on her back. Truth was she to had been staling as well, as she had prepared her saddlebags a hundred times and tucked her daughter up worse than the first time she started school. Insisting that she wanted to make sure everything was perfect. Telling them she was fine either way was all Sweetie could do to make them not put ribbons in her hair or otherwise dress her up like a … well... a doll.

Both mother and father hugged her closely.

“You have a lovely day in school now dear” They said.

Sweetie sighed and walked to the door.


This time it was Rarity who was staling. She pulled on a smile but looked like she wanted nothing more than to hide sweetie away from the evil world out there.

“Does it really have to be today? Cant we wait?” She pleaded. "Sweetie. You don't have to go out just yet. In just a few days your new skin will be ready.”

“It wont be any easier then. Doctor Cardiac said the sooner the better.”

“But do you really have to to out so … so … exposed? Can't you at least put on a dress?”

Sweetie shook her head.

”No sister. I think I need to do this. Besides... We promised there would be no more lies. I can't go through my life like I'm hiding my true self after all. And besides... everyone already knows.”

A tear of pride rolled down her mothers cheek. Both she and father nodded in support of their daughters decision.

Rarity swallowed reluctantly, but also gave a nod. This was an important step for both sisters.

Sweetie took a deep breath and stepped out the door. It was funny that she didn't need to breathe any more. But going through the notions still helped to ease her mind.

Outside the sun shone brightly on her face and she felt the warm spring breeze fondle over her alloys. It still felt a bit exposed to not have any fur bend with the wind. Almost eminently she regretted not following Rarity's advise to wait for her skin. But she forced herself to continue without trying to hide herself.

“Just walk straight with your head held high.” She told herself.

There would be no point in sulking round the corners. This was who she was. If anyone had anything to say about that they could just step up and try. But no one did. No one would dare. Not with her escort.

She turned around and waving goodbye to her mom and dad. Even though she knew they would not be coming with her she got nervous as they shut the door.

Then Twilight said her goodbyes and good lucks - and Teleported away, back to her library. Sweetie almost begged her to stay. But in a flash half of her escort was gone. What if someone tried now? What if something happened?

But nothing did.

No angry mob descended on her. No sycophants with knives where hiding in the shadows. Nor did any crazy scientists try to abduct her. No one tried to harm, harass or abduct her.

“Sweetie. We can go back inside if you don't feel up for it.” Said Rarity.

“No. I'm fine.” She was suppose to be able to walk this road to school alone. She had done it a thousand times before. She wiped a hoof over her forehead. Then realized no sweat could form upon it. With another deep breath she continued forward.

The town was full of ponies. Some looked at her. Some called on others to look. Some gave her looks as they passed by, Some played indifferent and some called out to her.

Sweetie reminded herself to not think bad of them. They where just curious since they had never seen anything like her. In time they would perhaps become so used to her that they payed her not mind.

That day could not come to soon. Sweetie herself wondered if she would ever get used to ponies looking at her.

But then she diverted her attention away from the onlookers to the rest of the town. To all that had not noticed her. To the many, many ponies out in the early spring sun. Grownups on their way to their jobs. Postalmares and deliverystalions already at their jobs. Foals playing games and their elder siblings on their way to school. Just like her.

They all carried on with their lives just as they always had.

They did not gather in a crowd around her. They were not stalking her. They were not out to get her.

And she was not graded by any escort. Just her sister walking her to school this beautiful morning.

There was not a cloud in the sky. The sun cast its warm rays and made the town shimmer in colors.
The trees where blooming with sprouts and birds where singing from newly made nests. The Vendors where setting up booths in the marketplace and ponies where already browsing and bartering.
The mingling at the outdoor dining's. The smell of new baked bread, fresh picked flowers and grilled hayburgers. Sweetie stopped and took it all in. The sight and the smell and the sounds all filled her heart.

It felt like she had just woken up from a long nightmare. And was finally able to see the world again.

“Sweetie? Is something wrong. Do you want to go back?” asked Rarity.

“No sister. I don't want to go back. I just realized something.”

She had changed. But ponyville had not. The town and is inhabitants remained a trustworthy source of stability and familiarity. Like a sturdy foundation for her to put her hooves on.

With new found vigor she headed for school. Keeping her head high suddenly did not feel so hard anymore.


Sweetie was the last pony to enter school.

She waited till every pony else had taken their seats while she herself remained standing outside the classroom door.

She wanted to be anywhere but here.

Facing the town full of familiar yet unknown faces had been easy. This was another matter. This was a classroom full of children her age. A class full of faces that she knew. A class full of fillies and colts that knew her - or had thought that they knew her.
She feared that looking into their eyes would be like looking into Scootaloo's.

They had talked with Cheerilee. She was well briefed on the situation. And she was right now briefing the class for Sweeties big return. She wised to make no big deal out of it, but there was no beating around that bush. Sweetie could not just take her seat and act as it everything was like before. Because it was not. Every foal in that classroom would have questions. It was just as well to get them out of the way as soon as possible.

It would be a re-introduction. Like stepping through that door for the very first time as the newest foal in school and face a classroom full of strangers. And then having to stand in front of the blackboard and introduce yourself, hoping they would accept you.

She had been at a disadvantage coming to this school when her parents left her to live here with big sister. Since most of the kids already knew each other and had their established groups of friends. She had been nervous back then. But also exited. To meet new kids to play with. This time was far worse. What if they did not want her back? What if they would shun her?

-::Nervosity levels rising::-

Her inner pistons started vibrating, simulating shivers. She willfully turned that function of in order to focus. She had practiced what to say. What questions might be asked. Twilight had provided flashcards and she was now going over them again and again.

She heard Cheerilee call her name. There was no backing down now. She could not run away from this. Not again.

Luckily she had Rarity behind her, and she supported her little sister with all her heart. Sweetie put the cards back in her saddlebag. Took another deep breath and opened the door.

The whole classroom was deadly silent. Everyone was looking at her with big, round eyes. In the midst of surprised, nervous and sometimes shocked faces she found the eyes of Scootaloo and Applebloom, who both gave her tiny smiles. The rest of class examined her from top to bottom. Their ears where peaked, listening for sounds of grinding gears and kicking joints that her well oiled body just did not produce. The only sound that was heard was her steps as she walked the long way to the front of the blackboard.

As she stood in front of the class all of her practiced lines were suddenly gone from her mind. It was peculiar that her mind could forget. She probably could recall every word of her practiced speech from a memory file. Or simply replay a recorded message through her voicebox. But she chose not to.

“H...Hello. My mane is Sweetie bell. I’m not a pony. But i look like one...” she stammered.

“I’m a...”

She turned to the blackboard. Where Rarity helped her wright down the word Twilight had come up with. One word that defined her existence as much as “Pony” should do for any pony. Maybe even more:

Cybernetic Entity.

A yellow pegasus filly in first row reached up a hoof.

“Yes Goldwing?” said Cheerilee

“Whats an entity? Also what is a Sybernetrix?”

“Cybernetic, my dear” Said Rarity. “As for what it means....”

She looked at Sweetie.

“Its difficult to explain...”

Cheerilee cut in.

“It sort of means she is of a different species. A different kind of equine creature. Similar yet different to a pony. Like a Zebra, or a Griffin. And she deserves to be treated with no less respect than any of you.”

”And she is our friend!"

Scootaloo and Applebloom jumped of their chairs and walked up to stand beside Sweetie.

”And boy - do we have a story to tell you...”

And so the lecture continued. A lecture rehearsed before as they where trying to explain what Sweetie Belle was, this time an abridge version for foals.

No - she was not a robot with some pony else's soul bonded to her.
No - She was not just programmed to behave like a filly.
No - she was not wearing a nightmare night costume.

The closest they came was that she was a living machine-creature-pony, with her own mind and soul.


It took the entire lesson to answer questions. (Sweetie insisted on doing most of the talking herself.) By the time the bell rang out Sweetie knew her throat would have been dry if she allowed it to simulate that feeling.

In a way it was great to have this much control over yourself and all your body functions.

Cheerilee told her she was very brave to face the class like that. She then needed to have a word with Rarity, and told her to run along and play.

This was as much a necessity for Rarity as for Sweetie. She needed to be able to connect with the other kids again. And Rarity needed to learn to let go of her little sister. She was not going to disappear just because she was not standing over her shoulder all the time. (And so she told her.)

“And if anypony... If anyone or anything bothers you, promise tell me immediately.”

Out on the schoolyard, many foals called out to her, waved and asked if she wanted to play with them.

Sweetie had to turn them all down. There was only two fillies she wanted to be with now.

She found them standing alone a little bit of the playground.

An heavy silence hung over the group.

“So... I was wondering... I don't know if I can continue…?”

“I'M SORRY!” shouted Scootaloo (for what had to be the hundredth time.) “I should never have forced you to play with those stupid explosives! If I hadn't then you would never have been hurt! And then a lot of things would never have happened. Its all my fault that they did!”

“Its not your fault Scoot” Said Sweetie. “We where all exited to test making bombs.”

“If anything its my fault.” Said Applebloom “I was the one who made the gunpowder so bad.”

“Its my fault because I was the one that came up with that stupid idea!” Scootaloo cried.

“I would have found out soon anyway. My parents where on their way to tell me...”

“But then you would have at least been with them! And then you would never have run away.” Its my fault that you ran away! Because of all the horrible things I said! I should never have called you a bot!”

“But you were right. The mad scientist that made me was going to make hundreds of Filly-Bots, and sell them as orphans. And then you never would have gotten a family.”

“I don't deserve a family! I don't want any family. I already had the best friends ever and I treated you so bad.” Tears started to fall from her eyes. “I understand if you never ever want to forgive me and never ever see me again.”

Scoot looked down into the dirt.

“Me to” Said Applebloom “We understand if you don't want to be our friend any more.”

”Of course i want to be your friend!” Sweetie Belle shouted.

Her two friends looked at each other.

“Then why where you saying that you don't know if we can continue to be together?”

”That's not what i meant! I meant I don't know if I can continue as a Crusader now that I have this!?

She turned sideways and pointed at the mark that now endowed her shiny metal ass. The cog-and-heart shone of new polished chrome. Could the Cmc survive this? The groups purpose had always been to find their marks. And she was worried she would have to quit now that she had found hers.

The two stood the dumbfounded. As if sweeties true intentions still eluded their minds

”I don't know. said Scoot. “I mean I understand if you want to quit... ”

”O COME ON! No, I don't want to quit! That's why I'm asking if I can i still be with you!”

”What? ... I mean of course you can. ... But i thought?...”

”I mean: can I still be a Crusader even though I have a mark?"

“Well... We did after all say that we where gonna continue to crusade till we all have our cutie marks” said Applebloom. “And now that you have your mark. Maybe you can tell us what you did to get it.”

Sweetie pondered. She had a pretty god idea of when she had gotten her mark. But what she did...?

“Well... I think all I did was accepting who I really am. Dr Craniac once told me that he thinks everyone knows who they really are deep down.”

Scootaloo stuck out her tongue.

“Just be yourself.” She said in disgust “That's what all grownups say.”

“Yea... But I never really understood it until now.”

Sweetie lost herself in the thought for a moment. Applebloom tapped her chin. Scoot just leaned her head.

“You sound like one of those wise horses from some spiritual journey.”

“That's it! Shouted Applebloom “Maybe We need a spiritual journey of self discovery. A journey that really brings out all that we have.”

Without thinking any further about it, like they never did, They all threw their heads back and Shouted.


After the proclamation they shared a laugh together. For the first time today sweetie felt the tension leave the air. This had to mean she was still a crusader after all. However. After the laugh the tension returned. There was a moment of silence before Applebloom just had to ask something.

“Sooooo... what's it like to be a bot?”

“Applebloom!” Roared Scootaloo.

“Please Girls.” Said sweetie, waving her hoof disarmingly “We need to break this ice and acknowledge the elephant in the room.”
“What elephant? What ice? In what room?” Applebloom looked around, totally lost “Is there an elephant ice skating indoors somewhere?”

Sweetie deadpanned.

“Never mind. Just something my shrink said”

“He sounds like a bad shrink if he makes you say more crazy things than before.”

“Anyway. You can call me Sweetie Bot if you feel like it.”

“Absolutely not if you don't want it!”

Sweetie pondered a little.

“ It has a nice ring to it. Sweetie - Belle - Bot. Or Sweetie - Bot - Bell. Or Cyber - Sweetie. That sounds pretty cool.”

”Why not Bot-butt? Or Butt-bot?” Came a pair of giggling voices behind them. ”Or Bot-Butt-Belle”.

“O no. Where did they come from?” sighed Scootaloo.

They turned around to see the bullies Diamond tiara and silver spoon walking towards them.

“So you are of a different species. I should have known. You where far to dumb to be a pony.”

“So miss Cyber-filly. When is the space ship coming to beam you up and take you back to the planet of the butt-botts?”

Scootaloo looked like she was gonna boil the tears away from her cheeks.

“She has been through enough!” she growled. But it was drowned out by a giggle that quickly rose to an almost hysterical laughter.

A laugh that did not come from the troublesome duo.

Sweetie was laughing. This was what she had been afraid of. This was why she had run away from. Pathetic school-bully taunting. If this was the worst she had to endure by revealing her secret ,then she wished her sister had told her sooner. It was laughable. She threw her head back and laughed into the sky. And since she did not need to pause for breath anymore she could keep on laughing forever.

Mid laugh she decided she was gonna have some fun. Still laughing she tweaked the settings of her voicebox, so her laugh became more and more robotic in nature.

She looked back down on her tormentors, who both started to look nervous.

"Caution, less you break my emotional processor."

The bullies looked at each other nervously. But still forced a smile.

“Sounds like your voice already broke”

“Or what. Do you break when we say mean things about you?”

Sweetie smiled. She had basic set up herself for that one. Unfortunately for them, they took the bait.

”I'll bet that mark is only painted or branded. Everypony know a robot can not get a cutie mark.”

”Are you gonna fall apart now? Are you gonna cry? I bet its just thick sticky oil”

-::Deactivating facial features::-

Sweeties face became deprived of all emotions. Her eyelids stopped blinking and her eyes got a blank, deadpanned stare. The only thing that kept moving was her mouth. Good thing she could deactivate the emotional responses in her face – otherwise she would not have been able to stop he self from smiling wide. For internally - she was laughing.

“Oh no. Heart-Drive broken.”

”Conscience - Deactivated.”

She started walking menacingly towards them. Speaking in her robotic voice. Continuously listing things.

“Personality - Deactivated.”

“Self awareness protocols - Disengaged.”

“Run extermination program – Destroyallbullies.exe”

One of her eyes turned red as she turned on her scanner. Crosshairs appeared in her vision as she locked on to the two now sweating bullies.

“Acquiring targets.”

“Arming weapons.”

Her horn started to spark as she channeled some electricity to it and let it build.

”Weapons armed.”

”Targets acquired.”

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon turned tails and ran down hill away from the crazy murdermachine.
But Sweetie was not done playing just yet.


She discharged a pair of small bolts of electricity from the tip of her horn. The sparks went right up the rectum of the runaway rascals. They yelped and jumped, grabbed their behind's and fell down on the same.

-::Re-Activate facial features::-

Sweetie turned back to her friends and said in her normal voice.

“Don't worry. I did not really deactivate my conscience and awareness. I was only kidding!”

A big smile spread across her lips. She half expected Scootaloo to tackle her to the ground and call her Murderbot again. Instead her friend remained standing stunned. With their mouths hanging open and eyes full of shock.

For a second, fear crept into her Heart-Drive.

-::"Oh no! Please don't tell me I've scared them away from me.”::-

Then, they started laughing. And then she joined in. And they all fell to the ground laughing.
And how could she not laugh? Her friends had accepted her back. And she could finally start to live as a normal little filly again.
She might not be a normal filly. But that did not mean she could not have a normal life.

Eventually the laughter died down as the three laid panting on their backs, looking up into the blue sky.

Suddenly, Rarity was standing over them, having apparently finished her conversation with Cheerilee.

“Has anypony bothered you Sweetie?”

Sweetie looked up onto her sister. Wavering between her promise to tell the truth and not wanting to see Rarity in prison for double homicide.

“No sister, I'm fine.”

“What are you girls talking about?”

“Were just thinking about going on a spiritual journey to find our Cutie marks like Sweetie did. And she's gonna show us how” said Applebloom.

Rarity looked like she just been struck by lightning.

”Oh no my little dear! You have had quite enough of a journey! So that it lasts for all of us in fact!” She said in a firm tone. Then she leaned down and hugged Sweetie, her eyes suddenly wet. “And i couldn’t stand to lose you like that again. Promise me you will never run of like that again!”

Why would she ever run away? She had found her paradise. But in order to settle her sister - she made the Pinkie Pie Promise.

“Cross my, heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye.”

That promise had to be valid even for robots tight?

Then she realized she had stuck her hoof right into her optical lens without closing her eyelid. The others looked at her with a mix of fascination and disgust as she tapped her open eye a few more times.

“You know. I really could stick a cupcake in my eye.” She laughed.

And once again the group was consumed by laughter.

Who had ever said that being a cyberpony could not be funny?


Later that evening Sweetie went to Twilight's place.
Part of the treatment was that she at least once a week reported her progress on, as twilight liked to call it: “the magic of self discovery”.
Sweetie walked in on twilight as she was trying to dictate her letter. Spike was doing the writing as she pranced around and talked out loud.

”Dear princess Celestia.
- In the passing weeks i have been faced with a single question. “What is life?” I finally come to the sound conclusion.”

Sweetie stopped short of announcing her presence and just listened. Though it was wrong to eavesdrop she she held a breath (that she did not have) over what Twilight was about to say. It was no secret that Twilight reported to the princess about Sweeties progress. Or her growing fascination for the new fields of arcane technology and cybernetic study. As such, Sweetie was nervous about what she might say about her.

“...The conclusion is that I cannot answer that. I can not easily define what life is. Some might seek an easy Answer to those questions, and dismiss anything that don’t fit with their view. But I have learned that you should always be open to expand your horizons.”
Twilight stopped and pondered if she could improve her wording somewhat. “Maybe I should ad: “I once again find myself having to accept that there are some things I can not, and maybe will not, Understand.”

She turned around and noticed Sweetie standing half hidden behind the door-frame.

“Oh! Hi Sweetie. I'm so glad to her that your first day in school this year went without any trouble. Does this mean you have learned something new?"

If she was in some way mad about Sweetie eavesdropping, she did not show it. In fact she seemed glad that Sweetie had heard that.

Sweetie stepped into the Library and cleared her throat. (A reflexive behavior - since she no longer had any moisture in her mouth.)

“Well... Its difficult to explain. I want everypony to treat me the same as anypony. After all its not fun if everypony goes around reminding me that I'm different. That I'm a Bot… I mean cybernetic entity. But at the same time it can be a lot of fun to be different. To be a Bot. So much so that it feels good. Its easier to be different when you feel good about it. I guess what I mean is that I want everypony to get used to me and stop looking at me funny. And at the same time I have to get use to myself.”

She smiled.

“But... It feels like we are all getting there. To getting used to all this I mean.”

Out of the corner of her optical lenses she noticed that Spike was already writing down all she had said.

With renewed vigor she continued.

“Sometimes you might discover something new about yourself, or you might undergo a transformation. And it makes you feel really strange and weird because you are not used to it. Because you are not used to it. And others will start looking at you like they don't know you. And start acting strange around you. Because you are weird and strange now. Because they are not used to it. And you might not want to be around them because they constantly remind you of that. But I think the best cure is to stay together no matter how strange it feels until you all eventually get used to it. Because then it will not feel strange anymore. Then it will be the new normal.”

She giggled.

“So I guess that means I'm a perfectly normal little bot.”

Sweetie sighed pleased with herself as spike put the final dot onto the paper.

“Was there something else?” Twilight asked,her expression changing to a slight concern as Sweetie did not move from her spot.

“Well … “ She started “Its just one thing that I have still to get an answer to.”

“Really? What is it then? Ask away and I shall do what I can to help you.” Twilight proudly stated.

“How are little foals made? I mean … I know how I was made. But what about everypony else? How are they made?”

Twilight pupils shrunk into her eyes.

“Well ... ” She said, a nervous grin spreading across her lips. “When a mare and a stallion loves each other very much...”

The End.

Author's Note:

"The more bitter the journey - The sweeter the end."

This was the concept I wanted to test when I first started writing this story.
Basically - I wanted to test if a good ending would feel all the more sweet if the journey towards it was dark and bitter. That's why I did make It as dark and bitter as I dared.

It is after all the struggle that makes the reward at the end feel just that more well deserved.

A big thank you goes out to all of you that has managed to stomach through this wretched ride. Whose continued comments and support have kept me going when I've been feeling down and burdened.

And a big thank you goes out to the creators of 'Friendship is witchcraft' for bringing the concept of Sweetie Bot into my life.

Finally a big thank you have to go out to 'PrinceWhatever' for the song 'Destabilize' that finally inspired me to write this story: https://youtu.be/17H9eP_IMTc?list=UUrZ4hH-LfQES7GHvXlZot3w.

With that I wish you all a Merry Christmas - and a Happy New Year.

Comments ( 112 )

Well , I always though that the protagonist of any story needed to earn his happy ending , so yes , "the bitter the journey , the sweeter the end.".
It is especially true in this story , as poor Sweetie went thru hell in her journey of self discovery.

All in all , it was a enjoyable read (even if it would need to be checked by several editors ) and I would say a delightful tale.

... and now Twilight must face the age old question. She should just deflect the question and let Rarity deal with it. :rainbowlaugh:

Oh well , Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too !:pinkiehappy:

Thank you for this story. It's something that I'm sure I'll be reading again in the near future.

The story is still taged as incomplete so dose that mean that more is coming?
If not then I would like to congratulate you and thank you for completeing this story (even if it did have a number of misspellings :twilightblush:).

Loved every chapter of it. You really managed to hold your reader's attention with each new situation. And you ended it all on a funny note.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

That was one of the best stories I have ever read on the site. Why does it not have more recognition?

Only one way to describe this story - FREAKING-FUCKING-AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alias - I will make new bookself for this story called "EPIC"

I finally made an account so I could tell you how much I enjoyed reading your story! The hardships made the happy moments that much Sweetier! I won't lie this story brought me to tears on many occasions.

I am curious as to whether you plan to continue writing. I would love to read more of your work, and if you would like I would be more than happy to spell/grammar check for you.


Yes - yes I did.


It brought me to tears on many occasions too while writing it. You are lucky you only had to suffer through the story once - I had to suffer through it every single day - the paper and the pen being the only outlet for my dark imaginations.

Still - If you think this is dark - You should try reading Fallout Equestria. Too much of those stories is what warped my mind enough to come up with something like this.

Speaking of Fallout - I am currently busy trekking through Fallout 4 - And will be for some time.
(Might pick up writing sometime after that. If there is not too much fanfiction to be read.)

As for spell checking - I welcome all the help I can get, since I'm pretty bad at english.


I am planning to give Fallout Equestria a read although I should probably read a few happy go lucky stories before I delve into more misery.

And your english is pretty incredible for it not being your native language. I have been studying Japanese for over a year and can hardly write out a complete sentence.


Probably because of the massive language issues with it. There are so many occasions of the author using the wrong words, repeating words or leaving words out that I couldn't even begin to count them all. Not to mention standard grammar and spelling errors. Sorting through all that substantially decreased my own enjoyment of the story. If the author got an editor to go over the whole story (a big task, admittedly) it would greatly enhance the story. I'm sure there are plenty of people who, like me, noticed all of these issues early on, but unlike me gave up on it.

Having said that, this is a great story. I just would have been able to enjoy it that much more if I didn't have to puzzle out what the author was trying to say so much.

...How many manliness points am I going to lose if I say that this story made me cry? All of them.

...Worth it. It made me cry. This story was beautifully crafted, and once everything started to fall into place, it all made sense and I LOVED IT.

Congratulations author, have a cookie.

Also, I read this non-stop for about 13 hours straight. Yeah.

Despite the typos and blatant word errors, I can say that this is actually one of the best things ever. Adding to Honored Reads list... now! :twilightsmile:

I did it... I corrected every typo...

Wow, this story was genuinely good. My only regret is that it forever ruins any hope I have of making a story of pony robots that even comes close to the evocative and lush setting you've described here. I suppose there's a double loss there, in that all the lovely permutations that you didn't take the story in won't get a chance to be explored if people are too intimidated to write them. There's something to be said about being an untalented hack; everyone can improve on your mediocre work then, and use it to make their own ideas shine. But sometimes the curse of genius strikes us, and it's a beautiful thing if we can come out of it alive.

I honestly should have seen that ending coming from a mile away. Even the show itself had an episode where a character was broken down bit by bit until dying and being reborn anew. Though that was because the writers are untalented hacks who missed their chance to ascend Twilight in the S2 opener, since they were saddled with Cadance. Doing it deliberately has a much more powerful effect, in that Sweetie's suffering was not trivial, and was not in vain. Somehow, she came out of it a better pony than she went in, in a way that isn't total strongarming on the author's part.

The story did have a lot of weak points. The motivation of the villains felt slapped in there, like the author was all "I need another villain to plague Sweetie's life, so what part of her creation can I horrifically distort next?" I mean seriously, 5 nights at Freddie's? Seriously? The torment Sweetie endured was really forced in places, like when she got her tail chopped off, or lost her skin. Trapped in a burning building until her skin was burned to a crisp, fine, but heroically sacrificing herself to triumphantly lead the poor, downtrodden mentally insane ponies to safety felt more like grandstanding than actually believable. People treating her like a thing is fine, but just happening to run into the one salvage team that collects tails off of robotic dolls as trophies?

And Rarity really should have started improving at some point, instead of just deteriorating the whole time. The way it works is, there's some point where she has a crisis moment and pushes herself too far, and then she has to spend time recovering, lamenting about her failure and lack of resolve, and finally she pushes into the end game with the grim effectiveness of a mare who knows her limits. But instead, she never got a chance to recover, and it was just slamming her continuously, without any moment for her to get a second wind.

Frankly, I would have appreciated a story where Sweetie simply got treated with fear, both at her robotic nature, and her own frightening reaction to the news, and then just had to adjust to her normal life in Ponyville, with the villains coming up quietly in the background. Rather than have her run away straight into a meat grinder of a spiritual journey. But as overly dramatic as it was, you managed to make the whole cross country torturefest work pretty well.

Well, to let you know, it came pretty close at some points, but the story managed not to drive me away entirely. I certainly do not regret reading it.

Alrighty then, that was a hell of a ride! It was one of the deepest stories I've read. Truly, the author of this story has a mind like myself, with unlimited capabilities for introspection and contemplation. There were a few parts that felt forced, and a scattering of moments that were awkward, but I can truly find almost nothing to complain about. I don't think I could ever have created such a finely crafted story. This will be one of my favorites.

Throughout the story, it became more and more clear when this, and various comments, were written. The coincidental parallels between this and the show are insightful.

7097067 Are you sure you corrected every typo? Because there are still typos in there. Or did the Author not finish correcting them yet?

7225329 I would almost never let a story drive me away entirely.

Now, welcome to WAY too many comments!!!


Are you sure you corrected every typo?

Don't ask me that! I'm not going back in there! You'll never take me alive! :applejackconfused:

But yes I tried my best, but I don't know how many of them I missed, and how many grimweird hasn't corrected.

I used to be more firm about not letting a story drive me away. But I've read some stories filled with such painful hopelessness that it really hurt to see it through to the end. I've never regretted giving up on a story, more than I regretted not giving up on for instance Pink Eyes, or Cat's Cradle.

7238316 I'm going to have to find out more about those stories.

Well don't ask me to help give you brain damage. :ajbemused:


Beautiful story! Has the feels throughout and enjoyed the major slice of bot-life. Thanks!


7247157 Trust me, I don't plan on reading them.

7335736 The question is, what would a ponified Arnold look like?
And the answer is that we may never know.

That was one of the best stories I've had the pleasure of reading. Defiantly top 15.


Funny story: I slaved under word editors and translation programs - AND I made a friend who pointed out all the grammar errors I've missed - And the story is STILL full of typos. You think the grammar is bad now? - You should have seen it when I first posted it.

(That might have been a reason why it started out with so 'few' likes.)


Why, thank you.


Obligatory mad science (fiction) reference.

One of those "just one more chapter" story's
Rip my sleep
:rainbowlaugh:awesome story


Diamond tiara and Solver Spoon turned tails and ran down hill away from the crazy murdermachine.
But Sweetie was not done playing just yet.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon


Sure - If you are feeling up for it, then go right ahead.

great fic. sweetie bot best bot ever :unsuresweetie:

This is by far one of the greatest stories I have ever read, and I loved every bit.
I'm going to install this story on my heart drive permanently, and also give it my Holy Muffin award - My list of the greatest things I've ever read here. Might even end up on my Shining Holy Muffins list. (That's the top five out of the Holy Muffins)
This story is fantastic, but I do admit it does need a good scrubbing of grammatical, spelling, and usage errors. If you'd like, I can try to lend a hand, clean it up a little as my time allows.


Sorry. I failed at physical science and chemistry in school. So I'm not the right person to talk about what Titanium is and Isn't.
I basically just thought of Titanium as an ingredient in the armor. One that was absorbed (magic) into Sweetie's frame during her transformation.

7926961 holy fucking shit! What A ride!! I really enjoyed this story. You got me to really look into the sweetie bot meme with this (I knew about it but had not really looked at the sorce material all that much.) Great job on writting this bro. You are awesome!!:rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss:

Absolutely loved this fic! The only real issue I had was with the spelling and grammar. But the overall narrative made this story quite worth it! Keep up the good work! Do you have any plans for a sequel?


Always glad to inspire.

8047796 :rainbowdetermined2:
Btw when will you continue the sequel?

8052507 shiiiiiiiiit.....same as another story i really like

I'm not sure what to say other than.. I LOVED this story! There may have been grammar and spelling errors, but that happens all the time. The content of it was wonderful, so many nicely crafted characters, the way you managed to write Sweetie-Bot, it all came together so beautifully. Thank you for writing this, I enjoyed it SO very much!

What a ride... damn, that got depressing for a good long while; but the hope that made me persevere through through those parts in spite of my steadily fraying nerves and the acid in my stomach literally trying to boil... was thankfully rewarded in full.

The sheer depths of hell this story puts all of its characters through on the way to the happy ending will certainly prevent more than a few people from being able to read all the way through to the end; but i did enjoy this story nonetheless (moments when it had me choking back screams of near incoherent rage, notwithstanding).

However, this story desperately needs editing; LOTS of editing.

Still, liked, favourited; and on to the sequels i go.

I've been putting this off for awhile now because of the aforementiined reasons in the description but after reading Twilight's Inferno I can honestly say that i'm ready for any fic like this one so...

...bring it on.

Ya, but it really helped me, so I was trying to pass it on. And I didn't know that about "thru", good to know

Did nobody else spot that reference?


Don't know. Nobody has commented on it.

I probably should've caught that Fallout Equestria reference. In fact, there probably was a part of me that thought about it. But I've never read it myself. I've considered it. But it's just intimidatingly long. I simply just can't bring myself to read it.

That scene where that kid (I don't know his name off hand) was climbing down the electric fence when it turned on and the shock flung him backwards. I knew if it was a reference, it would've been vague (though creative).


Was it referencing something in its context?

I think so.


No. That really was a Doctor Who reference.

To be fair, Fluttershy is the most snuggable one of the Mane 6.

Fair point, but can you really blame a 17th century French philosopher not, in writing about complicated things like "self" and why we want, think that one day we might have machines that do job we tell them to, which can include "thinking" by criteria and definition.

It's so beautiful!:raritydespair:
I'm crying right now!

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