• Published 9th Dec 2014
  • 2,308 Views, 5 Comments

The Equines of Sweet Apple Acres - Wasabi-beans

Applejack brings Sunset Shimmer to her farm to meet her horses and ponies.

  • ...

Gooood girl...!

It was the year-end holiday break at Canterlot High, and it was as quiet as a mouse there. Everyone's gone to do their own things.

For instance, Rainbow Dash went on a vacation with her family to sunny, sunny Hay-waii.

Rarity spent her days by her sewing machine making her own personal winter outfit. It would've been spring before she finished, so this upset her greatly.

Pinkie Pie watched a movie. She had to admit, her friend Princess Twilight was much more empowering, and way more expressive!

Fluttershy happily spent her holidays hibernating with a bear.

But Applejack? Applejack was with her grandmother, unloading some of the extra meats and other food products into their pickup.

"Granny, urghh!" grunted Applejack as she loaded up the final crates, "Do we have to bring back all of yer' mystery meat? I mean, this smells sweatier than a barnyard full er' freestyle wrestlers!"

"Oh, don't be such a sourplum, mah' lil' apple pie!" chided Granny Smith, "Ah' ain't gonna' waste no wieners! After all, those things can stay long and hard all season long!"

"TMI, Granny Smith," Applejack muttered.

"Doesn't that mean 'Tallyho! Mare-xicans Incoming!'? What have I told you about such language?" she lectured as she started up her truck.

"That's not what TMI means, Granny!" yelled an exasperated Applejack, "It means- hey, uh, Granny, keep the truck running, ah' think ah' saw a friend o' mine!"

And she did. Applejack jogged to the snow covered field, where by its track and field lanes, a black jacket and long red hair could be seen just shuffling slowly.

"Sunset Shimmer! Sunset Shimmer!" Applejack called out. Hearing her name startled her, and Sunset finally noticed Applejack running to her. She blushed scarlet.

"A-A-Applejack! What're you doing her here?" Sunset was clearly embarrassed.

"Me an' Granny swung by to pick up some extra food from the cafetaria fer' this week's homemade... err, sort-of homemade dinners? ... What're yer' doing out 'ere?"

"Oh, I... I have nothing better to do, I guess?" Sunset mumbled, her eyes casting down on the snow.

"Yer' don't have no plans for the holidays?"

"Well, not really... no, I mean, I've kinda' done them all. I'm done helping out with Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna with their filing, I'm tired of reading the library's books, I studied all the stuff for next term, and I've pen-palled with Twilight enough already, through that magical book, you know?"

"Yer' didn't hang out with your dorm mates?" asked Applejack, as that's where she stayed, "Thought they were alright with you by now?"

"Oh, they are, they are, but their not there any more... pretty much everyone's gone back to their families by now,"

"Oh... OH! Ohhhh... nooo..." as the realization creeped upon her. She instinctively puts a comforting hand on Sunset's wilting shoulder. She's been doing that to Sunset a lot these past few months, in fact.

"Sunset, I mean, since you can talk to Twilight who's in another dimension, can't you like, just go back there for the holidays?"

"What!?" Sunset exclaimed, "No! NO! I can't! It'll be too weird, I've spent too long here, and I like it here, I... I'd rather not talk about it... Applejack, I think you should go, Granny Smith is probably waiting for you,"

Applejack tries not to look at Sunset Shimmer with pitying eyes, as she aware Sunset can be quite cross when too many people take pity on her (and let's face it, Sunset is terrifying when angered), but she just was so lonely out there in the field, and wondered if she'll continually be lonely once she left her.

A thought popped up in her head.

"Sunset Shimmer," Applejack's lilt became notably brighter and more bell-like, "Why dontcha' come on down to Sweet Apple Acres and spend the weekend with me? Think of it as your vacation!"

"What! No...!" she refused, "I mean, I don't wanna' intrude...!"

"Too late, ah'm intrudin' for ya'!" And strong, strong Applejack picked her up by the waist and swung her sideways, carrying her like one of those 'shojo' (or 少女)bolsters with those bug-eyed anime girls. But in an innocent way.

"Applejack, put me down! I can't go now! This is so sudden!"

"Ah' got all the stuff yer' need back at mah' place! An' ah' think ah' got a special surprise for yah' at the farm!"

Admittedly, the ride with Sunset squeezed between Applejack and Granny Smith was weird.

"Didn't realize we were havin a guest fer' the weekend," Granny Smith conversed as she drove, "And a famously vegetarian one at that!"

"Don't mind Granny Smith, she's always ribbin' on herbivores, ya' know?" said Applejack.

"Oh, dontcha' worry a thing, Miss Shimmer! Ah'll make sure to cook extra apple salads tonite'! Mite' strange that yer' have bacon-shaped hair though..."

Then Applejack whispered to Sunset, "Hey, ah' got a few friends back at the farm that ah' think can cheer you up, and they'd be mighty pleased to meetcha' as well,"

Sunset wondered what she meant.

But seeing Sweet Apple Acres in its wintry glory was already worth the awkward trip. Rolling hills of white as far as the eyes can see, big white clouds up in the big sky, and a lovely looking house with a chimmey puffing smoke up in the air.

"So beautiful," Sunset's voice seemed almost to be in another dimension.

Once Sunset helped Applejack move all the meat into the kitchen, she pulled her hand out through the backyard.

"Come on, ah'll show yer' mah' surprise!" but then she began creeping on the snow, "But be a mite quiet, or she'll show up and ruin the whole thing!"

"Huh? Who will ruin whatever you're going to show me?"

"Yeah, who?" squeaked Pinkie Pie who was creeping behind Applejack. Applejack jumped up in shock.

"Heavens to Aunt Betsy! Pinkie Pie!" whined Applejack, "What're yer' doing here!?"

"I came to see my favorite cousin, that's why!" then she hugged Sunset, "And then I found out you have my favorite ex-she-bacon-haired-demon-pony-girl-girl with you! So of course I have to be here!"

Sunset let the latter comment go, as it was Pinkie Pie and she definitely meant nothing by it, but the former sentence was actually puzzling.

"Cousin? You two are related?"

"Not exactly," and Applejack explained, "Y'see, Pinkie's family runs the rock farm which is right next to Sweet Apple Acres here. So ah've known Pinkie ever since ah' was a lil' Apple, and more importantly, we found out her sister Maud has been pinin' for my big brother Big Macintosh for awhile now, though Big Mac does seem a lil' shy about it,"

Maud Pie and Big Macintosh were sitting down, sipping their hot cocoa, overlooking the Pie family's vast, now snow covered rock farm, but it still had some interesting rocks jutting out.

"That one is a rock," pointed out Maud.


"That one is a boulder,"


"This is Boulder I am holding,"


"That rock looks like a stalagmite,"


"Does your rock look like a stalagmite?"

"Ee- huh!?"

Maud's face betrayed nothing.

"...are your abs hard as a rock?"

"... Eenope,"

Big Mac sipped his hot cocoa. He was terrified. And hard.

"That's a righty-right-right!" exclaimed Pinkie and switched hugging Sunset to hugging her 'cousin', "And I'm not waiting for those two to play Super Smash Bros before I get to call my favorite cousin cousin!"

And Sunset asked, "When you say Super Smash-"

"Oh, their smashing will be super for sure!" insisted Pinkie determinedly. Applejack had had it and flayed her arms opens to be released from the pink one's clutches.

"Alright, enough with Maud and Mac already!" she yelled, "Pinkie Pie, are yer' gonna' help me take Sunset Shimmer to the stables or not?"

Pinkie gasped, "You're gonna' take Sunset to see them! That is so sweet and cute and puppy! Of course I'll help!"

And so the three girls held hands together and walked to the stables. Specifically, Pinkie was leading and practically prancing, Sunset was in the middle and walking nervously, and Applejack was at the back, holding Sunset to comfort her but also shuffling her feet due to Pinkie Pie prancing prettily.

The stables wasn't very large, but the fields encircling it wasn't small either. Applejack opened the gates to let the girls into the field. Then Applejack yelled out something very un-Applejack-like.

"Twinkle twinkle lil' star! How ah' wondered where y'all are!" she sang with her hands encircling her mouth. Then immediately turned to Sunset, who had a giant smirk on her face already.

"Not one word on how ah' call mah' friend out," she threatened.

Then Sunset saw her. Pushing out of the stable door, it, or Sunset quickly noticed, she, galloped to them.

It was a mare, an equine, an Arabian. A purple Saddle Arabian with a purple streak on her straight mane. Applejack ran to her, and the mare galloped straight into Applejack's arms.

"Hey there, girl! Gooood girl...! Yer' miss me?" coddled Applejack as she brushed the beautiful mare's face. Sunset couldn't believe it. There was an equine from her world being absolutely besties with Applejack!

"Sunset, this er' is Twinkle Twinkle lil' Star, or Twinkle fer' short!" Twinkle kept staring at Sunset, Applejack noticed, "And yeah, ah' know she has about the same name as our mutual friend, but this one er' grew up together wit' me and she helps me out wit' the apple haulin' and all that!"

"Applejack, Sunset Shimmer looks like she's seen a ghost," commented Pinkie. Sunset's eyes were wide, and looked almost afraid, but Applejack could see her legs were itching to step forward.

"Sunset, would yer' like to meet Twinkle?" asked Applejack with a gentle smile and a pat on Twinkle's neck.

"... yeah, yeah..." she said. Then Sunset looked at her hand, then she raised it and made a fist, but stretched her fingers out a bit so her fore-knuckles were out. Applejack and Pinkie Pie were understandably confused as she slowly paced her way to her fellow equine.

"Hello, T-T-Twinkle,'" greeted Sunset shyly, her face the most scarlet her two friends had ever seen. And more surprisingly, Twinkle galloped straight at Sunset.

Sunset shrieked and cowered, but felt something wet painting over her hoof-like hand. She looked up and Twinkle was licking her hand and rubbing all over it! Sunset placed her other hand over her chest and gently gasped; she overwhelmed with emotions by how much affection this mare was showing her. Twinkle was practically prancing around Sunset with a big smile on the mare's face!

"We're like past hoof-bumping?" asked Sunset as Twinkle answered by gently nickering at her, and then started using her head to rub Sunset's face.

Applejack and Pinkie almost jumped to stop Twinkle from being so forward, but Sunset began to do the same as well. Applejack can see from Sunset's posture how relaxed she was. In fact, Sunset had a huge smile on her face as well and was returning the head rub with equal gusto. She even had those fists up to wrap, hug and cuddle Twinkle's neck.

Sunset Shimmer was squeeing.

"Well ah'll be darn tootin" Applejack chimed in, "It looks like you two are practically sisters,"

"Aww, that is so puppy!" squealed Pinkie, "I've never seen Twinky be so forward to another human before! It took forever before she even let me touch her!"

"Well, maybe it's 'cos Sunset didn't start off as a human," commented Sunset. Now Twinkle was grooming Sunset's hair, as if checking for lice, and Sunset in all her red-faced glory, was gently letting her.

A strong gust of wind blew and Applejack held on her hat as she watched her friend have the time of her life. The wind blew past the stable. A strong, manly neigh came out of it, roaring and sputtering wildly. It stopped Sunset and Twinkle's cuddling; Twinkle looked angry, even possessive?

Twinkle whinnied fiercely at the stables, even rearing her front legs up and stomped fiercely on the ground. "Woah Twinkle, woah!" Applejack called out, petting her mane in a an effort to calm her down.

Then from the stable doors busted out another horse. This huge, all-black and muscular stallion came galloping with hot air snorting out its nose towards the girls.

Sunset was blushing so hard, her entire face was red. Her heart skipped a bit, and her breath was short. All she could think of was, What a stud...

"Big Beauty, hey, get back to yer' pen! That's an order!" yelled Applejack, whilst also calming an increasingly agitated Twinkle. Twinkle broke from Applejack's grasp right when Big Beauty was at leaping distance.

That's when Sunset realized that Big Beauty (what a nice Equestrian name) was charging at her. The onlypony stopping her was Twinkle who was neighing aggressively at Big Beauty, stopping the handsome one's tracks.

"Hey, no fighting you two, stop that!" Applejack ordered.

And then Big Beauty reared up his front legs and the girls saw it. He was presenting it. Twinkle even rolled her eyes if anyone noticed.

Pinkie's scream echoed throughout the lands.


The three girls sat on Applejack's bed, looking a bit embarrassed; specifically, Sunset's face was still flushed and even took off her black jacket due to her perspiration, even crossed her legs to keep Big Beauty's big image at bay.

Granny Smith stood before them rather crossed and with a big erect wiener in hand. It made Sunset's mind wandering further and further into the stable with Big Beauty's big-

"Just what were you three girls doing, yellling out such language?" Granny Smith lectured, using the erect wiener to point at them, "The whole Acres and probably your parent's rock farm had heard it! Which means that not a lotta' people heard ya' but that's not the point rite' now!"

"The three of us didn't yell out the 'P' word, Pinkie did!" explained Applejack.

"Hey, you ratted me out!" exclaimed Pinkie, "But yeah, sorry, Granny Smith, I won't yell out giant pecker again,"

"It's okay, sweetie," said Granny, petting her little neighbor on her pink poofy head, "Remember, there's only a few times where it's appropriate to yell out giant pecker at the top of your lungs! Fer' instance, me an' mah' lady-friends were at the Maremount Lounge down at Marelanta, Georgia last week, and we were stuffing down so many dollar bills down so many hot, tight, male bloomers-"

"TMI Granny, TMI!!" yelled Applejack, hiding under her hat. Pinkie looked almost fascinated, and Sunset was about as red as her namesake by now.

"'Too Many Ingrates'? Applejack, your mouth is turning about as foul as your grand-pappy's!" she scolded.

"That's not- aargh!" grunted Applejack, "Look, we're sorry, okay?"

Granny smiled, "It's alrite, sweetie pie, no harm no foul. Just be careful when yer' out there at the stables,"

And she left them. The girls just sat there, feeling rather awkward. Sunset felt almost responsible, so she decided to ask the big question.

"Applejack, why do you have Saddle Arabians in your stables?"

Applejack and Pinkie stared at her, then at each other, then they laughed.

"Oh silly Sunset," laughed Pinkie, "They're not Saddle Arabians, they Amarerican Quarter horses!"

"What? Did I say something wrong?" Sunset has lived in this world for many years, but she still has some stuff left to learn. And apparently, 'Amarerican Quarter horses' being one of them.

"There's Arabian horse breeds, sure," explained Applejack, "But Saddle Arabia is a country out in mideast!"

"I see," replied Sunset, "In my world, Saddle Arabia is a vast desert kingdom, where the Saddle Arabians live! They... pretty much look like your horses, Applejack,"

Applejack's jaw dropped, "Y'mean, I have a pair o' horses that's just like the ones in your world!?"

"Well, not exactly," she explained, "Saddle Arabians speak and have their own civilization! I quickly realized that when Twinkle came to me and didn't really speak, but Big Beauty certainly communicated his intentions alright!"

"Yep, wonder if Twinkle is still arguing with Big Beauty?" And so Applejack gestured to Sunset to peek out her window, as it overlooks the stables. She did, and she saw Twinkle still riled up, neighing a now deflated Big Beauty in a scolding way. Sunset saw her do something that was definitely very un-Saddle Arabian like.

"She just spat at Big Beauty!" Sunset yelled, shocked. Applejack nodded understandingly.

"Eeyup, that's kinda' how Twinkle scolds Big Beauty, or anyone else for that matter. Ah' think it's cos' Twinkle's got some llama in her,"

"I've been spat on since childhood!" Pinkie yelled out randomly, seemingly rather proud of that fact.

"Just to let you guys know, this was my first time meeting horses," Sunset explained sheepishly, "I guess they're pretty much animals just like most things here. But thanks Applejack, it really means a lot that you brought me here to see my 'fellow' equine, hee hee!"

"It was mah' pleasure, Sunset Shimmer," answered Applejack, lying on her bed to get more comfortable.

"Sunset Shimmer, I have an important question for you!" Pinkie exclaimed, her face an inch away from Sunset's, not knowing at all what personal space is.

"Err, what's that?"

"By the power of logic and deduction, something that I've not been told I'm good at!" Applejack nodded in agreement, "Big Beauty showed you the 'P' word, does that mean Saddle Arabians show their 'P' word in your world to young, single maidens too?"

"Pinkie! What a thing ta' say! Saddle Arabians are like people in her world! ... but do they?"

Sunset laughed at their understandable curiosity, "No, no, they don't, and I would personally know. You see, back then, I was a personal student to Princess Celestia, who in my world is a huge, beautiful, Saddle Arabian sized Alicorn, as in, winged unicorn pony with a huge flowing mane and tail,"

The two tried to imagine their very beautiful Principal as an elongated princess pony. Applejack snorted and Pinkie Pie squeed.

"Man, if Principal Celestia ever heard that, her mind would be more warped than a vinyl record stuck in a desert!"

"I want a horsey ride on Principal Celestia now!" Pinkie demanded.

"Err, I'd better go on with my story. Basically, as a personal student, I got the opportunity to meet lots of different ambassadors all across my world! Everything from dragons, to minotaurs, and yes, Saddle Arabians. I remember this one-" Sunset giggled and blushed, "No, it's too silly!"

"Too late, spit it out, sugarcube!" demanded Applejack.

"Yeah, hearing about inter-dimensional gossip is a once in a lifetime opportunity!" Pinkie Pie rationalized.

"Okay, okay!" conceded Sunset, "It's kinda' weird, so get ready. So there were a few ambassadors I've met, like Lady Sche-Hay-Azade who was so elegant, Prince Ah-Neigh-din who is the poster child for a gentle Arabian... and then there's Lord Jump-far. Big, black, dashing and so handsome Lord Jump-Far... I remembered like it was yesterday, how right after Lord Jump-Far just leaves a room, all the mares and even the Princess herself would just melt and blush and gossip like silly, lovestruck fillies about how dreamy and muscly Lord Jump-Far was! He even kissed my hoof once, tee-hee-hee...!"

And then Sunset realized Applejack and Pinkie Pie were staring at her with their jaws dropped.

"Sunset Shimmer, are you meanin' ta' insinuate, that mah' black Amarerican Quarter... looks like this er' Lord Jump-Far?"

Sunset gulped, her need to socialize with her friends led her to expose perhaps a bit more than she can cope, "Err, pretty close?"

"So, when Big Beauty reared up to present his P-P to you..." insinuated Pinkie," You... liked it?

"It... it... I-could-imagine-Lord-Jump-Far-having-such-a-large-schlong-let-me-just-have-this-fantasy-okay!?"

A pause, and the two roared and roared and howled with laughter, leaving Sunset Shimmer very pouting and sour-faced.

"Are you two done yet?" asked Sunset, very annoyed. The laughing duo, stopped, looked at Sunset's red face, and laughed even more.

"Sunset! Would ya' like a lil' alone time with Big Beauty!?" mocked Applejack as she laid a forearm on her shoulder, "And let your dreams come true!?"

"Then you can yell 'giant pecker' all winter long!" added Pinkie.

"Eww! Pinkie Pie! Mood-killer much!?" Applejack blanched.

"Hmph! You girls are horrible! For the record, Lord Jump-Far is a gentlepony and wouldn't do what Big Beauty did!" and she turned away from the girls in a huff, even added the ol' scrunchy face for extra effect, to really show em'!

Pinkie and Applejack giggled at their interesting friend's expense. Pinkie scooted to be beside Sunset. "Well then, I think it's my turn to show you my equine,"

Sunset turned to her, eyes twinkling with stars, "Really? You have your own horse in that stable?"

And then Pinkie whispered into Sunset Shimmer's ear, "In that stable... I have a pony,"

Sweet Apple Acres never heard a louder squee than that very day.

Author's Note:

The idea from this stemmed from the thought: what would happen if Sunset met this world's equines? Apparently, a huge amount of dirty jokes, that's what!

http://www.equestriadaily.com/2014/11/mlp-equestria-girls-holiday-special.html. There is a Equestria Girls preview in the link that shows a snow-covered Canterlot High. Slight spoilers to the comic issue, so you have been warned.

I know horses don't really spit, but I'd like to think of Twinkle as a really fierce Twilight. Who's part llama.

Please note that the equines depicted are not to be taken as actual representation of equine breeds. You will look silly if you quote this fic. I don't even know if horses actually can spit or not.

I chose this pic exactly because it has a pony and horse in it. I just love that Twi-horse is annoyed by Pinkie Pony. It's one of the important building blocks of good MLP writing where a Twilight is annoyed by a Pinkie.

I do not regret my puns.

And yes, puppy is an adjective.

Next chapter: Pinkie and her pony!!