• Published 9th Dec 2014
  • 2,310 Views, 5 Comments

The Equines of Sweet Apple Acres - Wasabi-beans

Applejack brings Sunset Shimmer to her farm to meet her horses and ponies.

  • ...

Baaaad girl...!

Granny was sitting in her comfy rocking chair in her comfy cottage. The fire was stoked and the room was warm. Though her ears may not be as good as before (though she swears that Applejack needs to say less rude phrases), she can hear melodious gossip upstairs, the spitting of a certain horse to another horse and her own knitting of a scarf, to keep her hand-eye coordination intact. That gigantic SQUEE that she heard didn't even make her flinch.

In fact, Granny Smith was not the least bit surprised when a red and yellow streak dragged an earthy brown and pink streak down the stairs and out the backyard door into the gentle winter. They even had the courtesy to close it as well.

"Heheh, out faster than the Chippen-tails whipping out their other tails to send us old dames in a tizzy," she muttered absent-mindedly. She even wiggled a large bratwurst for extra emphasis, which she kept in hand whenever she wanted a light snack.

"Woah, Sunset, WOAH!" pleaded Applejack as the now extremely excited Sunset dragged her and Pinkie out to the stables, "Slow down girl, or you'll smash onto the gates!!"

Sunset slammed the brakes the digging her heels into the snow and came to a screeching halt from before she smashed onto the wooden barrier. Her hair is all frazzled up and her smile was an ecstatic one.

"Sorry! Sorry! I'm just so excited to actually see an actual pony of this world!" she exclaimed, "I don't know why I'm so excited, but I am!"

"Let's all just get into the field, nice and easy like, okay?" asked Applejack as she opened up the gates, "Hey there, Twinkle, you got somethin' to tell us about?"

Twinkle actually nodded, and trotted backwards to reveal a rather crestfallen Big Beauty who came forward slowly to Sunset, his head held down in shame, and covered in semen- spit, it was definitely lots of white globules of spit. Not semen, spit.

"Oh, you wanted to apologize?" asked a blushing Sunset, and Big Beauty shyly nodded, "It's okay, Lord- Big Beauty, I mean your name, you know, Big Beauty. You were acting on instinct and thought I was a new mare coming here, which I sort of am but not, as you see. So, water under the bridge, I forgive you,"

Big Beauty neighed with a smile upon hearing that, and came forward to rub her head as a sign of gentle, non-romance-novel-cover-model affection. All with the semen-looking spit on his face.

"Ahmmm, maybe this will suffice?" and Sunset stretched out that weird loose fist to him, to which Big Beaut looked at his own hoof and awkwardly pawed at her 'hoof'.

"Sunset, why are you sticking your hand out at BB?" asked Pinkie.

"It's a hoof hump, it's a common gesture amongst ponies, even to Saddle Arabians!" she explained, and then realized what she just said. She looked at her 'hoof' then back at her smirking friends, "Is... is this something horses don't do here?"

Before Applejack and Pinkie could even open their mouths to begin their teasing, Twinkle snorted fiercely at them to shut them up. Then she enthusiastically hoof-bumped Sunset's hand, then immediately started cuddling her again, which Sunset returned with glee.

"Squee!" squeed Sunset.

"Neigh-hey-hey-hey!" neighed Twinkle.

"Your mare's a suck up, Jackie," stated Pinkie, annoyed that the purple one ruined their little fun.

"Shut up and call your pony, Pinkie,"

"Hey, Sunset!" Pinkie called out, "You've heard Applejack's silly way to 'summon' her steed, but check out how I summon mine!"

And Pinkie cupped her hand over her mouth, and sang, "My name is Pinkie Pie! Hello! and I am here to say! How ya doin'? I'm gonna make you smile and I will brighten up your day-ay-ay-ay!"

Sunset's whole body was all like 'Whaaa...???' at her chirpy and beautiful singing... all three minutes and thirty three seconds of it. Pinkie was even bouncing and dancing and marching.

"She thought how to outdo mah' calling out Twinkle," Applejack whispered to Sunset while Pinkie sang (Sunset could have sworn she heard an entire chorus at the end), "An' now she does this every, single, time,"

Finally, Pinkie finishes her song excellently, and Sunset clapped in appreciation of the good performance; Applejack's clapping was more of the miserable variety.

"Wait, why isn't your pony coming out, Pinkie Pie?" asked Sunset, who was rather eager.

"Oh, she likes to make her an entrance herself!" Pinkie answered proudly. Right when she said that, everyone saw for a split second, a pink blurr popped up right beside Big Beauty and very quickly like half his spit away, leaving the licked area with a clean coating of new spit but free of Twinkle's trademark globules.

The pink blurr dived back down into the snow, and somehow, tunneled its way to a freaked out Twinkle. It popped up and it was a small, light pink equine with a curly mane whose head reached about Twinkle's body in height. It stared at Twinkle, and stuck out a tongue.

Twinkle stared back, her lower jaw stuck out incredulously, as if to say irritably, "Pinkie, what are you doing?"

The pony whose name Sunset does not know yet, maintained her stare, her smile and her tongue. Then suddenly, flinched forward with said tongue, causing Twinkle to whinny in shock and she reared up so high she dropped down onto a pile of snow behind her. The pony whinnied in laughter as Twinkle got back up her hooves and trotted away in a huff.

"Sunset, meet my little pony, Pinkie Pony!" Pinkie introduced, "She's named after me, Pinkie! And since she's a pony, she's a Pinkie Pony! Pinkie Pony, give Sunset a hoof bump!"

Pinkie Pony happily trotted to Sunset, and extended a hoof out, and Sunset hoof-bumped it in appreciation. Sunset couldn't hold it in any longer, and began stroking her floofy mane and tickling her chin and of course, rubbing her face in hers

"Who's a good Pinkie Pony? Who's a gooood Pinkie Pony?" coddled Sunset, and Pinkie Pony neighed in affirmation, happy to receive so much attention, and even rolled on the snow to show her belly, and of course, Sunset rubbed it with glee.

"Ah! She's even kicking her hooves up in the air!" uttered Sunset happily as she belly-rubbed, "She's so adorable!"

"Aww, Pinkie Pony's getting all the attention!" whined Pinkie, "I want some attention too!"

And so Pinkie laid beside Sunset. Sunset looked at them both, shrugged her shoulders, and rubbed both the Pinkie's bellies with gusto.

"Neigh-hay-hay-hay!" neighed Pinkie Pony happily.

"Neigh-hay-hay-hay!" neighed Pinkie Pie happily.

"Land sakes, Sunset, you really know howda' get these two melted down," Applejack commented as she laid down on the snow to get on Sunset's eye level, "So is yer' kind this receptive to cuddling like our equines here?"

"Well, I'm kinda' coddlin these two more like pets than with my fellow ponies," explained Sunset, "But Equestrians are way more touchy-feely. We'll hug, rub faces, and even do snout snuggles!"

Pinkie gasped, "New form of affectionate gesture that I do not know about! Teach me mistress-master!!"

"It's basically this, Pinkie," and Sunset takes Pinkie Pony's head to her face, and gently rubbed her nose on hers, "It's a way of saying I trust you,"

"Ah! Me too! Me too!" demanded Pinkie precociously, to which Sunset responded rather shyly, "Oh, I dunno' Pinkie, I don't mind doing it to Pinkie Pony just because she's a pony, but human to human..."

"But you trust me right?" asked Pinkie gently. Sunset blushed and stroked her hair.

"Okay, but only because it's you, Pinkie Pie!" she said and then she put her nose to her nose and wiggled them a bit. Sunset quickly pulled away, feeling silly but happy, and both girls blushed a bit and giggled.

"Do you want one, Applejack?" asked Sunset, not wanting her to feel left out.

"I'll pass, Sunset Shimmer," Applejack said.

Sunset then patted the two bellies to signal that she's done coddling them, laid down on the snow as well and looked up the big neverending sky.

"Today has been wonderful guys, it really reminds me of back in Equestria. How everypony's so nice to each other, and so willing to be so touchy-feely and intimate to show that they care and love you. Heh, when was the last time I gave somepony a snout snuggle? ...when was it?"

They didn't realized it, But Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Pinkie Pony were all staring at Sunset Shimmer, whose mind and voice was in a different world altogether.

"Was it with the Princess... no, I don't even think I hugged her... was it Aunt... no, I just boarded in her room that's all... mom and dad... they taught me... put a roof over my head... yeah, I was a tiny filly back then, Mom would give me kissies and Dad would give me snout snuggles... that was so many years ago. What do they even look like now?"

"Well, you got us, right?" mentioned Applejack, trying to get Sunset out of her hole again, "Me, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and even Rarity,"

"Yeah, and even-" Sunset stopped herself, practically bit her own tongue, "... even my dorm mates, they're cool,"

It was obvious Sunset's mood was spiraling down again, as Pinkie Pony emphatically uddled up to her and snuggled her neck a bit. Sunset closed her eyes and sighed.

"Sorry, I'm just... I'm just dealing with a lot of crap right now, not from you guys, but from myself," she confessed and sighed again.

Pinkie Pony then sat straight up and looked straight down at Sunset with her silly tongue sticking out again. Sunset smiled at the cute thing, then grimaced when she licked her face from chin to forehead.

"Urghh! Pinkie Pony!" Sunset exclaimed, sitting up as well. And saw Pinkie Pony jumped back down into the snow, and tunneled off.

"Huh, where is she going?" asked Sunset.

It wasn't long before Pinkie Pony popped back up (and right beside a once-again startled Twinkle to boot) with a lot of leathery contraptions in her mouth, some of which she recognized.

"Those... are saddles!" uttered an astonished Sunset, "Equines wear saddles here too?"

"Those are how you use saddles!?" Sunset was shocked once all three equines were saddled and harnessed up. Her two friends were sitting on top of their equines and holding reins attached to their mouths!

"Well, yeah," answered Applejack, "That's what saddles are for! What were they used fer' back in your world?"

"They were like vests, or jackets!" she exclaimed in shock, her hand gripping her black jacket, "I used to wear a saddle back in wintertime in Canterlot for Celestia's sake! And they have those thingies in their mouth! Why would they have those rope things in their mouths!?"

"This is how we steer our horses and ponies, silly!" giggled Pinkie, "Equestrianism is a two way activity!"

"I'm sorry, I know I'm being a pain in the behind here, but it's just so weird seeing all these things around them, and you guys are on top of them like upright luggage! Why are you on top of them anyways?"

"Ah' think Pinkie Pony pulled these out from... somewhere... to have us all ride out in the apple fields, sugarcube!" explained Applejack, "And you can ride on Big Beauty!"

Sunset's eyes opened wide, and then stared at a very sheepish-looking Big Beauty. "But... but he's so... tall...!" blurted Sunset, afraid of being up on such a tall animal; Applejack smoothly climbed down from Twinkle.

"T'ain't nothin' ta' worry 'bout, sugarcube," comforted Applejack, "Big Beauty may be a meathead sometimes, but mah' big brother trained him well, and actually the easiest equine to ride on among the three here! Come on, ah'll give ya' a boost!"

"Oh, okay," Sunset gulped, "Here goes!" And with Applejack's help, she hoisted herself up on Big Beauty. And boy was he tall. So tall in fact, Sunset immediately latched onto his neck for safety.

This got a laugh out of Pinkie, "Oh silly! That's not how you hold on to him! You gotta use the reins and- HEY! YOU DEFLATE YOUR WIENER RIGHT NOW MISTER!!"

So after Twinkle scolded Big Beauty again, and Applejack scolded Pinkie Pie again, all six headed out to the apple farm. Sunset, once she calmed down a bit, was actually enjoying being perched up so high and just taking in the scenery, as the three equines trotted down the well-trodden roads.

"This is, kind of relaxing actually," admitted Sunset, "It's kind of like taking a pony carriage down a nice winter park,"

"Hold on a sec!" Applejack was confused, "Ponies haulin' carriages with ponies ridin' in them?"

"It's a paying job," Sunset shrugged.

"Wow, your world must be crazy to live in!" imagined Pinkie, "So do ponies ride other ponies? Do they go bouncy-bouncy like we do? Sunset, why are you blushing, and turning away? Oh, 'cos that would look really weird, and kinda' hot and intense and- Big Beauty, you put your naughty pecker away right this instant or Applejack will start yelling at me again!"

Applejack smacked herself on the face, "The things ah' have ta' put up with since childhood. Seriously, BB, don't make me geld ya',"

And shrank back the balloon did. Sunset petted his head to indicate he did the right thing.

After a little while more of gentle trotting through the farm, they returned from their trip, content. Not even Sunset finding out that getting down from a horse was just as scary as getting up on one could spoil it.

"Good boy, Big Beauty, good boy," she cooed to Big Beauty as she gave him a snout snuggle. Big Beauty whinnied in appreciation. Twinkle butted in, also wanting the same treatment. Big Beauty huffed in annoyance, but Sunset gave a loving snout snuggle all the same.

Suddenly, she felt a tug on her sleeve. It was Pinkie Pony, and even though the riding equipment was on her, she was tugging her towards the stables. Then the horses joined in, butting her towards it as well.

"Huh, they're' takin' our girl from another world to see her," Applejack said coolly.

"I wonder what climax and resolution awaits Sunset Shimmer inside that stable?" questioned Pinkie.

"Pinkie, what climax?"

"Definitely not Big Beauty anymore, that's for sure! Tee-hee!"


Author's Note:

By far the best thing about Pinkie Pie is that the writers balance both her goofiness and empathy, creating a shockingly nuanced character. I try to achieve that with both Pinkie Pie and Pinkie Pony.

Sunset's really become the new Luna, hasn't she? She's in about the same circumstances, just with less thousand year imprisonments. And this is a good thing! It's something harsh but important for all little girls to learn that redemption is possible even for the greatest of sinners.

Please keep in mind that I do not condone public flashing and therefore, quickly forgiving said offense. You are not big, burly, well-endowed horses, you are meek, flabby, weakly endowed humans bound by civil laws. I'm generalizing of course, you bronies.

Why that song? It was either this or My Immortal by Evanescence, I'm not kidding.

... did no one even caught a whiff on Big Beauty's name referring to something?

Comments ( 2 )

If you're talking about Big Beauty likely being a reference to Black Beauty, it kinda goes without saying.

THAT'S who Granny reminds me of in this story; Great Gam Gam from Beefest.

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