• Published 19th Dec 2014
  • 993 Views, 24 Comments

The Experiment - IwuvWoona

when Twilight recreates an unfinished experiment in StarSwirl's journal, she awakens in a strange, eerie world in an unfamiliar form. Unbeknownst to her, she's opened up dark secrets about Equestria, as well as one of it's princesses.

  • ...

Learning the Basics (By Cyber System)

Twilight finished empying her stomach, sickened by the fact that she just ate the meat of another living creature. She felt sick as she quivered at the thick stew she regurgitated onto the ground, with Willow avoiding the spill.

"Are you alright?" Willow asked. "Was that spoiled?"

"No, it was fine," Twilight responded. "I have to tell you something."

"No kidding," Willow said as she moved away from the now wasted stew in disgust.

"Look, Willow, I'm not exactly what you think I am."

"You've got a crown, wings, and a horn, I seriously doubt you're what anyone thinks you are."

"That's because I'm actually...from another world."

Willow gave a confused look. "I don't understand."

"I'm actually from another world called Equestria where I'm a...pony...princess. I did an experiment and it sent me here and I don't know how to get back."

Willow looked at her as if she grew a second head. "Wait, what?"

"Look, all I know is that I tried some kind of experiment with dark magic, then a rift opened up, now I'm here."

"A black rift that opened up and sucked you in?" Willow asked.

Twilight nodded. "Yes, you have to believe me, I have to get home."

"And you weren't trapped here by two black hands from the ground."

"No, why? Do you believe me?"

"Twilight, I believe you. It's just, you... hold on a second," Willow reached into her pocket and pulled out a lighter before turning it on, just holding it in front of her face, staring at the dancing flame.

"Uh..." Willow held up her hand to stop Twilight as she just continued to stare into the flame, then she sighed, blowing out the flame as she did and putting the lighter back into her pocket.

Willow sat down. "So let me get this straight, you're a...pony princess. From another world,"

Twilight nodded.

Willow rubbed her temples. "Twilight, I don't know why you are telling me this, but I can't tell you that I have the slightest idea how to leave this place, even if I did none of us would still be here."

"I... I understand..." Twilight responded, beginning to worry that she may never return home ever again.

"So, what can you eat without throwing it up?"

"Just anything that's not meat, thanks."

"Alrighty then," Willow said as she left once again.

Using the time she was alone, Twilight tried to remember what she did that got her trapped here. Her head started to hurt again but some memories were coming back, albeit they were extremely foggy. It seems she'll have to try later before she can get a glimpse of what happened.

Twilight turned to see a bronze clockwork-like robot, looking at her wings with curiosity.

"Oh, you mean my wings? I don't know, I guess I'm too hungry to fly, I'm Twilight Sparkle."

"THIS UNIT'S NAME IS WX-78," he replied with a voice of a crazy processed synth. "ARE YOU RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT MESS?" WX-78 pointed to the thrown up pile of stew.

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry. I'll clean it up, don't worry." WX-78 just laughed with a monotone.


"What does that mean?"


"That's not nice!" Twilight scolded.


Twilight didn't know whether she should be insulted or angry, he didn't care one bit about anyone else, he was very rude. Twilight was about to say something until she heard Willow return.

"Hey, Tin Man, this sentence is false!"

WX-78 stopped talking, twitched a little, then started running away clutching his head and shouting, "ERROR, ERROR!" as Willow sat down next to Twilight, holding a large tray with an assortment of vegetables in it.

"Sorry about that," Willow said, giving Twilight the food. "WX-78 sometimes gets a little pushy, but you'll get used to him. Anyway, hope you like this, it's a little stale but it's all we got that doesn't belong to Wisteria."

Twilight took a bite of the dish. True, it was a little stale, but right now she was too hungry to care. "It's fine, Willow. So, why was that thing so mean?"

"Not sure, we found him in a field, then Wilson fixed him up and he started attacking us, saying that 'LIFE IS INSUFFISCIENT' or something like that. Then after Wilson somehow calmed him down, WX-78 agreed to help us, but we mostly just use him as a trash can for spoiled food."

"Who's Wilson?"

"He's a scientist, apparently he knows a lot about surviving, so some of us look at him as our 'leader', but we mostly just do our own thing alongside our survival chores. I haven't seen him since I found you, I sent Woodie and Wes to look for him but they haven't found him yet."

Twilight continued eating, thinking about if she was the reason for Wilson's disappearance, then something WX-78 said came into her mind. "Also, Willow, what's the night monster?"

Willow stayed silent for a good while, looking like Twilight just asked her to kill someone. Willow sighed. "I guess I better tell you before you find out the hard way," she said. "The night monster is this creature who lurks in the darkness at night," she pointed to the outside perimiter of the campsite, where nothing but pure darkness could be seen past the fire's glow, "and I don't know how dark nights get in "Equestria", but in here, you can't see the hand in front of your face. Once you're in the darkness, the night monster will try to get you, and it won't stop until you're dead, so word of advice: stay out of the darkness."

Twilight gulped, she wasn't scared of the dark before, but if what Willow says is true, she just got a reason to.

"So, with that aside, you think you can stand?"

"Y-yeah, I think so," Twilight said as she got up on her feet with a little help from Willow.

"Alright, now we don't have a lot of rules, but there are a few things you need to know: you can have whatever you want from the ice chest, but if it's almost empty, refill it or let someone know, same if most of it is rotten. Except for WX-78, he won't care."

"That's it?"

"Pretty much other than the obvious 'don't kill anyone' or 'be back here by sunset' that's pretty much it."

"I see, thank you, Willow."

"Anytime," Willow started to leave before Twilight stopped her.

"Wait! Where will I sleep?"

Willow took a second to think. "We'll make you a tent just next to Webber's over there," she pointed to one of the tents that was covered in webbing. "In the meantime, you can just sleep in Wilson's if you want, but most of us don't really need to sleep for some reason.

"Alright, thank you."

Willow gave a nod before heading off in the tents' direction to start on Twilight's shelter.

Twilight on the other hand was trying to figure out what she should do at the moment other than worry about getting home. Perhaps getting to know the other people here would be a good idea.

After trudging around a bit, Twilight decided to head over to a large man first who seemed to be weight lifting a tree trunk, he was very muscular with a large handlebar moustache and a striped red-and-white sweatshirt that seemed like it would break at any moment from the size of his muscles.

"Hey there," Twilight greeted the strongman. He looked at her and put down his trunk to talk.

"Hello, new companion!" he replied with a cheerful and deep voice. "You is new survivor, yes? You look funny, why you look like bird crossed with unicorn crossed with human?"

"Well, I'm actually a...pony where I come from."

That got the strongman's attention. "You are pony!?" he seemed to almost squeal with glee before becoming confused. "Why you not look like pony? You got no hooves or pretty pretty pony hair, just weird wings and horn like bird-uni-man."

"It's hard to explain, but I don't normally look like this, honestly my wings were different last time I was human. Didn't even have my horn."

"You confuse me."

Twilight chuckled. "Don't worry about it."

The strongman shrugged. "Very well, Pony."

"What's your name?"

"I am Wolfgang, I am mighty!"

"I'm Twilight Sparkle."

Wolfgang chuckled a little. "Hah! You got funny name, I like you, Twilight Sparkle, we going to be good friends."

"Well, you're friendly."

"You too, and worry not, Wolfgang is not scared of anything."

Webber jumped up from behind Wolfgang shouting, "Boo!"

Afterwards, Wolfgang let out one of the most high-pitched, feminine screams Twilight has ever heard as he ran behind Twilight.

Twilight couldn't help but laugh, the so-called 'strongman' was a big softie on the inside.

Wolfgang seemed to calm down after seeing it was only Webber, albeit slightly annoyed and embarrased. "Webber, you know I don't like when you jump out and scare Wolfgang like creepy person, you make my mightiness look like wimpy puppy dog by making Wolfgang scream like little girl."

"Sorry, Mister Wolfgang," Webber apologized. "It's just so much fun!"

"Hm, nice talking to you, pony Twilight Sparkle, but Wolfgang must make mightiness mightier-er by lifting stuff he sees," Wolfgang said as he left in his own direction.

"Wolfgang's really strong," Webber said, "but he isn't smart and he is really scared of our brothers and sisters."

"I can tell," that was when she caught what was his sentence. "What, what's this about your brothers and sisters?"

Before Webber could answer, a familiar voice came from behind Twilight. "I see yöu've already met Wölfgang."

Twilight turned around to see a red haired woman wearing a very detailed battle helmet and carrying a large spear in her hand.

"Hi, Miss Wigfrid!" Webber greeted.

"Hellö, Webber," Wigfrid said. "And greetings tö yöu töö, Miss..."

"Twilight Sparkle," Twilight said.

"Öf cöurse, the new actress tö the scene, it's gööd tö see yöu öutside öf yöur uncönsciöus state."

"Uh..." Twilight looked at Webber, hoping he had an explanation, he just shrugged Twilight decided to play along. "Right, yep. That's who I am, the new actress."

"Öf cöurse," Wigfrid replied, getting the obvious hint that Twilight had no clue what she was talking about. "Sö, did yöu see anyöne öther than Wölfgang ör Webber?"

"I did meet WX-78 and Willow," Twilight answered.

"That explains why he's trying tö fix his head, that anti-herö deserved his punishment för the amöunt öf tröuble he's caused."

"You really don't like him, do you?"

Wigfrid shook her head. "We're nöt even sure if he's male, we just hall him that because it's easier than using 'it' all the time."

"He called me a disgusting monster and Wendy an 'emo freak'," Webber said, "what even is that, Miss Twilight?"

Twilight looked at Wigfrid, who shook her head telling her to not explain it at all to him.

"Why is he so mean?"

Wigfrid shrugged. "We tried tö reprögram him önce, but he wön't let us anywhere near his hardrive."

"Maybe I can turn him around."

Wigfrid laughed. "That's what Wilsön said, and Wickerböttöm, and Wöödy. Try all yöu can, but WX-78 is nöthing but a static character until the days öf Ragnörök."

"WX is a big bully!" Webber said.

Twilight thought about what they said, trying to come up with some way that she could turn WX-78 around, but that was when something caught her eye. Something she almost thought she'd never see again because of this island: a book. A red book was being held in the arms of an elderly woman with gray hair tied into a bun, she wore small, rectangle glasses that were just perched at the peak of her nose, her eyes were gray and Twilight could've sworn that they seemed to be always closed. Nevertheless, she just had to ask her for the book.
"I'll talk to WX later," she said to them, "right now there's more important things to get to," she tried all she can to get her over to the woman as quickly as she can, but since she was still sore and had to use a cane, she ended up stumbling a bit and almost falling. Fortunately, she made it over to her and was excited to finally get something on her level.

"Hey," Twilight greeted.

The woman looked at her, obviously confused by her wings and horn. "Well, this is certainly unique, I didn't know Maxwell was giving abilities such as these to newcomers."

"Oh, well, "Maxwell" didn't give them to me, I had them before coming here."

"Interesting, so perhaps you are some kind of interdimensional or extraterrestrial species?"

"I should think so. I'm from Equestria."

"So you're an anthropomorphic version of a winged, horned horse. I assume that you just have some experience with magic, am I correct?"

"Actually, yes! I'm a princess where I come from, and from what I can tell from you is that you are a librarian."

"Indeed. Please, call me Ms. Wickerbottom."

"Twilight Sparkle, I'm a librarian, too," they gave a formal handshake. "Hey, once you're done with that book, may I read it?"

"I'm sorry, Ms. Sparkle, but this book is my priority only, I made it to have mystical properties that only I can use for instance, this one summons flocks of birds to come down from the skies."

Twilight was feeling dissapointed, she really thought she was going to be reading something while stuck on this island.

"However," Wickerbottom continued, "there is something that you might be interested in, if you would like."

Twilight was filled with excitement as she nodded.

Wickerbottom lead her into her tent, inside there was a large desk instead of a bed. Wickerbottom pulled out a large, slightly dusty book from the desk and handed it to Twilight.

"Here's a basic guide on everything you need to know about surviving here and all the creatures that live here, you may keep it if you'd like, just please return it when you're done please place it back in my desk. Furthermore, please do not lose it or let it be destroyed, last thing Wilson and I want to do is write that whole thing all over again. I figured since you'll be staying with us for a while, you might as well know what you're dealing with."

"Thank you, Ms. Wickerbottom," Twilight said. Wickerbottom smiled and left with a nod.

"It's not 'Daring Do', but it's the best thing I got around here," Twilight said to herself. "Let's see what lives on this island."
Twilight opened to book to find a picture of what seemed to be a spider, much like the one that was Webber's head. "Part 1: Spiders..." Twilight said as she began reading.

Meanwhile, Maxwell watched over them, mostly Twilight.

"I must say, I've never seen anything quite like her, I think she actually made someone leave the island, I'll have to keep whatching her, seeing what else I can do with her. In the meantime... looks like it's game on, Twilight Sparkle, and it's your turn to move."