• Published 19th Dec 2014
  • 995 Views, 24 Comments

The Experiment - IwuvWoona

when Twilight recreates an unfinished experiment in StarSwirl's journal, she awakens in a strange, eerie world in an unfamiliar form. Unbeknownst to her, she's opened up dark secrets about Equestria, as well as one of it's princesses.

  • ...


The night was young, yet the castle breathed empty. Even Celestia slumbered.

Somewhere in the halls, a black, cloaked blur sped passed the few night-guards.

Luna made her silent, swift way throughout the castle, stopping briefly at her sister's room.

She creaked the door open, finding Celestia dead asleep on her bed. Luna sighed, she trotted over to her and stroked her mane. "Oh sister, I hope you will understand. I hope more that you will forgive me, but this is for your safety as much as Twilight's. The magic in the air is dark, it isn't your jurisdiction. Your finding out could complicate things. Don't fear too much, I will still handle the moon, and have the drake update you on my wellbeing. That...is a promise."

She concealed her face with the hood, and turned to take her leave.

"Luna?" Celestia's voice was tired, but concerned.

Once again, the smaller mare approached her.

"Sister, is everything alright? Oh, your eyes..."

"I'm simply checking in on your dreams, Tia."

Her horn sparked up, and Celestia soon slumbered again.

Luna sighed. She would be subdued until she needed to raise her sun. A splicing pain jolted through Luna's head, and she bit her lip to prevent herself from screaming out.

I'm doing this to myself, she thought, I can't keep this up forever. The moon, dealing with the fuel, it'll overwhelm me eventually. I can only pray that I have enough expendable energy to get me to the rift. Perhaps they will have answers.

"No. Nope. Nuh-uh. Almost got i-blast."

The mares and dragon stared at Wilson as he struggled to pick up his fork in his hoof.

"Uh, Rarity, can you lend him a hoof? Tell him how to get that horn of his to spark?" Pinkie, despite finding the situation rather fun, also found it sad.

"I got this! If you can defy logic to do it, so can I." He loosely grasped the utensil, only for it to slip away from him. "Darn it."

"Darling, it's easier than you think to cast a simple levitation spell. Just focus on it, and it should lift..." Rarity finally said.

Though he didn't want to, Wilson followed the mare's instruction. His horn sparked up a little, much to his delight. A bit more pushing, and yes! A sustainable, green glow surrounded his horn, and the fork lifted with it.

He smiled, satisfied.

It was a little unorthodox, a slice of apple pie for a slightly late dinner, but Wilson hadn't seen such filling food in almost a year. Besides, he'd have to be really desperate to accept eating flowers that the others partook in.

He was about to shovel the first forkful in his mouth, when a tiny, barely stifled squeak sounded behind him.

Glancing over his shoulder, a scrawny, pegasus filly stared at him in shock.

"Wendy?" Without her signature outfit, it felt alien to call this filly by that name.

The ghost of a smile appeared on her muzzle. "You made me worry. You actually made me worry."

Wilson awkwardly slipped off the dining chair, and he hugged her, much to her chagrin.

"Hey, Sweetpea. I barely recognized you."

"Few would. Everything about this place is new." For once in a long while, her broken, tired eyes seemed to spark up with a childish brightness, only for it to revert back to the deadpan look she became known for. "We have spectators."

Every one of the table's occupants was staring at them with wide smiles.

Wilson took back his seat, nauseous from hunger.

Wendy clamored up to the chair next to him.

"Hungry, sugar?" An orange mare asked, almost concerned, "You've barely eaten today."

"I'm fine," Wendy replied, "I've eaten well enough."

"Well, alright. Wilson, ah'd like a chance tah speak with ya' in a while. Ah think we may have a lot to talk about."

The mare left.

"That was Applejack. Bit friendly sometimes, but otherwise one of the more normal mares around here." Wendy whispered. "Who've you met so far?"

"Erm, Pinkie and Rarity."

The filly nodded and gestured to two pegasi. "Those two are Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Rainbow's brash, a bit too much. Kind of arrogant. You'll either catch her eating or sleeping all the time, it's a wonder that she's so skinny. Fluttershy, kind, almost overbearing. Pleasant company, though I hate to admit it. She's a listener."

Wendy then pointed to three fillies chattering amongst themselves. "That's Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. They're the younger sisters of the mares here."

"They look about your age, ha-"

"I hate them."

Clearing her throat she gestured to a strange, purple creature. "That's Spike. He's a dragon, underwhelming he may look. He was Twilight's assistant. I almost like him, but still..."

"Is that everyone?"

"Everyone that you need to know, yes," She sighed. "Will you keep AppleJack waiting? It isn't a good idea."


She stared at him with a dead gaze in response.

He whimpered, his stomach moaning. "Fine..."

Wilson found the mare on a balcony. Her eyes watching a bright, full moon.

"It ain't right."


"The moon isn't right."

He trotted up beside her.

"Looks normal."

"It does. What isn't normal is the fact that it's been full for five days. When Twilight disappeared. It's brightest like this, all other nights in Equestria are darker."


"You know anything about it?"

He shook his head. "Afraid I don't. What did happen with your "Twilight"? When did you last see her?"

"At a picnic the day before she disappeared. She looked real happy about something, but she wouldn't tell any of us."


After a moment of silence, AJ finally asked, "Does someone...wait for you?"


"That world, from what Wendy tells us, is full of monsters, and it does nightmare inducing things to yer' mind. If Ah was stuck there for a near year, and Ah was left high n' dry somewhere nice like here, would Ah want to go back? Even if it wasn't mah home? No, Ah wouldn't. But, if mah Applebloom was there, I'd never leave. To stay with her."

"Makes sense, I guess. No, with Wendy here, no one waits for me."

The mare playfully nudged him with her elbow, "Ya' sure? Someone like you has to have a pretty girl waiting for you to get back to her."

His face went red. "Er..." he squirmed uncomfortably. "I would hope so, but no. She wouldn't-"

"She? Ah knew it, you do wanna get back to someone!"

He swallowed thickly.

"What's her name?" she asked, a wide grin stretching across her muzzle.

"Well, uh-"

Rainbow Dash zoomed in. "Uh, guys? We have a guest."

Wilson nearly melted in relief.

"What kind of guest?" She asked.

"A royal guest."

When the three returned, a hole was blasted in the top of the castle ceiling. On the floor, a mound of dark-blue feathers lay bruised and slightly bloodied.

"It's Luna!" Fluttershy gasped.

"Who?" Wilson turned to AJ.

"She raises the moon. Another princess."

Wendy stared at Luna, curious. "Is she even alive?"

As though the alicorn mare heard her, she weakly gathered herself and struggled to her hooves. Her eyes were an eerie shade of blue, a snake-like slit staring at them. She winced, clenching her eyes shut and pressing her hoof against her head. When they opened again, they were normal.

Her face shifted into surprise as she saw Wilson. "You!" She lurched towards him, only to faint and collapse.

"That was...unexpected..." Wendy muttered.

"Will she be okay?" Rainbow Asked Rarity.

With effort, the mares had set her in Twilight's bed.

"She'll be fine. She was exhausted is all. Wilson, darling, she looked at you, tried to get to you. Do you know anything?"

"As a scientist, I hate to admit it, but I literally don't know what is going on anymore..."

"I believe you. I imagine she's better rested by now, it's been a few hours. The foals are all due for bed. Wendy, that means you too."

The filly looked like she was ready to run. "You're not going to make me."

She was swiftly encased in a blue glow, much to her annoyance. "I'm done being nice. I will freeze you in your place if it comes to it. Wilson, would you be a dear and check on Luna?"

"Will she kill me?"

Rarity almost seemed to ponder this question. "Unlikely."

"That's comforting..."

After some hesitation, he crept into the room and up to the bed. "Hello?"

She didn't even stir.

He jabbed her with the tip of his hoof. Immediately, the mare woke up and sat up. Wilson panicked, falling over onto the floor.

Luna's eyes were filled with fear, they were back to the creepy snake eyes she displayed. She panted, although she'd been running for hours. Her horn immediately burst with energy, and the darkness in her eyes drained, reverting them back to normal.

"You. You're not from here." she sighed. "B-but, that's good. You're good. Were you accompanied?"

He stared at the mare, confused. His mouth agape.

"Please, this information is important, were you accompanied?"

"A-a-a little g-girl. She's off to bed."

The mare sighed in relief. "That's better news than you know. That means there's only one..."

"Y-your majesty?"

"Call me Luna. Please."

"Very well. Erm...one of what?"

She avoided eye contact. "Bring the others, the filly as well. You should all hear this."

He did as she told him, bringing the castle inhabitants all to her.

"How long has Twilight been known to be missing?" Luna asked.

"'Bout five days, princess." AJ responded.

"Perhaps it isn't too late, if those two are here."

"Uh, excuse me, but can you stop with the mystery and tell us what's going on? Like, maybe why the moon hasn't changed it's phase in a while?" Rainbow piped.

Luna bobbed her head. "It's too dark without it. The rift, the one you two arrived in. I-it's dormant. Unfortunately, it...did something... Long story short, something came through. There is another entity in Equestria. One with...darker motives. You may know her."

"Who is "she"?" Wendy chimed.

"A night beast."

Author's Note:

Charlie's in Equestria. Fun!