• Published 8th Dec 2014
  • 5,279 Views, 100 Comments

Twilight's foals. - Sugarcube66

Whilst walking home one day, Twilight finds two foals in a trashcan.

  • ...

Back at the castle.

As the sun was setting just below the glistering sunset, Nyx walked along the dusty streets of Ponyville with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They had been out crusading, and she was now heading home, riding on the cart with her friends as they were being pulled by Scootaloo. She smiled, but then she noticed that the door was shut. Normally when her mother was in, the door was left open for anypony looking for a book.

She blinked as she walked towards the crystallized door. She became confused, before turning around to the group, smiling and waving goodbye to them. Scootaloo then scooted off, with Applebloom and Sweetie bell bracing themselves in the cart, awaiting for Scootaloo to do one of her stunt.

''Mommy? Spike? You home?'' Nyx called out, slightly intrigued by the opened door earlier.

She frowned with worry when no reply came. She trotted forward into the main room, which was actually throne room. The 6 crystal thrones gleamed as she walked in, next to her mother's throne was two much smaller thrones for Spike and Nyx. Nyx's throne, obviously, had her cutie mark sketched into it. She grew used to being called a princess, but it still irked her a little when pony like Diamond Tiara reminded her.

She signed, and walked to the side of the room, where a long table stood attached to the wall. She tapped her horn, ever since Princess Luna had taken the magic which was originally hers, Nyx's magic had gotten harder to use. Her dark horn eventually was wrapped in the turquoise light, along with the dark teal headband which was slowly removed from behind Nyx's horn, leaving the young alicorn's purple hair to flow down.

After the magic drifted the headband onto the table, Nyx focused her magic to slowly removing the vest; which now had personalized holes in the top for her pegasus wings to slot through. The vest took some doing to remove, but after one minute, the thing was finally off and onto the table. She knew that wearing her old vest and head band seemed silly for some reason, but for her it reminded her of the days before her reincarnation as Nightmare Moon.

The young filly signed, but before she walked into the third door to the left of the main door; which lead to the library, she took notice of a picture. It was of Twilight, her with her vest and headband on. Owlowiscious; who was on Twilight's back. Spike; who was glaring at the owl and Peewee; who was perched on Spike's ear. It draw a smile to her young face. She turned around, and walked into the library. She looked at the square shaped room, which had bookshelf on bookshelf going all around, there was even a bookshelf above the door frame and they were all crystallized. All those books brought a smile onto Nyx face, as it reminded her of when Twilight was reading her stories. Once again, all of this was before her resurrection as Nightmare Moon. She then took notice of Spike, who was putting various books in their right places, on his ladder.

She giggled a bit, and walked over to one of the shelf; which was marked 'N'. She smiled, and walked to the end of the shelf. She began pushing the books aside to look at the titles, until she saw a rather small, blueish book with a dark mare illustrated on to it. The books name was 'Nyx of the Night'; one of her favorites and where her name originated from. She smiled softly, and with a bit of effort; she forced her horn to glow to pick the small book up so she could carry it to her bedroom. Her room was up the long trail of stairs, and next to her mother's room. It was a dark violet door; one of her two favorite colors, the other being teal. And imprinted on a teal piece of wood, was her name in bold.

She used her small, black coated hoof to push open the door, to greet the sight before her. Her room had been painted teal, whilst her windows were a lighter teal, much like the 'whites' of her eyes. Her bed was circular and had a veil hanging down. The veil was turquoise like her eyes, just a couple of shades darker; while the blanket on the large, yet filly sized bed, were a light violet whilst the pillows were a dark violet. In all it was a beautiful, and peaceful sight; just what she needed to read.

She walked up to the bed, still carrying her book in her aura of magic. She had to have a small ladder at the base of the bed, just to be able to climb up, but being a princess involved this kind stuff, right? She climbed up the violet ladder, and across the soft bed until she reached her pillows. She laid her head on the pillows, and the book levitated next to her; just before the aura faded from it.

After a few hours of reading, someone knocked on Nyx's door. She looked at the door with a thoughtful expression, hoping to be Twilight, and told whoever it was to come in. To Nyx's surprise, it wasn't Twilight but Spike, and he looked worried, if his fidgeting was anything to go by.

''Spike! Why do you look worried?'' She asked, wondering what could worry Spike so much.

''Twilight isn't home, and it's past 10. Normally, she would be back by now, and she didn't tell me where she went? Normally she does, do you think somepony kidnapped her?'' Spike asked, remembering what happened the last time somepony kidnapped Twilight.

''You sure you don't have any clue about mom's where about?'' said Nyx, looking equally worried now, but totally dismissed Spike worry about being kidnapped.

''No, she left without a word earlier while you were at school,, but she never returned.'' Mumbled the baby dragon, as he looked to the floor, shaking from worry.

Nyx laid there, thinking for some time. How could they contact her mom, but not leave the safety of the castle. She then remembered about how Twilight used to send letters to Princess Celestia, and decided that it was worth a shot. ''Spike, why not send her a letter?''

Spike looked confused, before breaking into smile. He had totally forgotten about his letter-sending flames; after all he didn't have to use them anymore, considering Twilight was a princess and didn't need to send friendship letters to the princess. ''Yeah, we could. It's a good thing that my fire doesn't search for location but the being of who I'm sending it too.''

Nyx giggled, and hopped off her bed, and then walked over to her desk, which was as black as the night, it even had stars scattering around it. She grabbed a scroll and a quill, with a touch of magic; she began writing the letter.

Dear, mommy.

I'm writing to ask where are you; why are you so late coming home. Both me and Spike are pretty worried about where you are. I just hope you can come home soon; but if you can't then it's fine. I'm sure Spike can look after himself and me.

Your daughter, Nyx Sparkle.

She toss the letter to Spike; who scanned through the wording. He smile at Nyx's developing writing skill, before breathing fire over the letter. Instead of burning it like normal fire should have done, it turned to dust and flew out of the window; like it did back when Twilight was a unicorn. Nyx watched as the dust flew out, smiling at the prospect that she and Spike would soon know where Twilight is.

''Don't get your hopes up, Nyx. Twilight may take some time to reply.'' He said, as he went to sit on the couch in front of the bed, with a little spring in his step.

Nyx nodded, as spike walked towards the couch. Spike then gasped, as he was forced to jump into the air and breath out a cluster of green flames; which resulted in a scroll appearing. Nyx laughed, and the dragon frowned, he really hadn't expected Twilight to reply so quickly. But with no hesitation he picked up the letter, and began reading out loud.

To, Nyx and Spike.

I'm sorry, but I cannot come home yet. But if you would like to, you can come to the hospital...

Nyx gasped in shock, learning that Twilight was in the hospital! Spike signed, and walked up to the shocked filly, and put his claws on her shoulder and smiled. ''Calm down, I haven't finished yet.'' He said with a little smile on his face, in an attempt to reassure Nyx.

Nyx nodded, and with that, Spike continued reading out the letter from his sister/mother.

Now, Nyx. Do not get worried, for I'm not hurt or anything. But I have a surprise, if you could call that a surprise, to show you and Spike. So please, try and come to the hospital, even if you can't tonight, come tomorrow I will be waiting for you.

With love, Twilight.

Nyx blinked in confusion. Her mother had something to show her and Spike, what could it be?

''So, ya wanna go to the hospital now or wait till tomorrow, Nyx?''

''Can we go there now, please?'' Asked Nyx politely as she looked at Spike with big puppy eyes.

Spike sigh, he knew that she would use that on him, but none the less agreed with her. ''If that's what you want. I just wonder what Twilight wants to show us though.''

Nyx nodded, and the pair walked out the room; down the stairs and out of the crystal door at the front of the large crystallized castle. They then began walking down the road towards the hospital.

'What is it you wanna show us, mommy?' Thought Nyx to herself, as she walked along Spike's side.