• Published 8th Dec 2014
  • 5,279 Views, 100 Comments

Twilight's foals. - Sugarcube66

Whilst walking home one day, Twilight finds two foals in a trashcan.

  • ...


Nyx panted as she finally made it to the hospital, Spike running by her side. She almost collapsed as she wondered what the surprise that Twilight had mention was. What could it be? She slowly walked into the hospital, the darkness of the interior scaring her for a moment. She then realized that it was because it was late, most doctors and nurses had already left for the day and so the hospital wasn't very bright any more.

Spike looked at her for a moment then back at the blackness of the room. There wasn't a single trace of natural color, at least not at first, he was almost surprised to see a colored figure walked by them, red and white clashing against the black background. Upon realizing who it was, he decided to call out. ''Nurse Redheart!''

''Yes?'' mumbled Redheart, then she noticed and recognized Spike and Nyx. ''Oh. Hello, Nyx and Spike. I suppose your mother requested that you come. I do remember her saying something about you two coming. Oh, it doesn't matter. Come this way, please. Twilight is waiting for you two.''

Nyx glanced at Spike for a moment, before they both nodded. They followed Redheart through the dark corridor and towards a room, that only Spike recognized. He gasped a little and said, out-loud. ''The maternity ward. Why would Twilight be here?''

''..Um.....step back a sec, Spike. What's a 'maternity ward'?'' asked Nyx, causing Redheart and Spike to look at her strange.

''Nyx, a maternity ward is where pregnant mares have their foals. Sometimes, the foal is kept over night here too. That's why I'm confused, Twi isn't pregnant so it just doesn't make sense.''

''I see, that is strange.....''

Redheart smiled and said, in a calm voice. ''You'll find out soon enough why Twilight is in this ward.''

They walked into the maternity ward and sure enough, waiting there was Twilight. She wasn't on a bed, no she was resting on the floor next to a maternity crib. She looked at them, with a small smile that was clouded out by her tired and worry filled eyes. ''Hello, Nyx and Spike. I suppose you confused about all this.''

''We are, Twi. Can you tell us what's going on, and what the surprise is?'' asked Spike, as he walked forward. Nyx following shortly.

''Well....look in the crib, you'll see then.'' said Twilight, in a soft voice as she peered at the crib. ''Don't be loud, just quiet. You don't want to wake them.''

Nyx and Spike looked confused at that and glanced into the crib. They saw the two injured fillies, sleeping calmly despite being in obvious pain from their condition. The unicorn had a bandage around her horn, though blood still leaked through and the pegasus had bandages around her wings, which were from her wing surgery. Nyx and Spike were now shocked and stared at Twilight, but it was Spike who got the courage to speak first. ''Twilight, who are these foals?''

''Their a pair of foals that I found in a dustbin, half-dead. I've named them and I'm also planning on adopting them. As for their names, the unicorn is called Aura, the pegasus is called Dazzle. They both have disabilities, Dazzle, despite recently having wing surgery, may never fly nor will she ever see. Aura, she's physically mute and thanks to her horn injury, unless a spell is placed on her, she may never be able to use magic, properly. Same with her voice, though that one I'm already working on.''

''....So this is the surprise....'' mumbled Nyx, looking down at her two new sisters. ''...Mommy, are they twins?....They look like opposites of each other, Aura's pink eyes going to Dazzle's pink coat....and Dazzle's blue, blind eyes look like Aura's coat.......So I kinda thought they were related like that....''

''Well, Nyx. Without taking a DNA test, we are unable to recognize if their actually twins or simply left together, though I have paid the bits to find out. However, we're able to tell their ages. Both of them are 3 months of age. Unable to talk or walk and somepony was cruel enough to treat them like this.''

''Twilight, the DNA tester is ready. All I need now are blood samples, mind if I take them.'' asked Redheart, a doctor standing next to her.

''Sure, I would like to know if their related.....and who their parents are, because I will put them in jail for this. Mistreating foals to this level is just sick.'' said Twilight, with fury filling her eyes.

Redheart nodded and went to take the blood samples from the young foals. It was easy to get Aura's blood, because of the blood surrounding her wrapped up horn and it wasn't too much harder to get Dazzle's, because of the many scars that were still weeping blood. The conditions of the foals still got to her, as her eyes went misty.

Nyx looked up at Twilight, asking gently. ''Mommy, does the girls know about this yet?''

''No, they don't know. I'm planning on telling them as soon as the foals are released to me and we can't do that until we find out their parents, which should hopefully be soon.''

''...I see, so only me and Spike know so far.....When do you think they'll be released, once their parents are punished?''

''Hopefully, in two days time, Sweetie. It should be tomorrow when I can punish them so they should be released the day after. Though, that depends on how bad their condition gets.'' said Twilight, trying to be calm. She turned to Spike. ''Can you get some baby items for me, I'm going to need them. I already made a list for you.''

She handed him the stroll, containing the list of baby stuff that was necessary. Bottles, cribs and all that. Spike glanced at it and was surprised to not see baby formula or baby food on the list. ''Um, Twilight....where are the baby formula and baby food?''

Twilight blushed a little. ''Remember when I said they were only three months.....well, babies of that age can't hold down the baby formula and so they need....breast milk....''

Spike caught the word and blushed, before nodding. ''I see, I'll get the items. Be back soon.''

And with that, the embarrassed dragon was gone. Twilight and Nyx giggled a little, Nyx didn't know why as she didn't hear the words but it didn't matter to her. She looked at her sisters, hoping they would have a happy life when they were released to Twilight.

Comments ( 45 )

twilight should purify the parents with fire...lots of fire:pinkiecrazy:

While it probably was the foals own parents that did this and the primary suspect I think a bit more investigating is required to rule out any third party actors in this particular incident...

Let the parents be Blueblood and Diamond tiara. Think about it blueblood dumps the poor babies in ponyvilles trash bins to make authorities think the baby'sare from pponyville so he won't be a suspect.

6025068 That's actually a good idea, though no DT, she's still a filly like the CMC and Nyx. But Blueblood, hmm.. I was actually planning on using OC's but that works, I guess....

5450505 I know it's like 5 months old comment, but I just want you to know something. Not all orphanages are sympathetic, and even if they were, the orphans sure as hell won't give them a break. It's all about realizing that there's always 2 sides in everything.

6025195 you could use Trixie, coco pommel, or starlight glimmer

6025643 True, one thing Coco isn't evil.....and wouldn't give up a foal. I think I'll stick with Blueblood because then I can have a comedy scene with Rarity when she discovers that her best friend's adoptive twin daughters are the daughters of the WORSE Prince in the world.

6025691 ha rarity showed them the love and adoration that he wants as prince. Hey twilight can get him for child support, take his stipend as prince.

Please update soon.

Spikes like ' I gotta to get the f$&@ outta here'

Glad to see another chapter has been uploaded. Looking forward to reading more.

I'm enjoying the story so far. The usual number of grammer and/or spelling errors are there, that is to say they are negligable (if you ask me anyway). Do you have an estimate on when you will update, or are you working around a hectic scheduel, or something?

6271807 Well, I'm on my school holiday now so I may be able to get another chapter out soon. As for a estimated date, let's say the release date of Equestria Girls:Friendship games cause by then almost two months will have passed...

OK. Sounds good. Have a nice holiday.

6272162 Thanks. Hope u enjoy the summer

please finish your stories:pinkiecrazy:

do you continue this story soon? I ask because you already have many storys, and I suppose that you have many that are started, and not finished, I don´t want to be mean, I am really only looking for an adoption story that get updated on regular base.

6453866 I try and update it soon, but I have a very weak scheduled and 3 different websites that I upload stories on.....But as soon as I figure out where this story is going, the I'll update.

6453915 Well sorry again if that should sound mean, but you probably should not make to many storys, and if you have even more open storys than here, then it is no wonder that it takes that long.

However, for now it is enough for me to know that you are going to update it, since I don´t really know if you really work on everything at the same time.

6453935 *Giggles a little nervously* I have 50+ stories here.....about 10 on Fanfiction and then 2/3 on Wattpad....

6454042 Well I would say decide which to put on hiatous for a while, and focuse at least on half of them, I know more storys maybe help with writers block, but I think If you have to many options (to many storys), you can´t really focuse on one story, and maybe other storys start to get somehow worse, not sure about the last thing, but I somehow think that to many storys, make it probably even harde to make a good story.

Not sure how to say this, I can understand you a little bit, but I think that most people are just getting annoyed, and angry if they don´t get new chapters, at least if it is because of twenty new ones.

However, just think about it, it is not like I would have nothing to distract myself with, I just want to help a bit, and maybe try to have at least 2,000 words? I read really much, and I am used to a bit more.

6454132 Well, many of my earlier stories here are pretty much on hiatus as they haven't been updated in over 6+ months or maybe even a year but I don't know. One of my fanfiction stories are on hiatus, but another one of my stories there are the one that's getting all my attention....so these stories have suffered because of that. But I'll update these soon......I really want to finish most of my stories and update my oldest stories, that have already been finished.

Aura, she's physically mute and thanks to her horn injury

didn´t you said it would easily heal, and well why should that cause her to be mute?

Aura, she's physically mute and thanks to her horn injury, unless a spell is placed on her, she may never be able to use magic, properly. Same with her voice, though that one I'm already working on.''

I´m really sorry, but I´m not sure if that makes sense for me. Last chapter it wasn´t a problem.

I am still going to read it, since it isn´t really bad, but that is what I think I noticed, and what should be changed.

6457538 Peewee is the phoenix that Spike adopted in Dragon Quest....

6457557 ...Hmm...yeah.....might need to change that.

.... why do I feel like the mother is a teenager? Maybe I just read that book again...

:facehoof: Well, At least you credited Nyx this time. also note how this is a boring story idea. the description alone sums this up, the reader doesn't need (or want) to learn anything more from this situation. can you branch past your OCs getting adopted? It's becoming ridiculously tiring to read.

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....................is this story ummm.... Dead. As it seems to be.:twilightsheepish:

6807985 Nope just on Hiatus...might as well change the sign.

6810098 The completed/uncompleted/hiatus/canceled sigh.

The grammar, punctuation and spelling in this is terrible. I couldn't carry on reading because it's so bad.

7121886 Still on Hiatus...until further notice as I need to focus on the stories I have now. Which is about completing rewrites, finishing stories and this, having 3 chapters, is gonna be one of the last ones done and I still don't even know where I'm gonna start.

7122474 you will still continue it right cause I like this story I'm curios how the two foals end up.

7535266 I will when I get the motivation again.

I would like to have a new chapter please.

i really enjoyed the story so far . i hope u continue it in the furture

I would like another chapter please

Hope this fic will someday be completed. I like it so far.

i would so love more to this as it is really good so far

More good

I like where this story is going and wo9uld love to see an update

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