• Published 9th Dec 2014
  • 4,546 Views, 664 Comments

Old Scars, New Chances - Arcticbrony

Ethan Summers is a Pokémon caretaker that has been hiding from the law for several years. But when Arceus sent them to a new world, he finds himself teamed up with an unusual and unwanted partner. And running away from his problems is not an option

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Chapter 41

Things were going well in Neighagra Falls. With the appearance of another completely new race, business was blooming in the small town. Ponies from far away were coming to see the sights, and a lot of Pokémon were too. It seemed that a majority of them had integrated themselves in record time. There were a few incidents and problems every now and again, but what can you expect when you introduce a completely new species to the mix.

But not everypony were sharing in the happiness that seemed to flow around town those days.

Protocol was an important pony to the community; he was the captain of the local police force, after all. And so ponies looked to him to solve a lot… most of the problems that occurred. They lived in a tourist town, and so they attracted a fair amount of thieves and scoundrels. Though most of them were of the petty sort, just small shoplifting and the like. Nothing serious at all. True, there had been a few major incidents… but those were few and far between. But after the Pokémon had just magically appeared… well, things had not been so steady.

Protocol prided himself in his work. He kept Neighagra Falls clean, or at least he had. Things… had sort of been going downhill lately. He had always known what to do, he knew how to deal with ponies, knew what made them tick. Then another element was added into the mix, and suddenly, Protocol found himself with barely a clue at what he was supposed to do. He had tried to hold everything together, to try to keep things running smoothly… and even with the help that they had gotten, more than a few things had gone wrong...

To most outside ponies, Protocol was a tough pony, and it seemed that nothing ever budged his iron resolve. Though… for the last few days, things had been hard for Protocol, harder than the last few weeks at least.

What had happened to Olivia… he had taken that quite hard. When she had disappeared in the first place, and even harder when she had been found unconscious at the outside of the town.

Everypony deals with grief and problems in their own way… and Protocol, true to himself, had drowned himself in his work. Day and night through, he was burning himself up, determined to find Jenny, and to find whoever harmed Olivia. The evidence was minimal, but he was as convinced as he could be. There was somepony to blame for what had happened to her… and he would find them.

As for his suspects… he only had theories to go on, no concrete evidence. But his gut told him that Ethan, despite all of the assistance he had provided, knew more than he was letting on. When you have been working as a cop for as long as Protocol had, well, you learned to trust your gut. So he would keep his eyes on that Lopunny in the future.

And while he still had a steel resolve, it had wavered slightly when he had gone to visit Olivia after she had woken up… after he had spoken to Ethan outside of that hospital. His friend was still there… she was going to live, and he was ecstatic about that, even if he did not show it. She was there… but she was gone at the same time.

He was honestly not sure where he was supposed to start again. How they were supposed to start anew. New beginnings were… they were tough, he had experience in that department.

Luckily, Mary Care had seen it fit to help him, to help them along their way to a new start. And it was because of this, that they all found themselves in the hospital the next day. He had spoken a little to Olivia the evening before, but not much had happened. No, he had been afraid to say too much. So, Mary had suggested that they instead take Olivia out for a walk, get some fresh air. Spend some proper time with her outside of those creepy hospital walls… her words, not his.

But, it seemed like it could be a good idea. The hospital staff, Olivia's doctor in specific, thought that she was not ready to go out just yet. She was strong enough physically but he still feared that it was too early for her.

Not that it was too hard to persuade him. Not that many ponies are able to stand up to Protocol once he has set his mind on something. Or, it is more like, they just know that resisting will be pointless anyway. That and he had reassured the doctor that he would be there every step of the way to make sure that nothing happened to Olivia… or to make sure that she did not try to do something stupid.

Olivia herself, had actually been rather calm about the whole idea. He had thought that maybe she would protest, or try to avoid going out… but when Mary had suggested the idea in front of her, she had accepted it gladly. Perhaps she was just sick of the hospital, perhaps something else…

Either way, they got her out of the hospital and were finally going to spend some much needed quality time with her.

“Woah...” A small gasp escaped Olivia's lips as they left the hospital. From the hospital one could see the majority of the town, along with the top of the humongous waterfall in the distance, the trees covered up the bottom half of of it. Olivia did have a window in her hospital room, but it was facing the forest, so she had never truly seen this sight before… well, the “new” her hadn't at least.

Mary Care and Protocol stood on each of her sides as she took in the sights. A single tear appeared and rolled down the Pokémon Rangers eye. “So… it really is real.”

“It sure is, sweetie.” Mary laid a comforting hoof on Olivia's shoulder as she struggled to come to a proper realization with it all.

“And you don't have to face it alone.” Protocol stood proudly at her other side. “We will be there with you, every step of the way.” To anypony other than Mary would have looked at Protocol like he had just grown another head when he spoke such words. But Mary had known him longer than most, and she knew very well that, under his steel exterior, that he had a soft side to him. He just did not show it that often.

“T-thank you… I guess.” Olivia spoke softly, still seeming a little unsure about everything. “So, what now?” She asked.

“Well…” Mary Care smirked as she brought a hoof up to her chin. “We were told that we should not count on your memories returning, well, not the majority of them at least.” Her words seemed to sadden Olivia who looked down at the ground. “N-not that there is anything wrong with that.” Mary hurried to fix what she had caused. “It just means that we have to create some new memories for you instead.” Olivia still seemed a little unsure, despite Mary's words, but she now wore a small smile at the very least.

“And you would be willing to do that for me?” The Manectric looked between Mary and Protocol who were both smiling at her, though in their own different way. Protocol just had a small comforting smile, while Mary had a full blown grin. “I don't even know if I have a place to stay… I don't have a home anymore.”

“Nonsense.” Protocol stepped up. “You stayed with me before this whole incident happened, and you can continue to do so for as long as you need.”

His words seemed to strike a chord within Olivia who just stood there, looking silently at Protocol.

“That's what friends do for eachother.” Mary agreed with a small cheer. “Now come along, I was thinking that we could start with a small lunch.”

“Y-yeah.” Oliva agreed with a nod of her own, the smile on her face, growing slowly, but surely.

Her body was still a little weak from what it had gone through, and she faltered in her step more than a few times, but Mary and Protocol was there to catch and support her every step of the way.

The three of them soon found themselves at Mignon's restaurant. He usually did not open his business until a little later during the day, but he too was friends with Mary and Protocol, so he made an exception for them.

“And there we go.” The pony chef happily exclaimed as he finished putting down the plates for everyone.

“Oh, this looks simply heavenly, just as always.” Mary complimented him on his food.

“Glad to hear it. Now, if you need anything else, just holler.” And with a small bow, Mignon soon escaped back into the kitchen to continue preparing for the day he had ahead of him, leaving his guests, alone for the moment.

“Oh, I will never tire of his cooking.” Mary nearly moaned as she took a large bite of the sandwich she had ordered.

“Indeed.” Protocol agreed, while silently munching on his own little salad.

Olivia on the other hand, just sat there, looking at the two ponies who were happily indulging in the food before them. In truth, she was a little hungry, and the food she had gotten looked rather inviting. But she had so many other questions on her mind too.

“We are… were friends, right?” She asked, causing Mary and Protocol to pause and look up at her.

“Of course.” Mary immediately jumped to her response while Protocol nodded.

“Certainly.” He agreed. “You were our friend before all of this, and you still are.”

“Then, who are you?” Olivia asked. “I know your names, but not really what you do, or how we even met and became friends in the first place.”

“Well, I am a veterinarian.” Mary stated proudly as she put a hoof to her chest. “As for how we got to know each other… well, that was through Protocol here.” Both sets of eyes went over to the police pony. “You two were really close, and I was already friends with this old grumpy pony, so I just sort of automatically became acquainted with you because of that.” If Protocol had taken any offence to being called an old grumpy pony, then he did not show it. “You spend most of your time with him, working with him.” Mary told her.

“Working with what?” Olivia inquired.

“Police work.” The old grumpy pony stated. “You told me about your past as a Pokémon Ranger, after that, you sort of just made a place for yourself at the police station. I tried to make you leave, but you simply refused, claiming that you could be of help… and you were.” A ghost of a smile could be seen gracing his features as he spoke. “You were a great help at the station, and we got to know each other through that, not like I had a choice, since you refused to leave. In the beginning, you slept at the station, but I could not let that stand. After that, you stayed with me… And now, here we are.” Protocol let out a long sigh while slowly shaking his head. “And before you ask, no, your partner is not here. You looked for him, but you never found him, not yet at least.”

“I… see.” It was not exactly what Olivia had wanted to hear, at least not that last part. But it was something, and while she still had a lot of questions to ask, somehow, the two ponies in front of her did not seem like strangers to her anymore. There was a bond there, she could feel it. “Thank you for taking me out of the hospital for a small break.” She leaned back in her seat and took a long, deep breath. “It feels nice, and I started to hate that hospital smell.” That caused a small laugh to be shared between the three of them.

“I don't think anyone actually likes those hospital rooms.” Mary laughed. “They are too boring, and as you said. That sterile smell gets to you after a while.”

“But even so, you have to stay there for a little while longer. You are still weak from what you have gone through.” Protocol stated, killing the mood somewhat.

“Yeah, about that…” Olivia seemed a little unsure, both in her voice and her body language. “I… I took Heaven's Glow, right?” It was a subject that all of them had avoided, and had been afraid to touch. But Olivia deserved to get all her questions answered, so Mary and Protocol nodded accordingly. “Yeah, that's what the doctors and that Lopunny told me too.” Protocol remembered that scene after he had encountered Ethan leaving the hospital. Olivia's sleeping form, the electric burns on the walls and roof, and the fresh tears that were staining her fur. There had been a struggle in that room, and he had not been there to support her. And while Ethan had said that he only meant well, and he had not done anything to go against those words either, he just had a gut feeling that there was something wrong about Ethan. Something that made Protocol want to keep his eyes on him.

“I never thought that I would go to such lengths.” Olivia coughed as a weak laugh traveled up her throat. “The evidence is there, so I can't deny that I did so it… I just wish I would remember why.”

“The why does not matter, sweetie.” Mary was quick to jump to her comfort. “What is important, is that you are going to be okay now. You can put that part of your life behind you.” He has nothing more than his gut feeling, but Protocol had not gotten so far by ignoring one of the most important feelings to a cop, by ignoring his instincts.

“That is if it really was you that did it.” That made both Olivia's and Mary's heads shoot up and look straight at him. “Hard to leave something in your past, if somepony else were responsible for it.” And while Olivia was just left there speechless, Mary groaned and face hoofed.

“Not another one of your theories.” Mary shook her head before jabbing one of her hooves straight at him. “The poor girl has been through so much, why can't you just let the past remain in the past?!” Olivia wanted to speak, but things were heating up between Protocol and Mary, causing her to shy back.

“Because I am a cop!” Protocol retorted, both of them were raising their voices. “My job is to drag things out from the shadows of the past, kicking and screaming if necessary.” Luckily, the restaurant was empty and Mignon knew better than to interrupt the veterinarian and police pony when they got into one of their “moods”. “It's not pretty, it's not clean. But it needs to be done. The truth needs and deserves to be found.”

“Hey!” Olivia called out from the top of her lungs, stopping Mary and Protocol in their tracks as they were practically at eachothers throats. “Um… y-you said something about, me not doing it?” It has been hard to catch exactly what had been said, but Olivia was sure that she had heard just that. “You don't think that I was the one who… you think someone else drugged me!?” Now that things had quieted down again, her mind were finally allowed to start back up and process this new information.

“That is exactly what I believe happened.” Protocol said, much to Olivia's joy. She had been absolutely devastated first when she had heard about what she had done to herself, almost killing herself in the process.

“But!” Mary cut in. “Do you have any proof of this?” All heard turned to the police pony who was practically squirming in his seat. Mary knew him too well.

“Not yet.” And just like that, most of the hope that Olivia had gained, rushed straight back out of her. “But there is only a matter of time before I do find something.” But a sliver of that hope still remained. She did not know this person, this pony. But they had been friends–were still, in his eyes. And he believed in her… it was not much, but for the moment, it was enough.

“You can't keep doing this.” Mary Care sighed. “It’s great that you care and all but…” She was fully prepared to unleash another small argument on Protocol, but paused as she glanced over to Olivia, and found her misty-eyed.

“T-thank you.” Olivia prided herself for being a tough girl, she did her job and she did it well. But even she had her limits. “For believing in me.” She tried to hold the tears back, and kept trying to wipe them away with her paws, though they just kept coming. “I don't know if I was the one who took the drugs or not… maybe it does not even matter. Just… thank you for being the first ones, that actually believe in me.” It had been tough, more so than she would ever admit. The doctors, telling her what she had done. The evidence being presented to her, those shrinks asking her why and trying to help her remember. All of them, every single one of them had said that she had been the one who did it, even though she knew that she would normally never touch such a illegal substance. She had seen it ruining too many lives to even consider such a thing. But when so many of them ganged up on her with such ideas… she had started to believe it herself. But now, there was hope again.

Her partner was usually the one who she sought to for comfort when things were bad. A ranger and her partner had a incredibly close relationship after all. She would always be there for him, and he for her. So it was an alien feeling when instead of his usual warmth, she felt a pair of hooves wrap around her instead, and another pair quickly joined them.

“Of course we believe in you sweetie.” Mary said as she hugged Olivia. “We are your friends.”

“Something as simple as a case of memory loss is not enough to get rid of us.” Protocol chimed in. “You may stop believing in yourself, but that's what a friend’s job is. To believe in you, even when you don't.” His words really struck home, and Olivia buried her face under her paws as her tears continued to flow.

“Aww, finally showing some feelings?” Mary poked Protocol who glared back.

“Ruin this moment and I will throw you in jail for disturbing the peace.” But even though she was still crying, Olivia could not stop her smile from growing. She was happy, she truly was.

After the lunch, Mary had suggested that they went home to one of them. And while he had agreed, Protocol had said that he needed to take care of a little something and that he would meet up with them at Mary's house.

That meant that Mary found herself alone with Olivia as they walked through the town. It was the opportunity that she had needed.

“He really cares about you, you know.” Mary started, catching Olivia's attention. “He does not open up to many ponies, nor does he trust that easily.”

“He reminds me of my old captain, in a way.” Olivia thought back to her old days, back on Earth while she was still a ranger in training. “Just a little softer.” That made Mary sputter as she held back her laughter.

“S-softer?” She giggled. “That must have been some captain.”

“He really was.” Olivia smiled and Mary shared in the gesture. “And… I can tell that he really cares, that we used to be,” she paused, as the next word brought out a few painful memories, “friends. But I don't know him. I don't know what to do.” She hung her head, causing Mary to go up to her side and give her a light nudge.

“I can't answer that for you.” Mary answered her. “You could decide to cut us off if you want to… but after what I have seen today. I don't think that you will. I think you feel some of what used to be, even if you can't remember it.”

“Maybe...” She thought back, and realized that Mary might have been right. When they were together, when they shared a laugh. There was this, warmth inside of her that just made her… happy.

“There is something that I need to tell you, to ask of you though.” It had been something Mary had wanted to bring up for a while, but couldn't while Protocol was still there. “It's about Protocol.”

“What about him?”

“It's about the thing that he brought up, about how he thinks, hopes that someone drugged you, instead of the possibility that you did it yourself.” It hurt Mary so much to bring that up again, especially when she remembered how happy Olivia had been that somepony believed in her.

“W-what do you mean?” Olivia asked, already becoming a little unsure about the topic.

“I… don't get me wrong. I want to believe in his theory too… and I chose to.” She smiled at Olivia. “You are both my friends, it would not be right for me to believe in anything else.” At least those words had seemed to calm Olivia down a little bit. “But you have to understand… Protocol does not have that many friends. And he will do anything to protect those few that he has let into his heart.” She should have seen the signs earlier, but she had just managed to put all the puzzle pieces together earlier that day. “Combine that with the fact that he he basically married to his job and, well… He is working himself to death trying to find the pony, person or Pokémon that did this to you.” It all made sense. She had seen how Protocol's health had deteriorated. How he had seemed tired, nearly all the time, and she had caught him sleeping at random and unusual places because his body simply could not take it anymore.

At first she had just put that to him worrying for her, and that it had been his way to cope. But this made much more sense. She knew him too well to consider any other possibility now.

“I… can you please talk to him?” Mary pleaded. She wanted whoever did this injustice to Olivia to be caught, of course. But she could not just silently stand by as Protocol did such a thing to himself.

“...” Olivia just stared at her, her gleaming red eyes boring into Mary. She wanted to be angry. She was the one who had lost her memory, she was the one who had been thrown into a new world, away from everyone she had ever known. And she dared to ask her to tell Protocol to calm down, to not take the search for whoever did this to her so seriously?

But then again, Mary and Protocol had both done so much for her, things they really did not have to do. If that was not proof of their bond, their friendship, then she did not know what would be. “I’ll talk to him.” She said, reluctantly tearing her eyes away from Mary and focusing on the road once more.

“That is all that I ask.” Mary smiled and let out a breath she did not even know she had been holding. “Now come along, I'll show you my house.” She cheered on as she took the lead, prancing down the street with a extra skip in her step, causing ponies and Pokémon alike to turn their heads after her and her lightning-shaped follower.

“-And that's how I met that grumpy old police pony for the first time.” Mary could barely finish before she and Olivia bursted out, into laughter.

They had arrived back at Mary's house, and while they were waiting for the Protocol, Mary had suggested that they tell stories. She opting to tell stories about the one they were waiting for, while Olivia told her a few tales from her job as a Pokémon Ranger.

“That can't have been the same pony that I met today.” Olivia croaked out once her laughter had died down enough so she be understood. “He used to be like that?”

“Like you would not believe.” Mary giggled while sipping on her cup of tea. Vernus had taught her a delightful new tea recipe that included Sitrus and Leppa berries. It was very sweet in its taste, so she quite enjoyed it. And to her enjoyment, it seemed like Olivia did the same.

“I just can't picture him like that… guess that goes to show you that we all can change.”

“Oh, it certainly-” they were interrupted by a sharp knocking, “I guess that is him there, finally showing up. I have told him that he does not have to knock, that he can just come inside when he wants to. But he never does.” She sighed and shook her head before getting up from her chair to go and let their friend in.

It did not take long before she returned with Protocol in tow.

“I apologize. It took a little longer than I had anticipated.” He apologized with a bowed head before taking a seat next on the couch, next to Olivia.

“And what was it that was taking so long?” Mary teased him, even though she knew that now was probably not the best idea. She could see the exhaustion in his eyes. His mane and fur was close to perfect, though with Protocol it always was, so that did not surprise her.

“Something that's none of your business.” He calmly replied while leaning back into the soft fabric, and a few cracks from his joints could be heard. “Damn,” he groaned to himself, “I'm not as young as I used to be.”

“It was about me, wasn't it?” Olivia cut straight to the chase, shocking everypony in the room. Mary had been the one who had suggested it, yes, but she had thought that Olivia would give it a little thought first at the very least. “About the one you think did this to me.”

“...” Protocol was by no means a stupid pony, and he could see the way that Mary Care moved, how she leaned away from him and towards Olivia. Not to mention how her eyes flashed between the two of them. He could put two and two together perfectly fine. “Have you been listening to Mary babble? I can assure you that everything is fine and-” But the police pony was cut off as Olivia jumped down and onto the ground.

“No, you listen to me!” She shouted. “The me that I am now, might have just known you for a few days… but you, both of you say that we were friends back… back before all of this happened. But friends do not lie to each other, and you are most certainly not fine!” She jabbed a paw straight at his chest, forcing him back into the sofa. “I worked as a Pokémon Ranger for many years. And I know very well what it looks like when someone takes one of their cases to seriously, when they work themselves to the bone and more. I can see it in your eyes… they have lost their spark.”

She had seen it before, more than that, she had experienced it for herself before. Had it not been for her partner, dragging her back home and forcing her to stop… well, she was not sure what would have happened.

“I get you, believe me, I do.” She snorted. “No one should want to catch the son of a bitch that did this to me more than me… but you can't let it consume you.” Her voice was quieting down, just as her temper was softening. “It will eat you up from the inside… and what about your other cases? Will you let them suffer?”

“What do you expect me to do!?” Protocol was not one to just sit and take it though, and he jumped down and confronted Olivia, face to face. “Just stop it? This is not an official investigation, it never will be with the amount of evidence that I have. If I don't do something, then who will?” Protocol all but shouted, his emotions was in a complete turmoil, and it was such a strange feeling to him. he used to keep them on such short leashes, but there they were, bouncing all over the place inside of him.

But, that turmoil positively melted away as he felt a pair of paws wrap around him, and fuzzy neck nuzzle his.

“Mary told me how much you ponies like to hug.” Olivia smiled while continuing to gently nuzzle him like Mary had shown her earlier. It was such a strange gesture, but, it felt right too. “I am not asking you to stop, though.” She said, leaning away. “I want this bastard brought to justice… but take a few steps back. You don't have to let this burn you up, you don't have to work on this non stop… and you don't have to do it alone.”

Protocol was stunned, he truly did not know what to say in that moment. And it was only when he felt a weak punch in his shoulder that he snapped out of it.

“She is right, you know,” Mary's voice cut in. “We all want this individual to face justice, so we will do it together.”

She was right–they were right. They were friends after all, and friends stuck together. That's what his years in Neighagra Falls had taught him. What his time in Equestria had taught him.

“As long as you think you can keep up with me.” He spoke, just to receive another punch from Mary, a harder one this time though. “Sorry, sorry.” He laughed for a few moments before his smile disappeared. “I… I was just so angry. That something like this had happened to you, that somepony could have done this to you… I let my emotions get the better of me, and you were right, Olivia. I did lie to you, to the both of you… and for that I am truly sorry.” His head was almost touching the ground as he spoke in a low bow.

“We all make mistakes… it's okay.” Olivia smiled, not just with her mouth, but with her whole body. Her happiness was positively radiating off her. It seemed like everything was going to be fine.

“Yeah, we forgive you, you old coot.” Mary simply could not help herself.

“No more lies from now on, though.” Protocol said as he raised his head back up, his eyes soft, yet determined. “Olivia… I once showed you this before, as a sign of trust and friendship. And I will now do it again… no more secrets or lies.” Olivia just looked in confusion as Protocol began to step back and Mary grabbed her with a hoof and pulled her in. Her grin stretching from ear to ear.

“Oh, this is going to be good… just… try not to scream like you did the last time.”

“What do you mean? Whats going on?” She asked, but to no avail. Her eyes were darting between Mary and Protocol, searching for answers, though, it seemed like she would get her answers soon.

After a few steps back Protocol stopped.

“You were surprised the last time, and that is understandable.” He told her. “Just remember, that I am still me.” And with that, Olivia had to shield her eyes as brilliantly bright green flame consumed Protocol. She wanted to scream out and rush to him, to put the flames out, but Mary had held her tight and firmly in place.

They were flames like she had never seen, more so, she could not feel any heat coming from them. And just as soon as they came, they disappeared.

She had thought she were surprised before, but that was nothing compared to what she felt now.

Gone was the pony she had known to be Protocol. And in his place, now stood a creature that she had no idea what was.

It vaguely resembled a pony, though only in its vaguest forms. Gone were the fur, replaced by a shiny, black carapace. The horn was still there, but two insect-like wings had sprouted from the back. But what was most different was the eyes. They were huge like a pony's eyes, but they held no pupils, just a soft blue color.

“P-protocol?” If she did not know any better, she would have guessed that what was in front of her was some sort of bug type.

“Yes, it’s me.” He spoke, and she could see a pair of fangs in his mouth. “I'm still Protocol… though, I was never a pony. I am what is known as a changeling.”