• Published 9th Dec 2014
  • 4,546 Views, 664 Comments

Old Scars, New Chances - Arcticbrony

Ethan Summers is a Pokémon caretaker that has been hiding from the law for several years. But when Arceus sent them to a new world, he finds himself teamed up with an unusual and unwanted partner. And running away from his problems is not an option

  • ...

Chapter 48 (Crossover)

Author's Note:

Second chapter of the Aus Crossover.

I hope all of you enjoyed this^^ It was certanly a blast to write.

It was early morning in the warehouse. Most of the inhabitants were softly asleep, though a few of them had begun to wake up. Two of those were Zoey and Ethan, who were already beginning on some of the work that they needed to do that day.

That was until a knock could be heard from their front door.

“Are we expecting anyone today?” Zoey asked. It wasn’t too often that they had visitors, especially at this time of day.

“Not that I'm aware of… I'm coming!” Ethan shouted, also waking up a few more individuals with his voice. As he opened the door though, he found himself facing a rather large individual. “Hello, can I help… you?” He asked, his gaze slowly moving upwards to look at the Meganium before him.

A gaze that was returned in the form of a fierce glare. Ethan soon found that his paws no longer touched the ground as a pair of sturdy vines held him up at her eye level.

“Where. Is my. Daughter!?” she demanded, that last word coming out as cold as Articuno’s breath.

Ethan slowly blinked and tugged at the vines that held him still, quickly figuring out that they did not budge at all. “I'm… sorry?” His words came out slow and steady. “I feel like I don’t have the whole picture here… who might you be?” He asked. He had been in a lot of strange situations with angry Pokémon, so it was nothing new to him. Though it was certainly an interesting way to start the morning.

“A mother who’s about to find out what Lopunny tastes like if she doesn’t get her daughter back whole and hearty,” the Meganium said through a clenched jaw. “A young Braixen, likes magic. Ring any bells? Or do I have to ring yours personally?”

“Ah, you mean Becky.” Realization dawned upon Ethan's face. “Yeah, she is inside, still sleeping I-”

“Ethan!” In the door opening now stood a very angry Zangoose, clad in a purple sweater and claws at the ready.

“Oh, hey Zoey. You mind wakin-” And once again, Ethan found himself cut off. It was seemingly becoming a trend.

“You let him go this instant!” The Zangoose sneered at the newcomer. The Meganium turned her head and returned the glare full force.

“I will when my daughter is safe from this… this… miscreant!”

“Zoey, you stand down this… wait, miscreant?” Ethan gave her a confused look for a second before he shook his head. “Zoey, stand down!” Unlike his previous voice, this time he had some real power behind it, and the effect was immediate. The Zangoose flinched and took a few steps back while still keeping her eyes on the Meganium.

“B-but she attacked you!”

“It's just a misunderstanding. Now, can you go inside and wake Becky up? Tell her that her mother is here.” Zoey kept her eyes on her for a few more seconds before she gave in and went back inside. “So… you are Becky's mother?” Ethan asked as he returned his attention to the large Grass-type.

The Meganium was a little confused, her anger slowly bleeding out. Had she made some sort of mistake?

“Yes,” she eventually replied. “I am—” That was all she got out.

“MOMMY!” A red and orange blur tackled her at high speed, enough for her vines to release the Lopunny. He remained suspended in the air for a second before gravity reasserted its dominance.

“Ow…” Ethan groaned before he sat back up, smiling as he looked over at Becky who was hugging her mother with all that she had. “All things considered, that could have gone worse.” A smile grew on his face at witnessing their reunion.

“I finally found you,” her mother whispered as she recovered enough to return the enthusiastic embrace. “I finally found my children…”

Rebecca pulled back and blinked. “Wha… children? As in, plural?” Her eyes grew wider. “You found Seth!?”

“Yes, he’s in Canterlot, along with all his Pokémon,” the Meganium smiled. “He’s living with the most charming young mare, but we can discuss that later…” She rolled over and rose to her feet, which looked like it took effort. “I will never get used to this form,” she muttered as she got up. She walked over to Ethan and held out a vine to help him up.

“I believe I owe you my most sincere apologies,” she said. “I may have come to a particular conclusion and acted rashly upon it. I'm Kimberly Haleth, it's a pleasure to meet you.”

“Think nothing of it.” Ethan reassured her, accepting the vine from Kimberly who pulled him up. “I have had worse. You thought that your daughter was in danger; anyone would have done the same in your situation.”

“Thank you,” she smiled as Becky hopped onto her back. “So what happened, anyway?”

“Maybe we should go inside first,” Becky suggested. “Before Zoey rounds up more of their family to… help. And you don’t want Chii getting the wrong idea. Well, provided you can stop her arguing with Crowe long enough~”

“Yes, you are welcome to join us for breakfast if you want.” Ethan offered. “And I would not worry about Chii. She is practically harmless.”

“LET ME GO! I WILL END HER!” Roared a child-like voice from inside the warehouse.

“...More or less. But please, do come in.” Ethan offered once again, holding the door open for the two of them.

“Mmm, such a gentleman,” Kimberly smiled as she walked in. “A rare trait these days.”

“His boyfriend seems to think so too.~” Rebecca grinned widely, relishing the blush that appeared on the Lopunny’s face. Kim shared her daughter’s giggle as well.

Inside the warehouse there was… well… to call it chaos would be an understatement. It seemed like almost everyone had awoken while Ethan had been outside.

Pokémon of all kinds and sizes were running around everywhere, and the kitchen was in full storm. Several fire Pokémon were apparently handling the food that morning, and they were surprisingly coordinated with each other as they tossed food and plated between each other. And near the entrance, meeting them were a tall Mienshao who had a solid hold on a small Skitty that was trying to swear up a storm from the looks of it, though all of it was muted by the paw that was firmly held in front of her mouth.

“Hey!” And once again, Ethan raised his voice, it practically echoed through the warehouse and every mon stopped dead in their tracks. “We have guests and breakfast is almost ready, settle down, everyone.” And just like that, it was like a wave of calmness swept over the warehouse. “Heh, sorry about that.” Ethan apologised to Kimberly. “We don't have guests that often... I think it's exactly because we have guests that they are so worked up in the first place.”

“It’s quite alright,” she smiled as she watched the organised chaos. “I used to run an orphanage back on Earth, so this is all rather nostalgic, really.” She paused to rub the head of a small Poochyena. “Only, the kids here are a little more on the furry side.”

“Remember when Sethy tried to grow a beard?” Becky giggled. “That was hilarious.”

“Oh yes, your brother is much fluffier now,” the Meganium replied. “Such a cuddly Luxray.”

“I bet Elesa is loving that,” Becky wiggled her eyebrows. Kim shook her head and sighed.

“Unfortunately, they are just friends… that said, your brother has… settled down with some others instead.”

Becky blinked, then once again, her eyes widened. “Others? As in, plural, aka, more than one?”

Kimberly nodded as the Braixen just groaned as her face met the table.

“Sounds like you have quite a lot to talk to your brother about once you meet him again.” Ethan could not stop a small laugh from escaping at Becky's reaction. “But you wanted to know what had happened here, right?” Ethan asked, getting a small nod from the Meganium. “Well, your daughter has been staying here since yesterday, after she passed out.”

“Passed out? Yes, a pony I asked earlier mentioned something along those lines,” Kimberly looked at her daughter. “What on Earth happened, dear?”

“Nothing, just a little tired is all,” Rebecca replied, looking away.

Ethan kept his eyes on Becky for another moment before lightly shrugging.

“Well, anyway, we carried her back here and made sure that she was alright.” As they were talking the same Mienshao from before came over and joined them at their table. “How is Chii?”

“Sulking, but otherwise fine. She is hiding in her corner right now.” Brawly answered. “So, this is who Zoey was making such a fuss about… name’s Brawly.” He added with a nod towards Kimberly.

“I know that name…” she mused and Becky filled in the gap.

“He’s a Gym Leader for the Hoenn region,” the Braixen said. “Remember? You used to watch his surfing competitions on TV, because of all the sexy, half-naked men…”

“Gah! Rebecca!” The Meganium scolded her while trying to hide a blush.

“Don't sweat it.” Brawly just smiled. “You weren't the only one.” He said, nudging Ethan who suddenly wore a blush similar to Kimberly's.

“A-anyway, it looks like the food is ready.” Ethan stammered as a Chimchar hopped around the table, leaving a plate filled with roasted berries and other kinds of vegetables before speeding back to the kitchen.

“Oh my, this looks quite delicious,” Kimberly nodded before taking a bite and humming happily.

“I miss meat,” Becky pouted, but ate nonetheless. Berries seemed to taste a lot better now that she was a Pokémon. Crowe had entered the room, and was now staring at Chii in her corner, poking the cat with a wingtip.

Chii turned her head and seemed to mumble something at Crowe before returning to her sulking. Though, when the poking would not stop, it was not long before Chii got fed up and launched herself at Crowe, tackling him to the ground.

“It seems like those two are getting along well at least.” Ethan grinned as they watched the little spectacle unfold over in the corner.

“You have Crowe with you as well?” Kim asked Becky.

“Yeah, I woke up with him,” the Braixen answered as she watched the play-fighting. They were playing… right?

“So, Mr. Ethan was it?” Kimberly asked. “I believe I’ve heard that name before…”

“I would not be surprised.” Ethan just smiled as he finished a slice of an Oran Berry. “It's quite a common name over in Hoenn. I used to work as a Pokémon caretaker… so, not that much has changed since I came here.” He laughed and glanced back over at Chii and Crowe… who seemed to be intensifying their playing.

“A caretaker named Ethan… Ethan Summers, I believe,” the Meganium drew closer to him. “Now I know that name. It popped up in a newspaper some time ago.”

“Hmmm, ‘fraid you got the wrong guy.” Ethan continued smiling. “Name’s Ethan Smith, I worked at the Pokémon day care outside of Mauville City.” She was quite insistent, he would give her that.

“Hmm…” She started at him and then shrugged. “Well, fair enough, I suppose. Everyone makes mistakes after all, and most deserve a second chance at things.” She looked at Zoey and smiled. “I’m glad your Zangoose friend over there is doing better after what she went through.”

“She’s trying to be all enigmatic and mysterious,” Rebecca clarified. “But it was Seth who explained it. That someone who rescued abused Pokémon couldn’t be a bad person.”

“I’m truly sorry that you have me mistaken for somebody else.” Ethan repeated as he rubbed the back of his head. “But Zoey over there is doing much better yeah… she was simply a wreck when she showed up on our door one night. Most of the Pokémon that we treated and took care of were sent away or left on their own accord when they were healthy again… but some of them choose to stick around.”

“Family sticks together,” Kimberly nodded. “But fair enough, I’ll drop the topic.”

“Why must you and Seth do that?” Becky groaned. “That, ‘we’re talking about two things without talking about it’?”

“You’ll understand when you’re older… maybe,” Kim smirked and the Braixen just threw her paws up into the air and walked off to where Chii and Crowe are.

“Still, thank you for taking care of her,” the Meganium smiled. “Seems I owe you a favour now.”

“Oh, there is no need to take things that far.” Ethan insisted, while Brawly just watched the two of them with a smirk. “She needed help and we were in a position to help her. It's not like we could have just ignored her and done nothing.”

“Thunder Wave!” Small sparks of lightning flashed out from the corner where Chii and Crowe were… “playing.”

“It seems like Chii needs yet another timeout.” Brawly sighed as he got up and followed after Becky, leaving Ethan and Kimberly alone at the table.

“Whirlwind!” Crowe countered as he swept up the cat in a miniature tornado.

“Yup, just like old times,” Kim smiled. “The next train back to Canterlot won’t be for a while, but if you’d like us out of your hair, then we could leave…”

“Nonsense, our home is always open, and you are our guests. You are welcome to stay for as long as you want to.” Ethan said as they watched Becky and Brawly try to separate Chii whose fur had fluffed completely out from the wind and Crowe who had small weak sparks of electricity dancing over his feathers. “Besides, I think Becky and Crowe have been enjoying themselves here.”

“I’m glad,” Kimberly chuckled at the sight. “I was so worried that this… change would have affected her negatively. I admit, getting used to this form, this world? I may have cursed quite a bit. I don’t think I’ve said ‘darn’ so many times in one sentence.” She put a vine to her mouth and blushed. “Ah, sorry for that.”

“No need to apologise. But yeah… it certainly took some time to get used too.” Ethan nodded as he looked down at his paw. “As for your daughter, I think she is lucky that she had Crowe to help her through it. It's not something that someone should have to go through alone. I was lucky to have my family here with me, but I know of others who were not so… fortunate, and did not take the change that well either. ”

“Yes, well…” Kimberly wasn’t about to spill the beans on her own freakout. “Well, I’ve adjusted now. And this body has its own perks, I suppose. Reviving dead plants with your breath is a skill that has net me the funds I need to travel around.”

“That is certainly useful.” Ethan nodded. “And you mentioned the train to Canterlot, right? Well, we are heading there for ourselves later today, so we might end up on the same train.”

“Why did you stop it, I could have totally taken him!” Chii could be heard over in the corner, complaining while she was glaring daggers at Crowe.

“As if, Ratatta-breath! A paper bag could beat your fluffy, pink butt!” Crowe retorted as Becky held the bird back.

“Oh, that is it! Just let me go!” Chii shouted once again. “Let me take him! Let us fight!” She kept wriggling in Brawly's arms, desperately trying to get free. Though, to no avail. Brawly just rolled his eyes before giving Becky a amused look.

“Normally, I would have been all for that. But you got the contest coming up soon, you can't fight when that is so close.” Brawly's words seemed to calm the furious Skitty, at least slightly.

“I know… But I still want to teach that rude birdbrain a lesson.” Chii glared at Crowe for a few moments before sticking her tongue out at him.

“Crowe. That was mean. Now apologise or I won’t give you any sunflower seeds,” Becky said to him in a stern, motherly tone.

“W-What!? Why should I-?”

“Crooowweeee!” Did… did it just get colder in the room? Becky glared at the bird and Brawly could swear the Braixen was emanating a dark aura.

“Fine… m’sorry,” he muttered.

“No you are not.” Chii huffed as she jumped down to the ground. “I… I know that it was wrong to attack you, but I am not sorry, so I won't apologise.” She kept her glare on Crowe, though it has softened somewhat. “And neither should you, because that's just cowardly.”

“Fine! Then you get no apologies either!” Crowe squawked. Becky just shook her head and sighed.

“Geez, you two having a lover’s spat already? When’s the wedding?”

“Yeah.” Ethan sighed as the little quarrel continued. “I sort of told her about lying and how it is wrong… and she sort of took it literally like that… a little too literally. It will work itself out in the long run, though.” He just laughed as Chii huffed and turned her back on Crowe and Becky from her remark.

“As if I would date that-that… uncute tomcat,” Crowe retorted and flew up to the rafters. He’d normally hide away in his Pokéball, but that was no longer an option. Becky just giggled and rolled her eyes.

“Anyway,” Kimberly cleared her throat. “I believe you said something about Canterlot?”

“Hmm?” Ethan shifted his attention back to the Meganium. “Oh, yeah. We are participating in that contest that is coming up. Well, Chii and Brawly are at least.” Now that the little dispute in the corner was over, Brawly returned to the table where Ethan and Kimberly sat.

“Chii really wanted to join, and since a partner was needed, I was kinda roped into it too.” Brawly just rolled his eyes at the huge grin he was getting from Ethan. “She really wants to do this, so who was I to tell her no?”

“Little ones often use their cuteness like that,” Kim giggled and nodded her head. “Very well, I’ll have to arrange a few tickets then. Allow me the pleasure of providing your transport at least, as thanks for taking care of my daughter.”

“Oh, no. Something like that is not nec-”

“That sounds good. Thank you.” Brawly cut in and silenced Ethan as he held him in a headlock with his paw firmly planted in front of his mouth.

“Glad to hear it,” Kim nodded. “Now, I’d like to return there as soon as possible, but if you’d like to remain here then I can just give you some tickets for your desired date.”

“Oh, I bet they’d make a date out of it alright,” Becky snickered.

“With Chii with us? That will be next to impossible.” Ethan just groaned. “She is family, and I love her, I really do. But she can be a bit much at times. But I am sure that she would love to go sightseeing a little, so, we would not mind going with you.” He smiled. “That is, if you don't mind though?” He asked Brawly, who had just released him from the headlock.

“Nah, it would be cool to have some extra time to spend there.” Brawly agreed.

“Wonderful,” Kimberly smiled. “There’s a train that leaves in a few hours, so that should give you enough time to pack yes?”

“We were already planning on leaving today, so we don't have all that much more that needs to be packed.” Ethan looked over to Brawly who just nodded. “Not like we had all that much that we needed to pack in the first place. You did not even want to bring anything.” He scoffed at his boyfriend.

“Hey, I don’t need clothes anymore, and you bring more than enough of everything else for the both of us.” Brawly replied with a grin.

Everyone then flinched in surprise as an ear-shattering scream filled the air. Most people have heard someone scream sometime in their lives, and depending on the reason, it can shake you to a different degree. This however, went so deep that it positively chilled the soul of all that heard it.

Panic and worry filled Ethan's eyes as he was one of the first to recover. That came from Jenny.

“Shit… um… Sorry to…” He kept looking between the small room in the other end of the hallway and Kimberly. “I need to take care of this, Brawly, do you-”

“I can take care of things here. Just go.” And with that, Ethan hopped up from the table and positively flew over to the room where he threw the door open and shut it behind himself.

The screaming continued for a little while longer, and all of the Pokémon in the warehouse moved as far away from the room as they could.

Though, as suddenly as it had come, it started to die down, and just like that, silence filled the makeshift home once more.

Kim and Becky shared an awkward look before looking at Brawly.

“Is… everything alright?” Kimberly finally spoke up. “That sounded pretty bad.”

“I… would be lying if I said yes.” Brawly looked back to there Ethan had disappeared to. “I’m sure that you have noticed, but a lot of the Pokémon that live here are hurt or injured in some way or another. We take care of those that need it. Some however, are worse off than others.” Brawly looked back Becky and Kimberly. “It’s a friend of ours that returned a few days ago. Only that she was pretty… she was really messed up. So much that she won’t, can't even talk about what happened to her.” He paused for a spell, letting out a long sigh before continuing. “We can head out, though, if that made you uncomfortable…”

“My dear, being mother to Seth has opened my mind to a lot that humans should not be proud of,” Kimberly answered. “But this sounds like it is Mr. Ethan’s area of expertise…” She paused and had an idea. “Perhaps you could show me your berry garden?”

“Well, it's not mine… Hey, Vernus!” Brawly shouted off near a corner of the building. After a few seconds, a few blankets could be seen moving before a really sleepy-looking Leafeon crawled out from under them.

“What?” He groaned before letting out a really loud yawn.

“Our guests want to see your berry garden, you mind?”

“Guest? You mean Becky or…” The Leafeon paused as his gaze locked onto Kimberly and stayed there for a few seconds. “N-no, I don't mind.” Vernus shook his head and practically bounced over to them. “Hello there!” he greeted Kimberly with a big smile.

“What a cute little Leafeon!~” Kimberly cooed as she pulled him up into a hug. The woman seemed to have a real soft spot for the Eevee line. “Aww, he’s so adorable.~”

“Thanks, you are quite the looker yourself.” Vernus replied with a little smirk. “My little berry garden is just out the back into the forest. I'd be more than happy to show you.”

“Yo, would you kindly stop hitting on my Mom!” Becky growled as she folded her arms. “Or we’ll find out how flammable Leafeons are.”

“Calm down, dear,” Kimberly chided her and rubbed Vernus’s head with a vine. “He’s just being polite and charming. Now then, dear, show me this lovely garden of yours.”

“Certainly.” Vernus replied, completely ignoring the little threat from Becky. “It’s just a few minutes into the forest, follow me and I'll show you.” Vernus commented as he took the lead. Kimberly stood up and followed him, leaving Becky to sit at the table and pout.

“I don’t trust that pervert,” she muttered.

“Don't worry.” Brawly commented. “He is just not afraid to say exactly what is on his mind. And if he tried anything… well,” he pointed over to where a certain Zangoose could be seen, and she looked quite infuriated. “If he tries anything, then she will give him absolute hell for it.” He grinned.

The walk out to the berry garden went by quite fast, and before they knew it, Vernus and Kimberly found themselves standing in front of a small clearing filled with several rows of berries and other kinds of plants.

“Here we are!” Vernus proudly presented. “My little pet project.”

It was quite a sizable garden, much larger than the one that Seth’s girlfriend was setting up. “Hmm, very nice,” she smiled as she looked around. “Peaceful too. I feel like I could just take a nap here and let my worry fly away.”

“I might have done exactly that here more than a few times when I just want to spend some time alone.” Vernus replied with a laugh. “There just is something peaceful about a forest like this, the plants, the occasional ray of sunshine that breaks through the canopy and shined upon your body, there are few things like it… Have you discovered anything like that after you became a grass type?”

“Yes, I have noticed that I enjoy the sunlight that much more,” Kimberly nodded as she walked over to one plant, having been freshly picked. “I’ve noticed other things too. Like this.” She took a deep and exhaled, the plant shining as new berries started to form. More than a few days growth in just a few seconds.

Vernus also noticed a pleasant smell of mint fill the air.

“Wow.” Vernus slowly walked over and sat down next to the plant that had received a growth spurt. Gently inspecting the newly formed berries with his paw. “Now there is something that I have not seen in a few years. It is still an amazing sight to behold.” He smiled at Kimberly.

“Such kind words,” she smiled and did it to another plant. “I thought I might be able to help out is all. Is there… anything else I could do?”

“Well, now that you mention it…” Vernus looked around the garden with a pensive look upon his face before he glanced back to Kimberly. “I do have some plants here that I have had some trouble with getting to grow properly. If you could take help me out with them too, then that would be amazing.”

“Of course, I can’t guarantee that it’d work, but it doesn’t hurt to try, yes?” Kim smiled warmly as her flowered collar shone in the sunlight. “Lead the way, my leafy gentleman.”

“Gggrrrrr, I bet that sneaky little sneak is totally putting the moves on her,” Becky grumbled as she sipped a mug of juice. “I should have gone with them.”

“I have to say, that was completely amazing.” The door opened and Vernus walked back in along with Kimberly. “To think that you have such skills, I'm glad I was able to experience it for myself.”

“W-WHAAAAT?” Becky was literally spitting embers now. “What kindof skills? You-You perverted Pokémon!”

“Yes indeed,” A white paw, ending in long very sharp claws landed on Vernus’s shoulder. “I’d very much like to know the answer to that as well,” Zoey said as the claw tightened.

“Oh my,” Kimberly said. “It seems we have been misunderstood, Mr. Vernus.”

“Y-yeah!” Vernus quickly agreed, as he could feel how close Zoey's claws were to digging into his back. “There is nothing to worry about, Zoey! Miss Kimberly here was just helping me out in the berry garden and showing her revitalizing breath. Which I have to say, you are quite good at for how long you have been a Pokémon.”

“I assure you two, nothing beyond me reviving few plants happened,” Kimberly added and nodded. “You must be Miss Zoey, yes? Mr. Vernus told me about you, he seems to like you quite a lot.~”

“I should certainly hope so, since I'm his mate. But it is nice to finally meet Becky's mother.” Zoey kept her paw on Vernus but relaxed her grip slightly. “I'm going to talk to you later.” She whispered to Vernus who just laughed nervously.

“W-well, I will leave you two ladies alone for now. I am certain that you have things to talk about.” He nervously smiled before he excused himself and walked down past where Brawly and Becky was sitting.

“You totally worded it that way on purpose.” Brawly commented once Vernus walked past them. “Was it worth it?”

“Totally.” The Leafeon grinned back before continuing to skip down the warehouse.

“I swear I’ll set him on fire,” Becky said and folded her arms. “Or maybe turn his leaves hot pink…”

“Rebecca,” Kimberly took a motherly tone and the Braixen sighed and threw up her hands.

“Whatever. I’m gonna go and make sure all my stuff is packed.” She hopped down from the table and walked off, leaving the Meganium to sigh.

“I’m sorry about her, she does mean well, though…”

“She seems like a nice girl, it just seems like she is not too used on being the target of jokes instead of firing them out herself.” Brawly just shook his head. “It's a good thing you came along though. I don't think she handled herself too well out there when she was alone.”

“I have worried about her constantly,” Kim sighed, allowing her relaxed features to fall a little. “I knew that Seth would adapt quickly, but he’s actually more prone to finding trouble than she is.” She sighed once more. “My children are quite the handful as you could imagine.”

“That's part of a kid’s job, is it not?” Brawly commented. “To make a parent worry.”

“I have always wanted to be a mother, but it sounds like it can be more than a little stressful at times too.” Zoey chipped in. “How do you deal with it all?”

“One step at a time,” Kim nodded. “No one is ever truly prepared to be a parent. You simply have to do your best. Hope that you’re doing the right thing and support them no matter what.”

“Yeah…” Zoey smiled somberly as she glanced over to where Becky had gone. “That is some good advice, thank you.” She said as her smile grew a little brighter.

“Of course dear,” Kimberly smiled, before it shifted to a smirk. “Also remember anything embarrassing they do. It makes great blackmail later on.~”

“You are an evil woman.” Zoey giggled and shook her head. “I'll keep that one in mind for when the time comes… eventually, maybe.”

“If you want it to, then I’m sure it will,” Kim’s featured brightened and rubbed her head with a vine.

“Thank you.” Zoey flinched from the first touch of the vine, but did not move away. Brawly even joined in and put one of his paws on Zoey's shoulder.

“How did you even manage to find her anyway?” Brawly asked after a few moments of silence. “Your daughter, I mean. It’s great that you found her, don't get me wrong, but it's a big world, you know.”

“Rumors mostly,” Kimberly chuckled as she sat down. “Rebecca is far from subtle, and I knew that even if she was scared out of her mind, her magic would be something she’d fall back on. And a Pokémon magician is a lot rarer than you’d think.”

“She did put on quite the show, so I can see that. yeah.” Brawly agreed. “She has a real talent in that department, managed to draw quite the crowd.”

“The little dear used to perform in the streets of Castelia City, where we used to live. Most of the money she earned went to supporting the orphanage.” Kim wiped her eye with a vine and smiled. “She’s a good girl. Headstrong and determined to excel at whatever she does, but she’s never let us down.”

“She is a good kid indeed.” Brawly nodded.

A loud, creaking noise could be heard and they looked up just in time as Chii plummeted down from the rafters and landed on the table with a rather heavy thud, scaring Zoey who practically jumped out of her own skin.

“Um… hey.” If she was bothered by the fall at all, she did not show it. “So, when are we leaving?” Chii complained while Zoey was getting her breathing back under control. “I wanna see Canterlot and practice for the Contest!”

“We are leaving in a little while.” Brawly answered. “Though, have you packed your things yet?”

“Um… yes?” Chii tried, but very quickly gave in and looked down. “No…”

“Well, then you can go and do that. I will do the same in just a moment.” The three of them watched in amusement as Chii then jumped down from the table and skipped over to her corner where she pulled out a bag that was much too large for her and began to stuff all kinds of things down into it.

“Yeah, I should really get on that.” Brawly sighed while he rubbed the back of his head. “Will you two ladies be okay on your own?”

“I believe we can manage,” Kimberly nodded at him. She was still trying to get her racing heart under control from Chii’s surprise attack.

“We will be fine.” Zoey agreed. “Just go and do your thing.” And with that, Brawly left the table too, leaving Zoey and Kimberly alone. Zoey looked around for a moment, and when she had made sure that no one was within hearing range her happy expression dropped completely, a rather grim face taking its place. “We need to talk.” She practically sneered at Kimberly.

To say that this was an unexpected turn of events would be an understatement. “I believe I said that nothing happened between that Leafeon and myself,” she said. “As cute as Pokémon are, I simply don’t feel that way about them.”

“W-what?” Zoey reeled back for a second, a surprised look on her face. “No, not about that, I know that he would not do anything… No, rather, it's about what you told Ethan earlier.” One of her paws was resting on top of the table, and her claws were slowly unsheathing. “I will cut straight to the chase. I don't know how much you think you know, and I don't trust you. Don't know you. But I would advise that you keep whatever you think you know to yourself.”

“Ah, so it’s about that then… I wasn’t entirely sure as Ethan seemed convinced I was wrong… until you just confirmed it.” The Meganium smiled and placed a vine on her paw. “And if I recall dear, I never blamed him… did I?”

“I…” Zoey's resolve seemed to falter. “No, no you did not... We have never really had any allies, apart from Brawly and a few others, and even some of them have turned on us. But he is family,” her voice had softened a little from before, “and I will do anything to protect my family.” She told Kimberly. “I don't know you, but you seem nice enough and I don't want to have to threaten you. So, would you please keep this a secret? Please?”

“My dear, threats wouldn’t work on me,” Kimberley said with a narrowed gaze. “My life may not have been as life-threatening as yours. But it was not without its own problems. A word to the wise, no matter how bad you think you have it, someone always has it worse.” She closed her eyes and relaxed a little. “And as I also said, I don’t know the details. All I know is what I read in the newspaper, and my son saying that a person that rescued Pokémon couldn’t be as bad as they said. Mind you, his faith in others is almost limitless, to the point of being naive. But it’s also one of his best traits.”

The Meganium looked at the Zangoose and smiled. “So do not worry. Your secret is safe with me, hmm. Just make sure you take care of that boy.”

“No, I figured that threats would not work on you. But just like me, you have a family that you would do anything to protect, do you not?” Zoey looked over to the room where Becky had entered a little while ago. “I am glad that it does not have to go down that route though… thank you.” Zoey seemed to relax a little, as if a huge weight had been lifted off her back. “I know that someone always has it worse, that is why we did that we did.” A smile began to grow on Zoey's face. “I don’t know why, but for some reason I feel like I really can trust you… so I will take your word for it.” Her paw flexed slightly as her claws retracted. She had been making an effort to better herself lately, especially after… after what had happened with Olivia. She did not want to hurt anyone anymore.

“Good to know,” Kimberly nodded. “I’d hate to start a fight in your home, after all.”

Before Zoey could respond, Becky emerged from the room she’d been using, a small suitcase trailing behind her.

“Okay, I’m all packed and…” She looked around and sighed, “Lemme guess. We’re waiting on boys?”

“I think Brawly went to check up on Ethan.” Zoey turned to Becky. “So, they should be ready any moment.”

While they were waiting, Chii came dragging on a bag that was a few times her own size. She was holding the handle in her mouth, and was seemingly all her strength to move the thing.

“A-are we ready?” She flopped down onto the ground, breathing heavily once she finally got the bag over to the table.

“Just about.” Zoey smiled. “We are just waiting for-” over in the other part of the warehouse, Ethan and Brawly emerged from the room where the chilling scream had come from earlier. “Well, them… looks like you are all set.”

“Sorry about the wait.” Ethan apologized when they arrived. He was carrying a small bag. How Chii needed more luggage than him was a strange thought, but somehow the little Skitty had done it. “I take it that we are all ready to head out then?”

“If you are all set,” Kimberly nodded as she reached out and took Chii’s bag for her. “Oof, my word. Did you pack rocks in here?”

“Yeah, they probably fell out of her head,” Crowe laughed from his perch on Becky’s head.

“No!” Chii huffed. “I just had to pack enough patience to deal with you on the train ride.” She grinned and stuck out her tongue at Crowe.

“Huh? You didn’t pack enough then,” Becky smirked.

“A Skitty with patience, that’ll be the day,” Crowe said and then smiled. “Oh look, a ball of yarn!”

“Hah, now I know you are lying!” Chii exclaimed. “I already have all my balls of yarn hidden away.” But despite her words, she tried to sneak a peak to where Crowe had pointed too. Just in case.

“Hah! Made you look!” Crowe cackled as Becky just sighed and shook her head.

“This is gonna be a looooong train ride.”

“How is it possible for someone who is that small to argue and bicker that much?” Ethan groaned loudly once they had finally reached Canterlot Station. One would have thought that Chii and Crowe would have grown tired sometime during the trainride, but no. Their irritation for one another was seemingly endless.

“I have no idea,” Becky groaned. “But I’m gonna start coming up with recipes that use Starly and Skitty…”

“A mute spell could be handy.” Brawly commented. “Or something along those lines.”

“It’s your fault for making me travel with this… this—”

“Ruggedly handsome species of avian?” Crowe interjected. “I can understand why you’re so flustered now. I’m just too handsome for my own good.”

Chii was practically shaking with fury at that last comment, she was about to open her mouth and unleash hell on Crowe, when instead another idea came to her mind. And a evil little grin accompanied it.

“You know what, Crowe?” Chii said as she walked close to the Starly in question. “You might be right.” And before Crowe had a chance to react, Chii leaned forward planted a kiss straight on Crowe's beak.

She held it for a few seconds before stopping. “But you know what?” She leaned in and whispered to him. “I win.” She laughed as Crowe just stood there speechless.

Becky just stared at her bird partner and shook her head as he blushed and stammered incoherently.

“Oh dear, he seems to have broken,” Kim chuckled. “And to so boldly display your affections like that, little Chii. I guess I should bring him back at some point for your first date.”

Chii turned around and flicked her tail in Crowe's face before calmly walking over to where Ethan and Brawly stood. “Maybe, if he ever gets his voice back under control.” Chii had not stopped grinning, though, a small blush had formed on her face too.

“You are evil, you know that?” Though despite his words, Ethan could not help but chuckle at the sight. “But I guess this is where we say goodbye.”

“So it seems,” Kimberly nodded. The city was much busier than when she left the day before. There were ponies and Pokémon everywhere.

“Thank you once again for being so hospitable,” the Meganium smiled. “Perhaps I should introduce you to my son sometime. I have the feeling you two would get along very well.” She chuckled and looked him over. “And he too, is so very fluffy.”

“We will be staying for a few days, so maybe so.” Ethan agreed. “And Crowe can come visit too if he regains consciousness. But it has been a pleasure of having you as our guests, perhaps we will see you at the contest?”

“I intend to head straight there,” Kimberly nodded and shook Ethan’s paw with a vine, before doing the same to Brawly. “And well, you’ll meet my son if that’s the case, seeing as how he’s the one hosting the event.”

“Then I'll be looking forward to that.” Ethan smiled warmly. “And it was a pleasure to meet you too, Becky.” Ethan shook the Braxien's paw as well. “But we have to be going now, see you later!” He and Brawly waved them off as they started heading into the crowd, though Chii stayed behind for a few seconds.

“Byyye.~” She winked at Crowe one last time before hopping off after Ethan and Brawly, disappearing into the sea of ponies.

“I see that you have been listening to the things Zoey taught you about flirting?” Ethan teased Chii as she caught back up with them.

“Yeah, it was worth it seeing that dumbfounded expression of his.” Chii giggled.

“So, did you just do that to play with him?” Ethan asked her. “Or is there something more to it?”

“What? Of course I just did that to mess with him!” She huffed, and looked away in protest. Though, Ethan could see that despite her words, her smile had just been growing ever since she had kissed that Starly. Maybe there was something hidden there, even if she was not completely aware of it herself.

“Well, if you say so.” Brawly chimed in. “But we better get to the hotel before the streets become even more cluttered.”

Chii skipped along besides Brawly and Ethan, never veering too far off course. She was excited by the new sights, but the amount of strangers did put her off.

“I did not want to mention it while the others were there, but I have to ask.” Brawly turned to Ethan. “Why did you decide to come along? I know Chii is thrilled-”

“You will get to see our amazing contest!”

“-and I'm pretty glad about it myself. But I know that you had planned to stay behind with Jenny… so why the sudden change?”

Jenny had been hyperventilating after the initial scream that shocked the entire house and their guests. Luckily, it had just been a bad dream this time and Ethan did not have a hard time in calming her down again.

“It was a bad one I take it?” He asked after she had explained that it had been about a dream.

“I-I was back in that cave. Chained up with…” She was shaking, and her teeth shook so badly that she had to spend several minutes just calming herself down before she was able to speak again. “It was him… he did all of this to me.”

“Shady, right?” She had mentioned his name several times in her sleep, but awake, she flinched at the mention of him. “He can't hurt you here, he is long gone. I know it can be hard but-”

“Don't you dare tell me to try to forget about it, to put all of that behind me!” Jenny sneered, she wanted to cry, but she had no more tears to give. “He was different from the others, he… he liked it when we screamed. He laughed at-” Jenny choked up again before continuing. “He needs to be stopped, please, you have to stop him. I can't even sleep without him tormenting me, please.”

Jenny begged and he did not know what to say. “Jenny… we are doing all we can, Protocol is working hard on it, but we have no real hard leads to go on. He could be anywhere-”

“Canterlot.” Jenny cut in. “He is, or was very recently in Canterlot.”

“How do you know this?”

“And not just him, but the leader of that horrid group of poachers. He travels around a bit. But he will be staying in Canterlot for a while. If you go now maybe you can still get them, you have to go now, put a stop to all of this. I-”

“Jenny.” Ethan placed both his paws on each of her shoulders. “How do you know all of this, we found nothing at the base where you escaped from.” They had gotten some information, but even after going through all of the coded material, they were not left with a lot.

“After what they put me through… I made sure to give them hell during my escape, and they deserved far worse than they got.” Jenny growled. “But I did find out a few things in my escape.”

Jenny told him about how she had obtained information about the travel routes of her captor, where he would go, when he would go there, all leading up to Canterlot. Apparently, it was in Equestria's capital city, under the nose of the princesses, that The Weavers had their main base located. And even the big shot, the boss of the whole group would be there.

“This is great news!” Ethan exclaimed. After all their hard work, they finally had something to go on, a way to take them down at the source. “With some help we can finally take them down!”

“NO!” Jenny grabbed him by his chest fur and dragged him down to her level. “You can't tell anyone about this! T-they have ponies working everywhere. We can't let them get away, he must be stopped.”

“Calm down, Jenny, deep breaths or you will have another panic attack.” It was worrying him how obsessed Jenny seemed about this, and how paranoid. “We have to tell someone, as you said, if we don't they will get away.”

“B-but you can go, right?” Jenny’s looked at him with desperate eyes, it was a deep cry for help. A kind of help he was not sure he could, or should give her. “That's what partners do right?” That struck a chord within him. “What friends do,” and that one struck deeper. “He… he made me feel worthless, I was his plaything. Only useful for making money and the occasional laugh… Y-you have to stop him, you have to…”

In the end, how could he say no? He had seen several other cases, where his patients had not made any signs of proper recovery until the person responsible for hurting them were behind bars. When they were one hundred percent sure that they could not hurt them anymore.

Jenny was his friend, and they were partners in this new world. She had done so much for him, lied for him and gone against what she believed in. How could he not do the same for her?

He was no fighter, but promised her that he would find as much information he could about Shady and the leader of that poaching group. After he did, he would hand it over to the authorities, maybe even the princesses himself since they were going to Canterlot. It would help Jenny with her recovery, put her mind to ease to just know that he was doing this for her. And while he would have preferred to stay behind and take care of her, Zoey was more than capable of doing that. And she had her Growlithe with her too, Jenny would be fine.

He had thought about telling Brawly what he was up to, but he did not want his boyfriend to worry. They had other things to take care off.

“Jenny just asked me to take care of a small errand for her. It should not take that long.” Ethan casually answered the question. It was not a total lie, and he promised himself that he would tell the truth later.

“Okay, just make sure that you have some time to spend with us too.” Spending time with Brawly and Chii in a big city like Canterlot. Yeah, it sounded like a lovely vacation, he really hoped he would have some time for that.

“Enough talking, I wanna see where we will be staying!” Chii complained as she ran around their feet. “Come on, let's get a move on!”

“Yeah, you are right.” Ethan agreed as he picked up Chii, depositing the little, smiling Skitty on his head. “Let's go!”