• Published 9th Dec 2014
  • 4,543 Views, 44 Comments

Holiday Fun - atomicpuffin

Just some random one shots with Discord and Fluttershy

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Winter Chill

Author's Note:

Hello my readers:pinkiehappy::heart:! Since you all loved the first one shot I put out for the season, I want to get another out as quickly as possible:rainbowdetermined2:. So here is the second of my holiday one shots featuring everyones favorite draconequus. Also I want to note that two of these will take place in my created universes (Mending & LOP) not sure when:moustache:, but I will be writing them.

*All characters are owned by Hasbro*

Fluttershy snuggled deeper into her blanket and sniffled. She was suddenly grateful that all her animals were hibernating during the winter. Still there was a lot she should be doing, feeling guilty she forced her aching body off the couch. Determined to get her errands done for the day.

She took a scarf off the coat rack and her saddlebags, she even pulled on a winter jacket Rarity had given her. She opened her front door and was blasted with the chilly air outside. She gently sneezed and sniffled more, rubbing her eyes as she shut the door and started towards Ponyville.

She made it into town slowly and by the time she arrived she felt worse. The cold air was making her chest feel tight and her nose was stuffed and running, so she was constantly sniffling.

She went to Twilight's treehouse first to return her latest romance novel. She tapped on the door and shivered as another blast of cold air raked her body. She waited patiently until Spike opened the door.

"Oh hey Fluttershy! What brings you...uh Fluttershy? You don't look so good…" He said, his smile slipping as he stared at her. She gave him a bright smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"Oh no, I'm fine. I just came to return this book." She pulled it out the bag and handed it to Spike and turned to leave.

"Wait Fluttershy! Maybe you should come in for a bit and warm up?" Spike called after her, but she shook her head.

"Oh no...I'm fine. Really, besides, I still have to go to sugar cube corner and Sweet Apple Acres. I promised Pinkie I would try her new recipe and Applejack said something about Winona acting strangely. So I promised her I would come check on the poor dear since the town vet has the flu herself." She waved and left before he could say anything else. She missed the worried and thoughtful look he gave her. Or hear him whisper,

"That pony needs to learn to think of herself first for once."

She made it to Pinkie in a good amount of time and while she waited for her friend she enjoyed the warmth of the shop. She was careful not to get too close to the counter though, she was developing a small cough and would hate to get anypony else sick.

"Hey Flutters! Here it is, my newest...Fluttershy? Are you okay?"

Not wanting to have the same conversation as before with Spike, Fluttershy quickly nodded and pointed at the tray.

"So are these the cupcakes you were talking about?"

Pinkie nodded and held up a batch of cupcakes each one was an odd mix of colors. She handed Fluttershy one that was a swirl of green and pink.

"Um...Pinkie...what flavor is this supposed to be?" Fluttershy whispered as she sniffled, suddenly worried she wouldn't be able to even taste the cupcake. She would hate to disappoint her friend.

"Oh it's a combination of cotton candy and broccoli!" The pink earth pony said with a smile. Fluttershy's pupils shrank. Who would ever think to make that kind of combination? Pinkie must have read the trepidation in her friend's eyes and deflated a little.

"I know it seems silly but...well...I wanted to try making sweets that weren't so...sweet? Silly I know, but I thought it would be a good promotion for the Cakes...Cupcakes that encourage foals to eat healthy...It was silly, here I'll take it back."

She reached for the cupcake and Fluttershy teared up at the sad look on the pony's face. Her idea was a noble one and Fluttershy wanted to help, so she took a deep breath and before Pinkie could touch it, popped the cupcake into her mouth.

Pinkie's eyes widened as she watched her chew. Fluttershy closed her eyes tight, waiting for her gag reflex to kick in...but surprisingly it didn't. Her eyes popped open and widened as she swallowed and let her mouth fall open.

Pinkie deflated the rest of the way and whispered,

"I knew it, they're…"

"They're delicious!" Fluttershy shouted and grabbed another. She happily ate it and smiled at Pinkie who returned to her bubbly self and returned Fluttershy's smile.


After a few minutes of helping Pinkie convince the Cakes of the sweets Fluttershy left and headed towards Applejack's to check on Winona.

That took longer than she would have liked. The trek to Sweet Apple Acres was long and it was getting colder. Her wings were too cold for her to fly so she had to walk half the way there. She arrived as the sun was starting to set.

"Hey Fluttershy. Thanks for comin' I know it must have been a burden for you." Applejack said as she let Fluttershy in. The pegasus shook her head and gave her friend a small smile.

"It wasn't any...trouble really I...am more than happy to help." Each pause had been because she had to cough and clear her throat before beginning again. At the sound of her raspy voice, Applejack looked even more concerned.

"Fluttershy. If ya aren't feelin' well ya should have stayed…"

"No really, I'm...I'm fine. Where's Winona? I'd like to check on her now." She said and AJ nodded and showed her where her beloved pet was laying in her doggie bed. Fluttershy examined her and after gently communicating with the dog she smiled.

"Everything's okay AJ. Winona is just a bit restless...from winter and being kept inside. She's...just being pouty at being cooped up. Try taking her...out for a few more minutes a day, but not...too long that she'll get sick. I would suggest about fifteen minutes a day." Her cough was getting worse and Applejack nodded, happy Winona was fine, but now she was worried about her friend.

"Thanks Fluttershy. Why don't you stay and let me make you some tea for that cough?"

Fluttershy shook her head as she was already putting her coat back on.

"No, it will be getting dark in a few hours and I need to be home to feed Angel his dinner. I'll be okay Applejack. Really, it's just a small cough. I'll see you around." She left and knew that Applejack was shaking her head as she watched her leave.

After the long walk home, Fluttershy's entire body felt so weak and shaky. She was coughing regularly now and the pain in her chest was growing. She walked through the front door of her cottage and sighed. Thankful that the fire in her fireplace hadn't died completely. She stoked the fire before wobbling to the kitchen.

"Are you hungry Angel? Mommy will start on your dinner right now." Her voice was raspy and Angel looked at her worried. He squeaked at her and she shook her head.

"No, I'll go to bed after I get you something to eat."

Angel made more noises and pushed against her legs. She smiled and gently nuzzled her bunny,

"You're so sweet to think of me, but really I'm…" She was cut off as another bout of coughing took her. She closed her eyes and tried to control the sudden fit.

"You are most certainly not all right my dear. Despite what you've tried to convince all your friends." A deep voice spoke from behind her and she gasped jumping back. Leaning against her wall, staring at her intensely was Discord.

"D-Discord...what are you…" She started coughing again and he came to her side and picked her up. It took a moment to realize he was taking her to her room.

"Discord...put me down." She whispered and he snorted.

"I intend to...once I get to your bed."

"Discord...I'm fine...I…"

"You are more delusional than me right now. Your friends were right to be worried about you my dear. You never should have gone out in the cold like this." His stern voice surprised her, she had never heard him talk so seriously and it actually made her giggle.

He looked down and his gaze softened. He got to her bed and set her under the covers.

"Oh Discord, I can't stay in bed...Angel…"

He snapped his fingers and smiled,

"Taken care of. Now it's high time you take care of yourself. Luckily for you, your good friend Discord has come to nurse you."

She giggled again as he flashed into a nurse outfit before returning to his normal self. She smiled up at him, but before she could speak another coughing fit took her. His smile fell as well as he looked at her.

He surprised her further by leaning towards her and gently rubbing her back to help her. She fell back against her pillows, feeling weak. She smiled at him and whispered,

"Thank you Discord. I'll be fine on my own now...you don't have to stay and…"

"Yes I do…" He whispered and she couldn't understand the look in his eyes. He wasn't his usual teasing self. She could almost read fear in his gaze, but that was impossible. This was Discord, the Lord of Chaos. Even if he was recently reformed, he was still an overpowered being who wasn't afraid of anything.

Still she felt warmed at the notion that he was concerned for her. She sighed and snuggled under her blanket as she coughed again.

Discord left her and then returned a few minutes later with a steaming bowl of broth. He came to stand next to her bed and set it on her night stand. A chair appeared next to her bed and he sat in it. She looked at the bowl then at him, her head tilting.

"Where did you get that? There wasn't any soup in my fridge…"

He blushed slightly and whispered,

"That's because I made it…"

"With your magic?"

His blush deepened and he cleared his throat, wincing.

"No...I used some spices you had and cooked it. My magic won't work as well as the real thing and I want you to get better as fast as possible...I…" He stopped and shook his head as if catching himself and grinned at her.

A tray appeared in front of her and the bowl floated to sit atop it. She looked at the bowl and gently sniffed at it. The spices smelled heavenly and she doubted anypony would believe the draconequus had made it. She took a small spoon full of it and sipped. The spiced broth slid down her sore throat, instantly soothing the muscles to settle warmly in her stomach.

She sighed in bliss and looked at Discord, who in turn was looking expectantly at her. She smiled at the eager look on his face, similar to a foal giving a present, he looked anxious to see her reaction.

"It's amazing Discord. Thank you for making this." She indicated he move closer and he smiled expecting a hug of gratitude. She surprised him by gently pecking him on his cheek. His entire body turned red and steam rose from his ears as she whispered,

"You're sweet to think of me like this."

He looked into her eyes and grumbled something inaudible as he pulled away. He watched her as she ate the entire bowl of soup and by the end of it she felt much better. The pain in her chest had lessened to a minor ache and now she was pleasantly warm.

"Thank you so much Discord, that was heavenly." She said and he smiled wider.

"You already sound much better my dear. What in Equestria made you go out in your condition? You never should have gone all the way to Sweet Apple Acres in this cold."

She started to answer and then stopped. She looked at him and frowned, she answered his question with another question.

"Discord...what are you doing here? How did you know I had gone out today or to Applejack's?"

His ears fell back and he blushed again. He turned his head to the side and rubbed the back of his neck. A sure sign that he was about to lie to her, she had quickly learned how to read his body language.

"Discord…" She spoke in a soft, but stern voice and he winced. He sighed and looked up at her, like a foal with his hoof in the cookie jar.

"I came to town with the purpose of causing Sparklepants some trouble...just some pranks I promise. That's when I heard you as you came to return that book. I decided my pranks could wait and tracked you all through town. I watched you go to sugar cube and then to the farm."

"You followed me and spied on me!" She said, her mouth turning down in disapproval. He lowered his head and nodded. She was about to admonish him more and then looked down at the bowl in front of her.

Her irritation evaporated and she smiled at him again.

"You were just worried about me...thank you Discord...for keeping an eye on me when I was being foolish."

His head shot up and he looked at her shocked.

"You're...you're not angry with me?" He whispered and she shook her head still smiling at him.

"How can I be. You were just doing what any dear friend would do."

His face brightened and she giggled at the shining look in his eyes. He took the bowl and stood up, smiling down at her.

"Try and get some rest my dear. I will stay and look after things so you won't have to worry."

"Oh Discord, no you don't…" He cut her off with his claw over her lips, she blushed at the contact. He was always so gentle when he touched her and she felt a sudden flutter in her heart.

"It's no trouble my dear. I don't mind and besides...it gets me away from Canterlot for a few days." He grinned at her and she rolled her eyes, but happily snuggled into her bed and yawned. All of the day's errands suddenly catching up with her, she let her eyes drift shut and whispered,

"Thank you Discord...you're such a sweet friend…"

Discord lay on the couch staring up at the ceiling in thought. He couldn't make sense of the emotions rolling through him, usually not making sense was his MO, but not now…

Now he just wanted to know why he had cared so deeply. Sure she was his only friend, but that didn't completely explain his worry over her. When he had seen her trudging through the snow to her home he had wanted to grab her and shake some sense into her.

She had nearly killed herself going out in the middle of winter when she was sick, and why? Because the pony couldn't think of herself over others, not even once...then again…isn't that what attracted him to her side?

He glanced at the stairs and rose from the couch and flew up to her room to check on her. He quietly opened her door and peeked in. She was resting fitfully and a small cough would still escape her every few minutes.

He moved into the room and sat in the same chair he had earlier. He rested his head in his paw and stared at the pony before him.

Everytime she coughed he felt his heart quiver in fear. It was irrational for him to be so worried. He couldn't help it though and as he watched her sleep, he tried to figure out why.

She was a pretty, little thing and had the kindest soul in this world. He admired her strength and determination to help others, even if it burdened her. He sighed and ran his paw over his face.

He frowned and thought of her kissing his cheek. He blushed remembering the way his body had twisted internally at the contact. His blood had begun to boil and his heart had started doing a floor routine in his chest.

His head jerked up as she was taken by a bad cough and he instantly moved to her side. He lifted her up to ease her cough and to help open her passageways. Don't ask how he knew to do this, maybe eating those library books had instilled their knowledge in him?

She settled down again and before he could lay her back down, she shifted and snuggled closer to his warm fur.

He blushed and winced slightly. He was now faced with an awkward situation, he could move back and settle her back in her bed or he could stay as he was and allow her to sleep against him?

He should leave and let her rest, that was the proper thing to do, but she was breathing easier propped as she was. Also, a selfish part of him acknowledged that he was just finding excuses to keep her close.

He began to stroke her soft mane and she sighed in her sleep, a small smile on her face. He found himself smiling in return. His heart sped up as he stared at her sleeping form, she was so small and delicate. He felt a sudden urge to always protect and shelter her, to keep her with him always.

His smile fell and a horrified look crossed his face as he realized why he was so twisted inside when it came to Fluttershy.

"What have I gotten myself into?" He whispered and slapped himself in the face. He started to lift her off him to return to the couch. He couldn't be here with her, it was pure torture for him and he felt like he couldn't breathe himself.

She groaned as he gently lifted her and being away from his fur made her shiver. She moaned softly,

"Please...Discord...don't leave me…"

He froze. Slowly she opened her eyes and looked up at him with her large, teal orbs. He swallowed and whispered,

"I must...you need to rest and I don't want to disturb you my dear. I merely came to check on you. I'm sorry I woke you."

She turned and wrapped her forelegs around his waist and nuzzled his fur causing a shiver to race up his back.

"You aren't bothering me...please...you're very warm…"

He groaned and looked around for a means of escape. She sighed again in content and he looked down to see her already back asleep. She was still wrapped around him and held him in a death grip.

He could always teleport away, but found that he didn't really want to, there was no question in his mind as to why. He slid further down the bed and rearranged her so that her head was on his chest and her body was curled against his side.

She smiled and whispered, still half asleep,

"Thank you Discord…for always thinking of me…"

"Someone has to since you don't." He muttered and wrapped his arm around her and gently stroked her mane with his claws as he rested his head on his paw.

He waited until her breathing had slowed and quieted to look at her again. Her cough had ceased now that she was elevated slightly and she had stopped shivering. He reached up and pulled her bangs away from her face so he could see her clearly.

He smiled and leaned his head closer to her and rested his forehead against hers. There was no denying it any longer. He couldn't fight his instincts or his heart anymore.

"I'll always be here for you my dear...I'll keep you safe no matter what. I love you Fluttershy."

He felt a weight lift off him at his admission and smiled as he closed his eyes and his ears lay back against his head. The words felt so right and he needed to say them, even if she would never hear them when she was awake.

"I love you Discord…"

He pulled back at the tiny whisper and stared at her shocked. Her eyes were still closed and her breathing was even. She was still asleep! She had whispered in her sleep without realizing it.

Did she mean that? Was she dreaming and just talking in her sleep? He felt his heart race again and the thought that she could feel the same way for him.

The very idea was ridiculous though. She was the element of kindness and had only befriended him at the request of Tia. She would never harbor feelings for him as he did her. Then again...she was a growing mystery to him. One he couldn't completely figure out and it fascinated him and attracted him all the more. One reason he had fallen at her feet was that he couldn't manipulate her like others. She resisted him at all turns, keeping him in check and yet would still giggle at his antics. He could never figure her mindset out, but he wanted to continue trying.

He smiled brightly and leaned forward again and placed a soft kiss on her cheek and whispered in her ear.

"One day Fluttershy...one day I'll figure out the mystery...and on that day...I will make you mine."