• Published 9th Dec 2014
  • 4,544 Views, 44 Comments

Holiday Fun - atomicpuffin

Just some random one shots with Discord and Fluttershy

  • ...

Picnics in the Snow

Author's Note:

Hello again! Okay so this one is inspired by the coverart that I found by the amazing artist Darebel-Red, be sure to check out their deviant art page! So let's get into this mindless fluff:pinkiehappy:. Also on a a/n about the sequel for LOP, I know some people are wondering when it's going to come out and honestly...IDK:pinkiesad2:...it's been put on a shelf at the moment due to lack of inspiration and that's why my other works are coming out instead. I also have a new idea I'm playing around with to see if I want to run with it.

So please be patient with me I will get it out just like promised.

For now please enjoy these fluffy nonsensical stories I'm putting out in the mean time.

Fluttershy sighed as she looked at the snow falling. The storm had arrived early and now her plans were ruined. Today was supposed to be her weekly get together with Discord. Now with the snow covering the ground, they wouldn't be able to have their final picnic together until spring.

She sighed again and wondered what she would do for the rest of the day instead. She had no errands to run and her friends were all busy preparing for winter. Her own cottage was already set for the cold season.

Her animal friends were already beginning their hibernation in their cozy dens. Those that were staying with her through the winter were also snuggled warm in their little homes.

She went to her couch and settled down, slightly deflated at the lost chance to see him. She had finally decided she would confess to him how she felt.

Discord may be a pain to most ponies and had a small sadistic side to him, but that wasn't how she saw him. He was always so sweet and caring when he was near her. None of the others saw this side and she blamed them for that more than Discord.

If they would only give him a chance and show him that they sincerely cared as she did, he would no doubt soften more.

She looked at her window and watched the snow softly fall. Maybe it was better that the storm had arrived early. It had saved her from complete humiliation. If she had actually told Discord that she was falling in love with him, he would have laughed at her for the next thousand years.

He was an all-powerful being, he could have anything in the world with a snap of his fingers. Why would he want a plain pony like her? There was nothing special about her, she was a weak flyer and hardly anything to look at. She was probably the most pathetic pony in the world.

She laid down completely on the couch and sniffled slightly at her breaking heart. It was better to keep her feelings to herself and enjoy the moments she had with him right? She didn't want to risk ruining their friendship, which she had come to deeply cherish, with such silly things as her heart.

She nodded and whispered as she closed her eyes,

"It's better this way...he could never feel the same."

Discord stared out the window of his castle and growled slightly. The storm had arrived a week early. He made a mental note to give those pegasi a piece of his mind and a swift kick when he saw them.

Normally he would just snap the clouds away, but he had made a vow not to mess with pony affairs. If he hadn't made the vow to Fluttershy, of all ponies, he would just ignore it and do what he wanted anyways.

However, he could never go back on his word when it came to her. Never her…

He sighed and looked out over the Everfree, in the direction he knew her cottage lay.

So close and yet so far…

He thought miserably as he pictured the beautiful pegasus sitting in her home. She was the most alluring creature he had ever met and it hadn't taken long for him to be completely enraptured with her. She had come to mean so much to him in such a short time, and that was exactly the problem.

She was his only true friend, she would stand by his side no matter what he did. He couldn't risk her hating him, not even for something as foolish as his heart's desires.

He knew that without a doubt he was in love with her. Completely and hopelessly in love with her. She was the most precious thing in his life and he would never do anything to chance losing her.

She was the most beautiful pony in Equestria...probably the most beautiful creature in the whole world. She could have any number of handsome stallions fall at her hooves. So…

"So what makes me think she would want a monster like me?" He whispered and to his shame a stray tear slid from his closed eyes.

He growled in frustration at himself and shook his head to clear his thoughts. He turned and glared at the falling snow again. If he couldn't get rid of the snow, he would just have to make the most of it.

He grinned as the plan formed in his mind.

Fluttershy sighed as she snuggled closer to his fur and smiled up at him. Discord grinned down at her with his handsome face. She always thought he looked amazing when he flashed those sharp teeth. Strange considering any other predator startled her, but never him.

"Discord...Can I tell you something? S-something im-portant?" She whispered and his grin widened as he leaned closer to her. He nuzzled his nose against hers and she blushed.

"Oh my darling Fluttershy. You don't have to say anything...I already know."

Her eyes widened and she blushed deeper.

"Y-you do!?"

He nodded and ran his snout along her cheek, causing her to shiver. He grinned and leaned towards her ear.

"Of course I do. Remember, I'm Discord, the Lord of Chaos. There's nothing you could ever hide from me my dear. Just so you know…" He pulled back and leaned closer to her lips as he whispered,

"I love you too my dear sweet Fluttershy...Fluttershy...Fluttershy…"

She began to stir and groaned.

No. No not yet...please just let me hold onto the dream a little longer!

It was no use. Whatever was poking her in the nose was making the dream fade away. She wanted to shout in frustration. Her dreams were all she had, the only place she could be brave and tell him…

"Fluttershy? Are you waking up now my dear?" His smooth voice caressed her fur and for a second she thought she was still sleeping. She slowly opened one eye and found herself staring at gold and crimson in a perfect combination.

"Discord?" She whispered, still trying to decide if she was awake. He leaned back and now she could see all of his face. He grinned down at her and gave her a grand pose, which made her giggle.

"Indeed my dear! I'm here for our picnic!" He threw his arms out and confetti flew out of his hands before disappearing. She stretched, much like a cat would and looked over at him. She frowned and tilted her head in confusion.

He had turned his face away and she could see a hint of a blush to his cheeks. She realized that he was more prone to blushing around her now. She started to feel hope blossom before she effectively squashed it. She was just imagining things because she so desperately wanted it to be true.

Then his words penetrated her mind and she was even more confused.

"Picnic? But Discord...it's snowing outside? We can't have a picnic in this weather unless...Discord you promised you wouldn't…" He placed his claw over her lips and she nearly swooned. He chuckled and then patted her on the head,

"Dear Fluttershy, you think so little of my character. I promised you I wouldn't interfere with nature and so I won't. That's not to say I won't use it to my advantage as well. There's no reason we can't have a picnic."

He smiled at her and she found herself smiling back, but still…

"It will be too cold outside for us to…" Again he cut her off by waving his paw and heading towards her back door. He opened it and let the cold wind blow inside making her shiver.

"Oh Discord! C-close the door! My animals will…" This time she stopped herself. She had looked up to meet his eyes and had forgotten how to speak. He was staring at her so intensely and she wished she could read the look in his eyes.

She knew what she wanted the shining reflection in his amazing pupils to be, but it would never happen. He looked outside then back to her and surprised her by asking,

"Do you trust me Fluttershy?"


"Do you trust me?" He repeated, looking at her with even more heat in his gaze, anxiously waiting for her answer.

"Of course I trust you Discord…"

He smiled softly at her and held out his claws to her. Her eyes widened as she stared from it to his eyes. He purred as he spoke, the smooth tone of his voice sliding over her body and piercing her heart.

"Then come with me."

She lifted her hoof into his claws and blushed as he held it gently in his hand. She would go anywhere with him if he only asked...if he only loved her back.

"Okay Discord…"

Discord wanted to shout with joy. Instead he held her hoof in his claw and snapped his fingers. The two were both dressed in winter coats, laced with his magic that would keep them warm, no matter how cold it became outside.

Fluttershy looked down at hers and blushed, he did as well. Hers was a soft blue and allowed her delicate wings to still unfurl. She was also wearing a blue striped scarf and hat. She was adorable...no...not adorable. Beautiful. She was so beautiful it made his heart ache to touch her, to possess her...yet he couldn't and never would.

"Come my dear. Let's go enjoy our picnic." He whispered and she looked up at him and smiled, nodding.

The two of them went into her backyard and he set up the blanket, once more using his magic to protect it from the snow. He placed a small heat field around it so the snow would evaporate before it could fall on the blanket.

He set up the food and turned to ask Fluttershy if she would like some warm tea. His mouth fell open in wonder and awe. She was trotting around, a giant smile on her face as she tried to catch snowflakes on her nose.

His heart exploded...twice...He had expected her to be more timid about being outdoors in the cold, based on how she was behaving in the cottage. His magic coat must have eased her nerves and now she was acting like a filly. An adorable, completely lovable filly.

He felt his lips pull back into a wide smile as he watched her. Finally she turned and noticed his watchful gaze and froze, blushing. He laughed and poured a cup of tea.

"Please my dear. Don't stop you're fun on my account, it's quite amusing." He took a sip and grinned at her with his eyes. She blushed further and trotted over to the blanket. Taking her seat she looked up to see the snow being stopped by his magic and smiled.

"You know Discord...It never ceases to amaze me how brilliant you are! This makes having a picnic even in winter so easy. You and your magic are truly amazing!" She smiled brightly as she praised him and it was his turn to blush. He also puffed out his chest in pride, her words making his heart swell with joy.

"Anything to make you smile my dear."

How frighteningly true those words were in his heart. He would give her the moon and stars if she wished to possess them. He would do anything for her if only she asked...if only she returned his burning love.

"Anything for you…" He whispered and too late realized out loud. He blushed deeper as did Fluttershy. Both turned their gazes away and an uncomfortable silence settled over them.

To fix things he pulled a covered plate out of the basket and showed it to her. Her eyes widened and her smile returned, knowing what lay under the cover.

He pulled it off with a flourish and presented his famous cucumber sandwiches. She smiled wider and her sparkling eyes met his for a second before returning to the treats. That brief glance had been enough to set his heart racing once more. She took several sandwiches onto her plate and began to eat.

He pretended to be interested in the food, but was secretly watching her enjoyment over his cooking. She closed her eyes in bliss as she softly chewed, she let out a soft sigh and even licked her lips slowly and enticingly...how he wanted to follow its path with his own.

His fur stood up and he began to choke on his own food. He grabbed the tea pitcher and swallowed all of it to dislodge the stuck sandwich. Gasping for air he glanced at her again and found she had moved closer to him worried.

"Oh dear...are you okay?" She whispered and reached out with her hoof for his face. He pulled back, he couldn't allow her to touch him right now. He was too weak and wouldn't be able to control his reactions to her. He couldn't let her see how desperately he wanted to have her all to himself.

She let her hoof fall back and he could have sworn he saw disappointment flash in her eyes. That was impossible, why would she be disappointed that he had pulled away? She was probably relieved that she didn't have to endure the touch of a monster again.

Hot fury began to snake through his chest at the thought. No doubt she was only placating him so he wouldn't turn on Equestria again. She was simply performing a duty assigned by her royal highness…

She wasn't desperate to be by his side every waking second. To have his arms around her, holding her close to his heart. She would never want to feel his lips brush hers...no...she only wanted that in his dreams. Something he had learned long ago in his past...dreams are for fools.

He had been inside his dark thoughts for too long and Fluttershy was growing worried. She reached out again and placed her hoof on his arm.

"Discord. Is something wrong? You can always…"

"I'm fine!" He snapped and jerked his arm away. He snorted and turned his gaze away, glowering at nothing in particular. Yes something was wrong, something was really wrong.

I'm setting myself up for a broken heart. I'm nothing but a fool...I've fallen in love with the most unattainable creature in history.

Her sniffling made his ear twitch and snapped him out of his own mind. He turned back to her and was horrified to see tears in her eyes.

"Oh Fluttershy...I...I didn't mean...I'm sorry…" He stammered, but she was already rising and racing for her cottage. He couldn't let her reach it! He teleported into her path and she crashed into him, knocking them both into the snow.

He wrapped his arms around her struggling body and tried to calm her down.

"Fluttershy please! Just let me explain...love please...look at me…"

She quieted at the endearment. He had called her 'dear' plenty of times, but never something so intimate as 'love'. She raised her teary eyes to his and he swallowed. How to explain why he had gotten upset without revealing too much?

"You didn't upset me darling. I was merely letting my mind wander and it turned to...darker thoughts...I'm sorry I snapped at you." He whispered and reached up to brush her hair away from her face.

"Can you forgive me darling? Please, I would hate to have you mad at me." He waited as he held her against him. She fit against him so well, despite her small frame. Another argument for them belonging together. No matter how he argued otherwise, there was so much there to see on why they could work.

He stared up into her beautiful teal eyes, snowing falling all around them, small flecks clinging to her mane. One tiny fleck fell and landed on the tip of her nose. He chuckled and reached up, using his paw to flick it off. She also giggled and the mood was once more lightened.

"Okay Discord. I forgive you and if you want we can return to the picnic." She said and smiled brightly at him once more. Did he want to return to the blanket? No...he wanted to continue holding her in his arms, having her soft body molded against his. Even so, he rose and set her on the ground, knowing he couldn't let his fantasies cloud his judgment.

They both went back to the blanket and continued eating their lunch. Telling jokes and lightening the mood even more. The whole time he savored every word she said as if it were the sweetest honey in Equestria.

Unfortunately they finished their lunches and had to pack up the picnic, as much as neither wanted to...neither said so out loud, too afraid to. Discord let the shield over the blanket fade as Fluttershy packed up their dishes.

He turned and watched her every move, feeling his heart pound wildly in his chest. How he longed to hold her again. What would she do if he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her? Would she be okay with it or would she turn and sock him in his snout?

Better not to find out…

She turned to look at him and smiled.

"Thank you so much for this Discord. I was so sad when I thought we wouldn't be able to see each other until Spring. Now we can still have our get togethers even through the winter."

She moved in front of him and wrapped him in a gentle hug. He cherished each moment she would willingly hold him. He returned the hug and breathed in her delicious scent, she always smelled like springtime herself.

"You're most welcome my dear. All I live for is to make you happy." He whispered, again the last part had been unintentionally out loud. She stiffened in his arms and he panicked, sure that she was about to pull away.

She did, but not completely. Instead she stared up at him in wonder, he swallowed again at the heat in her gaze. It managed to shoot straight through him and turn the logical side of his brain off, not that there was much to that side…

"Really? Do you mean that Discord?" She whispered and he thought he heard hope in her sweet voice. His mind told him to tell her yes, but that it was because she was his friend. Not that…

"Yes...of course it's true. You mean so much to me Fluttershy. I can't imagine my life without you...you'll never know how much I care for you…"

YOU IDIOT! Why did you say that? Now you've probably frightened her off to the far edges of Equestria and she'll never want to see…

"Then tell me…" She whispered, her face now hidden by her mane. He froze in his mental kicking and stared at her in shock, sure he had heard wrong.


"If I can never know on my own...you'll have to tell me...so…" She looked up then and the sparkle in her eyes was possibly the most amazing sight he had ever seen. She took a deep breath before continuing.

"Discord...tell me…"

His brain refused to work and he stammered like even more of a fool than before.

"T-t-tell you what?"

She lifted her hoof and placed it over his pounding heart, it raced even faster at the contact. She smiled softly at him and her eyes were watering again, but these tears seemed different than the ones from before.

"Tell me how much I mean to you…"

He hesitated, fear preventing him from speaking. He opened and closed his mouth several times without being able to utter a word. He stiffened when she nuzzled her nose against his chest, over his heart. He almost forgot how to breathe…

"Please Discord...I need to hear this."

Her pleading was what snapped his control. He wrapped her tighter against him and buried his snout in her mane as the words came flooding out of his heart. Unable to hold back any longer he told her everything.

"Fluttershy you mean the world to me. I could never be the same without you by my side. I want you with me every second of every day. Fluttershy, you're the best thing to ever happen to me in my long life. I...I…" He hesitated for a second before swallowing his pride and decided to stop being such a coward. He pulled back and held her chin in his claws as he stared deeply into her beautiful eyes.

"My heart is yours Fluttershy. Completely and utterly yours, now and forever. I...I...I love you...I love you more than the air I breathe. I need you so much my love. I know you could never want me too and we will always be friends but...my greedy heart wants so much more.

"I want you to know that I would give anything to have you. I would give you all your heart's desires, all you need do is ask. I would give you a throne of your own if that's what you want. I will give you the sun and moon. I'll give you…" She placed her hoof over his lips to stop his rambling. She was crying softly, but the warm glow on her face reached into his heart and calmed his fears.

"I don't need any of that...All I want from you is your love and you've given me that. You've given me your heart...just as I give you mine." She whispered, her eyelashes fluttering prettily at him. He held her tighter in desperation as his breathing stopped. She couldn't mean…

"Fluttershy...do...do you…"

"Yes...I love you Discord. I've loved you for a long time, I was just too afraid to say anything. I thought you wouldn't want me."

"Not want you! Fluttershy, I've been unable to think of anything else but possessing you in my life! No not possessing...treasuring, cherishing, loving, all of those things and more! I want to make you the happiest mare in Equestria!"

"Then kiss me…" She whispered, a deep flush to her face. He also blushed and glanced at her lips before looking back into her eyes. The shining in her large orbs wound through him and he couldn't mistake the request was sincere. Neither could he deny how desperately he wanted to oblige her.

He leaned closer until his lips were a breath away, her eyes fluttered closed. He whispered against her lips,

"Are you sure my love?"

"Yes…" She whispered back and he closed the distance between them. She sighed and relaxed into his hold. In turn he pulled her closer and felt his insides twist into knots.

Kissing her in reality was far more delicious than any dream he had ever had. She was so much sweeter than dream Fluttershy. He wanted to hold her for all eternity just as he was now. He deepened the kiss as he clung desperately to her. He would go about with the planning now that he knew she loved him.

Tomorrow he would find the perfect engagement ring and he would have his perfect bride. She was finally going to make all his dreams come true. He pulled back and both sighed in bliss before opening their eyes.

The love shining between them felt warm enough to melt all of winter and enter straight into spring. He smiled and leaned towards her for another kiss. A large clump of snow landed on the end of his nose and he crossed his eyes to stare at it.

Fluttershy started laughing as she looked at him and he shook his nose to rid him of the nuisance. He looked down and smiled at the sound of her laughter. He chuckled himself and kissed her on her cheek instead.

"Come my dear...let's go inside and get warm. I think I feel like snuggling by the fire...how about you?" He made sure to add plenty of heat to his gaze and was pleased when she returned it. She nodded and the two walked into the house together, tails and heart entwined.

Comments ( 17 )

I think I obtained a heart disease by the sheer cuteness. :twilightsmile: I need recovery before I can continue reading fics such as this.

Top tier fluff:raritywink:

Too cute! Might explode! :pinkiehappy:

Your writing makes my heart do weird things that feel really warm and happy but I'm not even sure what it's doing. Like, it's not exploding or jumping or squeezing or whatever. My heart just kinda goes "keweoikrpwoaijwa9t(*#UR(@#UR(UTJFIJSDKFLJkepoeijgwipq". Yeah, that's what it does!

Gotta say, this is probably my favorite of the three so far! I always love seeing Fluttershy's point of view on him. You see so much of Discord and why he loves her, but never her side as much. Though I'm seeing this ship getting more and more popular all of a sudden (did you notice that? It's like two weeks ago or something it feels like it's gone KABOOM, BAM, HAVE SOME FLUTTERCORD!), I want to see more Flutterperspective. Yes, I just made that a word. HER NAME IS SO MUCH FUN TO PLAY WITH.

Anyways, this made my heart do "keweoikrpwoaijwa9t(*#UR(@#UR(UTJFIJSDKFLJkepoeijgwipq". That's not very constructive, but it's true all the same and now I can't get it to calm down. Dear lord, your fluttercord is gonna need me to require heart meds. XD

Not only that, but your writing just gets better and better and BETTER. It's so beautiful to watch! And your adjectives are changing, descriptions, all that. Excellent work as always!

5395391 lol oh my I seem to be causing a lot of heart problems all around I'm sorry everyone:twilightblush: I'm glad though that you enjoyed it and it was my favorite to write so far too so I'm happy it was your favorite to read.
I have noticed the increased Fluttercord stories and it makes the fangirl in me *squee!* so very much!

Oh...erg...GAH!....HHNNNGGG!!! Oh da FEELS!!! My heart has now EXPLODED!!!!
C-can't breath!!!!...nngh SQUUEEEEEEE!!!! OH! OH! Oh CRAP!! Just....so....CUTE!! Oh I swear Fluttercord is gonna KILL ME!! :heart: :applecry: :fluttershbad: :rainbowkiss: :rainbowkiss:

It's just...there's no words!
I love this!! Your AWSOME ATOMICPUFFIN!!!


I concur, more Fluttercord = always good.

please finish this im begging you

6146276 this is actually where I'm going to post holiday fluff every year so until I quit writing faniction its gonna stay incomplete:pinkiehappy:

6195067 these are one shots that are mindless fun

6195123 Still I wish there was more

Such sweet stories that fill me with joy, even in the summer.:pinkiehappy: Thank you for filling me with holiday joy!!

Ah, no, the fluff!

Fluttershy sighed as she snuggled closer to his fur and smiled up at him. Discord grinned down at her with his handsome face. She always thought he looked amazing when he flashed those sharp teeth. Strange considering any other predator startled her, but never him.

I blame my teenage self for getting me a kink with fangs:pinkiecrazy:

Same. I blame Labrynth for my obsession with hot demon kings :rainbowlaugh:

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