• Published 12th Dec 2014
  • 2,182 Views, 79 Comments

Undazzled - Animegx43

With their futures beginning to look bleak, The Dazzlings decides that it's about time that they return to Equestria, but not only has their old home changed, but they found that they themselves have changed more than they expected.

  • ...

1. A Second Chance

It was a good day to be evil. The sun was shining, birds were singing, and within a matter of hours, an entire school would be under the control of three beautiful young girls. What more could a siren ask for? The three masterminds of the plan to take over the school, and eventually the world, were natives of the alternate world, Equestria. They were known as Aria Blaze, Sonata Dusk, and Adagio Dazzle, and none of them could wait another second to step inside to begin to bring chaos.

Adagio in particular was the most excited. "You see that, girls? That right there is our gateway to being adored!"

"That's not a gate, that's a school." Sonata said.

Adagio was fortunately in such a good mood that she didn't let Sonata's idiotic comment bother her. "Remember girls. All you have to do is follow my lead, and we'll restore our lost power at long last!"

"I still think it would be smarter to follow MY lead." Aria claimed. "You being lead hasn't really helped us lately."

"Give me one example of when me leading got us in trouble." Adagio asked.

Jumping up and raising her hand, Sonata smiled when she realized that she knew the answer. "Ooh! Ooh! When you told us to attack that old bearded guy and five seconds later, we were here!"

Sonata's slightly more intelligent struck a nerve with Adagio, much to Aria's delight. Even though it was Sonata that said it, Adagio grabbed Aria's hair and tugged it down so the two were face to face, and reminded her who was in charge. "If you or Sonata were to achieve world domination, you'd probably destroy each other after about five minutes. So follow MY lead!"

After intimidating Aria, Adagio released her from her grip. The immature Sonata laughed at Aria's pain, much to her annoyance. In turn, she gave Sonata a light punch in the arm, who then returned one to Aria. Before long, the two entered a rather pathetic little slap fight with each other, one that would never of ended if Adagio didn't reach in and grab them by the ears.

"Enough bickering! You'll be able to kill yourselves once we drain all of the Equestrian magic that we can from this school. Trust me. Just follow my lead."


Several months later however, the trio were force to adjust to a slightly different life. Their plan to acquire magic not only ended in failure, but the source of their powers, their magical amulets, were destroyed, causing them to lose their ability to gain magic, as well as their more prided ability, to sing.

Life was not difficult for the three though. During the time they had their magic amulets, they had earned a living by using their magical songs, living like queens in a world they other hate, but ever since they lost their magic, they hated it more. The one place they found any joy from was the fortress of solitude they had spent over a year making.

They had a great three bedroom apartment filled with new and expensive furniture, a big flat screen TV which even had a video game console hooked up for Sonata, a massage chair for Aria, and while the kitchen was small, it had only the best kitchen equipment money could buy. For three teenage girls who lived by themselves, one would think they were getting around pretty well.

Aria and Sonata tried to make the best of the situation they were in, but Adagio knew fully well that soon, they would no longer have such a luxury. Much to her annoyance, a certain phone call, one she refused to answer and simply waited for the machine to pick it up, left its message.

"Hi Adagio. It's me. I know you're usually good with the rent, but I've noticed that you're a little late with the rent. Actually, you seemed a little hesitant last month too. Anyway, while I will have to bother you about the rent, if there's anything you would like to talk about, feel free to come see me, not as my tenant, but as a friend. Until then, I'm looking forward to hearing from you. "


"What a dork." Adagio said in response to the message.

While she didn't like her landlord, Adagio nonetheless had to pay him what she owed him, just like every other month. As she crunched up the numbers and counted up the money she had to take out of a glass jar, she realized that the day she fear was finally upon her and the Dazzlings.

"Girls! Come into the kitchen! Now!" Adagio ordered. "You too, Sonata!"

"Wow, if Sonata's allowed in the kitchen, you know things is getting real." Aria remarked.

After pausing her game, the offended Sonata turned her head and replied. "Why aren't I allowed in the kitchen? Is it because I found the blender to be shiny?"


One second later, the two girls were lined up next to each other right in front of Adagio, as it became clear that she wasn't kidding around. Once she knew that she had the other's attention, Adagio picked up the jar and presented it.

"As you girls know, this is our nest egg, the source of your allowance when we lost our ability to make money with our powers."

"Yes, thank you for reminding us." Aria said sarcastically. "You make it sound like you're explaining that to someone who doesn't know how we live."

"Yeah. Wait! Is there someone else in here?" Sonata asked as she began looking around for someone.

"Focus girls!" Adagio ordered. "Anyway, I have just taken out enough from the nest egg to ensure that we'll be able to live here for another month, just as I always do. But now, I want you three to look at how much I...we have left."

After Adagio passed the jar to Sonata, she began staring at the money within. She shook the jar up, listened to the sound of the money bouncing inside. The frustrated Aria put her hand on her forehead in disbelief as she herself would've just counted the money.

"Two-hundred, sixty-nine dollars and fifty-five cents?"

The initially angry Adagio, after hearing Sonata's answer, was left in awe. "Uhh...yeah. That's exactly it." She answered, but she almost didn't want to admit it. "Anyway, while we still have a home for another month, come next month's rent, the three of us are royally screwed! This much won't left even won't even cover our grocery bill. Within a month, we'll be homeless and hungry."

"We can always sell Sonata's Mee Too games to earn a few bucks." Aria jokingly suggested, much to Sonata's disdain.

"Yes, we can ALL sell our stuff, and we probably will too, but that will only delay the inevitable. Enjoy having a roof over your heads and filled stomachs. We won't have either for long."

With the truth out, all three of the Dazzlings understood the situation, even the normally clueless Sonata. In due time, the three would be homeless, and the one place that makes living in the human world worth living in would be gone.

I bet I would've been able to keep this apartment for a few more months if I didn't have to support these two idiots. Adagio thought to herself, mentally given part of the blame to her fellow sirens.

"Does this mean we have to start looking for jobs? "Because that sounds like a lot of work." Sonata said.

"Good luck. It's not too easy to find." Aria mentioned. "I've only recently gotten any luck finding something."

Maybe if she tried more than two places per week... Adagio thought, but then repressed her anger. "To think that the three of us have sunk this low. Before, our top concern was that we didn't have our magic. Now, it's that we lack grocery money. Why do I...why do we have to worry about finances of all things? We're are sirens!"

While Aria didn't want to admit it, she knew the answer to Adagio's question. "It's because we aren't sirens anymore. Now that we're stuck here, the three of us are all normal teenage girls."

"Too bad we can't go back to Equestria like Twilight Sparkle is able to do." Sonata said as she felt as bad as the others.

"Two smart things said by Sonata. A new record." Adagio complimented/insulted. "If only we knew how she was able to come here in the first place, then maybe we'd be able to go back to the world where we actually had power!"

"Oh, they do that with the statue at the school."

After Sonata said a few typical dumb things, then a couple of smart comments, she ended it with a shocking observation, one with importance that she herself didn't fully understand. Naturally, Adagio and Aria got mad when they processed the new information.

"Where....and how...DO YOU KNOW THIS!?" Adagio screamed.

"I see her walk out of it from time to time. She's actually in this world right now I think."

"And you didn't tell us because...?" Aria asked.

Before Sonata could answer, Adagio gave her a fair warning. "And if you say it's because we didn't ask, we really will sell your Mee Too games."

Afraid of losing her games, as well as admitting that Adagio was spot on, she said nothing else. At first, Adagio was ready to strangle the ditzy siren for not sharing such important information. However, after realizing the opportunity that was presented to the three of them, her anger disappeared, and was replaced by an evil smirk on her face. It didn't take much longer before Aria got the same idea, and thus the same smirk. Sonata didn't fully understood what was going on, so she just smiled to pretend she did.

Regardless, the time for them to leave what they viewed as a pathetic little world was nigh. All that had to do was check things out.


Normally, Canterlot High would be deserted after school hours with only the occasional teen walking around. On this day, there was a grand total of five teenage girls snooping around the school's yard. The two who were in broad daylight were the arch enemies of the Dazzlings, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer. The two gave a quick look around of the scene to make sure no one else was around.

Twilight and Sunset however, failed to see the other three teenagers who were spying on them, the Dazzlings, who were wearing their hoody sweaters to help hide their faces. After the poor look around, Twilight and Sunset walked over to the statue in the center of the yard as the Dazzlings watched, especially Adagio.

"It'll be great to be able to walk on four legs and use magic again. This place is great, but a girl can get homesick from time to time." Sunset explained.

"And it'll be nice to have a visitor. There's lots I'd like to show you at my new castle." Twilight said in response.

Who are they explaining that too? Wouldn't they discuss this kind of stuff before they met up here? Adagio asked herself.

After letting the Dazzlings hear the conveniently said explanation for why Twilight and Sunset were going to Equestria, they mistakenly showed precisely how they would do it. The two merely stepped into the statue, and in an instant, the two were gone.

The Dazzlings gasped as they saw the girls enter the portal, as it meant that Sonata's claim was true. With a way back to Equestria right before their eyes, Adagio let out an evil giggle, for she was by far the most excited to return to her true home.

"There it is. Our ticket out of here!" Adagio said. "Once we return to Equestria, we will return to our true forms, and even with amulets destroyed, our original powers will return with our bodies! Let's head out."

While Adagio was anxious to go back to Equestria, Aria and Sonata were a bit more hesitant.

First, Sonata expressed her concerns. "We're going already? But I just finally got the courage to ask Flash Sentry out."

Then, it was Aria's turn. "Yeah, and my part-time job is starting on Monday."

After hearing Aria and Sonata's comments, Adagio slapped herself in the face in disbelief. "You two morons. THINK! Once we go through that portal, we'll never have another reason to even look back to this place! Unlike here, we'll be able to sing again!"

"All because you refuse to get singing lessons here." Aria added with a smug look. She quickly regretted it after Adagio grabbed her by the neck.

"How many times do I have to remind you two. We. Are. SIRENS! Singing should already be our thing. And once we return to Equestria, it will be once more. You don't want to stay in this world any longer, do you?""

After releasing Aria from her grip, and Sonata laughing at her, Adagio allowed her to answer. "Well, I suppose the only thing worse then this place is Sonata, so I guess I should take any opportunity to leave."

"Yeah, what she said." Sonata said. "Wait...wha...?"

"Then why are we still here?" Adagio said with the happiest, yet menacing look on her face. With both of her fellow sirens on her side, Adagio was ready to enter the portal and knock look back. "Let us walk to the future that we've been dreaming of."

After Adagio successfully convinced the group, nothing was left to stop them from entering the portal. With the three of them side by side, they walk into the statue together, vanishing inside like Twilight and Sunset did. They were all on their way to a new life


After a bizarre and trippy sequence as they crossed the statue, the Dazzlings exit the portal through the magic mirror that connected the two worlds. The three cloaked sirens were pleased that the portal had worked, and were even more pleased to find that they had returned home.

As they took their first steps into Equestria, the three tested their voices. They were able to perfectly harmonize their voices as they sung their first song in months. With their ability to sing returned after the battle against The Rainbooms, the three felt invincible.

"Yes....YESS!!!" Adagio said with great delight. She found herself shaking with anticipation. "I felt the music. I can feel my magic!"

"Really? I feel a strange itch." Sonata said as she reached to the itchy spot. "I think I have growth or something."

"I can't feel anything at all. Well, nothing but my awesome voice." Aria added.

And there goes the mood. Adagio thought, angry at the Dazzlings for killing the atmosphere. "No matter. Those fools shouldn't of gone far. I say it's high time we get a little revenge."

Refusing to waste a single moment, Adagio wanted to cause chaos as quickly as possible, eager to test out her restored powers after having it be sealed away for so long. Aria and Sonata agreed with the idea and followed her to find Twilight and Sunset.

As they walked away from the portal, Sonata looked back at it to. When she did, the sight of what she saw made her jump up and scream.

"AAAHHH! GIRLS, THEY FOUND US!" Adagio and Aria quickly turned back to the scared Sonata. "Look! A bunch of ponies have ambushed us!"

Adagio took a look at where Sonata saw the attacking ponies, but she quickly grew unimpressed by what she saw. "You're an idiot. That's just your reflection from the mirror.

It wasn't until Adagio said it out that that she realized what she told Sonata. In a nut shell, she told her that there was a pony in her reflection. The most troubling epiphany struck Adagio upon realizing that.

With all three concerned, they dashed towards the magic mirror to get a good look at their reflections. As soon as they took off the hoods from their sweaters, the Dazzlings made the unsettling, heartbreaking discovery.

In the mirror was not the sirens that they hoped to see. Instead, there was an yellow, a blue, and a purple mare. They arrived to their homeland with the hopes of conquering it as sirens, but found themselves to have transformed into mares. What was suppose to be the best day of Adagio's life had quickly became the worst.

And once more, Sonata ruined the mood, much to Adagio and Aria's annoyance. "So THAT'S why one of the three ponies I saw looked adorable. It was just me."

Author's Note:

The first chapter of my Dazzlings story, since I've gotten a bit of a writer's block for my current mane story.

This is an idea I've had for a while and am actually looking forward to finishing it. I've recently gotten permission to use a certain OC who will actually have a short, but important role in story.

Hope you like the first chapter.