• Published 12th Dec 2014
  • 2,182 Views, 79 Comments

Undazzled - Animegx43

With their futures beginning to look bleak, The Dazzlings decides that it's about time that they return to Equestria, but not only has their old home changed, but they found that they themselves have changed more than they expected.

  • ...

7. Moving on.

It was a unanimous decision. The Dazzlings were going home. Back to the world where Starswirl The Bearded had banished them one thousand years before. None of them were particularly happy with their choice, but they knew that they had no other alternative. As Adagio had suffered more than any of them, she knew better than any of them that it had to be done.

How would they return to the human world? The same way they got back into Equestria: The magic portal mirror located in Princess Twilight's castle. The three didn't make their attempt to return home until night came, when the moon had risen and the cops had stopped searching. With everypony's guards down, the Dazzlings snuck their way into the castle, made sure they weren't followed, and found the portal room.

Much to their disdain however, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer were there in the portal room. This quickly became a blessing in disguise, however. As the Dazzlings hid in the shadows, Twilight operated the magic mirror.

"I really don't mind skipping a few days of school if it means finding those girls." Sunset said.

"Absolutely not! I'll have Inspector Cestus help me look for them. They can't have gone far." Twilight explained. "YOU need to make sure you're up early so you can get to class on time. I will not have anypony or anyone be tarty for school on my watch!"

After gliding towards them from behind, Sonata spoke up. "Really? Because I need to pickup my homework from a nerd's house before the morning."

Twilight and Sunset both turned their attention to Sonata, much to the annoyance of Adagio and Aria. Before either Twilight or Sunset could realize who Sonata was or comprehend what had just happened, Adagio and Aria both snuck up from behind, and...


From behind, Adagio and Aria slammed their rival's head into each other, which caused Twilight and Sunset to both headbutt each other. In responds, Twilight turned, saw Adagio, and said with a smile... "Hey! There you are."

Immediately after, the two lost consciousness and fell to the ground, giving the Dazzlings free reign over the castle and the portal room. With the biggest threats to them knocked out cold and the portal up and running, nothing could stop them from going home.

I can't believe it. We're actually going to go back through this portal. Adagio thought in disbelief. "In hindsight girls, I'm glad we forgot to destroy the mirror when we got here."

"I didn't." Sonata said. "I tried kicking the mirror when we gave the those two the slip, but the mirror didn't break."

"Did you try, oh I don't know...turning the portal off first?" Aria asked. "When we get home, remind me to teach you how to tell if the stove is on or not."

"Hey, don't say that to the girl who does half the cooking!" Sonata argued.

"Yeah, and three quarters of the eating."

As Aria and Sonata bickered, Adagio let out an annoyed sigh. To think that I was this close to be away from these dumb bimbos for the rest of my life. Even worse, I actually would've missed them.

After Adagio allowed her friends to let off a bit of steam, she had them wrap it all up and urged them to make their way to the portal. Since there was no reason for the girls to fight each other in Equestria when they could that just fight in the human world, they all agreed.

At long last. It was time.

One by one, each of the Dazzlings made their way to the mirror, where they, for one final time, saw the reflection of their pony selves. Aria could see that Adagio and Sonata would miss their horns and wings respectively, but provided the two with comfort. Giving her wings a final flap and flew to the portal.

"I can't wait to play my Mee Too games again!" Sonata said cheerfully as she flew into the mirror. A crash could be heard from the other side as the reckless pegasus flew in at full speed. "Ow! My leg!"

"I can't wait to eat meat again. I had to ignore so many tasty looking foals during our stay here." Aria said as she casually walked through the portal.

The others were able to leave Equestria rather easily, but as to be expected, Adagio was hesitant to go through the portal. She knew once she walked through, she would never be willing to return to Equestria ever again. Taking the couple of steps needed would be the hardest thing she would ever do in her life.

When she doubted that she could do it, she look at her hoof, holding the three glowing bits she had. Knowing that she would at least return with a little bit of magic and a memento of a new friend, she was able to draw the strength needed to move forward.

"I can't wait to have a future again."

Folding her hoof up tightly, Adagio had finally, and without regret made those steps.


One month had passed since the Dazzlings returned to their true homes. They faced some hard times, but they were able get through. For better or for worse, mostly worse, their lives were adjusted to handle the changes.

Most of the Dazzling's more expensive possessions were sold to to help the girls get by before they all got steady jobs, although a notable exception was Sonata's Mee Too console, which she refused to sacrifice. The size of their nest egg was nothing compared to it's former glory, but Adagio was pleased what she withdrew from it.

Here's to another month. Adagio happily thought, but even though she was relieved to know that she was good for the rent, she couldn't keep the smile up for long. In fact, she felt a little down. I guess now's a good a time as ever to practice a little.

Looking into the mirror of her vanity desk, Adagio took a deep breath, and exhaled to calm herself. She then gently placed her fingers around a newly acquired necklace made from a familiar gold coin with a simple black thread tied through it. When she finally felt calm, she began to vocalize her voice. Just as it did when she had her siren amulet and during her trip to Equestria, the sound she produced was nothing less than beautiful.

"Hi Dagi!"

"AAHH!" Adagio screamed when Sonata snuck up on her, ending the song. "WHAT!?"

"I heard you singing. Are we going to practice for our gig tonight?" Sonata asked. As she asked, she put on her own necklace, which, like Adagio's, was made from one of the three bits.

"No, no. We'll practice later. I just want to be alone right now."

"Oh, why are you being so grumpy? Or at least more grumpy than usual? Mind you, you haven't been grumpy like you used to be, but still pretty--"

"SONATA!" Adagio screamed. "Ugh...don't you have school or work or something? It's almost 9 o'clock."

"I'm just waiting on you. We all have school today. Aren't you going to get ready?"

Adagio stuttered and stammered, nervous to answer Sonata. She wasn't in the right state of mind, so she couldn't brush Sonata off like usual. "I'm a little under the weather today. You two go without me."

As Adagio dismissed Sonata, or rather tried to, Aria walked in, prepared to head out. She even walked in with Adagio and Sonata's bags, but she overheard Adagio, so she put her bag down. In any case, she walked over to get Sonata so the two of them could go to school.

"Come on! You've been making us all work like dogs so we can live here. You shouldn't be--"

Before Sonata could finish her complaint, Aria stopped her. "Let her. We're going to be singing tonight, and I don't want to get detention for being late or anything today. Let's just get going."

Since they were already pressed for time, Sonata decided not to argue and walked to the door to wait for Aria. As she left, Aria took a moment to talk to Adagio as well, only she planned on saying something seriously.

"What's wrong? Ever since we started singing again with these new charms of yours, you haven't been acting like yourself."

Adagio didn't answer right away. She hoped Aria would've left for school and not ask any questions. It became obvious that it wouldn't happen.

"Doesn't it seem like a tease?" Adagio asked. "We've finally retired from evil, accepted our fates as regular schnooks...and now we can sing again. It just makes it feel harder to truly accept these changes. I want to move on, but I'm not sure if I can anymore."

"Oh, NOW you're not sure. "Aria got angry at Adagio for questioning herself, but it couldn't be helped. In any case, she didn't hold it against the sadden Adagio. "Look, we've all had to go through some rough changes. Sonata has had to cut down on video games and tacos, I've had to give up my massage chair..."

"And you also had to give up eating kids. Which makes me wonder why your part-time job is at a daycare center."

"Not important!" Aria said quickly. "I'm sorry that I can't talk much right now, but once we get back from school, me and Sonata can talk to you. Think you can wait that long?"

Adagio loved the idea of having someone to talk to, and even gave a little smile. "I'll get our dresses ready for our show tonight while I wait."

"There you go." Aria said as she patted Adagio on the back. "I'll see you after school."

Having heard everything she could hear from her fellow Dazzlings, Aria and Sonata finally left for school, leaving the depressed Adagio behind. Aria believed that she would've been fine, but that was only because she didn't quite realize just how down Adagio really felt. She was looking forward to see her friends after their classes, but with how long she had to wait, she predicted that she was going to have a long, boring, and very painful day.

Adagio played around with her new magic necklace, remembering that her rough experience in Equestria is what brought it in existence in the first place, as well as the other two she gave to Aria and Sonata. It was cruel irony. If she had it before going to Equestria, she likely would've kept her dream of fame and power alive. She was no longer sure if she made the right choice.

I need to stop coming with these plans by myself. I would kill to talk someone right now.

By the second, Adagio felt more and more lonely, and it was all because she lacked the motivation to leave her home. She had no idea what to do. That is until she thought about something Dr. Wolf said to her.

"Oh! And remember! If you do need someone to talk to, you can always talk to a friend. Myself included."

"Hmm...a friend?" Adagio said to herself. A small spark of joy ignited as she realized something. "I guess there's only one other person in this whole world that could fill that role. My landlord, of all people."

Since she had made no other plans for the rest of the day, other than getting ready for the Dazzling's show, Adagio decided to go see that friend of hers. The only one she had made during her stay in the human world.

It wasn't a long trip at all to see this friend of hers. All she had to do was take the elevator and head to the top floor of the apartment building, since the landlord also lived at the apartment building. She never thought of it before, but Adagio realized that this whole time, she's had a good friend living right above her roof ever since she moved in.

She stood there at the door, nervous and embarrassed. The only time she ever went to this address was when she absolutely had to, such as to pay the rent. So this was the first time she visited there voluntarily.

"Okay, Adagio." She said to herself. "You can do this. He's just your landlord, as well as a another potential listener to your music."

After taking a deep breath, she gave the door a knock, and hoped everything would be smooth sailing from there. That was not the case, however. As soon as Adagio's landlord opened the door, felt weak.

"Miss Dazzle? What are you doing here?" He asked. "Shouldn't you be at school right now?"

"I-I-I, w-well, you see, I-I..." Adagio stuttered, unable to get a single word out.

As Adagio struggled with her speaking, the man reached out and placed his hand on her shoulder, and when he did, Adagio silenced herself. She knew she had to calm herself down, and upon looking up to see her friend, a white-haired man with a purple vest and a matching tie, she felt ready to talk again. It especially helped that this man had a lot in common with someone she knew back in Equestria.

"I'm sorry for dropping in at such a time, Mr. Wolf, but I really need to talk to someone. Can I come in?"

Mr. Wolf raised an eyebrow, but he could tell that Adagio had a stressful morning. He found it hard to say no. "Well, I suppose so. I often speak with Miss Fluttershy, so this isn't anything unusual. Come on in."

After being greeted in, Adagio felt more nervous than ever before. One month before, she considered anyone that she didn't like as an enemy, so it felt almost as if she walked into an enemy's base. But, since her landlord was the counterpart of the friend she met in Equestria, she kept telling herself that she had nothing to worry about.

Adagio was led to a couch for her to sit down at while Mr. Wolf took a seat at a nearby chair. He even brought a pitcher of water to a table next to their seats. With the way they were seated, it felt as if she was in a psychiatrist's office. She knew that the equestrian counterpart was one, but she never once asked if Mr. Wolf himself was one as well.

"So Miss Dazzle. Tell me what's on your mind? Is your little show still on for tonight?"

"It is, but I've had too much on my mind as of late." Adagio answered. "Right now, I really just need a good friend to talk to."

"Well, by all means. I've been told that I'm a good listener. I hope I can also be a good friend as well."

Oh, don't worry, Mr. Wolf. I'm sure you will be. Adagio thought as she finally felt the urge to smile. "What can you tell me about having dreams?"

Adagio Dazzle has had a hard life during the past year. She's ventured into two unknown worlds, made many enemies who took everything she valued away from her, and only made a few friends who gave her anything. She even had to let go of dreams that she longed to achieve, or else she would've lost even more.

But after such hardships, she finally found that the friends she had, Mr. Wolf, Aria, and even Sonata of all people, could make the hurt so much easier to take. She still looked back at what could've been, and it would bother her, but just because a dream wouldn't become reality, it didn't mean reality would instead ruin her life.

She knew that as long as she kept her friends and let them into her life, she could live happily with broken dreams. Perhaps one day, with she'll even make a new dream come true. As she's now once again able to stand by her friends and sing in harmony, perhaps that dream has already come true.

Or perhaps Adagio's dream already came true.

Author's Note:

I swear, if this story was one chapter longer, I probably would've started to ship Adagio with Dr. Wolf.

Sadly, the story has come to an end. I made it to take a break from Turnabout Smiles, but I'm now really glad to have written this. It was nice trying something to play on people's feels, and it sort of worked on me too. An as a bonus, the story act as a bit of a fan's love letter to one of my favourite brony analysts.

But, this isn't my only story, and it's especially not the only one with feels in it. If you're still interested in reading my stories, I will now go back to finishing my previous project: Twilight Sparkle, Ace Attorney: Turnabout Smiles, especially if you're a fan of the Ace Attorney games.

If you still have no idea who Dr. Wolf is, I also encourage you in going to his Youtube page, where he's most active in the brony community.

I hope you to see your comments here and elsewhere. Until then, I bid you all adieu.

Comments ( 10 )

That was a touching ending right there...Also, that bit with Aria eating children was funny :rainbowlaugh:

This was a good read :pinkiesmile:

5713348 Okay, I'm the one who wrote this story, yet my mind is blown.

This was a nice read:pinkiesmile:

6366831 Ty. That was a nice comment.

They still need to make it up to the Rainbooms.

6546051 Meh. The Rainbooms never did anything for them.

6546462 They helped Sunset Shimmer to put her back on the right path why can't they help the Dazzlings the same way?

Pretty nice😀

That was very good :) have a fav

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