• Published 12th Dec 2014
  • 9,472 Views, 300 Comments

One More Dance - LightningSword

A troubled boy on the roof proves that Sunset Shimmer still has to account for her mistakes

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#10 - The Best Dance

One More Dance

#10 -- The Best Dance

The sun was now completely gone, leaving only faint echoes of light on the horizon. No one dared speak when they heard him and Sunset yelling at each other, nor did they move when they saw Dac move away from the edge. The powerful tension they all felt had wrenched the words from them. And even if they could speak, no one knew what to say. All there was, was hope that Sunset had succeeded.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of waiting, the front door opened, and Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash all looked in its direction at once. They saw Sunset Shimmer walk out and move toward them, a soft smile on her still-wet face. Supported in her arms, draped in Sunset’s jacket, was an exhausted, weak, and red-faced Dactylic Pentameter.

The girls rushed over to them, and a plethora of well-wishes and questions on his welfare flew all around. Hands touched Dac's shoulders and back, and the closeness gave him warmth. It seemed as though Twilight Sparkle was right; these girls would make wonderful friends.

“Oh, Dactylic, darling, thank goodness you're all right!” Rarity wailed as she held him tightly. “After what I said to you . . . I never meant for you to take it that way . . . I'm so sorry!”

“Me, too, Dac!” Dash added, her voice strained. “I wasn't making fun of you, honest! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings!”

“Please don't,” Dac answered groggily, “don't apologize. Don't any of you apologize. None of this happened because of you.” His sight trickled down to the ground before he closed his eyes guiltily. “I really made a mess of things, didn't I?”

Fluttershy approached him next, with happy tears in her eyes. “You're okay, Dac,” she said, “nothing bad happened to anyone. And you didn't do anything wrong.”

“You just had a really bad go, partner,” Applejack added as she rubbed his back, “but you're back on earth with the rest of us, and now you got a chance to start over.”

“Yep,” Dash agreed, “there's always that chance. Even when you feel your worst, you always have a chance to dust yourself off and try again tomorrow.”

Dac opened his eyes, but didn't look back up. “After all that's happened, you still wanted to help me,” he almost whispered, “and I wanted to blame you for rejecting me . . . I was wrong . . . I was so wrong . . . .”

“Well, sure you were, Dac,” Applejack said, “but that don't make you a bad fella. Fact, you're about as good as they come. And as for the things you've done or thought, I'm willin' to forgive and forget if you are, sugarcube.”

“Me, too!” Dash nodded.

“Indeed!” Rarity agreed. “The past is behind us, now.”

Pinkie reached out and squeezed him into a hug. “Don't you worry, new bestie!” she squealed. “We'll stick by you until you're all better!” She gave Dac a small kiss on the cheek and went on hugging him tightly. She was surprised when Dac lifted his arms and returned her embrace.

“Pinkie,” he whispered, “thank you.”

Pinkie gasped with joy and pulled back from him, looking him full in the face. “You talked to me,” she said, her smile shining brightly, “you talked to me! Girls, he talked to me! Does this mean we're really friends now, Dacky? Huh? Does it?”

Dac nodded, and Pinkie went right back to hugging him close. Soon, Fluttershy joined their hug from Dac's right, and Rarity from the left. Applejack and Rainbow Dash moved in close, as well, and when Sunset joined in, their group hug was complete. Dac felt even warmer, not just from their group hug, but from knowing he wasn't alone. Knowing the girls he'd admired for so long were there for him was worth more than the love he'd tried so hard to find. Infinitely more.

“Well, I'm glad to know everything turned out all right,” went a voice from a few feet away. Dac and the girls broke up their hug and turned to see Principal Celestia walking up to them, a soft, venerable smile on her own face. “So, Dactylic Pentameter,” she greeted him, “are you feeling better, now?”

Dac felt guilt creep back into him, and he dropped his head back down. “Yes, ma'am,” he answered respectfully, “and I'm sorry about making things so difficult on everyone. I promise I won't do anything like this ever again.” He hesitated before adding, “But if you're still gonna punish me, I understand.”

“'Punish you'?” the principal replied. “Considering the circumstances, don't you think that's a little extreme? All I need to know is if you'll at least try to get the help you need. Do that for me, and I see no reason to drag this on any longer. After all, I'm sure you've been through enough already.”

Dac nodded, slowly looking up at her and smiling, “I think I can do that. I know I'll have all the support I need from my . . .” he paused as he glanced around at the girls' smiling faces, “. . . my new friends.”

“Hmm, good,” Principal Celestia sighed, satisfied, “then I suppose the last thing we should do tonight is get you kids home. I'll drive you.”

They all agreed, and followed Principal Celestia to the parking lot. As they walked, Dac looked over at Sunset, realizing something that needed to be said. “Sunset,” he said, a bit uneasily, “I . . . I was wrong about you, too. You really are a different person now. You're . . . . you're a wonderful friend.”

Sunset smiled and put a hand on his back. “Dac, that . . . that means a lot to me. Thank you . . . so much.”

Two weeks had passed since that day, and Dac had never been happier. The night after his time on the roof, Pinkie Pie was true to her word, and had thrown him a big party after school at a local restaurant, which many kids from school attended. At school, every time he passed Fluttershy in the hall, she stopped him for a big hug. He chatted with Rarity often; she always had questions about his love life and what kind of girls he liked, and she'd given him advice on how to approach girls and be more confident. Once, while Applejack had been making her deliveries, she'd given him a wink and a free apple juice box. He'd offered once again to go one-on-one with Rainbow Dash on the soccer field, but she'd turned him down, wanting instead to read some of his poetry.

Sunset had kept her word, as well; she and Dac were as thick as thieves since she'd talked him down off the roof. They had lunch together almost every day, they helped each other with their homework, and during his prose presentation in their English class, she had applauded louder than anyone else in the room. A casual observer may have suspected that they were dating.

The last bell of the day had just rung, and the five friends met up in the hall, talking and laughing and reveling in their success with Dac. Helping to improve Dac's life had changed their own lives a little; they knew now to think more deeply on the subject of suicide from now on. And they knew that, if something like this ever happened again, this past experience would make them prepared.

“So, I asked him if he was seeing anyone,” Rarity relayed her most recent talk with Dac to the girls, “and—you'll never believe this—he blushed! He went absolutely beet red! I kid you not!”

Pinkie Pie squealed in girlish delight, “YAAAY! Dacky's got a girlfriend!”

“Well, I'm happy for him and all,” Fluttershy spoke up, “but isn't that a little . . . well . . . private?”

“Fluttershy's right, y'all,” Applejack agreed, “whether he's got someone special or not, best not to pry too much into it, all right?”

“Hey, girls!” came a call from down the hall, and all five turned to see Sunset Shimmer walking side-by-side with Dactylic Pentameter.

“Hi, Dac,” Fluttershy greeted him cheerfully, and walked up to him to give him another big hug.

“Hi, Fluttershy. Hi, everyone,” he greeted them, “I wanted to let you all know something, but I wanted to wait until today. You see, I . . . I won't be back in school tomorrow.”

“WHAT?!” they all responded in shocked unison.

“Whatever do you mean, darling?” Rarity asked. “Does this mean you're transferring to another school? Well, don't you like it here at Canterlot High?”

“You're not dropping out, are you?” Dash asked. “Come on, even an athlete needs a good education!”

“Are you gonna play hooky?!” Pinkie squeaked. “So naughty!!”

“Girls, calm down,” Sunset quelled them, “he already told me earlier, but he just wanted to let you all know that he's taking a few weeks off school so he can see a therapist.”

Dac nodded and explained, “I just finished fleshing out a deal with Principal Celestia. She thought it would be best if I take a little vacation until I can get myself together. For the first week, I'll be making a schedule that works and be better prepared to come back well. I know I probably should've let you know sooner, but I wasn't sure what would happen or how it would work until today.” He glanced from one face to the next and continued, “But this doesn't change anything. Even though we'll see less of each other, we're still friends. And I'll be thinking of you all while I'm gone.”

At this statement, all the girls released a collective, “Awwwww!”

“Shucks, sugarcube,” Applejack replied, “if that's all it is, then go for it. We got nothin' but good thoughts for ya, hear?”

“Thanks, Applejack,” Dac answered her, then turned to another of his friends. “Fluttershy? Maybe when I get back, I could help you out at the animal shelter?”

Fluttershy gave a small gasp at his consideration. “Oh, Dac,” she beamed, “that would be wonderful!”

Dac went to the next girl. “Thanks for talking with me, Rarity. I've been feeling a lot more confident around girls lately, and I think it's because of you.”

Rarity smiled and held out a hand to Dac's face. “We'll be thinking of you as well, darling,” she said warmly. “We wish you nothing but happiness, all of us.” She leaned forward and gently kissed his forehead.

“And Pinkie?” Dac said, turning to her next. “Thanks again for the party. I can't remember the last time I had so much fun.”

Pinkie responded by reaching out and giving him another squeezing hug. “Any time, bestie!!”

Once Pinkie and Dac parted, Dash spoke with a sly grin, “So, Dac, we hear you've been gettin' lucky!”

Dac and the other girls looked at her, and Applejack's look was stern. “What?” Dash replied, “It wasn't prying, it was a statement!”

“Well, that could certainly be open to interpretation!” Rarity deprecated, but her tone shifted to curiosity. “But since the question's been asked . . . .” She stepped up to Dac, her eyes searching him wildly. “Is it true? Do you have a special little someone in your life? Tell me everything! Tell me, tell me, tell me!”

Dac blushed, just as Rarity said he had when the subject came up between them earlier. “Well, actually . . .” he said softly, fidgeting a little on the spot, “there is . . . someone . . . .”

“EEEEEEEEE!!” Pinkie shrieked in excitement, “Dacky really does have a girlfriend!”

“Hah! I knew you were a stud!” Dash gave him a friendly punch on the shoulder. “So spill it! Who's the lucky girl?!”

“Hi, muffin!”

Everyone turned to see another girl join them. She rushed immediately to Dac, the two hugged for a good long while, and they kissed each other passionately. The girls got a good look at her—she had grayish skin and light-blonde hair, and they could all swear she had some sort of a cockeye.

When Dac finished kissing his girlfriend, they both turned to see six surprised looks. “Oh, uh . . . yeah,” Dac began awkwardly, “I met her on the way back from the counselor's office a couple days after you all helped me off the roof.”

She nodded and lay her head against Dac's shoulder, adding, “We talked about why we were in the counselor's office, and he told me about what happened on the roof. I guess I should thank you all for saving his life. I never would have met him if you hadn't.” She glanced up at Dac, and when he looked back, they kissed again, a little more quickly. She then continued, a little saddened, “I told him my reasons, too. I told him about how I'm kinda clumsy, and my grades weren't the best, and about how some of the other kids like to make fun of me . . . .”

“All I said was one thing,” Dac continued, “I told her basically what I learned from all of you. I told her never to let anyone label you, and you're perfect just the way you are.” His hand curled tightly around her waist. “I've been all hers ever since.”

She looked back up at him, only one eye aimed directly at him. “Oh, come on, you know it was because I fell for your pretty blue eyes.”

Dac smiled and stared back at her lovingly. “Well, only people with pretty eyes can find pretty eyes.”

She blushed heavily as her eyes began to mist, and she moved in for another kiss, during which Dac held her tenderly by the waist, and her foot popped up behind her.

As they looked on, each girl reacted differently. Fluttershy shed a few tears of happiness, while Pinkie gave another heartfelt, “Awwwww!”

Applejack seemed a little concerned. “You know, y'all gotta come up for air eventually.”

“They look so cute together!” Rarity cooed. “Oh, now I feel a bit jealous . . . hmm . . .” she suddenly sounded a bit irritable for some reason as she said, “You know, I think Applejack's right, she is kissing him a bit too long . . . far too long . . . .”

Dash rolled her eyes and turned away, feigning disinterest. “Eh, the novelty's gone, now just a load of mush.” She looked back, though, and smiled, adding, “Still . . . way to go, Dac . . . .”

Sunset smiled proudly, feeling almost like a mother witnessing her son's graduation. “I knew it all along, Dac. I told you that you had a reason to live.”

Author's Note:

There's actually one more chapter after this. It's a short epilogue that takes place on the pony side. As always, thanks for reading!