• Published 12th Dec 2014
  • 9,472 Views, 300 Comments

One More Dance - LightningSword

A troubled boy on the roof proves that Sunset Shimmer still has to account for her mistakes

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#11 - Epilogue

One More Dance

#11 -- Epilogue

Twilight Sparkle rapped on the door of what could have been the smallest house in Canterlot. She had come straight here alone after meeting up with her friends when she'd emerged from the inter-dimensional mirror. She had had this planned ever since meeting Dactylic Pentameter in the human world, and now, before she left with her friends for Ponyville, she had to do one last thing.

“It's open,” came a lackluster voice from inside.

Twilight opened the door and stepped into a very dark living area, lit by a single candle on a desk in the corner. Sitting at the corner with his head on the desk was a Pegasus stallion with parchment-colored fur and a spiky, ink-black mane. His cutie mark, just barely seeable in the dark, was of a quill pen crossed with a flower.

“Uhh . . .” Twilight began, unsure, “Dactylic Pentameter?”

The stallion picked his head up off the desk and turned to his company. “Yeah, who's asking?” he replied roughly. He then got a good look at the pony who'd come in, and a surprised look came to his face as his tone changed, “Oh! Princess Twilight Sparkle!” He then gave her a low, respectful bow.

“No, please, that's not necessary,” Twilight urged him, “and please, just Twilight is fine. Look, I was told by certain sources that you're the best poet in Canterlot, and . . . I wanted to meet you face-to-face.”

Dactylic Pentameter looked back at Twilight, his confusion slowly slipping into ambivalence. “Well, I'm flattered, but I can't imagine who'd tell you something like that,” his voice dropped back to its former brusqueness. “I haven't published anything in months. Whatever I had, it's probably gone, now.”

“Please, don't say that, Dactylic. I'm sure you—”

“Dac, please,” the Pegasus interrupted, correcting her.

“Uh, Dac, right . . . Dac, you have a lot to offer ponies, not just here in Canterlot, but in all of Equestria. Sure, you've had a dry spell, but it's no reason to give up.”

Dac scoffed, “'Give up'? I haven't been out to enjoy myself in years. Mares repeatedly reject me. I've been insulted and laughed at by every critic from here to Manehatten. I've even had one of them claim one of my short stories plagiarized Trenderhoof! Right now, this isn't remotely close to 'giving up'.” He glanced back at his cluttered desk; a rope rested on it, looped wide enough to fit around his waist (and his wings). “Not in the sense I'm hoping for, anyway . . . .”

Twilight saw the rope, and panicked; she knew exactly what that would be used for. “Dac, please, listen to me,” she pleaded, “I know things look bad for you, but you have to believe me when I say that they can get better, and they will! You have talent, and you can't let that talent go to waste! All you need is the right inspiration, and a little something to get you out of this rut you're in. Once you're out, your work will sell again, I'm sure of it!”

Dac eyed Twilight with curiosity. “Why do you care?” he asked her, half-snapping, half-genuine. “Why the sudden interest in my failing career?”

“Well . . . just think of it as a princess reaching out to her community. Here, I wanted to give you something.” Twilight used her magic to pull something out of her saddlebag and hold it out to Dac. He looked at it as it came at him, until he allowed it to rest on his extended hoof. It looked like a business card. Taking it back to the candle on his desk, he read it out loud:


Depression Specialist”

Dac looked back up at Twilight, now looking amazed at what he was given. “Who told you I had depression?” he asked her.

“Well, nopony, really, but . . . it's just that, you reminded me of somepony. He had a lot of the same problems you have, but you don't have the solution he had. He has what he needs now, and now, so do you. So, before you go and see that doctor, take one day, whenever you get the chance, and come visit me in Ponyville sometime. My friends and I would be glad to cheer you up, and you may even get the inspiration you need to get out of this slump.”

“But why? Why would you do this for me? I don't even know you.”

“But I know you, Dac,” Twilight replied, “better than you might think. And I know that if you had friends that could be there for you, you'd bounce back and be the success I know you are.” Twilight looked deep into his blue eyes. “Besides, everypony deserves friendship. Especially you.”

Dac glanced between Twilight and the card she had given him, and his eyes began to mist. “I . . . I don't know what to say . . . .”

“It's all right,” Twilight assured him, “just take me up on the offer sometime. And don't ever stop writing. You really are one of the best. You just need to find that out yourself.” She gave him a smile before she turned to leave, but stopped to add, “Oh, and one more thing. If you ever meet a pony, a Unicorn named Sunset Shimmer . . . don't be angry with her. She's a different pony now.”

“. . . Huh?”

“Oh, don't worry about it for now. Just get the help you need. And remember, don't be afraid to make a few friends. Friends really help.”

Dac looked back at Twilight, and his stony face started melting into a heartfelt smile. His response was almost broken by his voice, and the tears began to fall at last.

“Thank you, Twilight.”

The Alicorn princess smiled back as she walked out the door.

“My pleasure, Dac.”

Author's Note:

Thanks to all of you for making this my most successful story on FIMfiction! :yay:

Comments ( 148 )

I loved this. This story needs way more attention. Its well written its full of feels with a nice happy ending.

There are a lot of fics out there that touch on depression but most of them clearly have no idea how depression actually feels or how it can come about, This is on the other hand is very well done, I can completely understand why Dac felt the way he did.

Well done :twilightsmile:


5541136 Hmmm . . . . . maybe once I've seen Rainbow Rocks. Until then, I'm glad you enjoyed it. :pinkiehappy:

Well, it's on Netflix, if you have it, that is.
Great ending to this tale.:pinkiehappy:

5544466 Yep, I got it. And make no mistake--first chance I get, I'm watching. :ajsmug:

And thanks for the follow! :pinkiesmile:

5497570 It's just odd to take such a extraordinary and dire situation and describe it so.....underwhelmingly. Would you say that someone wanting to kill themselves is awful? No! freaking terrible and horrible barley works.

5571456 Well, it is awful, you know. :applejackunsure:

5571920 I know! But you can't just try to explain suicide with "awful" either.

Wow what a way to finish up this story. I'm honestly so glad that Dac was alright in the end and especially that he found the right girl for himself in the end (the fact of who she is, is a bonus as she is one of my top favs). I thought this was such a good story overall and was so worth adding to my favourites.

-Frost :pinkiesmile:

5575919 I'm so glad you enjoyed it so well. And as flattered as I am, I'd appreciate it if you'd put some spoiler tags in your comment. Don't wanna give away the ending, after all. Thank you. :twilightsmile:

Oh crap! I'm so sorry. I completely forgot to click on the spoiler thingy! I've just edited it now and I will not spoil a story like that again! Woops, my bad!

-Frost :pinkiesad2:

5576153 Don't panic, it's all right. :twilightsmile: Thanks for that. And thanks again for reading. :raritywink:

Wow. Just...wow. You managed to do, with this story, something that I'm hoping to do over the course of a short series. I feel so...outclassed.

I'm still going to be writing my stuff, mind you, but still, I can't help but see some similarities between Dac and my own OC, Quiver Quill. That said, Dac's got the more impressive name, and I think they'll find themselves in similar (but different) places.

Well done, wordsmith. You've earned another follower this night.

5586059 A follow, a favorite, AND a great review all at the same time?! :raritystarry: You, friend, just made my night! I can't tell you how flattered I am by your praise. Many thanks, indeed. :twilightsmile:

And good luck to you on your own story, as well! I'm sure you'll do great! :pinkiehappy:

5586229 Thanks very much, and thanks for following me in return.

5614057 I'd appreciate it if you put that in spoiler tags. I don't want anything given away. Thank you. :twilightsmile:

5643579 Thanks! I hope you enjoy them! :twilightsmile:

Wow. This was a great story all the way through. You definitely get my upvote and favorite. :yay:

5643878 Awesome! Thanks again! :pinkiehappy:

5687827 That seems to be the general consensus. :twilightsmile: Thanks for reading!


I see what you did there :moustache:

5687849 I was wondering when someone would point that out. :trollestia:

What exactly does Dac look like?

My reaction to the story:

Thank you for those feels!

5731649 Thank you, sir, for the add on two different favorites shelves. I'm honored that you enjoyed my work so much. :pinkiehappy:

5874382 Thanks! I hope you enjoy it! :pinkiehappy:

5875317 Thank you so much. It's comments like those that keep me going. I'm flattered and honored to know that my work inspired you so much. Good luck in your own writings, and thanks for reading! :pinkiehappy:

5947210 You'll find out. Read it to the Epilogue, and you'll know. :ajsmug:

5969997 Thanks for that. I appreciate it, and I'm glad you liked it. :pinkiehappy:

5973228 Thanks so much! :pinkiesmile: I'm glad you enjoyed it. Let me know if/when you finish reading.

Awwwwww.... I love that ending..... A sequel would be nice, how Dac is a few years later, but it's just a suggestion. :twilightsmile:

5993862 I'm tinkering with a few ideas. Now that I've seen "Rainbow Rocks", I've got something pretty solid in mind. :raritywink:

5993877 Yaaayyyyyyy! :yay: I'm reading your other flics right now!

5993884 Cool! Hope you enjoy them! :yay:

6063999 Thanks for reading. I hope you continue to enjoy it. :twilightsmile:

6064081 Well, considering I know next to nothing about Doctor Who, I'd have to say not . . . :applejackunsure:

This was written to appeal to those who have felt that way. I know I felt the way Dac does when I was in high school. And many of those bad feelings resurfance every now and then. Writing this story proved to be a relieving experience, almost therapeutic in a way. So, knowing that others can relate to it just as easily makes me feel really good.

I'm glad you're enjoying this. Thanks again for reading. :pinkiesmile:

6121924 I admit, I played with the idea of Sunset and Dac dating, but I guess I choked at the last minute. Not many people like seeing OCs paired with canon characters. Go figure. :applejackunsure:

Thanks again for reading. I really appreciate it. :pinkiesmile:

Man,many feels were felt, extraordinary job! :pinkiehappy:

6122101 Many thanks, my friend. I'm so glad you're enjoying my work so much. Thank you so much for all your comments and reviews. It means a lot to me. :pinkiehappy:

Very touching story man. Not gonna lie here, this actually did something that stories like this rarely do, make tears form in my eyes. :raritycry:

6129618 I'm glad you enjoyed it that much. I always like to see emotional reactions from my readers. It means my work connects with them in a good way. Thanks for reading. :twilightsmile:

6134097 Uhhh . . . . well, since you favorited, I must assume you're enjoying the story, so . . . thanks? :twilightsheepish:

6165104 Wow . . . . based on how much MLD affected me (it made me cry, to be honest), I consider that a lofty honor. Thank you, sincerely. I can't tell you how much that means to me.

And thanks for the fave and follow! :pinkiehappy:

6165128 No problem, man!

To be honest, this story has hit me hard. Mostly because from sixth to eight grade, I was going through something similar, feeling absolutely worthless. I really connected with Dac (though not with the problem, as I've never attempted to ask out someone). I'm not saying I shed tears, but I certainly felt a bit of liquid build up.

A great and emotional read, by far!

Oh the feels. I've been in Dac's position, and it hurt like hell...even contemplated taking that last step. I couldn't do it though...I had way too much going on to do something like that. I just had to pick myself up, and refocus my mind on something other than feeling the way I was.

6179485 I'm glad the story was able to connect with you. It's gotten t a point where that's exactly the purpose it serves: to tell the reader "I've been where you've been, and it's okay". Thanks for taking the time to read. I appreciate it.

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