• Published 20th Dec 2014
  • 228 Views, 1 Comments

Just one of those days - Commonancestry

It's amazing how quickly a good day can go south.

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Chapter number 2

I’ve always found the serene blue walls they have in hospitals a touch off putting, though I can’t say I’ve ever been able to put my hoof on why. I get that it’s supposed to help calm people down, and alleviate stress, but everywhere? Just creeps me out a bit. At least it’s not something bright and happy; I don’t think my head could handle it. What the hell was I drinking last night? Somehow the party thundering on in my head seems to have got a hold of it, whatever it was. I just wish I was invited. The steady rhythmic tapping of hooves coming down the corridor helped to convince myself that I should get up. A splitting pain in my right wing and a worsening headache made me realise that’s not the best idea I’ve had all week. Not the worst by a long way I’ll grant you, but most certainly not the best.

The door into my room opens up, followed by an off white mare in a nurse’s cap. Going from the cap and massive red cross on her flank, I’m going to assume that she’s not the janitor. I tried to sit up and get her attention, but it turned out that the mother and father of all headaches seemed to have taken up residence in my brain, and I could almost hear the tiny pitter-patter of baby headaches on the way.

“Unnnghh… My head.” I slumped back down onto the pillow. Well that was dignified.

“Ah so he’s alive. How are we feeling this morning?” Going from her tone, this conversation wasn’t exactly going to be a fun one. I glowered at her until she got the message. “Not much of a talker then. Well, I’m Nurse Redheart, and as you may have already guessed from the title, I’m not exactly the janitor round here.” I knew it! “You got brought in last night after getting in a fight with a bar stool and losing, and then taking it out on the floor. Somehow you almost broke your wing and knocked yourself out in the process. Let’s just say you’re lucky it was your wing that broke the fall instead of that pretty little face of yours.” That would explain the pain back there. I sat up a little and tried to look half awake. “Couple that with the fact that your previous injuries were on their way to healing nicely, it looks like you’re going to be grounded for a while.”

“Give it to me straight nurse; will I ever be able to play the violin again?”

“That depends; could you play it before?”

“Well no, but how hard can it be right?” Well I tried to lighten the mood, honest. “So how about it doc, how long have I got to stay here like this?”

“Firstly, I’m not a doctor; I actually work for a living. And secondly a couple more days at most. Just enough to ensure there’s no lasting damage to your wing, and that everything else is on its way to healing nicely. I reckon no longer than a week preferably. I’d rather you stay in discomfort for a day or two than end up falling from 2,000 hooves up.”

“Sound good to me.” If nothing else, she makes a valid point.

“Oh, and while I’m at it, no trying to escape. If you want to leave, just sign yourself out, like a normal pony would.” Escape? Who the hell would want to escape an oppressively clinical room, with a lumpy and uncomfortable bed, attractive nurses with a misunderstanding of correct bedside manner, and the possibility of what some might consider food three times a day. Actually I take that first part back.

“Why would I try and escape? Seriously who-“

“Just don’t ask.” She interrupted, “Let’s just leave it at some Pegasus have a slightly overactive imagination about these things. Lunch will be delivered here shortly, and dinner at around 6pm if you feel up to walking to the canteen at that point.”

“Well thanks for the offer, and I’m not usually one to turn down a free meal, but I think I’ll be off. I don’t do well staying in one place for too long.” I tried getting up, but my back had other plans, and the family of headaches seemed have invited the neighbours round for dinner and drinks. At that point my stomach decided to get in on the action, and grumbled away loudly. “Actually on second thought, maybe I’ll stick around for a little longer. Can’t hurt to try being patient for once, right? No pun intended.” Pun most definitely intended.

“Just wait until you see the food. You might have second thoughts about staying too much longer. Well, I best be off, but if you need anything use the call button.” Without even waiting for a response, she left me alone with my thoughts. I could stay here for a couple days, maybe a week tops. It’s not like I’ve got any pressing matters or plans of which to speak. At that point an orderly knocked on the door.

“Lunch.” I got the feeling this guy was a real talker. I nodded hesitantly, bearing Nurse Redheart’s warning about the food in mind. The orderly set the tray on the table and moved it across my lap, then walked off without a word. I studied the plate carefully, trying to ascertain what culinary delight I was in store for. Apparently, beige was now a food group. Boiled potatoes, parsnips, and a light brown sauce all blended quite artfully into one bland mess. Yeah, this was going to be a fun stay.