• Published 20th Dec 2014
  • 229 Views, 1 Comments

Just one of those days - Commonancestry

It's amazing how quickly a good day can go south.

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Chaptero Numero 4

I pegged it through the streets trying to find somewhere, anywhere to hide or shelter from the rain for a while at least. Up ahead I could see a massive tree with the lights on. That should have struck me odd, considering I’ve yet to find a tree-dwelling pony, but given some of the stranger looking structures in this part of the world; I can’t say I felt all that surprised. Hell, I could’ve sworn I’d passed a massive ginger bread house back there, and I distinctly remember passing a circus tent like structure in town somewhere. As I got closer to the tree, I saw a door shaped light shining through a space near the base of the tree. Either somepony really did live in that tree, or I wasn't actually over my concussion just yet. Through the torrential downpour I heard a voice yell out.

“Hey over here! What do you think you’re doing outside in this weather? Get inside quick!” I didn’t need telling twice. I bolted over to the door, eager to get of the this damned storm. However, given my less elegant nature, and eternal disagreement with gravity, my hoof rather neatly caught on the door mat, sending me bowling into a very purple mare. If I could have planned the exceptionally compromising position that we ended up in, I’d have some very marketable skills indeed.

I looked up from my compromising position, and my still addled brain decided on my best course of action. With an eyebrow cocked, and a devilish smirk spread across my mouth, and elegant phrase that had done so much for in the past, raised it's ugly head to my lips.

"Well hey, how you doing?". From the look on my new acquaintances face, I was edging ever closer to being magicked somewhere less comfortable. Tartarus perhaps. Maybe the goddessless wastes of the Everfree Forest? All I could be certain of was the fact that I'd once again, been heartily thrown back into the mixing bowl of life, and already had the bruises to prove it.

A sudden glowing sensation, coupled with a sudden and slightly violent discorporeal feeling, I found myself the right way up and not 10 foot from where I had been previously straddled by an angry purple mare, now standing a mere five foot away from me, covered in a rather bulky looking jumper. I made eye contact, and immediately regretted the decision. I could feel her eyes boring into my very being, the anger of a vengeful god building inside her. My brain kicked into gear, informing me that it should do the talking for the moment, while I sat there and looked pretty; a task which it informed me was no mean feat.

"Well you know what they say about first impressions, right?". Really Brain? That's the best you could come up with?

"Most probably, but I feel you should enlighten me anyway. And if you even consider pulling any of that 'How you doing' crap, you'll find your life takes a turn for the colder, wetter, and stormier." Before I could answer, I heard the tapping of what sounded like tiny claws on the wooden floors coming from behind me. I spun around to see a rather small and stocky, purple Dragon.

"Hey Twi, what was with all that noise? And who is this guy?"

"I'm just about to find that out Spike. Now, how about you start by telling me what on earth you were doing out there at a time like this?"

Oh how I wish I could just speed things up by showing her the last few chapters, but such is the life of a dashing rogue like myself. "Well for starters, my name is Wind Chaser, and I'm an alcoholic."

"Hello Wind Ch-" A quick glare from the unicorn silenced the baby dragon before he could finish.

"OK, so let me start by saying this week has been one of the most bizarre and painful of my life. To cut a short story shorter: I'm on a forced vacation from home; jumped on a train bound anywhere far away; have just got out of your local hospital, which is the second one I've been in this week; and hadn't realised that there was going to be a storm today. I'm soaked through, grounded, in pain, and could really do with someone pointing me in the direction of a local hotel, bed and breakfast, bedsit, homeless shelter or bus shelter, preferably in that order," Ok, so I guess I wasn't dealing with this as well I could have been, but these things just build up on us from time to time, "Though I do have two quick questions for you. A, Who are you and why do you live in a tree? And B, how did you even see me out there?"

"But that's three questions?" Turns out Spike was an observant one. I'd have to be careful around this genius.

"Not important." I turned to the unicorn in question. "So any chance of an answer? Or at least some directions so I can get out of your mane. Oh and I'm not actually an alcoholic if that helps things get along any faster."

"Right, well I guess it'd be rude of me not to help out a little, even if you did knock me over and hit on me. My name is Twilight Sparkle. I live in this tree because it's also a Library, and I'm the Librarian, as appointed by Princess Celestia and Mayor Mare. Finally, I saw you out there because I was working on some equipment on the balcony. Happy?"

"Wait, you're Twilight Sparkle? The Twilight Sparkle?" There's no way she could be the newest Princess. I mean, where were her wings?

"No I'm just a Twilight Sparkle, didn't you hear? We come in pack of six." The snark was strong with this one.

"As in Princess Twilight Sparkle? But where are your wings?" Yes, I know, 'Oh my Goddess Wind Chaser, you can't just ask somepony where are there wings?', but it's a legitimate question.

"Yes, as in Princess Twilight Sparkle. And as for the wings to prove it..." Yet another quick flash from her horn and her overly bulky jumper disappeared in the aether. Without missing a beat, she stood tall and proud, and stretched her magnificent wings out behind her. Lightning flashed through the windows as her wings reached there full extent. Even in the well lit room, she seemed to radiate light from behind her, though this trick was somewhat ruined by the fact I could see Spike holding a torch behind her. Still, B- for the effort, just lacking in execution.

"OK, not bad. Not bad at all. The lightning was a little unnecessary though. Anyway, now we're done with the introductions, any chance you could at least point me in the right direction when you kick me out?"

"However much I'd like to kick your arse out of my house-" "Treehouse."

"Not helping, but thank you Spike, the only b and b round here is a good hour or so walk away. Given your current state of broken, I'm going to reckon that it won't do you much good. So, here's the deal. You get to stay the night in the guest room, but are gone once the weather has settled down tomorrow. Deal?"


"Ok. Spike, show him where the Guest room is. I've still got a lot of work to finish up."