• Published 23rd Dec 2014
  • 3,608 Views, 117 Comments

Gong Yi Tem Ponies - TrombonePlayingPony

One moment, I'm at a convention minding my own business. Now I'm in some crazy world where magic replaces physics. The only thing I have from home is a scroll that can hold things called Shen Gong Wu. Oh, and did I forget to mention talking horses?

  • ...

The Lunar Locket... and a rainbow cannon

My night with Rarity was about as simple as being in horse world could go. We made some more small talk on the way to her boutique, which by the way was a building with a carousel on top of it. It was even named after the unique building choice: Carousel Boutique. Anyway, once we were there she showed me where the guest room was and it wasn’t long before I was snoozing away.

The next morning she woke me up before the sun had risen for the sun celebration. She figured while I was stuck waiting for my ride home, I might as well enjoy my time here. It took her being a bit more ‘persuasive’ but I finally dragged my butt out of bed. I had let the robes air out overnight so they didn’t stink of my sweat at the least, though I did ask Rarity about finding me some more clothes. She offered to make me some after the festivities, adding another couple tallies on my ‘How much I owe Rarity’ board.

We walked through town, getting a lot of stares from ponies which didn’t exactly help with me feeling comfortable. I was fine with getting glances, but most of these ponies were dropping everything they were doing just to watch me go by. By the time we made it to the festivities the warm feeling I had been building up since meeting all of the girls had been blown away like a fire on a windy night.

“Oh come now Allan. There’s no reason to be shy.” Rarity chided next to me. We were currently sitting in the back of the hall as Fluttershy changed out the bandages around my head. Turns out she was in charge of a bird choir, making me think her thing for animals was more than just your common vet.

“Easy for you to say. You’re not un gigante.” Rarity gave me a confused look. “A giant.”

“Oh, I understand how you feel.” Fluttershy muttered as she let go of my head. “All those ponies watching you just makes you feel so…” she shrunk a bit along with her voice “small.”

Rarity huffed. “Well that doesn’t mean you- hey, what’s going on?” I followed her eyes to my back to find the scroll was pulsing with a golden light. I had almost forgotten I had put it on this morning, the feeling of the strap against my shoulder almost natural.

“Dunno. This trasto isn’t supposed to be anything beyond a fancy metal tube holding a bunch of rolled up paper.” I reached around and pulled it off me, careful not to mess up any of Fluttershy’s work. Pulling it open revealed the blue circle once again only this time it was swirling. Not only that but for some reason I could understand the characters as they began to shift and a picture formed in the circle.

“The Lunar Locket?” I watched as the picture in the circle turned into an animation, showing the amulet being handed to a man and him aiming it at the moon. The moon then began to move with his arm, which was confusing until I read the text next to it.

“What is it Allan?” Fluttershy peeked over my shoulder. I could feel Rarity looking over the other, though she was stretching her neck much further.

“I don’t know. This scroll, at least in the story it’s from, would show the heroes when a special magical object would reveal itself. It would then give them a description of it like it just did right now.”

“You mean the moving picture?” Rarity asked. I nodded. “Then what is all of this?” She tapped a hoof to the characters on the right.

“That’s a written description. And this,” I pointed to the words along the bottom “is the name of the object.”

Rarity squinted at the words while Fluttershy just looked confused. “What sort of language is this?”

“I don’t know. I wasn’t able to read it before but now I can. From what I can tell, the object it’s showing is called the Lunar Locket and it has the power to control the moon.”

“Gracious! You mean like the princess does?”

The princess controls the moon? Here I thought a necklace with that power was ridiculous. “Uh… ya, let’s go with that.”

Fluttershy nudged my side. “Um, so if this scroll showed the people in your story when one of these objects showed up, does that mean that one has shown up in Equestria?”

“I doubt it. This thing was probably just made to make random lights and stuff on some sort of timer. Or maybe I hit a button on it by mistake. Trust me, this thing is basura.” Another confused glance from the two of them. “Junk.” Suddenly the image of the man changed to an arrow that pointed at the stage the princess was supposed to appear on.

I was about to question this new omen when the mayor, whose actual first name was Mayor, called for everyone to take their places. Fluttershy flew off to prepare the bird choir while Rarity went to take her spot pulling the curtain back. I closed the scroll, deciding I could wait on finding the off switch after the festivities.

Once the mayor was done with her little intro about it being the summer solstice and such, she finished it off naming a bunch of titles the princess had, one of them being that she not only controlled the moon, but the sun as well. Finally she got to her actual name.

“Princess Celestia!” Fluttershy’s bird choir sang a little song while Rarity pulled back the curtain to reveal… nothing.

That can’t be good. Apparently my thought’s were mirrored by about every pony in the room as they began to mutter to each other. Before anyone could get too rowdy though, a dark blue fog began to form up on another of the three balconies, growing larger until finally taking the form of a pony with both wings and a horn.

There are ponies with both?! Oh, now that’s just cheating. The dark colored pony in armor looked down at the ponies before laughing darkly and going on some rant about bringing eternal night to Equestria. As she said this, she looked toward the window which had been showing the beginnings of a sunrise. Her horn glowed and the moon moved to eclipse the sun.

I wasn’t looking at that though. My eyes were on the locket she had around her neck.

There’s no way… can it? I pulled back open the scroll just to see if my assumption was right. The arrow, no matter which way I turned or moved the scroll, pointed right at the mare. She has the Lunar Locket?! Before I could try to make any more sense of the situation, the mare lashed out with lightning against some pegasi guards, taking chunks of stone out of where they landed before turning back into fog and bolting out the door. The arrow followed her all the way.

“Well what do you expect me to do about it?” I asked the scroll as if expecting an answer. None came of course other than the arrow it continued to give me. I muttered “Trasto.” before putting the scroll on my back. I had gotten on my feet just in time for Applejack to run up.

“Hey! Twi seems to know something about what’s going on. We should try following her.”

I nodded. “Sounds like a plan. Lead the-” A scream interrupted me. I looked to see the balcony Rarity had been standing on was crumbling, apparently having taken one too many hits from the black pegacorn’s lightning. Before anyone with wings could get the chance to help her, it finally broke free, and gravity showed it’s lack of mercy for the third time in the past twenty four hours.

I’m still not sure what happened next but here’s what I remember. I reached behind with one hand as I bolted through the crowd, everything almost moving in slow motion for me. I felt something with weight enter my hand and I pulled it around to reveal the ruby I thought I had lost. I aimed it at Rarity and the falling debris and shouted.

“Ruby of Ramses!”

As I spoke, the rubble and pony together slowed to a halt as a bright red outline covered all of them. I moved my arm slowly down, orienting Rarity out of the way of any debris and placing her on her hooves before releasing the whole thing. Rarity seemed to be shocked at what happened, as was I as I looked to the gem for answers that never came.

Ruby of Ramses? Is this another one of those magical objects from that show I barely remember? And where did it come from? As if on cue, the ruby turned into a golden light before moving behind me and entering the scroll. Well that explains that. How did I call it out though?

Applejack came running up next to me. “Allan! How in the blue blazes did you do that?”

I shrugged. “Sorry señorita, I have no idea.” This surprised her even more but any further questions were cut off by a ball of white fur wrapping itself around my side.

“My hero!” Rarity’s praise made me blush once again, though much less so this time as I was still trying to understand what just happened. Rainbow flew in soon after, scolding all of us.

“What’s taking you all so long? We could have been there by now!” And then she left without giving any of us a chance to explain what the hold up was. Rarity got off my side and ran after her with Applejack, quickly followed by Pinkie and Fluttershy. I shook my head real fast, causing a bit of dizziness due to my injury before running after them.

Here’s hoping it’s not some cliche “end of the world” type deal.

* * *

“Ah!” Wuya proclaimed, cutting through the sounds of metal being burned with a blowtorch. “The Shen Gong Wu has revealed itself! It is the Lunar Locket. With it, we will be able to control the moon!”

“Control the moon!” Flim popped up from underneath the machine he had been working on. “Why, that would make world conquest so much easier. We wouldn’t have to worry about having some sort of replacement for Celestia.”

“Indeed brother of mine!” Flam slid out from the other side. “So where are we off to Wuya?”

“The Lunar Locket has appeared in a town called Ponyville.”

“Great! We’ll just grab the cider droids, load them onto the Super Speedy-”

“Wait! It appears to be moving! Now it is in the Everfree Forest and is only going deeper.”

Flam quivered a bit. “The Everfree! That place ain’t natural.”

“Don’t worry about it Flam! Our droids will take care of the hard part. We just need to walk in and take the prize.”

* * *

I had to go and jinx it.

We all arrived at the library to find that it was the end of the world. I mean, eternal night meant no sunlight, which at least back on Earth was essential for life to exist. Twilight went into some long winded explanation about what the heck the black pegacorn was while I busied myself trying to figure out the scroll. I had it out in front of me as I tried all sorts of mental and spoken commands to understand how it worked.

Alright, so I can summon the Ruby of Ramses by just thinking it. I did so real fast just to test it still worked. Good. Now if only this stupid thing would tell me what it does! The scroll refused to budge, the blue circle slowly swirling. Oh come on! I continued trying in vain to get the instructions on the Ruby before dropping it on the scroll in a huff.

Wonder what the girls are talking about? I looked over to see they were still deep in talking about how they were going to take down the nightmare queen with good vibes or something. Really didn’t seem to make much sense, but then again, how has anything been sensical since I arrived?

I glanced down at the scroll to the surprise of a picture with a man holding the ruby and using it to manipulate some stones. Is that what it does? I picked the Ruby up off the written instructions only for said text to disappear. Ah, so if I put one of these “Shen Gong Wu” on the scroll, it’ll give me the info on them. Here I thought I was going to have to pull open the rest of this thing to find the instruction manual.

I put the Ruby down so that the instructions appeared once more and went over them real fast. Alright, so it’s a point and shoot telekinesis. Easy. I willed the Ruby back into the scroll, watching the light swirl into the blue circle before packing it up. By the time I was ready so were the girls.

Twilight seemed to realize I hadn’t been listening and whined. “Allan! Don’t tell me you didn’t hear any of that.”

“Uh… sorry. I was trying to make sense of this whole thing.” As I said that I willed the Ruby back into my hand. The ponies’ eyes went wide at the sight, even the ones who had already seen it.

“Since when could you do that?” Twilight remarked. “I checked you for magic while you were unconscious and you were so nonmagical that I had to boost my spell to make it work!”

I shrugged. “It’s the scroll I guess. It stores these objects called Shen Gong Wu. This one gives me the ability to use telekinesis essentially.” I let the Ruby return to the scroll while Twilight started getting all “learning crazy” again.

“It’s able to store objects as energy! Such a magical feat would certainly-” She was thankfully cut short by Applejack’s coughing.

“Uh, hate to interrupt Twi, but we got a nightmare’s flank to kick and a night to not let last forever, remember?” Twilight realized her error and grinned nervously.

“Whoops. Sorry. We can figure out your scroll later. Right now we need to stop Nightmare Moon.” As they headed out I followed them until Twilight turned around and stopped. “You don’t need to come. It will be rather dangerous.”

“So? You act like I can’t defend myself.” I noticed Rainbow doing a poor job at holding back laughter. “What’s so funny?”

“Snrk, you? Defend yourself? Ya right. The guy who fell flat on his face the first time we saw him is going to fight?”

Now I have zero combat training and if anything my lifestyle had pushed me in the opposite direction. Never played sports, never really worked out, I did a lot of walking but that wasn’t for exercise, just day to day things. I was rather clumsy, sitting on the line between underweight and healthy weight constantly.

So to say I had no excuse as to why they should bring me along other than ‘I wanted to figure out this whole Shen Gong Wu thing’ was rather spot on.

Twilight seemed about ready to argue the point further but Rarity spoke up. “He was quite the savior back in the town hall.”

“The guy’s quick on his feet, I’ll give him that.” Applejack added.

“It was rather brave of him to jump to the rescue like that.” Fluttershy quietly said.

And then Pinkie added her own… special part. “He was all ‘Whoosh!’ and then ‘Wererererer’ and then he pointed that crystal thing and was like ‘Ruby of Rabies’ and then Rarity stopped falling!”

This was oddly enough all it took to convince Twilight to concede defeat. “Fine. He can come too.”

I stood up a bit straighter, feeling strangely confidant at the compliments the other ponies had given. “Alright! Besides, just how bad can one forest be?”

* * *

Ya. I totally jinxed it again.

We finally made it to some ancient castle deep in the forest after the worst nature walk in history. We literally had been thrown off a cliff, attacked by some lion/scorpion hybrid, had trees come to life before Pinkie made them all poof away somehow, calmed a woeful serpent of his poorly cut mustache, and fixed a bridge.

Twilight and the others went about collecting some rocks that I guessed were important. I decided it was best to stay out of the way and pulled out my scroll to figure out where ms. put-the-world-into-eternal-night was. The arrow formed just in time for me to follow it to some blue fog creeping toward Twilight.

“Twilight!” I called out, her eyes snapping open to see the fog swirl around the stones before her.

“The Elements!” she cried before jumping into the vortex. It swallowed her quickly and began to shrink. Before it disappeared completely, I jumped in after her on the same instinct that had helped me save Rarity.

We both ended up getting tossed on our butts after what I imagine a joy ride through a blender would feel like. I shook my head and looked up to see the pegacorn standing there, the rocks floating around her.

“Hm?” She seemed confused by my presence. “And what kind of creature are thou?”

“Human.” I said standing up. “And I’m also not a fan of the whole ‘eternal night’ thing so it’d be great if you stopped.”

She scowled. “We see. Than you shall suffer like they will!” Her horn began to glow before some kind of energy blast hit her from the side, taking all of her concentration away from me. “Who dares?!”

Suddenly what looked like the love child of a barrel and a droideka flew in, followed by about five others just like it. The pegacorn took to the air to deal with the new threat, leaving the rocks on the ground. Twilight ran toward them while I watched the battle and readied the Ruby just in case.

Robots? Where el infierno do you get robots in a place like this? I glanced around to find two ponies and a floating mask with purple jello attached to it peeking in through one of the windows. At about the same time they noticed me and I heard the mask cry out.

“It’s him! Quickly now, get the Shen Gong Wu!”

You kidding me? There’s competition for these things! I watched one of the ponies strap a dragon statue to his back and call out “Longi Kite!” before taking to the skies. By now, the pegacorn had taken out half the droids but she wasn’t expecting the pony to suddenly fly by, swiping the locket off her neck.

“We’re here Twilight!” I heard Applejack call from the doorway behind us, but at the time it didn’t do much good. Twilight still couldn’t get the rocks to work and the droids were just distracting the pegacorn now. She didn’t seem to notice the loss of her amulet as she blasted through the droids before pulling Twilight away from what she was doing.

I watched the pony who swiped the locket turn around and wave it about to his friends in victory. Unfortunately for him, he wasn’t looking where he was going and ran smack dab into a stone pillar. The locket clinked against the ground, landing off to one side of the room. I moved to grab it, but three more barrel-bots flew in and this time there target was me.

Mierda! “Ruby of Ramses!” I grabbed one of the bots in my telekinetic grasp and turned him on his friends, his laser firing non stop. As soon as the others were spare parts, I smashed the bot into the wall a few times before picking up one of the larger piles of rubble in room and dropping it on its head.

It had been a short distraction, but enough for the pony who had flown in to clear his head from the collision and make his way toward the amulet. There’s no way I can get there fast enough! I glanced down at the Ruby annoyed before thinking of something. Unless...

“Ruby of Ramses!” The square of stone beneath my feet rose out of the ground, causing me to fall backwards but I still stayed on. Let’s see you enjoy this magic carpet ride! I willed the stone forward, the sudden acceleration nearly throwing me off as I was essentially thrown at the pony. The stone platform narrowly missed his head and overshot my intended target as I jumped off and rolled. As soon as everything was right side up again I lunged at the locket, the pony wrapping a hoof around it at the same time.

“Sorry you… whatever you are, but this amulet’s mine!” The pony spoke in what I could only describe as a salesman’s accent. I growled at him in response.

“Not gonna happen!” Our fight turned into a game of tug of war at that point. That is, until the locket began to glow, causing both of us to stop and wonder just what it was doing.

Before either of us could really question it though, a giant rainbow spewing out of the six ponies interrupted our little game. The rainbow wrapped around the pegacorn, said pain-in-the-butt screaming the entire time. And then as sudden as it came, it was gone, the pegacorn now replaced with a smaller, lighter colored version.

“You fool!” Came the hissing voice of the jello mask. “Don’t be distracted by such trivialities!” That shook us both out of our delirium as our tug of war match began again in earnest.

“Allan!” I heard the ponies call out as they realized I was in my own fight. They rushed over but Twilight stopped them before they got too close. “Hang on girls. That amulet is giving off some strange magic.”

“What… what’s going on?” The pony on the other end of the locket babbled. Jello mask and the pony’s twin came over as well, the former apparently understanding what was happening.

“It is a xiaolin showdown. You two must now compete in a challenge where each will wager one of their Shen Gong Wu and the winner takes all.”

“Hmm? What… what is happening?” I heard a soft voice mutter. Turning my head, I saw that the newly colored pegacorn was getting up. She seemed to notice us rather quickly, and even more so what we were both holding. “My locket! Give that back!”

Jello mask was chuckled darkly before floating over in front of the pegacorn. “Sorry, but it seems your locket is something we need to take over the world. You’ll have to just sit there and watch as we beat this human and take it, as is the rules of the showdown.”

That was confusing to me at least. “Rules? Wouldn’t think you were much for rules if you’re planning on world domination.”

“The rules of a showdown are a binding magical contract that no one can break. They are more ancient than this castle or the forest it sits in.”

I rolled my eyes before asking “Okay… so what do we do?”

Jello mask grumbled a bit. “Really? I have to explain this to you?” It sighed. “One of you challenges the other, declares a competition, and then each wager a Shen Gong Wu. Since you only have one that should be easy enough to decide even with your ant sized brain.”

“Huh… alright than.” I looked at the pony still holding on to the other end of the locket. “I challenge… you-”

“My name is Flim.”

“And I’m Flam.” His twin with the mustache echoed.

I snickered. “Really?” They didn’t look amused. “Alright. I challenge you, Flim, to a xiaolin showdown. I wager my Ruby of Ramses.”

“And I will wager the Longi Kite.” Each item let of a pulse of light as we said this, as if to confirm their entry into the showdown.

“The challenge will be…uh…” I glanced around looking for an idea before giving up and picking something generic. “A race. Whoever reaches the Lunar Locket first wins.”

“Very well. I accept your challenge!” Suddenly the glow surrounding began to grow brighter and brighter before dying off completely. Only instead of us all being in the castle, we were now on the moon.

“What the?” We all looked around completely confused until a huge, moon-rock mountain rose up out of the ground, the locket sitting on top of it. Some more rocks rose up and just began floating around the mountain, orbiting it like a moon does a planet. Once everything settled, we all took a moment to collectively wonder just what in the world, or any other, was happening.

“Ah.” Jello mask sighed. “It is always an interesting sight, these showdowns. You never know just what will happen.”

“Allen, you sure you can do this?” called Applejack from the side lines. “I mean, you ain’t exactly the most fit feller.”

“A little late for doubts.” I replied. “I can’t back out now. Besides, there’s now way I’m letting these guys take the locket.”

“This stinks! Can’t one of us substitute in or something?” Rainbow Dash whined.

“Relax. You guys took care of the eternal night stuff. Let me handle this.” Now if only I knew what the heck I was doing.

“Gong Yi Tan Pai!” Jello mask yelled, its voice echoing off the surface of the moon. We all just gave it a weird look until it explained. “It means start the showdown!”

Flim was quicker on the draw than I was as he called out “Longi Kite!” and was off into the air. I was still trying to figure out how I was going to get up this mountain when I remembered we were on the moon and tried jumping. The result was probably the most ungraceful impression of Neil Armstrong you’ve ever seen but it got me up the mountain a bit.

“Are you serious?” Flim chided from his spot in the air next to me. “You think you can beat me with jumping while I can fly? I might as well take it-” one of the rocks floating around the mountain collided with him, interrupting his taunting. I just ignored him and bounced again, this time not looking like a complete dunce.

“You can do it Ally!” screamed Pinkie from down below. As she began to cheer, so too did the rest of the ponies. This brought a smile to my face before I turned back to the task at hand. What the heck am I doing here? Just a day ago I was planning what to do after college and now I’m on the moon racing to grab a magical amulet against a ghost and her two friends. Oh, and in a world with talking caballos nonetheless!

I pushed that line of thinking aside as I bounded up the mountain. It wasn’t long though that I realized I was still falling behind. Flim was moving at practically twice the speed I was. Of course, I’m the genius who suggested a race against someone with a flight Shen Gong Wu. That’s when I remembered I had my own Wu to use.

I called the Ruby to my hands and aimed it at one of the rotating rocks. “Ruby of Ramses!” The rock glowed red and I quickly tossed it at Flim.

“Look out you fool!” Jello mask cried, though too late for him to react. The stone hit him square in the muzzle as he turned around, resulting in him dropping like a stone down the mountain. I smirked and continued my way up but it wasn’t long before he passed me again. I doubt that’ll work a second time, and he’s still way faster than me. I need someway of speeding myself up!

I flashed back to the castle where I had launched myself with a stone slab before glancing at yet another rock floating by. Well, if it doesn’t work I’m likely to kill myself but like abuela always says: “Better to take a risk and fail than wonder what could have been”. I jumped onto the rock, getting a grip on it before firing up the Ruby again. The stone glowed red and launched straight up the mountain. Flim dodged it with a grin but when he saw I was on the other end of it his jaw dropped. I just smiled back like a maniac as the rock flew right by the peak of the mountain, making grabbing the locket easy pickings.

As I began to fall toward the ground, a golden glow washed over everyone and before we knew it we were back in the castle as if nothing had happened. I felt the weight of the Longi Kite strapped to my back as well as the Ruby and Locket in each hand. Overall I was feeling on top of the world! Or the moon. Take your pick.

“Ha! Looks like you and your lackies aren’t getting this one, jello ghost.” I taunted jello mask as my friends cheered for my victory.

It roared. “Jello?! I am Wuya, dark witch of heylin magic, and this will not be the last time you see the likes of me!” She flew out the window, the two ponies getting picked up by barrel-bots as they followed her.

“Should we go after them?” Twilight asked.

“Pffft, nah. They don’t have anymore Shen Gong Wu meaning they aren’t really a threat anymore. I think we’ll be-”

“Ahem.” I turned to see the pegacorn giving me an annoyed look. “I believe you have something that belongs to me.”

I glanced down at the locket in my hand before raising an eyebrow at her. “I don’t think giving the one who tried to end the world a necklace that controls the moon is the best idea.”

“I don’t think that will be a problem.” A motherly voice spoke. A piece of the sun itself seemed to float into the room through a window before the light died off to reveal another pegacorn. The first looked rather scared at the new one’s entry while Twilight ran up to her.

“Princess Celestia!” The two shared a snuggle before the princess looked to the other ponies, who I had not noticed were bowing until now. Whoops. Should I be bowing?

“Rise, my little ponies. You have all done a great thing today in restoring the Elements of Harmony and defeating Nightmare Moon.”

Is that what the whole rainbow beam of death was? She turned to me. “And you. I thank you in making sure that amulet did not fall into the wrong hands. What you did was very brave.”

I felt my face heat up as it usually did when I was complimented. “Oh it was nothing. Only thing I was really worried about was falling.” Unless you count the constant worry about how in any world I am going to get back home

She smiled softly at my awkwardness. “Bravery is not lacking fear, rather it is being able to face your fears. Now…” she looked at the darker pegacorn who tried to shrink at her gaze.

“Princess Luna, you have caused so much trouble to the innocents of Equestria with your actions. What do you say to this?”

“I… I…” She seemed to be on the verge of tears. I was about ready to see a thrashing from Celestia but she surprised me by sitting down in front of Luna and snuggling her.

“Oh my sister, I missed having you by my side all these years. We were meant to rule together, not fight like this. Please, can we return to how things once were?”

Luna seemed surprised by what she was saying before finally breaking out crying and throwing herself into Celestia’s chest. It was a tender moment that I didn’t want to interrupt so instead busied myself with putting away my Wu. The locket was last to go but before I sent it into the scroll’s storage I stopped and stared down at it resting in my hand.

“What are you going to do with it?” Rarity walked up next to me, expertly reading my thoughts. I continued looking at the locket before sighing and glancing at the two sisters. They seemed to be done with their emotional time so I walked over to the two of them and held out the locket to Luna.

She was surprised that I would so willingly hand it over, making me laugh a bit. “What? You really thought I was going to take this from you? It’s obvious this means more than just moon control to you.” For a moment she seemed confused at my understanding before nodding.

“Yes. I have no need of its power now, but when I was young and still learning, my father gave it to me to help raise and lower the moon each night. It’s the only thing I have to remember him by.” The locket was picked up in a blue aura that matched the one around her horn. It wrapped itself around her neck and she looked down at it warmly. “I… thank you. You didn’t need to return it but you did. You are very generous.”

I felt my blush return in full force. “Nah. I’m just a guy stuck in a world he doesn’t understand with a magical scroll that points me to things like your necklace. I’m definitely nothing special.”

Luna giggled. “Yes, your lack of any sort of training was obvious in the… what was it called, show-lin showdown?”

I shrugged. “Well what do you expect? I was just a student back on my world, one who was studying something that required very little physical strength. The fact I won at all was nothing short of a miracle.”

Luna giggled again, which by the way was adorable. “Then perhaps we should get you a trainer to help you learn, especially if you are going to be in more of these challenges. What do you think sister?”

Celestia nodded. “I agree, though I would like for you to explain just what it is these challenges are at a later date.” I nodded to her as the two of them stood up. “But now is not the time for such things. Now should be a time of celebration as my sister has been returned to me once more.

And with that we turned to head back to Ponyville. Or, at least that’s what everyone else did. I instead opted to faint on the spot.

Ya, I’m definitely hero material.