• Published 23rd Dec 2014
  • 3,608 Views, 117 Comments

Gong Yi Tem Ponies - TrombonePlayingPony

One moment, I'm at a convention minding my own business. Now I'm in some crazy world where magic replaces physics. The only thing I have from home is a scroll that can hold things called Shen Gong Wu. Oh, and did I forget to mention talking horses?

  • ...

Cats, Kats, and more cats

It was a few weeks after the the Sword of the Storms showdown and things had been rather slow. Only one or two Shen Gong Wu had been revealed, none of which I made it to in time. At the moment I was working on finishing the bedrooms for the temple as I pondered how to add rockets boosters to the Longi Kite.

Maybe there’s rocket Shen Gong Wu? Or maybe one that teleports? That would certainly be handy. I took a moment to look over my work so far only to be interrupted by Twilight walking in, carrying my scroll for some reason. “Twilight, why are you here, and why do you have the scroll?”

“I wanted to study it but it won’t open!” She seemed to struggle for a moment but the scroll simply didn’t budge. “What holds this thing together?!”

“It will forever remain a mystery I suppose.”

“I can’t just leave it unknown! The unknown was meant to be learned and studied! If I ignore this now, I might as well throw away everything I have ever been taught!!”

“Sorry Twilight, but it’s not-” Suddenly the scroll began pulsing light, causing Twilight to drop it in shock.

“I didn’t do it!” I just rolled my eyes before moving over to open it. The picture moved to reveal the Rio Reverso, a Shen Gong Wu capable of turning what is old young again. I could feel Twilight breathing over my neck as the picture played out before slamming the scroll closed and bopping her on the nose with it. As she rubbed her new bruise, I swung the scroll over my shoulder and readied the kite for flight.

“Wait! Where are you going?” Twilight asked. I started walking toward the outside, her following and basically forcing me to answer her questions.

“There’s a new Wu active to the south. I gotta jet.”

“Oh! I’ll just teleport you! I haven’t gotten to try my teleportation spell on another person yet” Twilight’s horn lit up as her face scrunched up in concentration.

“Twilight, I don’t think-” Suddenly everything seemed to fall apart as it felt like all my internal organs were sucked through a straw and then spat back into me. I hit dusty ground and began dry heaving in between various curses.

That chica loca is going to get me killed if Wuya and her goons don’t do me in first. I managed to get up once my stomach realized we were still in three dimensions and looked around. There was a small town just to the west of where I had landed, a small sign just close enough for me to read it. ‘Appleloosa’.

I found the perfect place for Applejack apparently. I pulled the scroll out of the kite’s mouth and checked the compass. Due south east. A glance in that direction showed a dust cloud moving toward a rock stack. A bit of light glinted off something at the top, alluding to where my prize was.

Well at least she got me to where I needed to go. I slid the scroll back in the kite before leaping into the air. As I got closer, the roaming dust cloud proved to be a large number of cider bots, carrying a more than pleased looking Flim and Flam.

Time to see what this training has done for me. I thought, drawing the Sword of the Storms. I flew above the droids before folding in the kite’s wings and dropping like rock, blasting a few bots to pieces as I did. Just before I crashed into the ground, I let out a burst of wind and flared the kite’s wings, all but halting my momentum. I stood in front of the pack before reading the Eye of Dashi in my other hand.

“Ah, there you are Allan.” Flim mocked. “We were wondering when you would catch up.”

“Indeed.” Flam nodded. “We thought you might have given up.”

I just smirked and said “Oh no. Not when kicking your butts has become a personal hobby of mine. Eye of Dashi!” I blasted the droids that were carrying them with some lightning before the rest of them spread out, making my shots less effective. Thankfully the things weren’t exactly smart, and easily ran into each other if you pushed them off course.

Wasn’t long before there was nothing but scrap left of the drones that had been attacking me, leaving my focus to Flim and Flam. The two were scaling the stack, using the Fist of Tebigong and Third Arm Sash respectively to help them climb.

I flew toward them, ready to blow them off with the Sword of the Storms but the brothers were ready for me. Flam grabbed Flim with the sash before swinging him at me, his fist leading as he shouted “Fist of Tebigong!” I was hit square in the stomach, throwing the kite off my back, but I managed to grab hold of Flim in the exchange. Flam swung us both about, trying to throw me off before I let go on a rather strong upswing. I embedded the sword into the stone and looked down at them before giving them a salute.

“Thanks for the help guys!” I turned to climb but was interrupted by the stack beginning to shake. Looking back down, Flim was slamming into it with the Fist of Tebigong, trying to shake me off. Visible cracks were beginning to form in the stone and at my height I wasn’t about to get out of this without a broken bone. I stuck the Eye of Dashi into a crack that had formed next to me.

“Eye of Dashi!” The lightning exploded in the crack and travelled down the stack, flashing in their faces. I watched as the two brothers tumbled down the stack with a smirk before turning back to the task at hand. A few moments of climbing after pocketing my Wu and I reached the top, the Rio Reverso glinting a bit of sunlight as I looked upon it. I reached for it, extending my arm to its fullest, my fingers brushing against the metal…and then everything went wrong.


Instantly, the rock stack began to shake from the sound of the voice alone. Then, out of nowhere, a large tiger-like creature barreled right through the very base of the rock formation.

The stack leaned in such a way that the Rio Reverso slid away from me, but that was the least of my worries. Without the Longi Kite it was a long way down.

“This is either going to work amazingly or I’m about to become a pancake.” I said to myself as I pushed off the rock and called out the sword again, aiming it downward. “Sword of the Storms!” A vortex of air formed below me, slowing my decent before an AWOL bot slammed into me, causing me to take the last couple dozen yards at the mercy of gravity. I watched from my position on my back as the brothers were carried away by bots, the Rio Reverso in one of their magical grasps.

I would have gotten up to chase them, but Tony the Tiger apparently was still having a temper tantrum and got in the way… again.

“Hey you!” the beast yelled out to me. “You wanna fight Rath, you worthless maggot?!”

I got up and rubbed a hand against the part of my back that had hit the stone. “Look tigre, I’m kind of busy trying to prevent the world falling to darkness. Maybe we can have a pissing contest later?”

“No!! Rath wants a fight now!! Or Rath is gonna go berserk on your teeny tiny butt!!”

Damn, here I thought papa could get scary sometimes. I looked around to find the Longi Kite lying behind him. Just my luck. I readied the sword in front of me. “I’m serious culo, get out of the way.”

“Rath!!” I heard a female voice shout out.

The tiger blinked and scowled in anger. “Agh! Not her again! Rath will kick your teeny tiny butt later! Rath’s gotta jet!” And like a steam engine, he plowed his way right through the rocky terrain, not a single thing stopping him.

I quickly reclaimed the Longi Kite before figuring out where the female voice had come from, which oddly enough was above me. Floating there was a girl with blond hair, some kind of red and white energy coming off of her. She seemed about as pleased with el tigre as I was. “Hey hermosa, that your pet cat or something?”

She regarded me for a moment, before staring off at the path of destruction “Rath” left behind. “No,” she said, “That’s my brother.” She shot off after him, leaving me stunned as to what just exactly happened.

“Do I deal with el gato culo and his floating sister, or try to catch up with the brothers?” I looked in the direction the two ponies had gone to see they were already out of sight. “Guess that makes the choice easy. Longi Kite!” I flew off after the cat creature, thankful it wasn’t heading toward the only town in the region. Eventually I managed to catch up with the two as they were still in mid chase.

“Get back here, Rath!” Hermosa called out.

“Rath refuses to listen to anything you say Gravity Queen Kat Shifter. Rath is out and ready to rumble!!” He rushed right through another rock arch, causing an even larger dust cloud to blow into the air, the girl not even blinking as she soared right through it.

Uh oh! “Sword of the Storms!” I swung wildly, clearing a path through the dust. What I didn’t think would happen is the cat creature getting tossed about by the resulting winds and landing on his butt. He gave me a snarl as I just muttered “Whoops.”

The creature got back up, punching one fist into his open palm repeatedly. “You got a lot of nerve doin’ that, teeny. Rath is gonna have to teach you some respect.”

Before I could respond, the girl floated down right between the two of us. “No! That’s enough Rath! You’ve had your fun, now let my brother out.”

I floated up next to the girl. “Uh, hermosa? I can handle a bit of rough housing.”

“I wouldn’t recommend it kid,” she said not even looking at me. “This creature is much stronger than he looks. More than one god fears his very presence.”

“Well good thing I’m not one of those gods.” I said with a cocky smirk. “Now, you mentioned getting your brother out of that thing?”

“Enough talk!! Rath is gonna pound both of you into the ground!” The creature slammed his fist into the earth and sent out a massive shockwave, crumbling everything around us for nearly a mile outwards.

“Looks like kitty made a mess.” I said as the Eye of Dashi appeared in my other hand. “Too bad I don’t have any water to squirt you with, but this will have to do. Eye of Dashi!” Lightning shot out and hit the creature dead on… and did literally nothing. Que demonios is this thing made of?!

Well, not nothing, actually….it did go and piss it off even more. “Rath is gonna shred you into string cheese, tiny man!!” He brandished his claws and leapt at me, roaring all the way.

“Get down!” The girl yelled as she shoved me away. She pulled a strange device out of her jacket and pointed it at the creature. The tip began to glow green and a strange sound began to emanate from it. Rath quickly put his hands to his ears, roaring in pain. “Give Ben back, Rath. Your time is up.”

I managed to right myself before hitting the ground just as a beeping began to ring out. I had a split second to realize that it was coming from the creature before a red flash blinded me. When it died down there was a guy with a green jacket slouched over where the creature was. And here I thought this couldn’t get any stranger.

The girl crouched down by the guy as he sat up, holding his head and groaning. “Oh gods, what the heck happened?”

“Rath happened. He got loose just before we portaled out.” She helped him to his feet, smiling slightly. “Good to have you back, bro.”

Well, as weird as this has been, it is nice to see them together again. My smile faltered a moment. I miss my family. I quickly shook the thought away before pocketing the eye and sword and floating down next to them. “Everything good here?”

“Yeah,” the girl said with a smile. “Sorry about all that. You’re probably confused as all enfer right now, aren’t ya?”

“I know I would be,” the guy said as he cracked his neck. “Aw, why does going Rath always put such a crick in my neck?”

I shrugged. “Eh. I’ve been confused the entire time I’ve been here really. Getting thrown into talking caballo world and handed magical weapons will do that to a guy. Though I suppose my biggest question would be where you two came from. I thought I was the only human in Equestria.”

They both looked at me in a little surprise with a blink, then at each other, then back to me. “Hoo boy, that’s gonna be a long one to explain. Why don’t we find someplace better than this desert and we’ll talk you through it.”

“We can head to Ponyville. I’ve got a place there and I don’t think Master Gongniu will mind visitors.”

“Ponyville should be fine. Think you can get us there in a flash, sis?”

“Only if he’s okay with it,” she said pointing to me. “You know how temperamental people can be when I teleport them.”

I felt my stomach churn a bit as my earlier bout of teleportation came to mind. “As long as it doesn’t feel like pony teleportation, I should be alright.” I added with a mutter. “Twilight’s going to pay for that one.”

“Well….it might be a little stomach churning, but most tell me it’s more like quick, hard turbulence on an airplane,” she explained.

“Does that make you the stewardess?” I chuckled before quickly adding. “That already sounds miles better than pony teleporting. Fire away hermosa!”

“Si ça te branche,” she said with a shrug. She snapped her fingers and almost instantly, we were standing right outside the Golden Oaks Library. “How was that?”

“Well I don’t feel like someone shuffled my body parts, so I’ll give you a 9 out of 10. Longi Kite!” I flew up a couple feet. “Come on. My place is on a hill on the outskirts of town.”

The girl shrugged, lifting into the air as the guy just stayed on the ground. “Going for a run?” she asked him.

“Yep,” he said with a cheery smile. “I’ll meet ya both there.”

“Alright then.”

* * *

“Are you sure this is the place Flim?” Flam called out to his brother. They were currently what could be described as the middle of nowhere, standing in front of an old cabin that looked like cats were coming out of the woodwork.

“Well with the amount of cats here, I’d say so.” Flim walked up to the door and knocked before waiting for a good while for the owner of the house to finally open it. What they were greeted by was an old mare with a pink cloak over her back and a cutie mark resembling an apple tree with golden apples. Oh, and about a dozen more cats.

“Can I help you fellas?” Goldie Delicious asked.

Flim cleared his throat. “Why yes you can. You wouldn’t happen to have heard of the infamous cat burglar, Katnappe, would you?” Suddenly Goldie’s smile became a glare as all of her cats jumped up and surrounded the two brothers, hissing with their back hair sticking straight up.

“And just why would you be looking for someone like that here?”

Flam took a look at their situation, sweat dripping down his brow before swallowing. “You see, we would like to offer Ms. Katnappe a chance to return to her glory days. We have something that we believe will return you to your youth.” Flim pulled the Rio Reverso out of his saddlebag and showed it an unamused Goldie.

“You really think I’m just gonna believe that thing will make me young again? Besides, I have yet to hear what you gain from bringing back Catnape.”

“We need your help, essentially. There are more objects like this, magical artifacts with extraordinary powers. We got lucky and managed to swipe this one from our foe, but its just the one you need.” Flim aimed the Rio Reverso at a nearby tree and fired. “Rio Reverso!” A beam of energy hit the tree and within seconds it had shrunken down to an acorn.

Flam stepped up next to his brother. “If we can get all of these Shen Gong Wu, the world will be ours, and we’ll be more than willing to pay back those who aid us.”

Goldie looked at the acorn in shock before giving the two brothers a smirk. “I think we can come to some sort of agreement than.”

Flim grinned evilly along with his brother. “Excellent. Rio Reverso!” Goldie was struck by the beam as the transformation began. Her wrinkles were made smooth, her physique gained muscle, her hair pulled itself out of the bun it was in as it began to turn a blond color. When all was said and done, the mare before them was everything Goldie Delicious had not been. Young, beautiful, and agile. She purred, testing her vocal chords.

“Yes, this will do quite nicely. Kitties, lay off the nice boys. They’re our guests after all.” The cats backed off as Flim put the Rio Reverso back in his saddle bags. Goldie approached, running her tail underneath the two brothers chins before purring again. “So boys, what’s this you said about world domination?”

* * *

“So let me make sure I’ve got this right.” We were currently sitting in the finished half of the temple. Master Gongniu had stepped out, dealing with some issue at the Apple’s farm or something, leaving me with the siblings who were apparently from another world.

And no, they aren’t aliens. Quit thinking like Rainbow Dash.

“There’s this thing called the multiverse, which works just like the theory named after it, and you two are travelling between the universes because…”

“At first it was because someone used my totem, but now we’re trying to track down a villain who escaped from Ben’s world.” Kat explained as she sipped on some tea.

“You wouldn’t happen to have seen a strange man in purple with a full head visor would you?” asked Ben. I still have no idea how he beat us here when he was on foot.

“No, you two are the first things I’ve seen walking on two legs since Master Gongniu. So, you two are looking for a guy, but you were sent to other Equestrias originally by another guy who happens to sound just like the creepy stand owner who gave me this scroll. And you both happened to get your powers and be transported at conventions, just like me.”

“Eh, roughly,” Ben said with a shrug. “I mean, I was just sent via some stupid microchip. Kat actually had a cat. Would have been nice to meet him.”

“He sold you a cat? Here I thought it was just con merchandise.”

“He sold me a plush cat. Dusty came to life when we arrived in Equestria,” Kat said with a longing sigh.

“Ah, that makes more sense. Well, as much sense as some creep handing out powers and then throwing them in caballo worlds can make.”

Kat chuckled a little. “You’d be surprised how many of those he’s conned into other worlds. Enfer, Ben and I aren’t even from the same Equestria!”

“Really? Surprised you two managed to find each other if the multiverse theory is right about infinite possibilities.”

“That’s not the big concerning point,” Ben said with a smile. “Neither of us even knew the other was alive. We’ve been separated for a long, long, time.”

“Huh. Well I guess it was a huge relief for you guys to find each other after the few years you were separated.”

“You have no idea,” they said in unison.

“But you probably don’t want to hear our backstories. Too dark for most people’s tastes.”

I shrugged. “Your choice.” I glanced at the two of them, seemingly enjoying their other sibling’s presence. Wish I could see Rachel again. I grimaced a bit before hiding it, siping my own cup of tea.

“Well, to start off,” Kat said looking shy, “I’m a genocidal military general.”

“And I’ve got multiple personality disorder that kills,” Ben said with a smirk.

“Guessing el gato calo was one of those other personalities?”

“Uh huh, that’s Rath. He’s not very friendly as you guessed. You’d think after so long he’d be calm, but no. That does bring a question to mind. How long have you been in Equestria?”

“Let’s see…” I muttered, looking up at the ceiling. “Today is… the third of October so… a little over three months. I showed up right before the summer solstice.”

Ben gave me a weird look. “Oh buddy. I am so sorry for you.”

“Hey, things have been pretty good so far. I’m good friends with the princesses, heck I even hang out with Luna sometimes when I dream. The other ponies have been great, though Twilight needs to lay off my Wu. Other than being the only one who can understand the scroll, meaning I have to find any new Wu, things have been muy bien.”

“What my brother is trying to tell you, Allen, is that there is a curse amongst the Displaced. Tell me, how old do you think Ben and I are?”

I pointed at Ben. “17,” than at Kat. “21. Why?”

Kat pointed at herself. “1300.”

Ben then did the same. “A little over five thousand.”

I sat there in shock for a moment. “Wow, well damn hermosa. Looks like you figured out whatever secret Celestia has to keep herself looking good.”

“Well, thank you for the compliment, but this is serious. A majority of the Displaced I have run into suffer from this as well. It’s quite likely, Allen, that being a Displaced makes you immortal.”

Ben nodded. “And trust us, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.”

“An older tree may have more chips in its bark, but it is also stronger for the storms it weathered through.” I turned to see Master Gongniu walk in. I quickly stood up and bowed.

“Master, these two are… friends. Kat and Ben.” I motioned to each as I spoke.

“A pleasure to meet you both.” He bowed slightly.

“Greetings,” Kat said with a little bow.

“Yo,” Ben said with a two-fingered salute. That earned him a slap to the back of the head by Kat. “Ow!”

“Learn some tact,” she chided.

“Now, there is no reason for such things. You two are guests and I trust Allen’s judge of character for the moment.” He turned to me. “As I said, there are positives to even such a curse as immortality. It is best you not dwell on the negative.” I nodded.

“I’ve yet to find one,” Kat said with a grimace. “My life has been nothing but hell.”

“Mines been wacky and crazy destruction,” Ben added ‘helpfully’.

“Can you honestly say that nothing good came of these things though?”

“Mostly? Yes,” Kat said with a determined nod. “As the old song goes, ‘nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen.’”

“Not many people cause an entire race to go extinct, eith--ow!” Ben didn’t even get to finish that time before getting hit.

“I see your point, though the fact you stand here today proves that something did come out of your hardships. Now, I believe that is enough talk for today. Allen, it is time you began work on the dining hall.” I groaned but accepted my fate nonetheless.

“Well that sounds boring,” Ben quipped. “You seriously just make him do chores all day? Lame!”

“Ben! This isn’t either of our worlds. We can’t judge it.”

“No but I can still call ‘lame’. I call ‘lame’ on you good sir!” He shouted pointing at Gongniu.

I waved about behind Master Gongniu, trying to transmit the message for Ben to shut up but it was too late as he said, “If you believe so strongly, perhaps you’d like to show me just how ‘lame’ I am.”

“What? Like as in fight you? Yeah, I’m not a fighter. I’m a peace keeper. Plus, you couldn’t lay a finger on me if you tried old man.”

He waved a hand. “No fighting. A simple challenge so to speak.” He pulled a pebble out of his robe. “All you need to do is take this pebble from me.”

Ben shrugged. “Sure, I’ll take a shot.” Kat and I facepalmed in sync as he got up and tried to reach for the pebble. Gongniu pulled his arm back, his face still the calm expression it had been since the moment he had arrived.

“Is that all?”

Ben’s eyebrow rose slightly at the challenge. “Oh, a wise guy, eh? Well, then let’s get on with it.” Once again, he tried to grab for the pebble. And once again Gongniu pulled it back just out of reach.

“I believe Allan has said something about doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results being the definition of insanity. Is this not true where you are from?”

Ben gave him a deadpan look. “Then let’s try it the sane way.” And he just held out his hand. “May I have the pebble, please?”

“You may.” He dropped the pebble in Ben’s hand, myself completely shocked he figured it out so quickly.

“Negotiator mode?” Kat asked.

Ben smiled, juggling the pebble in his hand. “Comes in handy, don’t it?”

“I’ll say.”

“I do hope you learned the lesson I was trying to transmit. Now come along Allen. The dining room will not build itself.”

With a sigh I followed after him, muttering “What I wouldn’t do for a ‘build things itself’ Shen Gong Wu.”

Author's Note:

The first part of a crossover with my friend DJSkywalker and his Displaced Ben from Ten Against One and Kat from Gravity of the Situation. I highly recommend reading both as they are amazing!