• Published 27th Dec 2014
  • 2,693 Views, 105 Comments

Laughter or Darkness - Starlitomega

It seems like an easy choice, doesn't it? However, when you've spent a thousand years away from other ponies, the darkness can be comforting. It will take a lot of work to drag Luna out of the darkness, but one pink pony is up to the task.

  • ...


Blinking away the sleep from her eyes, Luna stirred, rousing from her slumber. Habitually… no. Instinctively, her body awoke to perform its duty. Her horn ignited in a burst of magic as she called out to the moon. Obeying her will, the celestial body rapidly descended, falling out of sight.

Her royal duty complete, an unpleasant light crested the horizon, shining in on the couple. With a derisive snort, Luna fired a spell at her curtains and closed them, blocking out the intrusive sunlight. Turning over in bed, she squeezed closer to her sleeping companion.

A shiver of excitement and pleasure coursed through Luna. Putting herself nose to nose with Pinkie, she smiled and draped her other soft, downy wing over Pinkie’s frizzy mane.

I hope my sister won't be too disappointed that we won't be joining her for breakfast.

Luna sighed, letting her eyes shut once again as she took in the gentle warmth emanating from Pinkie Pie.

Stirring out of her slumber, Luna stretched her hooves as far as she could. Through bleary eyes she sat up in bed, ready to tackle the day. After a quick glance to her side, though, her heart sank just a bit.

The spot next to her had been vacated, most likely hours before she had awoken. With a long sigh, Luna hung her legs over the side of her bed and hopped off. Starting for the door, she barely made it five steps before the growling of her stomach reminded her of the meal she had skipped.

I might as well raid the fridge. I'm sure they put my dinner away when I didn't show.

Walking into the corridor, a curious sound caught Luna's ear. It sounded like somepony panting with exertion. Quietly, she stalked down the hallway until she found the source of the noise: Celestia’s bedroom. Luna slowly pushed open the door in curiosity.

Celestia, decked out in yellow and blue sweatbands, gasped in exhaustion. The elder alicorn was bent backwards, her front hooves touching the back of her rear legs, in what simply had to be one of the most uncomfortable positions Luna had ever seen in her entire life.

"What in Equestria are you doing?" Luna shouted in the Royal Canterlot Voice.

Celestia tumbled to the ground, moaning in pain. "I'm exercising, little sister. It might behoove you to try it sometime," Celestia fired back.

"And what exactly brought this about?" Luna asked, offering her sister a hoof to pick herself up with.

"That pink saboteur you've been seeing keeps leaving cake, and it’s starting to take its toll on the royal flank," Celestia complained, craning her neck to stare at her butt.

"Don't be stupid. Your flank is the same size it was the day I was banished," Luna chided her, rolling her eyes.

"No it isn't," Celestia argued. "It's fat!"

"I never said it wasn't fat, just that it's the same size it was a millennia ago," Luna said, sticking her nose in the air.

A quick and betrayed gasp followed. Luna had no time to react as a pillow smacked her square in the face, scattering feathers everywhere.

"Problem, sister?" the younger alicorn asked, blowing away a stray feather.

Celestia flung her sweatbands off angrily and harrumphed. "When Pinkie Pie's extravagant amount of sugar starts going to your hips, you'll come crawling back to exercise with me."

Stifling a giggle with her hoof, Luna finally spoke up. "Relax, sister. I was just joking. The royal flank is as glorious as it ever has been. I don't suppose you saw Pinkie Pie this morning, did you?"

Collecting the stray feathers with her magic, Celestia shook her head. "Nope. Neither did the guards. She's remarkably adept at not being caught."

"One day we really should tell the guards it's okay for her to be here," Luna said.

"Of course. When it ceases to be amusing. That's when we'll tell them. You have anything planned today, little sister?" Celestia asked.

Luna turned and walked to the door. "Nothing in particular. Why?"

"I was afraid you would forget. Tonight is the Path for Prosperity event.

Luna groaned out loud. "Ugggh, really?"

Celestia's mane bounced gently as she chuckled at Luna's response. "Yes, really. I know it's not the most thrilling event in the world, but try to act like you care at least a little bit this year."

Lifting one of Celestia's discarded sweatbands with her magic, Luna fired it at back to its owner and turned to leave the room. "No promises!"

Studying herself in the mirror was not a pastime Luna took part in often. Her outward appearance mattered very little, in fact.

I'm a princess of Equestria! Who in their right mind is going to be stupid enough to call me out for looking under-dressed, anyway?

Unfortunately, she knew as well as anyone that being a princess meant doing things she didn't care for. Even Celestia went out on quite a limb wearing a kimono to Twilight's coronation, earning her quite a few odd looks, and some strange articles from the press. To avoid any possible problems, Luna decided it would probably be best to wear something less controversial.

Upon her sister's advice, Luna tried out a silver-sequined gown, brought in by none other than Rarity. Rather long and flowing, it felt almost like a bridal dress, but still had enough flexibility to move with her. She eyed herself in the mirror, moving and posing in different ways to see how it showed off her curves.

It fits well enough, though I suppose I could try on something else, to be safe.

Her eyes fell upon the other racks of dresses that had also been delivered to the castle in the name of variety.

Screw it. I'm already in this one, and I don't feel like squeezing back out.

Tossing a glance outside, she saw the beginnings of twilight showing in the sky; deep purples mixed with orange as the sun prepared for its setting.

I sure hope this crowd is a little livelier than the one last year. We could have closed down the ballroom, put a bunch of doctors in there, called it a nursing home, and nopony would have thought twice.

Luna turned and walked to the door, ready to face whatever the night would throw at her.

"Sister, I need you to fetch one of the maidens for me."

Celestia cracked a grin at Luna's expense. "Perhaps you wouldn't mind telling me what you need them for before I do?"

Luna stood up from her chair and pointed a hoof at one of her eyes. "I was just going to trouble one of them to get an ice pick from the kitchen, so that I could perform a self-lobotomy."

Rolling her eyes. Celestia let a chuckle escape her lips. "As amusing as that might be, I do still happen to love you, little sister, for who you are. A lobotomy might change that. Also, these nobles would probably expire at the first sight of blood."

Luna smiled gratefully at her sister. Their little jokes were the only thing keeping them from falling asleep in sheer boredom.

Sitting in their respective thrones in the ballroom, both sisters were forced to endure the worst of Canterlot's elite. Occasionally, one of the ponies would walk up and try to say something witty, or more often than not, show off their status in some way, which only caused Luna to grind her teeth more and more as the night went on.

Oh no. Here comes another.

An older mare with a brown coat and yellow mane—dressed in what the magazines most likely described as “the latest fashions”—approached the sisters with a smile.

"Good evening, Your Highnesses. It sure is a lovely night tonight, is it not?" the mare asked.

"Indeed it is," Celestia replied.

The older mare feigned shock and let out a gasp. "Ahh, but where are my manners? I haven't introduced myself. My name is Withers Von Hooftrot the Third. Pleased to meet your acquaintance," she said, extending her hoof. Celestia shook it first.

"Charmed, I'm sure," Luna said, shaking it next.

Withers pulled out a photo and showed it to the sisters. "This is the estate where I live. We have lots of natural flowers growing there, not to mention ones I've planted personally on the grounds. I'm a third generation horticulturist with live plant nurseries in several cities of Equestria. We make annual donations to several charities benefiting the citizens of Canterlot," Mrs. Withers explained as she tucked the photo away.

"That is very noble of you." Luna forced the words out of her mouth. The mere feeling of them running across her teeth made the alicorn want to gag.

Yes. Very noble of you to not only exclude other cities from your donations, but then to also brag about it. Filth.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Withers" Celestia spoke up, "I'd like to discuss something with my sister regarding further plans for tonight."

Mrs. Withers tipped her fancy hat and gave a quick bow. "Yes, Your Highness. It was a pleasure to meet you both."

Both sisters stared as the older pony sashayed back into the crowd to mingle with her fellow nobles.

"Are you okay, Lulu?" Celestia asked.

Luna shot a look to her sister. Her eyes smoldered and her lips curled in a disapproving manner. "Of course I am. Why do you ask?"

"Because you look like you just swallowed a lemon," Celestia explained with a chuckle.

The younger sister sighed and forced her jaw to relax. "My apologies, Celie. It's just that these nobles throw a mere pittance of their fortunes at a charity, claim it on their taxes, and then go to parties to celebrate the good they did. It makes me sick."

Celestia leaned over in her chair and patted Luna's back softly. "I know, sister. You always were a good judge of a pony's character. Who keeps a photo of their house to show off to strangers, anyway?"

Both sisters shared a quick laugh until the large doors at the far end of the hall opened. Luna's eyes flew to the door..

"Pinkie Pie!" Luna shouted out loud.

The music ground to a halt, and several ponies in the crowd turned to look at the lunar princess curiously.

"I mean uhhh, there will be pie! The ponies in the kitchen will have them out soon!"

Several murmurs of approval spread through the audience, and the music started back up.

Luna grabbed a nearby hoofmaiden and leaned into her ear. "Go to the kitchen and help the chefs get ten pies cooked immediately. Do this quickly, and a significant bonus awaits you all on your checks this week.”

The hoofmaiden's eyes lit up, and with a quick salute, she vanished—no doubt to capitalize on Luna's generous offer.

"I heard there was a party here tonight. I thought I'd come jump in and help out, but Rarity told me it was a different kind of party."

Luna, no longer distracted by the hoofmaiden, or her pie-making scheme, finally got a good look at Pinkie Pie. Gone were the unruly curls from her mane. Instead, Pinkie's hair flowed around her neck and back like a pink waterfall. It gave the mare a more delicate, demure look. She wore a white dress with pink wavy patterns, and a simple white hat upon her head. Each of her hooves bore crystal shoes, no doubt from the Crystal Kingdom. Of course, none of this would look decent, were it not accompanied by Pinkie's bright blue eyes and pearly white smile, though the smile seemed a bit more subdued. Serene, even.

"You look... stunning," Luna managed.

Pinkie’s grin widened as the hints of a blush graced her features. "Awww, thanks! You look pretty good, yourself."

"I thought you had little control over your hair," Luna said, gesturing to Pinkie’s new look.

"What, this?" she asked, running a hoof through her flowing mane. "Twilight had to cast a spell to make it stay this way. She said it might not last long, though. She seemed really tired after casting it too."

"I don't doubt it," Luna said in awe. "I'm afraid Rarity was correct. This isn't your kind of party. This is the kind of party where ponies stare at their own clothes while pretending not to stare at their own clothes, hoping somepony else will stare at their clothes."

"Not to be rude or anything," Princess Celestia said, butting in between them, "but you didn't happen to bring anything for me... did you?"

"Of course I did." Reaching into some part of her dress, Pinkie produced a small plastic tub and held it out for Celestia. "Here you go! It's lemon meringue."

The elder alicorn’s eyes lit up as she grabbed the container with her magic. "Thank you. Now I just have to wait until these nobles are too busy to notice."

Laughing through her hoof, Luna shook her head. "Honestly, sister. You can wait till after the party."

Celestia's eyes watered and her lips curled downwards. Even her ears folded as she stared pitifully at Luna.

"Oh, don't be such a foal. Fine. I'll run interference for you in few minutes," Luna relented.

A small giggle escaped Pinkie's lips.

"Do you find us amusing?" Luna asked, tossing her hair in mock indignation.

"You two remind of my biggest bestest sister, Maud," Pinkie said.

"Excuse me, Your Highness."

Luna, Celestia, and Pinkie all turned to the older pony.

"Ahhh yes, Mrs.... what was it again?"

"Withers," the pony said through clenched teeth. "Withers Von Hooftrot the Third. Pardon my interruption, but I was just wondering why after sending me away that you find this common pony so deserving of your time."

Celestia leaned back in her throne and smiled. Luna's face couldn't have been more the opposite. Her eyes flared as her smile vanished. In it's place was a stern gaze, intent upon boring a hole right through the old pony's skull.

"Pinkie Pie."

"Yup!" the pink mare chirped happily.

"How long and what temperature do you bake a chocolate cake for?" Luna asked.

"Three hundred and fifty degrees for twenty-eight minutes."

"And for high altitude?"

"Three seventy-five for thirty to thirty-five minutes," Pinkie replied.

Luna left her throne and start pacing around Withers, causing the pony to shrink back. "You see, Mrs. Withers, Pinkie Pie here is a baker. One of the best I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. She actually knows her vocation."

Luna’s horn ignited suddenly, and from Withers’ pocket, she pulled the photo she’d been shown earlier. "You see, it doesn't take a third generation horticulturist to see that you have as much knowledge about plants as I do about griffon mating rituals."

"I beg your pardon!" the old mare shouted as she snatched the picture back.

"I'm not finished!" Luna snapped. "You see, in your vast knowledge of horticulture, you seem to have made a poor choice in planting black-eyed susans beneath the shade of an oak tree. black-eyed susans require lots of sun to thrive. To make matters worse, you have gone and planted a hosta in a bed in full sun exposure. Any minimum wage pony that works in a nursery could tell you that a hosta needs little sun, and even less rain."

Withers looked at the photo again as realization hit her like a falling piano. Luna didn't give her a chance to dwell on it too long though. Instead, she put her face right next to the old mare's and gritted her teeth.

"You see, if there's anything I cannot stand, it's a disingenuous pony. Pinkie might not be nobility, but if there's any word that could describe her, it would be genuine. I’ve seen your dreams, your avarice. I know the depths of your greed. In my opinion, as a princess of Equestria, caretaker of the night, and all those who dwell within it, I think you need to spend a little less time bragging, and a little more time being honest with yourself and others."

Having said her peace, Luna sat down in her throne and gave a nasty glare to the cowering noble.

"Ye-yes, Your Highness. I will take your words to heart," Mrs. Withers said as she turned and retreated back into the crowd.

A slow clap started from beside Luna. "You really don't do anything halfway."

"Oh, put a cork in it, Celie," Luna said, shifting in her seat. Her ears swiveled as the band started playing a new song.

A slower song...

… a song meant for one specific purpose.

"Pinkie Pie."


Luna left her seat and extended a hoof toward the pink mare. "I believe it's time I gave my sister the diversion I promised. Would you dance with me?"

Pinkie's ears folded on top of her head, and her smile slackened just a tiny bit as she averted her eyes from Luna's. Once again, Pinkie had provided Luna with an unexpected surprise.

"Is she being... shy?"

"I don't know how to dance like this," Pinkie admitted as a blush broke out on her face.

Every time they had been together, Luna felt like she was always one step behind Pinkie, just barely hanging on. Tonight, Luna had the upper hand. Reaching out with her hoof, she slowly turned Pinkie's head until their eyes connected once again.

"It's okay. I'll show you how. Trust in me as I have trusted you. Please?"

Pinkie's eyes darted here and there for a moment before she finally nodded and regained her brilliant smile. Together, they both walked out on the floor and stood awkwardly for a moment. Luna put her head on Pinkie's neck and waited until the pink mare followed suit.

"Now, just follow my lead. We'll go slow," Luna whispered into her ear. In one smooth motion, she backed up slowly and then took one step to her left. Pinkie followed along, stumbling at first. Again, Luna took another step until they both fell into the rhythm.

"It's quite a waste nopony has taught you to slow dance… until now," Luna said.

Pinkie pressed more firmly against Luna’s neck. "I don't ever let my parties slow down. Anytime they slow down, everypony goes home and I'm alone... again."

"You must feel lonely a lot. It's quite disconcerting to feel alone even when you're surrounded by friends, isn't it?"

Pinkie nodded. "How did you know?"

Luna pulled back from Pinkie's neck and put her forehead to the pink mare's. "I know because sometimes I feel the same way."

Pinkie fell silent. The pair of ponies continued their dance, oblivious to the others around them.

"Luna?" Pinkie asked, pulling away from the alicorn for a moment.

"Yes, Pinkie?"

"How do you know so much about flowers and stuff?"

Gently, Luna pulled Pinkie's head back onto her neck. "Usually when ponies say something like 'it was like a thousand years ago' they're just being hyperbolic. In my case, it couldn't be further from the truth. Before my fall from grace and subsequent banishment, I met a strange pony. An earth pony who kept the royal gardens looking the image of perfection as always."

"I thought most of the ponies in Canterlot were unicorns," Pinkie said.

"You are correct. Most of the ponies we employ are unicorns. However, anypony knows if you want a truly special gardener, you need an earth pony. They just have a special connection with the soil no unicorn or pegasi could hope to match."

"But you have a lot of ponies who work in the castle. Why was she so important?"

Luna pulled Pinkie's head off of her neck and put their foreheads to each other. "Because she woke me up." Luna grinned.

"I'm so confused," Pinkie said, looking at Luna to continue.

"One day, while I was sleeping through the morning, I heard a pony singing. I tried tuning her out, but it was no use. No matter what I did, I just couldn't sleep through it. So I sat up and prepared to throw open the window and shout at her to knock it off, when suddenly, I started hearing the song. It was a simple, but haunting melody. Not long after I started focusing on it, It brought about a calming sensation. Soon after, my head hit the pillow and next thing I knew, I had fallen asleep."

"Wow. She sounds like a super duper good singer," Pinkie said, resting her head on Luna's neck once again.

"She was. She was also an exceptional gardener. She taught me much about the flowers that grew in the castle gardens. She also taught me much about love."

Luna and Pinkie continued their dance, oblivious to the crowd around them. Every breath Pinkie took led to a delightful exhale, and the pink pony's warm breath upon Luna's neck.

"What happened to her?" Pinkie asked hesitantly.

Luna sighed. Painful memories rushed back in a jumble, taunting her

"She did not show for work one day. I thought her ill, so I put it out of my mind. Well, I tried to. We had a date that night and when she didn't show, I sent the guard to her home. They found her lying peacefully in her bed. Apparently it was a congenital heart defect which had gone undiagnosed for years."

"I'm sorry," Pinkie squeaked out.

Luna pulled back and placed a hoof upon Pinkie's lips. "Don't be. You did nothing wrong. Our time together may have been brief, but it was filled with smiles."

The music slowly faded out as the song came to an end. Brought back to the moment, Luna realized all eyes had fallen on them. "I think we stand out too much."

"Wanna go upstairs?" Pinkie offered.

A blue hoof seized her, pulling the pink pony to the rear door. Just as Luna reached out, the door flew open and several hoofmaidens entered, carrying pies.

"Good news, everypony. The pies have arrived. Feel free to help yourself to any of your choosing," Luna proclaimed. She started to walk out and stopped abruptly, wrapping her hoof around Pinkie. "Any pie but this one, of course."

Luna threw a quick glance at Celestia who still had half a slice of cake in her gob. "That's it for your diversion. Good luck, sister!"

Celestia's eyes went wide when she realized all of the ponies in the room were now staring at her.

Canterlot's positioning as the highest city in all of Equestria was no accident. In fact, it was built with that purpose explicitly in mind. Its location allowed Celestia to scrutinize the kingdom for any sign of danger. This was precisely what Luna had been counting on when she set up a high-powered telescope for two on her balcony, pointed right at Ponyville.

"I don't see her," Luna said from behind the telescope.

"None of the lights are on in the library?" Pinkie asked.

"Not even one.''

Luna moved the telescope slowly, scanning the sleepy village for her target. "Wait, I see her! She's sitting on a hill right outside of Ponyville... and she's not alone!"

"Ooh! Ooh! Is it Rainbow Dash?" Pinkie guessed.

"That is correct," Luna said with a sly smile. "Shall we begin?"

Pinkie walked over to the other eyepiece and peered into it. "Yupperooni!" Looking in, she saw Rainbow Dash leaning in close to Twilight, wearing a provocative smile.

Lighting her horn, Luna called upon a distant star. With but a mere thought, the star streaked down the night sky. As expected, Twilight pushed Rainbow Dash off of her and immediately produced a quill and scroll, eliciting laughs from both Pinkie and Luna

"Looks like she took the bait," Pinkie said.

"Indeed. I believe it's time to throw her for a loop, so to speak."

Luna stopped the star's fall, forcing it to stop its descent. This time, she sent it flying in the opposite direction.Twilight stopped her frantic scribbling and let her jaw go slack. Rainbow Dash tried to put a wing around the alicorn, only to miss as Twilight ducked to pull out a sizable tome.

"She's going to read a book?" Pinkie asked, looking out of the telescope a moment.

"It's probably a book on stars," Luna replied.

"Oh. Right."

Luna reached out once again to the star speeding across the sky. An idea suddenly occurred to her, and her lips curled into a mischievous smile. Pinkie cocked an eyebrow in curiosity.

A few seconds later, the star began to spiral in the air, creating large, sweeping circles in the night sky.

"Ooh, what'd you do?"

"I just applied a bit of what golf ponies would refer to as 'english'. I think it's a nice touch, personally."

Twilight's mane seemed to pop out sending stray hairs in all directions. Frantically alternating between the book and scribbling, she looked more like a mental patient than a princess of Equestria.

"Oops. I think you broke her," Pinkie said.

"Perhaps I did go a little too far."

Twilight was just in the beginning stages of her meltdown when her companion tackled her, sending the book, the scroll, and the quill flying. Surprising no one, Rainbow brought her lips to Twilight's. The alicorn tried reaching out for the quill from beneath the pegasus, but quickly relented, going limp.

"Oh well. So much for that," Pinkie said, looking at Luna.

"It appears Twilight has found something more compelling than the stars to occupy her tonight," Luna said.

Pinkie yawned, her mouth stretching wider than what Luna thought possible for normal ponies.

"Maybe we should retire for the night?" Luna suggested, pointing toward her bed.

The pink pony nodded and walked over to it, collapsing onto the soft sheets. "You don't ever make your bed?" Pinkie asked.

Curling up next to Pinkie, Luna smiled. "What's the point? It just gets messed up the next day."

Giggling softly, Pinkie buried her face in Luna's stout chest."That's what I told my mom, but she said it wasn't a good reason."

"Well, earth ponies can be dumb like that sometimes," Luna teased.

Pinkie gasped, and glared at Luna. "Yeah, well… alicorns are snobs!"

"Y-you mean all alicorns?" Luna asked, pouting fiercely.

Pinkie gave a coy smile and wrapped a hoof around Luna. "Well... maybe not all alicorns."

"Are you thinking of an alicorn in particular?"


"Tell me about her."

Pinkie's attention turned to Luna's long, magical mane. Batting it gently, she couldn't stop a laugh escaping her lips. "Well, she's smart! So smart, even Twilight wants to hear her talk."

"That's a little vague. Is there anything else about this alicorn that stands out?" Luna asked, egging the pony on.

"Yeah. She's really pretty. Her mane sparkles and shines and her eyes shimmer in just the right ways."

"Hmmm. I don't suppose there's anything else about this pony that catches your eye."

Pinkie turned in bed and wrapped her hooves around Luna. "She's also really fun to cuddle! Like a giant stuffed teddy bear."

Luna smiled looking down at Pinkie. Just then she heard a sound like a rubber band snapping. Suddenly, Luna's world was engulfed in pink.

"I do believe the spell has worn off," Luna said in a muffled voice.

"Looks that way!"

Brushing aside Pinkie’s poofy mane, Luna smiled. "All good things must come to an end."

Pinkie's smile wavered for a moment. "You mean, you don't like my mane like this?"

"Of course I do. I also like your mane straight. There's a value in scarcity. You see, everypony knows how you act and behave at parties. Not many ponies know what you are like afterwards. I enjoy seeing you with straight hair for the same reasons I enjoy seeing you outside of a party environment: because it is rare, and therefore special. Understand?" Luna asked.

Pinkie stared back and smiled apologetically "No?"

Luna smiled and brought her head close to Pinkie's. "In that case, trust in me and my words when I say I love you and your mane, no matter what." The alicorn closed her eyes, bringing her lips close to the pink mare's.

Until she felt a hoof touch her lips.

"Not yet," Pinkie said softly.

Luna pulled back, almost in shock."D-did I do something wrong? Wasn’t this a proper moment for a... a kiss?" Luna asked.

"Mmhmm." Pinkie nodded. "Just not yet."

Luna nodded, still somewhat baffled. In lieu of the prize she really wanted, she settled for wrapping a hoof around her companion. "Pinkie Pie, if I were to have one wish, it would be that tomorrow when I wake up, I would find you lying next to me."

Pinkie scrunched up close to Luna, smiled, and shut her eyes. "See you in the morning."

Spreading her wings over the mare, Luna shifted until she felt comfortable enough to drift off.

"See you in the morning, Pinkie Pie."