• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 210 Views, 25 Comments

Divine - lingonberries

Midnight Shine loves watching PewDiePie, a unicorn who makes videos for YouTube. Everyone seems to think that's a worthless waste of time. But, when several "unfortunate events" occur, what will she do?

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When I was a young filly, I had no friends. I always sat in the corner of the schoolhouse during recess, watching a fellow unicorn named PewDiePie play video games on YouTube. I was bullied for being the only one in my class without a cutie mark. Everyone said that I would never earn my cutie mark, because they thought that watching Pewds was a worthless hobby. This made me sad, but Pewds helped me through the pain. He was the only thing that could cheer me up after I got stabbed with the hate from the other ponies, and my dream was to meet him.

One day, our new teacher who has just graduated from Coltege, Cheerilee, was absent, and a sub had to watch us. A strong young Pegasus named Lightnostreak decided to fly up to the top of the schoolhouse with my phone while the sub was in the restroom. The whole class laughed as I sat by the gutter, crying softly. Suddenly, the laughter was replaced with gasps of shock. I glanced up out of my stupor to see a bright green light emitting from Cloudsdale. It was streaking towards us, gaining speed by the second. Then, time seemed to slow down for a moment. It almost looked like the sky was being compressed, until the green streak turned bright white and exploded with an electronic buzzing sound.

Blue streaks of light with what looked like shimmering splatters of green tainted the air around what seemed like the whole of Ponyville. When the light toned down, I could see the outline of a small Pegasus about my age. She was a light blue in color, with a lime green mane edged with navy. I noticed her flank, which was bare. She hadn't earned her cutie mark yet, either. She floated down, her mane flowing behind her not unlike Celestia's, shimmering slightly. Her hooves touched the ground, and she immediately collapsed, her slightly singed mane going back to normal and falling over her eyes. Her back legs twitched a bit as she took several deep breaths. It was then that she opened her eyes, revealing beautiful green irises just like mine. I rushed over to her and offered her my hoof. She gladly took it and I helped her up.

"Are you ok?" I choked, slightly in shock.

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine..." She panted heavily.

"What was that?!" I exclaimed. "I mean, you, like, exploded!"

"Did I do it?" She wheezed, her eyes crossing slightly.

Suddenly, the sub came out of the restroom. "What's all the ruckus?" He boomed loudly.
We stared at him, the new Pegasus gazing at him dizzily.
He gasped when he noticed the faint shimmer left in the air from the young Pegasus' "show."
"A... Sonic Rainboom?" He asked, bewildered.

"Yes!" The Pegasus pumped her hoof in the air. "I did it!"

The sub peered at her through his thick glasses.
"YOU did this?" He asked, amazed.

"Indeed!" She said as she twinkled with joy. She flew up into the air, as fast as a full grown mare, and twirled around in an uneven infinity sign, leaving a shimmering blue green paintbrush suspended in the air. She flew to the side of it and beamed triumphantly.
Then, I decided to do something that would change everything.

I mustered all the power I could in my little horn, gritting my teeth with the effort, and shot a weak green bolt of magic at the strings of light forming the floating paintbrush. It started to spin around and around the young pegasus until it formed a blue green tornado of light. I was having trouble containing all this power; I was sweating like a pig, and I felt like collapsing. I was struggling to stay on the ground, winds with the strength of hurricanes spinning around above me. But then, I heard a voice in my head: Give in. I gulped, and hoped that I could trust the voice as I released my grip on the earth. I spun up into a lime green funnel of light and wind, and then I was shot high up into the clouds. I shrieked, but then realized that I was encased in a pool of light blue magic. I looked up to see a tan unicorn with sandy hair and lime headphones stretched out on a cloud*. My heart skipped a beat as I saw his cutie mark: a brofist.

"P-pewds?" I uttered softly.

He nodded and gave me his signature grin. "Midnight Shine," he said. "C'mere!"

I began to cry tears of joy as I leaped over to him. He embraced me into a warm hug when he noticed that I was shivering from excitement.

"Pewds... Is that r-really you?" I stuttered him as I gazed almost cross - eyed into his vast ocean blue eyes.

"Well, yeah, bro!" He exclaimed in his adorable accent.

"I'm one of your biggest fans!" I exclaimed as I buried my face in his fur, sighing with delight.

"I know you are, and that's why you're up here!" He told me. "It's your destiny to be with me!"

This caused my jaw to drop wide open.

"Here... Let me explain. I recently acquired my own castle up here, and it's very huge and very empty. Celestia said that I could invite some ponies to join me. I began to watch over every filly and colt in this town, and I would decide if they were the right material to join me. I saw you, and I immediately knew that you were the one. You are the singular filly I chose to focus on."
He grinned at me then, a smile that affected all of his features, just like a real smile should.

"So, what I'm asking is, would you like to be the very first student at Pewds' Fabulous Gaming School?" He winked. "Well, it isn't exactly a school... A better title would be Pewds' Fabulous Gaming Emporium for Extremely Talented Gamers."

My jaw dropped. Was my lifetime idol really asking for me to be the very first attendee of his gaming palace?
"Yes, oh, please!" I shrieked. I flopped backwards onto the cloud, feeling like iI radiated joy. OH, THE FEELS!!

I saw him make a small hoof pump. Wow... I never knew I was so fabulous that PewDiePie, as in the PewDiePie, king of fabulousness, would be excited because of me, a seemingly talentless young filly!

He then wrapped me in an embrace and hummed a little tune in my ear. I sighed contentedly, my ear brushing the edge of his headphones. When he finished the tune, he lingered for another moment, and then stood up, levitating me to about his eye level.

"There's one more thing I have to do," he said and winked. "Be smart."

He shot a streak of deep blue light from his horn, encasing my body in it. I was spun around and around until the glowing fibers of light were moving as fast as a tornado. Then, they unexpectedly shot up above me. I glanced up to see all the different shades of blue all working together to form a giant brofist. Then, the brofist exploded, and all the magic shot straight towards my horn. It wrapped around and around it until my horn buzzed slightly, lime green waves of magic energy crackling.

Then, I began to fall through the air. I tried to scream for Pewds, but he was already out of sight. The wind whipped my mane straight up and turned my body so I was facing the ever coming closer ground. Then, I decided to put my new magic to the test.

I mustered all my power, all my strength, all my courage into shooting a bolt of blue green light into the air.
The bits of light swirled around and around each other until they formed a blue - green hoverboard with a brofist on it. I stared at it in shock as I rode it down to earth. It immediately disappeared into thin air, which I guess made sense, because it was made out of air. I then saw the blue pegasus rushing towards me.

"Y-your flank-" she stuttered.

I looked down and saw a blue brofist just like PewDiePie's on the fur of my flank. I gasped and then noticed that the other Pegasus' flank was not bare any longer, either. She had earned a beautiful lime green paintbrush surrounded by a navy paint splat.
"Whoa, nice!" I complimented, mostly to her. I then beamed down at my own mark, wave after wave of euphoria crashing upon my mind.
All my classmates swarmed us, asking what the hay just happened and where did I go and who this young Pegasus was.
Two other unicorns rushed over.

"How did you do that?" One of them asked jealously.

"Yeah, I can't even levitate a feather yet!" The shorter of the two squeaked.

"Well, I guess I'm just fabulous." I said and smirked as they slunk away in embarrassment.

"Hey, uh, wanna hang our sometime?" Lightnostreak asked as he crossed one hoof over the other, trying to be nonchalant.

The other pegasus heard this too and turned to watch. I decided to make a bold and daring decision, just like Pewds would.

"Nope," I replied as I slung a hoof around the Pegasus. "I'm good."

We turned to look at each other, and I was about to say something when a caramel colored Pegasus came up and hugged her from behind.

"Oh, dear, I saw that from our house!" She exclaimed. "A Sonic Rainboom!! Come now, we must get you home!" The caramel pony then picked her up and she tried to squirm away, unsuccessfully.

"Wait! What's your name?" I called after her.

They were already too far away for them to hear me.

I shook my head and made a promise to myself that I would find her. Soon.
Then, I dropped into a crouching stance and prepared to use my fab powers to teleport to the cloud, my brand new cutie mark gleaming in the afternoon sun.

Let's do this.

*They were both using cloud walking potions. ;3

Author's Note:

*This is not meant to be Mary Sue.
There will be a HUGE plot twist later on...