• Published 31st Dec 2014
  • 1,101 Views, 18 Comments

A Test to be Completed - PumpkinPie59

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Let the Dream Begin!

Hi Diary!!

You will never believe what happened today!!

I hated the cell I was in. It was cold, uncomfortable, and smelled of expired yogurt. The pony who gave me the disgustingly horrible setting isn't to kind either.

Gallop is his name, and being called 'meany pants' is an understatement. He captured Maud, Marble, Limestone, and I, and told us if we passed a test, we'd be set free. If we didn't, we'd be his slaves (and with painful labor).

I laid in my cell, trying to ignore the several scratches on the solid, rock bed that were absolutely NOT comfy. Also, the smell would never get me to sleep, even if I was in a decent position. (Ugh!)

I tossed and turned that night, wanting to be with my sisters and friends. The scratches bruised my back more than five times, and soon, my back was so sore, I had to sleep on the floor. That wasn't too pleasant either, thanks to the smell getting stronger.

The next morning, I limped to the cell door, and started banging on it and screaming for someone to let my sisters out. Seriously, those cells are horrible! My sisters don't deserve to be in such a place! A guard told me to shush, and patiently wait for the test. But I was too upset.

"I want my sisters to be safe! Aren't you even listening?!"

"They can wait till the test. It's simple," I saw the way his eye twitched when he said that, and got the memo that he lied. He went through it, didn't he? And why did he seem so worried.

I sighed and looked up, sorrowfully, "Did you go through it?"

The stallion's eyes widened, but he denied the question, "No."

"Are you sure?"

His eyes narrowed, "Even if I did, I wouldn't want you to know."

I gave a warm smile, knowing he needed a friend.

"Do you know what the test is?"

"First, you have to fight your siblings until they're at least unconscious. Then, you go through the tunnel to a pony who will lead you out. The hard part about this test is fighting your components."

"Oh," I looked around, not knowing what to talk about next, and noticed a lot of cells. "Say, why are there a lot of cells in this place? Are there more ponies?"

"Yes. The pony who shows you out, the side servants, and the cooks."

I almost screamed at that, "You mean if someone loses this, they sleep in here forever?!"


"I have to get my sisters out of here."

Then, the other guards notified the guard with me, that it was time for the arena.

I gulped.

"You have to be strong."

I looked at him, "I know, that's what I'm worried about."

The guard unlocked my cell and brought me to the gate of the arena. The smell of dry blood told me that some ponies brought it too far. I don't like the smell of any type of blood!

When the gate opened, I saw my sisters come out of three other gates, one out of each. I gulped again.

My sisters and I were set in line. The roar of the crowd made us nervous, and it didn't help that the arena was similar to the Coltosseum.

The announcer calmed the crowd, and shouted, "Today, we have four daughters of a rock farmer, named Igneous Rock. Their names are Maud, Pinkamena—

"Call me Pinkie!" I yelled.

"As I was saying—PINKIE, Limestone, and Marble Pie. When I give the signal, they will fight—" I stopped listening after that, until he said, "A hobo we captured is willing to let the winner out. The losers will be slaves to Master Gallop."

I noticed that Limestone was sweating. Marble was doing her breathing exercises she does when she's nervous. Maud blinked, but also was gaping.

I swallowed hard. How could I get me and my sisters out of there? Wait! Hobo? Willing? I only knew one hobo-like pony. Could it be—?

I then knew I had a plan.

The announcer gave the signal, and before anything else, I smacked pies in my sisters' faces so they would be unconscious, but not hurt. Silence and shock showered onto the crowd, and it was kinda funny seeing the looks on their faces.

Anyway, a pony opened the gate, and I went through the hall. It was kinda weird because the smell of rusty metal was stronger every corner. Why? I do not know.

Finally, I reached the pony who I was supposed to meet. Imagine the joy on my face when I saw it was my crush Cheese Sandwich! I haven't seen him since Spike and Rarity's wedding (we planned that together)!

But again, it was two weeks ago, but since I first met him, it feels like a year every week we aren't together. I wonder if he feels the same way. That's one of the reasons I invited him to see Maud when she first came to Ponyville. He helped me with the rock candy and cheered me up when I wanted my friends and sister to become friends. I really like that stallion!!!!

"Cheese!" I cried as I hugged him. He hugged me back and I might have kissed him on the cheek...Friends do that, right? Not awkward at all!!

"Hi, Pinkie! Are you okay? Once I heard that you got captured, I had to help." He replied. I think I blushed.

"I'm fine," I sighed. Then something hit me hard. Like Maud's punch. "But my sisters aren't! We have to help them!"

"Sure thing! Where are they?"

"In the prison!"

"Let's go!" He wrapped his hoof around the back of my neck, and I got goosebumps! I think they're coming back right now just thinking about it!


So, we sneaked into the prison, (and some major flank-kicking happened, but I don't remember enough to write down) and we found my sisters. Plus, they got to meet Cheese (though Maud already met him), and saw what a great stallion he is!!!! (I will forever remember the look on his face when I bragged on him!)

Anyway, we escaped that rotting, horrible, no-good, creepy, un-comfy, stinky, horrorific, pony-zoo! When we got out, 'lo and behold', more soldiers!! We kicked their flanks, and Maud and my Cheese did really awesome!!

And when we defeated most of them, I found my guard friend! His name is Tree Leaf, by the way. He said that he didn't want to hurt anypony, so I asked him if he could help us. Hey, the more, the merrier, right?

He agreed, and soon, we found my parents, and he found his parents. We said goodbye, and my parents, my sisters, Cheese, and I went to Ponyville to drop me off.

The best part is that Cheese got to meet my parents!!!! They loved him! (Though Dad seemed to be protective of me, so I tried to act like I wasn't interested in being in a relationship. I think I failed)

Cheese and I agreed to make another party together in Ponyville! And my family was invited! It's going to be tomorrow, and Cheese and I will be starting tomorrow morning! He's staying in the Ponyville Inn! That's next door! I'm SO excited!

Okay. Well, Mrs. Cake says it's time to turn the lights off and go to bed. I guess that's a good idea, since I'll be waking up early tomorrow! G'night!

Author's Note:

I dreamed this in a dream about two weeks ago and started writing this the next morning, because I thought it was funny and sweet! How do these things come to me?

'I dreamed this in a dream'? I didn't mean to make a 'Les Miserables' reference, but it's too late now!

Btw, Cheese Sandwich being in 'Maud Pie' was in the dream, too. I don't know why, but. I'm okay with this.

Comments ( 18 )

I will review this for you if you want. I am not a big fan of cheesepie, but it won't stop me from reading a good story.

5443697 I wud ask y but I hate Sparity soo a ship is a ship:eeyup: Alsoo yy:applecry:


Sorry, but it just doesn't sit right with me to have them paired, but that is just my opinion. When it has to deal with my favorite character, I tend to pick one ship for them and stick with it.

5456981 well wat ship do u like?:twilightsmile:
also still hate Sparity:twilightangry2::flutterrage:


For Pinkie, I like her combination with Twilight. They really fit one another better than most think. I'm not a big Sparity fan myself.

5457023 how be4 cheese I was a big carajack shipper
I now like flashlight, cheesepie, and flamjack
also y twipie especially cuz we k twily isn't gay


Don't like flash, we know twilight likes colts, but unsure about mares, as the is such thing as bi, and Pinkie balances Twilly really well.

5457059 no didn't u remember feeling Pinkie Keen:facehoof:

5460513 I remember it quite well being one of my favorite episodes.

5443697 You can review it if you want, but it is based off of a crazy dream I had! So be warned! :pinkiecrazy:

5560167 crazy themes and dreams don't really faze me.

You sir.
Need to stop dreaming.
Like for the insanity.

5457045 The way you type is physically painful to read and an offense to everything. Is it that difficult for you to spell out words correctly?

All I have to say about this story is you should really stop eating marijuana and magic mushroom pizza before bed. :pinkiecrazy:

Marijuana and shrooms are known to cause hallucinations and vivid dreams. That what that person was implying they weren't saying you were on drugs XD

Well that's wacky.

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