• Published 18th Jan 2015
  • 1,236 Views, 8 Comments

Most Faithful Mirror - SapphireSparks

The day Princess Celestia and Principal Celestia trade places once and for all.

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Most Faithful Student

When I was alone, I felt the daily absence of my sister as a heavy burden around my neck; becoming heavier by the minute. Her banishment was, for me, a part of my soul gone on to the moon, lost forever. Nopony, filly or adult, was able to lighten that fact or give me a second of bliss for forgetting my sister's act. I was alone, and it seemed like it would stay that way for a while as I roamed the halls each night with sorrow.

That is, until Sunset Shimmer came into my life. My life brightened and the cake tasted like something other than remorse. Joy, you could say. I had another chance, and by the help of this mare, I knew I could get my sister back. I just didn't know exactly how... but I felt it deep inside me.

The moment she moved the sun all on her own, had that amazing burst of magic, I just knew she was special. I knew I had to do something for her. Teach her. Help her.

But I taught her wrong...

And now I am alone again, and I must fix it. I cannot let another mare fall from my own actions. The... "Nightmare Moon Incident" cannot repeat itself.

So I must correct my mistakes by going through the portal and to another universe, once and for all.Celestia sat patiently by the mirror-portal as she waited in silence for her counterpart to come through. The mirror was located in a dark room, lost among the dungeon of her castle over the years, now only accessible by a spell she had crafted herself. It was simply too dangerous to keep it out after... recent events.

Candlelight was the only thing that enabled her to see, the flames making the shadows on the cold stone wall dance with each flicker . Chills then went down Celestia’s spine as the sound of rats scurrying away into the darkest corners of the room, and the dampness of the floor seemingly crawling around in her fur as she felt it slowly make its way to her skin.

The whole room was wet in fact, the pitter patter of water dripping echoed throughout the entire cell. Princess Celestia dared to shift her hoof as her ears began to creep down, only to lift her hoof back up and look down to see spiderwebs entwined around her golden shoe.

Unease was beginning to well up inside, her chest plate suddenly felt a lot tighter than before. Celestia checked the time with a swift spell and a flash of white, detecting that it was 12:30. Principal Celestia, her counterpart, was a half hour late. Letting out the slightest of moans, she shifted a bit in her spot once again, wondering where she could be.

Her question was answered soon enough with the rippling of the mirror, a white hoof slipping its way through. Letting out a relieved sigh, her tense muscles were allowed to relax as her posture slumped.

Normally, she would go over and help the rest of Principal Celestia through, but today she sat still as a statue, letting her come over on her own. She had to see if the training had worked, even if that meant letting her fall face first on to the stone before her. She had to be certain today was the day to leave.

Sure enough, the alabaster mare made her way cleanly into the alternate universe, not even stumbling as she fully walked out.

"Princess," she greeted formally, not even bothering to look over to where Princess Celestia sat as she made her way over to the candle.

"Principal," Princess Celestia greeted back in the same dull, yet stern voice, giving a curt nod of her head.

"You're here early," Principal Celestia noted as she turned her head over to her counterpart. Confusion took over for a moment, the Princess tilted her head with a raised eyebrow before speaking.

"You're here late. It's 12:30 am."

Principal Celestia looked just as confused as she paused her walk before a memory reemerged.

"Ah, how stupid of me!" she mumbled, putting a hoof to her face. "I forgot about the time difference. Forgive me."

“Not a problem at all. Even we slip up at times.”

Principal Celestia gave a little laugh at the inside joke before levitating the candle up with care and skill, proving to the princess that her teaching in magic had also been successful. She then proceeded to walk over to her near-clone, sitting by her side.

"So, are you ready to do this?" she asked in a much softer tone than before, all formality leaving as she saw Princess Celestia scrunch her face up a bit before sighing.

"Maybe in a few minutes."

Nodding back in understanding, she turned her head back over to the mirror, setting the candle down. A few minutes of neither of the two speaking then passed, the only sounds being their gentle breaths and then never-ending tap of water against stone. Soon the silence became too much though, and one of the two did something to break it.

"Never got to say goodbye... to my family, you know?" Principal Celestia said as she attempted to start a conversation.

"Same here, only it was because mine passed away from lethal wounds."


The harsh, unforgiving silence then birthed again between the two, unrelenting and wanting to stay. Princess Celestia didn't mind though. The silence allowed for her to get the peace of mind she desperately needed at the moment.

This is right, she told herself as her eyes fluttered closed. She needs me. Equestria can live under the rule of my counterpart. She has been taught well. And I shall take her place in the other world, acting as Sunset's principal and never revealing the truth. I shall be a mere guide.

But her heart was in her throat, pounding like a wild animal trying to break free of a cage.

What happens if my counterpart's own training wasn't good enough? What happens if Sunset sees through my guise? And what happens when Nightmare Moon comes back!? Will she take ove-

Her thoughts were cut off by a gentle hoof being placed on her shoulder.

"I can see the worry on your face. Please, don't fret. We both know this for the better. My parents... they no longer love me along with my sister, and you need to win back the love of your student Sunset Shimmer. I'll sit here with you for however long it takes, but know that whatever decision you make will not affect the fact that you will have to go through that portal once and for all. We both know that, Celestia. I am merely you in another body."

Princess Celestia sighed. She knew her other self was right. No matter what she wanted to think, that portal was sitting there waiting for her to exit this world. One mistake was barely enough to bare, but another? The mistake with Sunset left unresolved? She'd crack. She was forced to leave this world.

"I know," was all she managed to get out of her stiffening jaw. Even with the good things she planned on doing, she couldn't help but feel pain at the thought of leaving her old life. The life she knew and, quite frankly, loved.

"It's just... well, I'm leaving what I know behind and venturing into what's basically an abyss. All for her. And I know she is my most faithful student, but if she finds out about this, I just don't know what I'd do. And what if I mess up and get arrested by those "police"? And what if--"

"That's a whole lot of what if I’m hearing," Principal Celestia replied kindly, this time embracing her alternate self with her snowy white wing. "And I am positive my teachings have been enough, just as yours have been too. Worry will not help you with Sunset, only walking through that mirror will."

The alicorn princess opened her mouth to protest, but then was cut off once again.

“And do not say I don't understand when you know perfectly well that I do. I too had to cross over that mirror, an trust me: it wasn't easy. But with my family and loved ones abandoning me, along with what little I had to offer in that world, I crossed. With the memory of you stumbling into my office, confused and filled with sorrow as you hunted for your student, I crossed with confidence, too. I was not only finding a new place to help and actually become of worth in, but I was helping you. So now you have to realize your reasons to go through that mirror, Princess, then cross. Maybe not with confidence, but at least your dignity intact. We've planned this, and now all you have to do is follow the plan.”

She spoke sternly, authority already in her voice, like a true princess should speak. But warmth did linger with each word, making Princess Celestia only sigh once again and let her head slump more. Her doppelganger spoke with truth, and what she uttered already predicted her set future. A future she could not change, even if she wanted too. Prolonging it wasn't going to help, starting it was.

Standing up shakily, Principal Celestia moved her wing away gently, she took a deep breath before she lifted her head up high and began to stride confidently towards the mirror, her alternate self following close behind with the candle. Each step was hard and painful, but she bore through it. She had to.

For herself.

For Sunset Shimmer.

A few inches away, the Princess stopped, removing her golden shoes, crown, and chest plate with her light green aurora. And she savored every last minute of it, knowing it would be the final time she ever got to use her magic, to feel that delightful tingle in her horn as she levitated something away. She even gave her wings a few flaps before tucking them in tightly and taking a deep breath.

"Ready?" Principal Celestia asked.

But the princess did not reply. Her eyes were locked with the rippling surface before her, showing the reflection of a pony. A pony who looked tired, the years weight on her apparent as her figure slouched over a bit. She was filthy too, fur matted along with mane as dark bags drew you to her eyes. Oh, those eyes filled with pain and sorrow, yet somehow sparkling with determination.

It was showing her the life she would have if she stayed.

It was showing herself at the moment.

So she had to leave, and not only for her.

For my student, she thought. My most faithful student, to be precise.

She also had one more thing to say.

"My most faithful mirror," she started, barely above a whisper as she locked eyes with herself one last time. "Thank you." It was a sincere thanks, no hint of dishonestly lingering in the words. It was a thanks for giving her a chance to not only restart with her student, but to restart life. To perhaps make up with her sister of this world, to forget her past mistakes in this one. To be a happy, normal person, and not a princess with too much weight to bear on her shoulders.

And like that, the former princess took a step forward to her new life, just as the portal began to close. Once through, the former principal then cast a spell taught to her not too long ago, the mirror breaking in a flash of white.

The most faithful mirror, to be precise.

Comments ( 8 )

I really like this story
the writing is pretty smooth and the plot doesn't seem contrived after you get over what exactly is happening
sunset shimmer raising the sun was really shocking and out of place (also ,if your going to make her that op have her lowering the sun cuz she's sunset)
I would end the intro poem thing at "I taught her wrong." we know what happened with sunset, so those last two lines seem tacked to continue the story that we already know.
I would also make the long description a bit longer adding just a few more details
Also, I don't think it really needs the au tag (but I may be wrong about that) because this could have actually happened.
And I might tack on a little poem thing on the end and talk about forgetting magic and flight and what it was like to be a pony. Of course that would kinda ruin the whole faithful mirror thing, so you could sorta just foreshadow it and talk about it.


This story is complete? :rainbowhuh:

Water is my eye
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath
Teardrop on the fire
Of a confession
Fearless on my breath
Most faithful mirror
Fearless on my breath

That was...

AMAZING :raritystarry::raritystarry::pinkiegasp:

You, fab cat, are. A. Genius!!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Just, Damn.

sunset shimmer raising the sun was really shocking and out of place (also ,if your going to make her that op have her lowering the sun cuz she's sunset)

Her cutie mark is the sun and she seeks/deals with power the way twilight seeks/deals with knowledge.
Her raising the sun would not be out of character.

Your saying in the group this story lack likes I just added one.....

That was quite wonderful, albeit sad

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