• Published 3rd Jan 2015
  • 657 Views, 4 Comments

Where Bronys go when they die - RTSgamer18

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Chapter 1: The Arrival (rewritten)

Author's Note:

Hello my fellow Bronies sorry if you liked the way this chapter was written before but after reading some of the comments and thinking about it fir a few days I decided to just rewrite the first chapter and like I said in the previous version of this chapter, I am open to suggestion for future chapters and depending on how much I like your suggestion I may or may not use it. Other then that, please stick around and enjoy the book.

It started out as a standard Saturday morning for me in which my dad and I head to Mt. Spokane for the day. I went through my usual morning routine of getting up, putting my snow pants on, making the dog’s food and water, putting him in his outdoor pen, putting the bag that I had packed the previous night in the back of the jeep with the ski poles, placing my board and my dad’s skies on the rack, (which is on the back of the jeep.) then climbing into the front seat while I wait for my dad to finish up with some last minute things. On our way to the mountain, we stopped at Subway to get some lunch. After we left Subway I decided to set up my phone so that I could listen to some music while boarding. The drive up was uneventful and relaxing. Throughout the drive, I was just simply wondering if any of the fanfics I had in my favorites tab had been updated and if any new stories had popped up that would gain my interest. When we got to lodge 2 we managed to find a good parking space and shortly afterward we found a nice spot to sit on the 2nd floor of the lodge. After I set the bag on the table we both proceed to put on our respective boots for our gear.

Once we got done putting our boots on, we went on over to chair 5 and took 2 runs down the bunny slope to get our bodies back into the rhythm of boarding and skiing. After that we decided to head over to chair 3 where we went our separate ways, dad went down the left side and I went to the right. If you have seen a map of Mt. Spokane, then you know what’s on the right side. If not then I will tell you what is on the right side of the off ramp on chair 3, a terrain park. What that means is that there are some jumps and rails for about a mile according to the site. After about 4 hours of playing in the terrain park, (with a break halfway through to eat lunch) I decided to head up to the Vista lodge (which is at the top of the mountain for those of you who don’t know) and make my way down from there. Suddenly feeling a little gutsy, I decide to ride through the trees all the way down. It went well up until I caught some air and I get impaled by a tree branch. (Keep in mind that I was going at about 15 mph before hand.)

As I lay there, realizing that I was dying, I suddenly felt a warm presence nearby and a soft, feminine voice said, “Rest now young one. When you wake up you will be in a paradise.”

Upon regaining my senses my first thought was ‘Damn that was one hell of a dream!’ After a few seconds of just lying there, I suddenly feel the light kiss of snow falling on my face and my snap open and I look around and see that my death was not a dream at all but cold, hard reality. Upon reaching this conclusion I think ‘Well this sucks. Oh well. Let’s go see what I can find!’ As soon I sat up I then take a closer look around the clearing that I’ve found myself in and at my body and of my body I notice that I am still human and I still have my snow gear on minus the hole from the branch. (Thank God!) I also notice that my board is still on and undamaged so that’s a major plus because it means that I have a mode of transportation. And of my surroundings I see a city on the side of a mountain to my right that looks familiar. Upon closer inspection, I see that I am looking at none other than the capital of Equestria, Canterlot and on my left is the Everfree forest. After letting my inner fanboy out for a few seconds I unstrapped my left foot from my board and started skating towards what I hope is Ponyville or at least Fluttershy’s cottage.

After skating for a few hours I come across the familiar sight of Fluttershy’s cottage and I speed up my skating until I’m at her front door. Before I knock I pushed my goggles up onto my helmet and unstrapped my other foot from my board and tried to make myself appear as non-threatening as I can considering the fact I am six feet and three inches tall. ‘Oh boy, this is going to be hard.’ I think as I raise my fist to knock on her door. After a few seconds of waiting, I hear the sounds of hoofs on hardwood flooring and the door opens slightly and I catch a brief glimpse of Fluttershy before she lets out a soft ‘eep!’ before closing the door again. ‘My God that is even more adorable than it is on the show!’ thoughts of adorableness aside,

I knock on the door again and before she can say anything I say, “Excuse me ma’am, but is it all right with you if I stay here for the night because I don’t have anywhere else to go?”

Upon hearing my request she answers in her signature soft and quiet voice, “Y-yes you can stay here for the night. P-please come in and make yourself comfortable.”

After she moved out of the way I carefully walked in and shut the door behind me.

After letting me warm up in front of the fire Fluttershy asks me, “Um if you don’t mind telling me, what it is that your diet mainly consists of is?”

I sigh and say, “Well since we humans are Omnivores my diet consists of fruits, vegetables, and meat. However, since I am in a land with talking ponies, I guess I could stick to a vegan diet as long as get some form of protein.” Upon hearing this Fluttershy is at first shocked to find that I use to eat meat but then relieved that I am willing to give up eating meat for everyone, excuse me everyPONY's, comfort. Slip up in dialogue number one, let's see how many I end up make before I get used to both thinking and talking using Equestrian dialogue. Anyways back to the conversation! After a few seconds of silence Fluttershy asks,

"So, what would you like to eat um, I'm sorry but I forgot to ask for your name. C-can you please tell me it? I-if you don't mind that is."

"My name is Russel. It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am. Would you mind telling me your name?"

"M-my name is Fluttershy."

"Well, pleased meet you Fluttershy. And as for what I would like for dinner, well surprise me."

After I say that she gets this excited look on her face and rushes towards her kitchen. After some thought, I ask,

"On second thought, would like me to come and help you make dinner?"

From the kitchen, I hear the soft-spoken reply,

"No. I'm going to surprise you like you asked."

At this, I just shrug and relax. After about 3 minutes of waiting, Fluttershy comes back into the living room with two daisy sandwiches and a side of lettuce as well as two glasses of water in tow. I watch her and ask her if she needs any help with carrying the food to which she responds with a soft no and continues to walk towards me and then sets both plates and cups down in front of the fire. After I say thank you to her we both eat in a comfortable silence and as soon we are both done I pick up both plates and glasses and put them in the sink to soak for a few minutes. While we wait for the dishes to finish soaking Fluttershy looks at me and ask,

"Um, if you don't mind me asking, how did you get here?"

I give a soft sigh and star with my explanation of how I got here and as expected, when I got to the part where I died she started to cry and before I could say anything to comfort her she lunges at me and wraps me up in a soft, warm hug. After my initial shock of being hugged by Fluttershy, I return the hug and say,

"Hey. It's okay Fluttershy. There is no need to cry. I mean yeah it sucks that I died and all but honestly, I rather like this place so far. By the way what country am I in?"

"You're in Equestria."

"Where is the nearest town?"

"The nearest town is Ponyville."

Now, of course, I knew all this but I just did not want to make her any more uncomfortable than she probably already is, do to the fact that I am a different creature than her. After a few more hours of talking, I check my watch and notice that it is 10:00 pm. Upon seeing this I look at Fluttershy and say,

"Well Fluttershy it's been fun talking to you but I think it's time we head to bed. And before you say anything I will be more than happy to take the couch and nothing you say will convince me otherwise."

Fluttershy looks like she is going to argue with me but after a few seconds just sighs and says okay. After we both get ready for bed I turn to Fluttershy as she starts walking up the stairs and say,

"Goodnight Fluttershy. Thanks for letting me stay the night."

She response with a soft 'goodnight Russel' and then continues on her way. As I lay there on Fluttershy's couch my last thought before I slip into the warm embrace of sleep is 'I wonder how the others will react to me? I get the feeling that Rainbow Dash is probably going to accuse me of being a spy or something. Of course, Pinkie Pie is definitely going to want to throw a party for me of some sort. With a smile on my face, I finally surrender to the call of sleep.