• Published 3rd Jan 2015
  • 658 Views, 4 Comments

Where Bronys go when they die - RTSgamer18

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Chapter 2: Meeting the rest of the Elements

Upon waking my first thought was ‘what a strange dream I had.’ this thought was then discarded a few seconds later by a familiar soft speaking voice say,

“Good morning Russel! How did you sleep last night?” with a sigh I said,

“I slept well. How about you Fluttershy? How did you sleep last night?” with s small smile she says,

“I slept well. How about after breakfast we go introduce you to the rest of my friends? Um, I-if that’s ok with you that is?” I smile and say,

“Sure. That sounds like an excellent plan.”

After a delicious breakfast of pancakes with fruit on top, (and heading up to the bathroom to put my long-johns on having removed them and putting my underwear and shorts back on in the bathroom the previous night) I started to put my snow pants back on when Fluttershy asks,

“Why do you ware such thick clothing to go outside?” I looked at her and said,

“Well the reason that I ware such thick clothing to go outside is because unlike ponies, we humans have a low tolerance to the cold and must ware thick cloths during the winter so that we can stay warm while playing and working in the snow.”

After hearing this Fluttershy just goes ‘oh’ and I continue my preparations to resume skating except this time with Fluttershy leading me towards Ponyville. Upon getting my right foot strapped in my binding and my left foot ready to start skating Fluttershy asks,

“I’ve been meaning to ask you what that thing you’re riding on is called.”

“It’s called a snowboard and its primary use is to glide on top of the snow and provide an easy mode of transportation from the top of the mountain to the bottom. Or in this case a simple means of getting around.”

With that Fluttershy and I then proceeded to head into town. On our way there we talked about our lives and what we like and dislike. When I told her that I love animals and was wondering who to talk to about getting a pet, she smiled and told me that she can provide me with a pet and asked when would be the best time for me to come by and check out my options. I just simply told her that the earliest I could come over was when I had found a place to live. That alone could take some time unless one of her friends or herself would be willing to let me live with them. Upon hearing this Fluttershy says,

“Well I’m sure that my friend Twilight Sparkle has a spare bedroom in her castle and will let you stay in one of the guest rooms.”

After hearing this I think ‘Oh thank God I don’t have to deal with Tirek!’ After some time has passed, we arrive at the crystal castle and I take a moment to look at the castle in awe and wonder. After standing there for a few moments I resume my walk to join Fluttershy in front of the castle doors. When I get there Fluttershy then knocks on the door and we wait for a few seconds before we hear Twilight yell,


After about 10 seconds the door opens to reveal the small baby dragon known as Spike and as he opens the door he first notices Fluttershy and says,

“Hi Fluttershy. What brings you here?”

It was then that he sees me and this look of shock comes to his face and he just stares at me for a full minute before turning his head towards Twilight and shouts,


Suddenly we hear the sound of books falling followed by bright flash of light as Twilight teleports from wherever she was to the front door and just stares at me before a bright smile lights up her face before she immediately floats her signature quill and parchment in front of her and we began a round of interviewing the alien. Once that was all sorted out, Twilight asked me if I could go fetch a certain type of flower for her from the Everfree Forest so she can continue making her potion. I said ‘sure why not?’ then asked her when I would need to go get it and she told me that the flower she needs only blooms in the spring. Afterwards I ask her,

"Hey Twilight? Do you think you could gather the rest of your friends so that I can introduce myself to them?"

"Sure thing Russel!"

After about a two hour wait during which me and Fluttershy sat against a wall with me listening to Pandora with my eyes closed when we hear the front door open followed by the sound of five familiar voices all talking at once. Suddenly they stop talking and Fluttershy turns to them and gives them a sheepish smile while I open my eyes and pause the song and take out my left ear-bud and say,

"Hello. My name is Russel. How are you doing?"

The other four mares stare at me before my vision is suddenly filled pink and Pinkie Pie talking at speeds that would make a rapper jealous. I was only able to catch a few words like 'parties?', 'cupcakes?', and 'color?’ before I could say anything Applejack grabs Pinkie by her tail and pulls her back a few feet before letting go and saying,

''Land sake's girl! Calm down and give him some room to breathe!"

Pinkie then gives me a sheepish smile and says,

"Um, sorry about that. I just get so excited when I think about make making new friends is all.”

I just smile and say,

"It's OK. I get the same way. And to answer your questions, yes I like parties, yes I like cupcakes especially chocolate cupcakes, and my favorite color is red."

Up next was Twilight with her quill and parchment looking hopeful and I just said,

“No Twilight, you had your turn let one of the other have their turn.”

She then pouts and goes to sit by Pinkie and Fluttershy. After her was Applejack and she walked up to me and said,

“Howdy parder. Names Applejack and the pink ball of energy is Pinkie Pie.”

After a few more words were exchanged Rainbow Dash came and said,

“Sup, names Rainbow Dash the fastest flier in all of Equestria and most awesome pony around.”

Finally Rarity came up to me and said,

“Hello darling my name is Rarity and I must say that you could definitely use some better cloths if you want to be more comfortable.”

I simply said,

“Thank Rarity. I’ll be sure to stop by and let you take my measurements. Now that introductions have been made I have a question for you Twilight. May I stay in one of the guest rooms here at the castle?”

After a few seconds of thought Twilight simply says,

“Yes you may.”

After I said thank you we then began to spend the rest of the day talking and just getting to know each other. During which I explained the existence of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic as well as Fimfiction.net. When dinner rolled around I asked,

“So, according to one of the fanfics I read ponies can eat fish. Is this true?”

Twilight said,

“Yes as a matter of fact we do. What type of fish do you like and how do you like it prepared?”

I said,

“I like smoked salmon with lemon juice. Trust me it is really good.”