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Chapter 12: A Bit of a Hangover

Chatper 12: A Bit of a Hangover

A Hangover is a moral sore to my mind, something so divine that my head spins around, and 'round, making me feel so fly.

Vinyl started to stare at the bottle, blankly, thinking about if she should continue drinking or not.

"Somethin' up, bay-beh?", Ken joked lightly.

"Yeah... Uhm.. Wait, what?", Vinyl looked over at Ken, raising a brow.

"Just kidding.", Ken laughed again.

"Well... Anyways, I don't know if I want to continue drinking it or just...", Vinyl softly sighed.

"It's okay. It's just one bottle, Vinyl. It won't hurt.", Jack pushed the bottle over to Vinyl a bit more.

Vinyl lifted the bottle with her magic and put it to her lips, tilting it back and taking another caramel-coconut sip. She felt a buzz fly through the back of her head, and felt an odd sensation in her legs. Her eyes started to blur lightly and everything around her was distorting.

She placed the bottle on the table, shaking her head back and forth.

"Lightweight?", Ken laughed.

"Erg... Uhmsh... Thash... Ermm..", Vinyl's eyes spun around in circles as she shook her head more.

"I think you've took a bit too much, Vinyl.", Jack grabbed the bottle, taking it away from her and started to drink from it again.

Vinyl felt very weird. She looked at the two, out-of-focus, and started to feel very attracted to them. This isn't what Vinyl was used to. Back at home: nothing could give you this sensation.

"Vinyl...?", Jack looked at Vinyl, as she stared at Jack.

"Jacksh... Mmm...", Vinyl moved very close to Jack, pressing her mussel against his nose.

"Uhh... Vinyl..? Are you okay?", Jack tried to push Vinyl away, but it seemed her magic was locking him in place.

"Heeeey, looks like ya'll are gettin' lucky with a pony. Haha!", Ken laughed, as he thought this was a joke.

"Jack...", Vinyl whispered softly, moving her mouth to his left ear.

"I want you...", Vinyl gently kissed his ear.

Jack tried to get out of the grip of Vinyl's magic, but it had no effect.

"Hey, Vinyl, that's enough!", Ken got up and walked to Vinyl, trying to stop her from doing that.

Vinyl's magic locked Ken in vice, and Vinyl pushed herself onto Jack.

"V-Vinyl! Please, stop this! This is not you!", Jack's hands were pushed against the back of the recliner, and Vinyl was breathing onto his face gently.

"I want this... I want this...", Vinyl said softly, looking him deep in his eyes.

"Yo, Vinyl, stop. This isn't funny anymore. Why can't I move?!", Ken said, trying to move closer to her.

"I'm stopping you from stopping me. You can't stop what I want.", Vinyl said, going to kiss Jack.

Jack's lips, before he could say anything, met Vinyl's, and they were in an embrace.

Ken felt a weakness to Vinyl's grip and lunged at Vinyl, taking her off of Jack immediately.

Vinyl and Ken laid on the floor, Vinyl's head was spinning around and around. Her focus was distorted again, and she was looking around.

"Uhhhhg...", Vinyl fell unconscious on the floor, with Jack and Ken now standing over her.

"I don't know if I want her here anymore, Clarence."

"Yes, I know I owe you, but last night was--"

"*sigh* Yes, I understand, but you weren't here. It... What? Why are you asking that?"

"Well... It tasted like coconuts and caramel... And her lips wer-- Wait, what? I'm not gunna finish that."

"I'm done with this conversation."

Vinyl woke up, and stared over at Jack with a massive headache. Her sinuses pounded against her brain, making it vibrate sporadically.

"You're awake. How are you feeling?", Jack asked.

"I feel awful.. I don't even remember anything that I did last night...", Vinyl looked up at Jack, sighing softly.

"Well, I don't think you want to remember what you did.", Jack turned around, away from Vinyl, sighing.

"Did I... Oh... Don't tell me I did something bad...?", Vinyl was worried, the thoughts of doing something that she shouldn't have was bouncing in her head.

"You... Tried to.. Uhm.. Y'know... 'Do' something.", Jack hinted.

"Oh... Oh dear Celestia... I'm so, so, sorry!", Vinyl said, pleading to Jack.

"It's fine... But, I don't know if I want you around here, anymore, Vinyl.", Jack was overlooking some bookshelves that were in the room.

"W... What?", Vinyl turned her head, not believing what he said.

Jack turned around, and stared straight in her eyes.

"I want you to leave, Vinyl.", Jack said.

"But... I said I wa--"

"Enough. I'll give you some things to eat for ... Wherever you'll go to. Maybe a couple sheets. But, that's it. I don't want you here. Clarence doesn't want you there. Ken.. Well, the last thing he needs is a pony who wants to kiss him in his studio. So, really, you're on your own. Normally, I wouldn't care if you were a woman. But, the truth is, you're a pony. I can't have you here. I'm sorry, but, you're going to have to leave.", Jack turned and went down the stairs.

Vinyl sighed and looked down at her forehooves. She was obviously in Jack's room, because the blankets had a different pattern on them. Then again, why did it matter?

How could I be so stupid?!... By Celestia, I'm so stupid!!, Vinyl smacked her forehead, wanting to cry for what she did.

Jack soon came up the stairs and tossed saddlebags onto the bed Vinyl was laying in.

"I suggest leaving now. I really don't want you here.", Jack said softly.

Vinyl nodded and sat up from the bed. Although her headache was hindering her, she had to leave. She didn't want to, but had to.

Vinyl placed the saddlebags over her back, and slowly walked out of the room. Jack followed behind Vinyl as they proceeded down the stairs, and into the foyer. Vinyl took one last look around the foyer, and up at Jack.

"Thanks for letting me stay... I'm sorry again...", Vinyl turned, and used her magic to open the door.

"Leave.", Jack said with anger in his voice.

Vinyl walked out of the foyer, and onto the stone steps. The door slammed behind her and Vinyl felt a gush of air rush through her coat and mane.

"On my own...", Vinyl said softly.

The streets of this stone city were loud and noisy. It smelled of horrible cheese and smoke, as if somepony was pumping large amounts of rotten apples into the air, somehow.

Vinyl was walking at a slow pace, clicking along the side-walk, and looking around at the buildings. Many of them had the word 'FORECLOSURE' on it. Many boards were placed neatly where the windows and doors once were and others looked abandoned.

Vinyl tried to enter one of the abandoned houses, it very small and the insides were filled with piles of dirt, or other unspeakable debris. Unfortunately, it seemed to her that most or all of them were impassible.

The sunlight overhead of Vinyl, though, was dimming. Clouds started to move across the sky and thunder started to ensue. Vinyl could feel droplets of rain hit her as she started to walk once more.

"I'm...", Vinyl croaked as the rain immediately started to pound against her, seeping into her white coat.

Vinyl's mane fell to the sides of her face, dripping wet with rain, and her coat getting drenched with rain. She then felt the rain seep into her coat and onto her skin.

She shivered with coolness and wetness. Feeling her forehooves start to retract some blood, moving it to the core of her body. Her heart started to beat slower as the blood processed itself to warm her pony-torso. Vinyl had to find shelter, and fast, but... She was alone...

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...", Vinyl started to cry, placing her rump onto the freezing cement and glare down at the side-walk.

"I wish I could take it back...", Vinyl started to move to one of the ally's near the house. The roof just covering Vinyl's body, the rain dripping into a small stream, draining down a small grate into the sewer.

The loud splashing of raindrops hit the many puddles around Vinyl, and made it hard for her to concentrate. Vinyl laid down on the cement ground, cuddling next to a wall. She tried her hardest to stay warm by going into a 'fettle position' and keeping her core body temperature above ninety-eight point five degrees Fahrenheit.

Although it was blistering cold, Vinyl was able to find some peace, and fall asleep...

Into the land of dreams...

"Welcome, Vinyl.", A voice called out.

Vinyl stood up, looking around. She found herself in an odd place. It was dimming at the edges of her view, but the floor under her had a checker-like style to it. Much like her floor at home. Up above was a small light illuminating the area. Vinyl couldn't see anything besides that light and the floor. She was very unsure what to do.

"W-who's there?", Vinyl asked.

"Calm down, Vinyl. No need to be so... Jumpy.", The voice softly chuckled as it seemed to lower from the ceiling, or 'sky' of where she was, to the floor.

"Who are you...?", Vinyl questioned, a bit nervous that it was her father, haunting her dreams once more.

"I am your friend, Vinyl. Don't you recognize me?", The voice seemed to move closer to her head, and near her ears. It sounded like Octavia's accent, but Vinyl wasn't sure.

"Oc.. Octavia...?", Vinyl asked, and guessed.

"Hmm.. Maybe... But, I don't think that's quite right. I am male, Vinyl.", The voice moved in front of her, now, echoing lightly in the 'space'.

"D-... Dad?", Vinyl asked, with fear deep in her heart.

"Oh... Very, very correct, Vinyl. You can't get rid of me, you know.", The voice laughed and moved back to her ears.

Vinyl's heart plummeted to the depths of her chest. She felt so horrible, now. The thing she thought she could avoid is back again...

Her Father...

"C'mon, Vinyl... You think during moments like this I don't re-enter your mind? You failed Jack, Clarence and Ken. You're alone. You're helpless. Dark, cold and alone. What can be better?...", The darkening voice said, having a hint of demonism within it.

Vinyl said nothing, and only took it in, hoping she'd leave this horrible dream.

"Remember that time you were out in the rain as a filly? I brought you inside and smacked you for disobeying? Then, I brought you to the dark, and cold, basement... And, I think you can tell what happened after that... I took advantage of my daughter... I made her feel so violated... Mmm.. I can still smell you, Vinyl.", An apparition appeared in front of Vinyl.

It was her father, in that same, dark, basement. Next to the large, black, stallion was herself as a filly. The floor was a checked design and the walls around the room were covered in photo's of the filly being violated.

The black stallion picked up the little filly and put her on a desk, strapping her down and slowly, Vinyl saw him doing the unspeakable...

The stallion, her father, raped her.

"Please, stop this, you ... You... Monster!", Vinyl yelled as the apparition disappeared.

"Oh-ho-ho, Vinyl... I can't just stop... I... Wait, what?!", The voice seemed to crack, as new voices entered the 'scene'...

"What is this thing?", A soft, womanly, tone spoke.

"I don't know. What I do know is that it's freezing cold, and it needs to be brought to a heated place right now.", A deep, manly, voice responded.

"Yeah, I agree. Whatever it is, it's an animal. We need to help it. It doesn't belong here. C'mon help me.", A lighter, male, voice then spoke and grunted as he lifted something with the other two.

"Vinyl, don't think this is the last of me. You're 'human' friends won't help you forever.", Vinyl's dream slowly faded, as she shot back into reality.

Vinyl sat up, looking around her surroundings. She was in a small room, covered in cages for small animals, it seemed, and two sets of doors. One behind her, and one in front of her. To her left was a desk and a woman sitting in it. To her right was two men, sitting at a table, drinking out of coffee mugs. They were laughing, but the woman then spoke.

"It's awake!", The woman stood up from her desk and looked down at Vinyl.

The men turned to face the confused unicorn and stared down at it. Vinyl looked back and forth between each 'human' there.

"Hey, hey, don't worry. We're not here to hurt you, we promise. We found you on the street and brought you in, little fella...", A blond haired male, with bright green eyes and wearing a blue golf shirt with blue jeans spoke to her.

"Yeah, no worries. We have food, water and plenty of shelter for you.", spoke the other male. He had chestnut hair, brown eyes and was wearing a black, leather, jacket. Within the jacket was a shirt. Vinyl could only make out part of a word: 'egaDea' within it. Other than that, he wore blue jeans.

The woman did not speak, but wore a crimson red jacket and wore light green glasses over her bright blue eyes. Her hair was a scarlet and her lips were a bright pink. That's all Vinyl could see.

"Uhm... Where am I?", Vinyl asked.

The three jumped as she spoke, not expecting something so similar to a horse to even speak.