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Chapter 14: The Land of Dreams

Chapter 14: The Land of Dreams

The Land of Dreams, crosses my mind. Fills my eyes with the divine of nature and hatred that spreads across the plain of existence and fledges through my life.

"Ur-... Uranium?!", Joseph exclaimed, not sure if he heard Vinyl properly.

"Yeah, Uranium. Back where I come from, it holds many magical properties and can withstand mass amounts of heat.", Vinyl said softly.

"Uranium in our world is highly radioactive when set to a certain isotope. It's very unstable under high amounts of heat and has the power to destroy many cities! Why in the world would Uranium help your magic here?!", Joseph was lightly yelling, not letting the others hear what he was saying.

"Because, with it, I can use it to break Celestia's spell. Uranium has amazing properties, which is why Celestia doesn't allow anypony, but herself, to use it.", Vinyl explained.

"We--.. Did you just say ... 'Anypony'...?", Joseph asked.

"Of course I did. It's what we all say back in Equestria.", Vinyl said, smiling gently.

"Equ... Equestr--.. Never fret about that, then... Uhm, okay, anything besides Uranium? Because that's worth millions, maybe billions, of dollars on our planet, and getting it requires proper permits that would take years to get.", Joseph was gesturing to his fingers that rubbed against each other, signifying money.

"Well, then, I can't go anywhere without it... I guess I'm stuck here for a while.", Vinyl sighed and walked past Joseph, opening the door with her magic and walking back into the main room, her head sunk low to the ground.

Joseph followed after her, sighing softly to himself as he stared at the others.

"Enjoy your meal?", Carry asked.

"Yeah...", Vinyl sighed softly, laying down on the hard-tile flooring.

James and Carry looked at Joseph, knowing something was wrong with her, and it was his fault.

Joseph only shook his head and shrugged.

"What's wrong, Vinyl?", Carry asked.

"Just... I miss home... I want to go home...", Vinyl said, sobbing gently.

"Well, how'd you get here?", Carry pursued.

"I was teleported here and now stuck here for a month until the spell wears off. Unless I find Uranium, it's impossible to go back.", Vinyl sobbed again, sniffling gently.

"Uranium?!", James and Carry exclaimed.

"Yeah... Joseph told me how hard it is to get here...", Vinyl sighed, and closed her teary eyes.

Carry and James looked at each other, wishing they could help. Too bad they weren't Nuclear Physicists, or they could steal it. And no way in hell would they even try to steal it as normal civilians. (Why they would want to steal Uranium as a Physicist? Who knows)

"I just want to sleep again... Just... Maybe get some rest...", Vinyl gently whispered.

Please... Just this once... I don't want to see my father in my dreams... I beg you..., Vinyl pleaded to her brain, hoping she'd get some justice for once.

"Well, we'll let you sleep. We don't have any beds besides that one,", James pointed to the small bed that Vinyl was in before, "So, I guess that'll do. For now.", James stood up, and walked next to Joseph.

"We'll be in the kitchen. If you need something, just yell for us.", the trio then walked into the kitchen, closing the door behind them.

Vinyl warmly breathed against the floor. It gently went damp as the hot air beamed against it, forming a small pool of water molecules.

Vinyl only smiled as she saw a bit of her reflection in the floor, and then she passed out from exhaustion.




"Iiiii.... Nyll..."







Vinyl's eyes shot straight open, to be greeted by her mother, shaking her.

"Wake up! The house is on fire! We have to get out of here, please!", Vinyl was shaking as the smell of charcoal and burning wood entered her nose. She looked around to see that her room was curling from heat and that everything was burning to ash in front of her.

"Come on!", Vinyl's mother pulled her out of her bed and set her on her back. Vinyl's arms gripped around her mothers neck for dear life.

Vinyl's mother pushed through falling debris that was on fire. Fire caught onto her mane, but Vinyl put it out quickly.

Vinyl's mother would've said 'thank-you', but now's not the time to stop for trivial things. She ran down the stairs with extreme speed, the stairs immediately collapsing after she hit the bottom floor. She ran directly into the burning living room and ran straight for the door, aiming to thrust it open as she wanted to get out immediately.

Unfortunately, she fell into a weak structure of the floor...

Vinyl's mother hit the floor of their basement with a loud 'thud' and wood debris spread all around her. Fire was spreading everywhere around her and encasing her in a small ring.

Vinyl was at the top of the hole, looking down at her mother.

"GO, VINYL! RUN!", Her mother cried.

"But, Mommy!", Vinyl yelled down to her mother.

"Just go! Mommy...", She sighed, taking in the carbon dioxide and heat.

"Mommy will be in a better place soon... Just run!", Her mother motioned for her to run.

Vinyl looked at the doorway, and back at her mother. Tears entered her eyes and dripped onto the floor, immediately evaporating from the accelerating heat.

"RUN!", The ceiling around Vinyl started to collapse, and Vinyl waited no further.

She darted towards the doorway and pushed it open, landing onto the hard, dirt, ground. As the door opened and combined with the flames, it 'exploded'

The windows shot outwards, glass shards flying everywhere. The roof of the house caved in as the fire weakened the structure further and flames beamed out every hole that was now created, spreading the 'explosion' further. The house caved in seconds after Vinyl evaded...

Sirens were spread everywhere, as water from hoses spread across the ashed house. Vinyl was in a small towel, a nurse tending to the poor filly's wounds. A policestallion walked up to her and stared her in the eyes, sighing softly.

coltHis coat was a light brown, and he had a small moustache across his upper lip. His eyes were chestnut and his mane was a light grey. His uniform was a dark blue and his hat was lightly spiked and had a badge labelled: 'Sheriff' on it.

"I'm sorry... But... You're mother...", The harsh voice spoke, with a rasp of age and stress.

"You're mother didn't make it, sweetheart. Nor did your father. Both of them... Are in a better place now, sweetie."

His eyes teared gently as did the nurse's, who stopped tending the filly's wounds. It was sad to announce such news to such a young mare. But... He couldn't lie. He delivered news like this before... He had to do his job.

"Where... Where did they go, officer...?", Vinyl's light voice asked, as her large red eyes looked up into the Sheriff's.

The Sheriff had to pull away, softly crying. Two other policestallion came to the Sheriff and patted his back. Why would a filly ask that?! A question like that!? It was horrifying.

"They're...", The Sheriff sniffed.

"They're in heaven, sweetheart... They--", He sobbed, letting out a gasp of tears and sorrow, unable to finish.

The nurse was crying softly, turning away from Vinyl and putting a hoof to her mouth.

"Are they okay there?... Are they hurt...?", Vinyl asked a new question.

The Sheriff wanted to let out an outburst of full on crying right then, and there. Wanting to roll in a pool of tears, unable to handle this. In all of his years of experience, this is the worst thing he had to face.

"They're...", He sniffed.

"They're okay in heaven, sweetheart. Nothing can hurt them, there.", The Sheriff hid his tears and turned, smiling at the little filly.

"Can you tell my mommy I love her?", Vinyl gently spoke again.

"Oh, Celestia!", The Sheriff couldn't help it and fell onto the ground, crying full heartedly. He didn't care if he looked bad in front of his other policestallion and mares, he had to let it out. The agony that he was feeling expressing this to a filly. A filly!

"Officer...? Are you okay?", Vinyl hopped down from the small table she sat on and looked down at him. Her big red eyes glared as the Sheriff looked up.

"I'm...", He sniffed.

"I'm fine... I just... I'll tell your mom you lov--", He gasped with a sob, and wrapped his forelimbs around the poor filly.

The filly wrapped her little forelimbs around the thick stallions neck, the Sheriff sobbing lightly.

"She... Can't take care of you, though. We'll find you a better place to live. Don't...", He sniffed.

"Don't you worry...", He finished, with a smile. It was forced, but he tried his best for the filly.

He tried his best...




"Vinyl? You awake?"



"Hey, wake up, sis!"

Vinyl sat up, from her slumber, to see that she was in a bright room. Everything around her was so... Vivid and beautiful. Pictures of her having her forelimbs wrapped around mares and stallions crowded the walls. The walls were also many different colours, much like the rainbow. Along with the words: 'Living the Dream, baby'. on it.

"Sis, jeez, you've been asleep all day!", Vinyl turned to her left to be greeted by a small, yellow, colt with bright green eyes staring into hers and his blue and sky blue mane covering a bit of his left eye. He was smiling as she woke up.

"Heh... Small fry, you never leave me alone, do ya?", Vinyl said, jokingly, rubbing her hoove through his blue and sky blue mane.

"Nope! Hehe!", The small colt smiled as she finally pushed herself out of bed.

"Dad needs your help with some of the dishes and I need your help with something afterwards.", The colt said, sitting on his rump.

"Oh? What might that be?", Vinyl said, smirking.

"Helping get my cutie mark, sis! You got yours and I want mine too!", He was bouncing now, wild with excitement.

"Oh, please, you can't force it.", Vinyl said softly.

"Oh...", The colt died down, staring down at the floor now.

Vinyl felt a little bad now, and tilted his head up a bit smiling.

"Hey, hey, don't be sad. Do what you're best at, kiddo. I know you're good at poetry. You woo'd me last night. Maybe that's your talent? Try it on a filly, woo her over too.", Vinyl said softly.

"Hey... Maybe you're right!", The colt smiled happily.

"Thanks, sis, you're the best!", The colt wrapped his little forelimbs around his teenager sister, Vinyl.

"Anything, Scriber...", Vinyl sighed softly, wrapping her forelimbs around him.

Scriber stopped hugging her sister, and looked up at her with a worried expression.

"What's wrong, sis?", he asked softly.

"I... I still don't feel apart of this family, Sunny. I feel like... I feel like I'm a bit of a burden, you know...?", Vinyl said softly.

"You are apart of this family. Even if Dad and Mom don't seem like it, you are. To me... You've made me so happy ever since I was born! You make me jump with joy!", Sunny Scriber was smiling brightly.

Vinyl couldn't help but smile, looking down at the little colt, filled with excitement.

"You know how to make me better, Sunny. Don't lose that.", Vinyl's smile enlightened the little colt a bit.

"Hey, I'll never lose it for you, sis!", Sunny then ran out of the bright room, excited more than ever.

Vinyl sighed softly, looking around the room. Light gleamed into the room and beamed brilliant colours around like a disco ball. The room, covered in light, radiated with happiness and joy. It filled Vinyl with peace and warmth and made her think of her mother. The wonderful mare that cared for her so dearly, and gave her life for her.

One day... I'll be something... For my mom..., Vinyl thought, warmly placing a hoof on her heart.

"Vinyl! I need you, sweetheart!", a gentle, old and raspy, voice called from downstairs.

"Coming!", Vinyl yelled softly.

She glanced around the room once more, smiling.

"I love you, mom. I love you so much...", Vinyl warmly whispered, heading downstairs...