• Published 7th Jan 2015
  • 4,389 Views, 167 Comments

Very loopy - Sollace

Sweetie Belle is stuck in a time loop and the princesses have convinced her to take them with her. Chaos ensues.

  • ...

Chapter 10: Princess Luna Saves the Day

“Thank you, Fancy Pants, and might I add that your beard is fabulous.” Princess Celestia looked down at the noble pony hunched before her. He was standing proudly with a splendid white beard pouring down his chest, and with a briefcase full of papers floating beside him in his aura.

“Why, yes”, The Duke of Banana chuckled, and reclined back in her recently acquired lawn chair, “If being the object of the Princess’ envy was a crime, I imagine you would be quite close to Prince Blueblood right now.”

They both snickered, hiding their grins behind their hooves as they shared a knowing glance, “Oh, uh,” Fancy Pants looked up from his papers and raised an eyebrow, “Y-yes, thank you princess.” He inclined his head, “The hairs were specially imported from Yakyakistan for the occasion.”

“I can tell,” Celestia complimented, “Now,” she turned back to business. She adjusted her seating and threw the end of her beard out of her way, “I will look at addressing the issue with the fountains.”

The Duke of Banana interrupted with a cough, “Ahem, and if I may suggest, Princess,” She leaned over to speak to the princess, “Perhaps it would be easiest to demolish the fountain entirely?”

“Yes, that would be the best solution,” Princess Celestia turned to Fancy Pants, “Will that be acceptable, Fancy Pants?”

Fancy Pants frowned, “With all due respect, Princess. I would be concerned about how Blueblood would take such a manoeuvre. He commissioned it after all, and I’d hate to destroy his prized statue.”

“Yes, quite” Celestia tapped her chin as she though. At length she shrugged, “I’m sure he’ll understand, otherwise we can hold it to a vote in the next meeting. Blueblood will have ample opportunity to voice his concerns then.”

“If he bothers to show up, that is.” Celestia added with a knowing glance to the Duke.

“Right, well.” Fancy Pants scuffed a hoof against the ground, “If that is all,” he gave one last bow.

“WHERE IS SHE!?” Luna’s booming voice echoed through the castle, startling Fancy Pants with a yelp and making him drop his briefcase.

Both Celestia, and the Duke of Banana stared straight ahead, towards the closed doors at the back. Fancy Pants joined them as he turned around to stare.

There was the loud clatter of spears and metal hitting metal outside. The door shuddered as something large and solid collided with it on the opposite side.

Another moment of silence.

And then a crashing boom as large dent bulged outwards from the door, then two, then three. There was another bout of commotion and several more knocks, and then it was surrounded by a blue aura and swung open to reveal a furious Princess Luna.

Her magical aura was flowing around her like flames. Both Celestias thought they saw the signs of skulls burning in Luna’s gaze but neither of them paid that any mind as they were too preoccupied by what was atop Luna’s head.

“Um...” Celestia Began.

“...is that...” The Duke of Banana spoke.

Both them and Fancy Pants sat in awe, their jaws dropped as Luna stomped further into the throne room dragging behind her one, two, no three night guards and a celestial guard in a banana suit. They all hung onto her back hooves helplessly crying out to Celestia, “We’re sorry, Princess!”

“We couldn’t stop her!” The banana guard screamed.

Celestia waved, not able to tear her eyes away from Luna, “That’s... quite all right.”

Princess Luna stopped next to Fancy Pants, using her magic to steady the fruit basket hiding the charred remains of her mane, and shoved the gawking unicorn aside, “Again I say: where is she?” Luna seethed between her teeth.

Both Celestias tore their gaze away from Luna’s head to give her a confused frown, “Who?”

“You know who I mean. Where is Princess Luna, the other Princess Luna.”

Celestia turned a glance and a raised brow to her banana clad counterpart. Both had no idea, “We haven’t seen her since this morning,” the second one stated.

The first Celestia followed up with a nod, “Indeed, last we heard she’d left on an outing with Sweetie Belle, but that was nearly four hours ago.”

“Hmf,” Luna huffed and stomped a hoof, “Very well then.” She turned up her nose turned to leave, still dragging the guards behind her. She stopped at the back door and spun around one last time to shout, “The moment I see that mare. I shall buck her. In the face,” and then slammed the doors behind her as she stomped away.

Both Celestias waited in silence until they were sure she was gone. Once the sound of Luna’s stomping, and cursing, were sufficiently faded the Duke of Banana spoke up, “... what do you think she did?”

“I... Don’t know.”

“What to go watch?”


“Are you sure about this?” The Changeling drone’s voice buzzed with concern, the events from the previous coupe to take Canterlot still fresh in his mind. A chill ran up his spine as an image of the aptly dubbed ‘Love Bubble of Doom’ flashed through his mind. He cowered close behind his queen with his shell retracted and his bug-like wings spread ready to flee at the nearest sound of a Royal Guard.

“This is the perfect opportunity,” Queen Chrysalis proclaimed, just over a whisper and with utmost conviction. She was hunched over and looking around. News of the duplicate princesses had spread quickly throughout the Changeling underground and the Queen knew this was her perfect chance to infiltrate the castle. If they played their cards right, they could feast for weeks on the love of these unsuspecting ponies and nopony would be the wiser.

All she had to do was— there was the sound of a door banging shut and the Changeling queen ducked back behind the corner, “Quick, she’s coming, get into your disguise.”

As she said this, Chrysalis’ horn lit, and a green flame spread across her body, quickly changing her into the form of Princess Luna. Her drone nodded and did the same, transforming into a dark grey bat pony clad in the lunar garb.

Moments later, a Princess Luna came trotting around the corner in a huff, practically seething with rage.

Queen Chrysalis stepped forward to greet the princess, confident her disguise would have her fooled. She put on a bright smile, and waved to the princess as she stomped their way, “Good day, my fellow Prince—”


Break time!

Pinkie Pie here to give you all a random piece of trivia not at all related to the current events of this story.

Did you know that Princess Luna used to be a heavy weight boxing champion? They used to call her the pulveriser.

Another random thing to know: Did you know that, despite their formidable appearance, Changeling queens are remarkably easy to defeat?

Eeyup! All you have to do is keep in mind their one true weakness. Their glass jaw.

There was an explosion of stars, and all at once Chrysalis’ world had spun away from her.

She woke up feeling dizzy, with the world spinning upside down around her and shards of glass scattered everywhere. A pair of six, hold on, four, no definitely twelve golden clad hooves stood around her. One of the guards frowned and leaned down to pick her up, “You’re coming with us,” he said in a low tone, and dragged the swaying Changeling Queen away.

Meanwhile back inside, the changeling drone stood in the passage before Princess Luna, frozen on the spot. He shot a glace out the broken window and then back to the princess standing in front of him.

At length, Princess Luna groaned and rubbed a hoof across her forehead, “You,” She snapped, pointing a hoof at the disguised Changeling.

He flinched, wanting to hide his face behind a hoof, but, remembering his disguise, he followed his training and puffed out his chest, “Ch- changeling? Whatever do you mean?” He tried to put on a deeper voice in hopes of fooling the princess.

Luna simply looked at him with a raised eyebrow. She rolled her eyes, “I know you’re a changeling.”

“Y- you do?”

“Of course, now go get me some coffee and something to fix my mane.”

The guard paused, glancing to the broken window. Luna slipped into her Canterlot voice as she shouted once more, “NOW!” and pointed down the passage.

“Y- yes, Princess,” he flashed a quick salute and hurried off to the kitchen.