• Published 7th Jan 2015
  • 4,389 Views, 167 Comments

Very loopy - Sollace

Sweetie Belle is stuck in a time loop and the princesses have convinced her to take them with her. Chaos ensues.

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Chapter 4: So now what?

Both princesses were sitting in a cell beneath Canterlot. Luna was lying on her back on the rather drab looking, and evidently too small bed, “So now what?”

Celestia sat slumped with her back against the wall on the other side of the cell, directly below a rather deep, royal-looking indentation in the wall, “What were you thinking, Luna?” Celestia glared at her sister.

“I was thinking we wouldn’t get caught.”

Celestia sighed, and held her head in her hooves for what felt like the hundredth time.

“How did they capture you anyway?”

“Let’s just say the harness was on their side. But no matter, we just have to wait. Sooner or later a guard’s going to come to fetch one of us.”

“And if they don’t?”

“We break out. I mean, what’s a little 13inch stone wall and unicornite steel bars to do against two Alicorn Princesses?”

A coughing sound got the attention of the princesses and they turned to see a royal guard standing outside the cell. His expression was stoic as he looked between the prisoners. “Her majesty Princess Celestia has requested the presence of, um, Princess Celestia.”

“Ah” Celestia clapped her hooves and jumped up, “Just in time.” She bounded to the gate as the guard levitated out a set of keys. He was just about to unlock the gate when Celestia waved him back. “No worries, I’ve got it.” And with perfect ease and grace she swung the gate open.

Luna’s eyes widened and she sat up on the bed. “It was unlocked!?”

“Yes of course, don’t tell me you thought they’d actually try and lock us in?” Celestia stepped out alongside the guard and closed the gate behind her. “Now you just wait here whilst I have a word with myself. I won’t be long.”

Celestia turned to the guard. “Ok then, lead the way. I presume we’re going to the courtyard, are we not?”

The guard’s expression didn’t change as he began to lead Celestia out of the dungeon. “Indeed princess.”

“Lovely, that’s my favourite spot.”

“As is the princess’s too.”

Luna simply sat on her bed, wide eyed and gaping in shock as the guard and her sister left.

Both Celestias now sat in their favourite spot, on a veranda at the back of the castle overlooking the courtyard. Celestia was happily sipping her tea whilst Princess Celestia stared forlornly into hers.

“This tea is lovely.” Celestia broke the silence.

“Thanks, I knew you would like it,” the princess responded without looking up.

“I knew you’d know I’d like.”

“Heh,” Princess Celestia chuckled, and a small smile formed on her face. “So you’re saying you’re me from the future? And this is possible because we’re the only ones that live long enough to travel with Pinkie Pie?”

“Uh, something like that, yes. But it’s more of a time loop. Every five days it resets to the Monday of the week. And it’s not Pinkie Pie, it’s the other pink one, Sweetie Belle.”

Celestia nodded in reply— “Of course”— and took another sip of her tea. “And we don’t know how this started then?”

“No, she has no recollection of how it started.”

“So do we have any plan of action here?”

“No.” The two princesses lapsed back into silence. At length Celestia spoke again, “Can you let my sister out now?”

Celestia raised an eyebrow, and shook her head as she set her cup down. “You know I can’t do that. Luna is still rather distraught about her moon cakes. She’s not going to let me release your sister until she apologises for stealing them.”

“Well, technically she didn’t really steal them. They were hers after all.”

A guard came running out of the castle interrupting the princesses’ conversation. He stopped beside the table, puffing heavily. “Princess, w— we need your help.”

“What is it? Can’t you see I’m discussing important matters with myself?”

The guard paused and looked between the two Celestias glaring agitatedly at him. “Uh, forgive me. Princess Celestia-s...” He shook his head and continued. “Princess-es, this is a dire matter. There is an adorable menace loose in the castle. Fifteen of our best guards have already fallen trying to apprehend her. We fear it may be the reincarnation of Dai Cuticus the Destroyer, ruler of the adorable plains of eternal suffering; come to reap our mortal souls. We need you to help protect Equestria and banish this new foe before it can get out and wreak untold havoc!”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Princess Celestia placed her hooves on the sides of the hyperventilating guard in an attempt to calm him down.

Celestia’s eyes widened and she prodded Princess Celestia. “I think he’s talking about Sweetie Belle.” She turned to the guard. “It’s all right, she’s a friend. Can you please make sure she is kept comfortable, put her up in one of the guest rooms and give her whatever she wants.”

The guard’s ears drooped slightly and he gained a look of confusion, but overall seemed very much calmer. After a moment he gave a firm nod— “Aye Princess” – and left.

As the guard headed back into the castle he passed another on his way out, a filly following close behind with her saddlebags in tow. The other guard approached the table. “Princess, we found this one lurking the castle. What shall do with her?”

Celestia took one look at the filly and her face lit up. “That’s her!”

“Ah, that was fast.” Princess Celestia dismissed the guard. “Thank you, you can leave her here with us.” The guard saluted and left without a single word.

Princess Celestia motioned to an empty seat beside her. “Please, sit down. I’ve heard much about you.”

“Uh” Sweetie Belle blinked and looked over at the seat “Ok” and complied. After getting herself comfortable she began to apologies, “Celestia, I’m so sorry ab-”

Princess Celestia silenced her with a wave of her hoof. “It’s quite alright, there has been no permanent damage done.” She pointed at the other Celestia sitting across the table. “Me, over here, has already explained everything. There really is no better proof than to see myself standing before me.”

“Oh” was her only reply.

Princess Celestia motioned towards a small stack of cupcakes between them. “Please, help yourself, they’re fresh out of my room.”

“No thank you, I’d rat-” They were cut off by the faint screams of a royal guard coming from the East wing, followed shortly after by the guttural yells of what one might mistake for some kind of inter-dimensional beast. Sweetie Belle looked behind her towards where the sound had come from. “Should we be worried?”

Both Celestias waved a dismissive hoof. “Let the guards take care of it. I’m sure it’s nothing.”