• Published 8th Jan 2015
  • 3,016 Views, 90 Comments

After The Song - BioQuillFiction

Ten years after their defeat The Dazzlings have returned but not in the way Sunset Shimmer and the gang expected

  • ...

Lost Little Girl

Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash; they are the six amazing people I am proud to call my friends, I’d even go as far as to call them family.

If you looked at us all now it’s hard to believe that a little over ten years ago I could have cared less about them. Back then I was worse than any kind of high school bully out there, to put it shortly I was a major bitch. When I first arrived from my world to this one (My world being made of magical techno colored ponies and other impossible creatures) I discovered that this world's disharmony and cruelty matched, possibly surpassed my own at the time and what did I do? I became even worse.

Within a few short years I ruled over my little corner of this cruel world with fear as my weapon and trickery as my crown. I even turned five of my now six friends against each other. I was a monster. Then all that changed, my sixth and final friend came and undid all my cruelty and wrong doings. And when I was thrown off of my seat of wrongful power she did the unthinkable. She forgave me.

Within the hand she gave out to me was more than just forgiveness, it held hope for redemption and friendship. I’ve lived up to her gift of a second chance and now because of her I’m a whole new person, the bitch I was is as dead as a doornail and a new Sunset Shimmer has taken the wheel. And now I’m helping my friends with a new/old problem, also from my old world. I’ve freed the last of my friends from the spells they were under, well two of them had slightly different matters but still they’re awake. Now where the heck are the rest of them?!

I exited the room and the first thing I noticed was that all the other doors were shut. Please tell me I don’t have to go through this again!

I felt a tap on my shoulder. “Sunset!” I nearly jumped through the roof, once I registered that it was Pinkie’s voice my heart returned to a normal pace. I turned around and the others where there as well.

“Pinkie I nearly had a heart attack… granted poor choice of words since, well, long story. Anyway what happened?”

“Well darling,” Rarity started. “those brutes passed up and down the halls for a while and eventually we decided to handle it before you and Rainbow woke up.”

“Took some timing and luck but we managed to wrangle them all up and lock them in the rooms.” Applejack finished for Rarity. “We’re gonna have to come back later to get them out when we take care of Adagio but they should be safe.”

“Well does anyone know how to get to Adagio?”

“Here.” Twilight handed me a folded piece of paper. “Turns out the entrance isn’t that far from here, I found that in the desk it’s a map.”

A map!? I unfolded the paper and Twilight was right, it was a map of the entire building with details on what each section of the building specialized in and all the doctors offices. “Alright then if I were Adagio what doctors’ office would I be in?” I scanned the map and my eyes fell upon one room that was larger than the rest, it wasn’t a patient room of doctors’ office it was a security room. “This room would make the most sense.” I showed the others and they all agreed.

“Well then.” I turned and saw Rainbow standing behind me. Her face was clean of dry tears and drool but some parts of her eyes were still red. “Like the old song goes, ‘lets go fuck up the police’!”

“I thought it was ‘fu…’.’ Rarity covered Pinkie’s mouth.

“We know the song deary and please don’t, not only is it unpleasant but it’s well past its prime.”

“All that aside I need to ask. Twilight, was the computer at the receptionist desk still logged into the system?”

“Uh, I think so, why?”

I bolted down the hall and into the entrance of the area of the building without a second thought. I made a promises to Misfortune to find Berry Berry and I’ll be damned if I leave a little girl in this hell! I jumped into the chair and almost fell out but I fixed myself and twilight was right, the computer was still logged in. I opened up the file labeled ‘patient manifest’ and scrolled through all the ‘B’s’

“Sunset!” I looked up and saw Rainbow giving me a mixed glare of anger and confusion. “What was that about?!”

“Long story short there’s a five year old girl who I have to find.”

“… say what now?”

I looked back up and saw that the others had just arrived. “Look before I woke up Rarity I had a talk with the emotion torturing her. She said she came from a five year old girl who was committed into this hell hole for, I don’t know borderline depression I guess and I promised I would check on her.”

“What makes you think she was telling the truth?” Rainbow stated, crossing her arms.

“I… I don’t know if I had to put it on anything it was the way she spoke about her, you can’t lie and sound so concerned for someone unless it was true.”

“So what we’re goanna risk our necks for a kid that may or may not be here?”

“Why do you think I’m checking the manifests for? If Berry Berry is a real person she should have a file.” I looked back at the computer and there it was, Berry Berry’s file. “Found it!” I looked back up and saw Rainbow’s eyes widen in surprise.

When I clicked on it I immediately felt a pinch in my heart. The first thing to come up was a head-shot, she looked like the definition of misery. Her hair was jet black, cut short to her shoulders and her skin was a pale brown, like a corpse. I almost turned away at the next pictures as I scrolled down, they were pictures of her arms all littered with scars of deep cuts from some time ago. After scrolling down some I found the area of the asylum she was in, B-8, Suicide recovery.

“Sunset?” I looked back up to Rainbow Dash and she was pointing at my face, I had been crying.

I wiped the tears away and turned off the computer. “We’re finding Berry Berry and helping her.” The others gave nervous nodes, I didn’t blame them.

Section B-8 was on the other side of the building and furthest away from the security office where Adagio should be but at the moment I didn’t care, the only thing on my mind was find Berry Berry and then… I wasn’t sure but I was going to do something.

Halfway there static burst through our ear tag speakers. “How in the… Ouuuch, did you get there?”

“What’s the matter, got a headache?”

“Don’t toy with me!... Ouuuch. You may have escaped once but the group I’ve sent your way have tranquilizer guns, and this time I’m putting you under a spell as well.”

“Good luck with that.”

“Whatever, also Aria and Sonata have been dealt with, can’t believe they betrayed me.”

“What did you do to them!?”

“I put them under a sleeping spell, once they’ve gotten their pendants back they’ll be their old selves again.”

“They are their old selves you idiot! It’s those pendants that changed them!”

“Shut up, shut up, shut up! You know nothing about pain, betrayal, torment and having those you trusted keeping secrets from you!”

“I have and only two kinds of people go through that; ignorant and impatient bastards, or people with a horrible past. Which are you?!”

The audio cut in another burst of static. The rest of the walk to B-8 was quiet, not even Pinkie dared to speak. We stopped at the turn into B-8 because those guards of Adagio’s where at the main door, two of them. Of all the places.

“Alright,” I whispered below my breath. “we need a plan. If those guards see us we won’t be getting out of it a second time.”

“What then? As long as they have those tranq-guns we’re pretty much screwed.” Rainbow said.

“Well…” Twilight started. “Maybe if Adagio could sing and put them under those spells then perhaps Sunset can sing and get them out of it.”

“That could work.” Rarity said.

“Yeah is should but I can’t think up new songs off the top of my head, I had a hard enough time thinking up the ones I used on you girls.” I replied. I may help with the songs for the stage but Rainbow and Fluttershy usually have over half of it done.

“Well what about something simple?” Applejack said.

“Like what?”

“Like a poem or a lullaby.”

"Like the one you sang to wake me up.” Twilight said.

“That might work but that lullaby my mom sang it to me to keep nightmares away, theses guys are hypnotized; I don’t see how a song about keeping nightmares away will get them to stop.”

“Then we’ll just have to think up one.” Rainbow said.

“Alright then, it’s better than nothing.”

We all spoke in quiet whispers deciding in lyrics for this lullaby, we decided to go with something that sounds more like it’s meant to wake you up rather than put you to sleep. Might snap the guards free. Ten of so minutes later we had our wake up lullaby, Free Will, we called it. Wonder where that came from…?

“Alright then here goes nothing.” I swallowed hard and gripped Sonata’s pendant tightly. I was just around the corner from the entrance and out of the guards rang of sight.

Screaming, shouting, crying, none can hear you.
Chains so heavy and beings so mean they keep you broken.
This is not me. This is not me.
Wake me up and set me free, spread my wings so I can feel the breeze.
Touch the sky and see the sun, and feel the cool of the nights moon.
Wake me up so I can be me. Wake me up so I can be free.

I peeked my head around the corner and the guards’ eyes looked normal and they were all shaking their heads.

“What happened?” I heard one say. Holy crap it worked!

I signaled the others and we walked out from the corner and over to the guards. “Good you’re awake.” I spoke.

“Wha… what happened? Who are you, visitors?”

“Yes and no, what’s the last thing you remember?”

“One… one of the parents broke out of her room and B-lined it over to the security office, I was at the door then, then I heard this singing and I blacked out.”

“Same here.” The other two spoke in unison.

“Makes sense. Listen There is a lot I need to tell you two about but first there’s a little girl in this wing I need to see.”

“Little girl… Oh Berry Berry.”

“Yes that’s her, how far down in the hall is she!?”

“The tenth door on the right.”

With that I bolted past the now free guards and counted the doors, on the right. Seven, eight, nine, ten! I looked in through a small window the door had and I saw her, she looked just like the picture on the computer, but less sad, not happy either more like confused. I opened the door and she turned her head and looked straight at me.

“Who are you?” Berry asked.

“Umm, that’s a long story. But you can just call me Sunset.”

“Sunset… alright.”

“Umm, how are you feeling?”

“I’m not sure, I usually feel miserable but then this lady started singing on the speakers and then I fell asleep and when I woke up I didn’t feel miserable anymore.”

“When did you wake up?”

A few day’s ago, the adults have been giving my food and water but they wouldn’t let me out of my room, glade it has a toilet.”

“Why did you feel so miserable?”

“My mom died, I never met my dad and I didn’t have any aunts, uncles, or grandparents. They told me that none of the orphanages could take me so they put me here, said it gives me a place to live and a place to heal.”

I felt like crying, just five years old and she’s been through hell. I sat next to her on the bed and wrapped one arm around her. When I looked back at her I saw the cuts on her arm, they were more faded than the ones on the pictures but still visible.

“Where did those come from?”

Berry Berry looked at her cuts. “One day when I was feeling really bad I said’ I just want it to stop’ out loud and one of the adults that live here came up to me, he said ‘if you want it to stop then cut your arms deep enough, and don’t stop at one cut keep doing it until your arms soaked. I managed to sneak some of the scissors the adults have in their offices into my room and started cutting.

“After a while someone checked up on my and saw the cuts and the blood then called for some others, I can’t remember what happened next but when I woke up they said this was my new room now.”

I pulled Berry into a tight hug. “It’s alright, you don’t feel sad anymore right?”

“Yeah, it’s weird but kinda nice.”

“Well then you won’t be sad anymore, I promise.”

I got up and held Berry Berry’s hand and walked out, when I looked up the others finally caught up. When they saw Berry Berry at first they looked surprised, followed by sadness, then ending with compassionate smiles.

“Hi there!” Pinkie said, jumping from the back of the group. “I’m Pinkie Pie and I take it you’re Berry Berry?”

“Yes.” Berry replied, a slight hint of fear in her tone of voice.

“Well you look like a girl who likes cake and cupcakes, am I right?”

“Yes!” Berry shouted with delight. Guess you promise a kid sweets and you can win them over.

“Well when we get out of this place I’ll bake you some, okay?”

“Okay.” Berry said with a smile on her face. I don’t know how Pinkie does it but she does it.

I broke a small smile myself and kneeled down to Berry’s level. “Berry would you like to play with Pinkie Pie for a bit while I talk with my friends?”

“Alright, waaooohh!?” Pinkie picked Berry Berry up and had her sitting on her shoulders and Pinkie ran down the hall, Berry laughing the whole way down. I gave a heavy sigh and turned back to the others. “Now this is the sad part.”

I told what Berry told me to the others, everyone looked like they were biting back tears.

“So she’s an orphan.” Rainbow said.

“Yeah, I just don’t know what to do next. I promised both Misfortune and Berry that they won’t be sad anymore but I don’t know how I’m gonna keep it.”

“Its simple, you don’t.”

I looked back at Rainbow, eyes in rage. “What the heck Rain…”

“Ta, ta, ta,” Rainbow said while waving her index finger at me. “I said you don’t keep the promise, I will.”

I think my, and everyone else’s, jaw hit the floor. “Say what now?”

“Look in all honesty after we finished up here and at the end of the concert I was planning on proposing to Sonic, I already got the ring.” Rainbow pulled a beautiful emerald encrusted gold ring from her back pocket. I could vaguely make the engravings on the side, ‘You won’. “And during the past… two years we thought about what it would be like to have kids, what I’m saying is that immediately after we finish up this mess, and after Sonic and I get hitched we can adopt Berry Berry.”

I was completely speechless. Rainbow the athletic, though, rock star is planning on being a mom! I looked around and everyone showed the same face of disbelief.

I shook my head furiously before speaking. “But wait why not adopt her before you get hitched?”

“Law anywhere states that only a married couple can adopt a child, but when Sonic and I were talking about the subject a while ago we realized that most states require the couple to have been married at least a year before they can adopt. But in other states, D.C. included if the couple has a proper home and adequate living conditions for the child then they can adopt at any time.”

“… You out a lot of research into this haven’t you?”

“Well yeah. I was thinking after I propose to Sonic I’ll fill her in on the situation then we bolt to the nearest court house, seal the deal then adopt Berry.”

“One problem there sugarcube,” Applejack said. “didn’t ya’ll just say that ya’ll needed a home for the young’en?”

Rainbow scratched the back of her head giving a nervous smile. “Well that’s the thing, before we left home for our first tour Sonic had already moved in with me.”

“That was fast, I mean you said you two met before graduation then about seven months later we left on our first tour.”

“Yeah, it was three months before our first tour when we moved in together. When we were first going on tour Sonic made up her mind and joined the stage crew so we could still be together, as for the house when we’re not there I have my dad look over it and every time we’ve gotten back from a tour we usually redecorate a bit and since we started talking about kids we’ve been fixing up a room, its only got a bed, dresser, and computer desk in it but it’s a start.”

“Well what will Sonic think about this sudden family you’re starting?” Rarity asked.

“Actually she’s been checking out orphanages and… sperm banks.”

There was an awkward silence among us, even Rainbow was a little hot in blush.

“Anyway,” I said, breaking the silence. “There is still one major problem, we can’t take Berry with us to face Adagio. But we can’t leave her here alone, someone is going to have to stay and watch her, and since you’ve offered I think you should do it Rainbow.”

I could see Rainbow’s teen grinding behind her lips, her eyes read that I was right though. “As much as I’d rather be up there knocking out all of Adagio’s teeth for what she did to us… I do plan on becoming Berry’s new mom so I guess it’s best I stay and bond with her.”

“Then it’s settled, and don’t worry Rainbow when all’s said and done I’ll let you have a few hits at Adagio when she’s dethroned.”

“Just make sure Berry’s not watching, don’t want her to know how violent her new mom can be.”

“Well technically one of her new moms.” Pinkie said, appearing out of nowhere with Berry still riding her shoulders.

“I’m gonna have two moms!” Berry yelled, jumping off of Pinkie’s shoulders and into Rainbow’s arms. “I’m gonna have a family again!”

Rainbow just held Berry, a small tear coming out of her eye. “Yeah kid, our family.”

Author's Note:

I feel like this one is the saddest thing I've ever written but at least it ends happy.

Also finished after watching the MLP 100th episode, such epicness!:flutterrage: