• Published 8th Jan 2015
  • 3,016 Views, 90 Comments

After The Song - BioQuillFiction

Ten years after their defeat The Dazzlings have returned but not in the way Sunset Shimmer and the gang expected

  • ...

Back Stage Pass

The equipment and crew arrived in Boston a whole two days earlier than expected. We were actually glad it did since it meant we could leave sooner to make it to D.C and find Adagio. I called ahead and made D.C our next destination and like before the girls and I are flying ahead. Right now though Everyone is working on setting up the stage and equipment, while normally the girls and I would be working on what tracks to play we just couldn't get Adagio out of our heads long enough to focus on work, I mean she fixed Sonata's pendent! And is repairing and/or done with Aria's! I just can't concentrate!

"Sunset Shimmer!" That voice! But!?

I suddenly felt two small arms wrap themselves around my waist. "Silver Dust!?" When I looked up from my waist Sonata and Aria stood there. "Aria? I thought you said you didn't want to come because of Silver Dust. Wha...?"

"Sonata convened me when she said Cell and Black Ion could were more than capable of teaching her while we're here. And after what Sonata told me about Adagio and the pendants we figured it might help Adagio snap out of it if I was there and finally leave the past in the past."

This might just work out then! If Sonata and Aria are with us we might have a chance because I had no real plan on how to deal with Adagio. To be honest I was kind of winging it with when we got here. "Well I'm glad you're here. As a matter of fact I think I can make your stay even better." Aria might hate me for this. The girls, maybe Rainbow Dash will hold a grudge. "How about back stage passes for the three of you."

Silver Dust instantly let out an ear-bleeding scream of joy. "OH MY GOSH, MOM CAN WE, CAN WE, CAN WE, CAN WE, CAN WE, CAN WE, CAN WE, CAN WE!?

Aria was picking her pinkie finger into her ear (Probably out of hope to regain her hearing). "Well Sunset Shimmer offered and it would be rude of us not to accept, especially when it's this generous."

Silver Dust let out yet another ear bleeding scream. Yeah I think Rainbow's gonna hate me when she hears Silver Dusts pure fully awake fan-girl scream. (She had just woken up from bed when we first met her)

* * *

Silver Dust, Aria, Sonata, and I spent the next two hours spending time with the gang individually so Silver Dust could have a fan-girl moment with each rather than having to choose when their all together. The only one left out of the band that Silver Dust hasn't gotten the chance to freak out over is Rainbow Dash, actually I haven't seen Rainbow since the equipment and crew arrived. Where is she?

After ten minutes and still no sign of Rainbow Dash. I eventually told Silver Dust that she might have to wait after the concert at this rate. She was really upset but Aria figured it was time for Cell and Black Ion to help her with the assignments her teachers gave her to do on the trip. Meanwhile the concert starts in three hours and Rainbow still hasn't made an appearance. True she has been diapering for several hours at a time before the shows start but never for this long.

Eventually I started to ask around but none of the crew knew where she was ether. I had about given up when I saw Applejack standing by the snake table with this look of pure fear across her face. "AJ are you alright?" She shook her head. "Uhhh don't suppose you've seen Rainbow Dash around have you?" She lifted a finger and pointed to the trailer the crew pulled behind the stage equipment when on the road. "Thanks."

"You won’t be saying that in a few seconds."

Despite AJ's rather creepy statement I rushed towards the door. When I got next to it I started to hear this moaning sound that didn't sound quite right. I opened the door just a crack and I saw Rainbow Dash face deep in some girls crotch laying on the floor completely naked! The girl was the one moaning... OKAYGOTTAGOBY! I closed the door and joined Applejack, both of us sharing the same face of pure terror.

* * *

After my brain processed what I had seen and my trauma was partly gone Rainbow had finally made an appearance and I immediately dragged her to have a serious talk. "So, where were you?"

"Oh." Rainbow scratched her head. "Just uhh napping."

"Yeah, in some girls crotch!"

Rainbow's eyes widened, she was even trembling. "How!?"

"I saw Applejack looking traumatized and when I asked if she'd seen you she pointed over to you and your girlfriends little 'hiding place' when I opened the door and saw that I closed it and joined Applejack in a traumatized silence. Is SHE what you've been doing all those missing hours before the shows start!?"

Rainbows face turned hot red and she was twiddling her thumbs. She gave a big gulp. "Yeah..."

"... Well, how did you two meet?"

Rainbow looked shocked. "You aren't mad?"

"Rainbow I'm mad that I had to find out how I did, might even need a little therapy to get that image out of my head. But as your friend I'm happy for you! As your manager I only care if she's not going to cause trouble with you or the band."

"How do you keep those two feelings separate?"

"Not easy. Now how did you two meet?"

"Just before graduation."

Wait our High School graduation!? "So, ten years ago!?"

"Yeah. We figured it best if no one knew since back then the band was starting to get big."

"But after words why not finally come clean?"

"We were but so many things got in the way and it eventually we just stopped trying."

"Well you can come clean now. I know, AJ knows and the others should too."

"But the show starts in three hours; won't it be a little inconvenient?"

"We're friends Rainbow, no matter how last minute we won't care... most of the time, now go get your girlfriend so we can meet her."

A large smile broke across Rainbows face followed by a hug. "Thanks Sunset." Rainbow ran off without another word.

* * *

Ten minutes later and Rainbow had gathered us all together (minuses Silver Dust) and introduced her girlfriend Sonic Boom. She was Rainbows height, had neon blue skin and white hair. Her hair was styled kinda like Rainbows to just hers has a small ponytail at the end. "It's a pleasure to meet you all as Rainbow Dashes girlfriend, I've only met you girls back stage mostly to ask where to place equipment."

The first to speak was surprisingly Applejack. "Glad to officially meet you as well."

"What do you mean officially?" Fluttershy asked.

Sonic boom, Rainbow Dash and Applejack's faces all turned red, I think mine was too. Applejack spoke. "Best not to say." Fluttershy still looked confused but gave a polite nod.

"How in the world have you two kept this a secret for ten years!?" Rarity probably just spoke everyone's thoughts.

"I consider myself to be a Jack of all trades, one of which is timing. I knew just whenever I was able I would sneak off without being noticed find Rainbow Dash and well... you know." Sonic Boom's face turned red. Yeah best left unsaid girl.

"Well point is you two have had everyone hear fooled but now that it's all in the open how’s it feel?" Is there a difference in a secret relationship and a normal one? Probably.

"Well at least we won’t have to sneak off to have fun." Rainbow blurted out, leave it to Rainbow Dash to think about sex first... Wait do I say 'leave it to Rainbow Dash to (Insert action here) a lot?

Any way back to reality. "Well then next time we notice the both of you missing we won’t go looking, unless it's an hour or less before the show."

Sonic Boom and I shook on it. "Deal."

* * *

Before the show started I managed to get Rainbow Dash to spend time with Silver Dust and just like I thought a face of slight rage went across her face when Silver let out her real fan-girl scream. Other than that the show went off without a hit and... what is Rainbow Dash whispering to Twilight?

Rainbow took the mic from Twilight and taped it twice. "Hey their fans we know it's almost closing time but how about a little something before you go, well two something’s actually." What in the name of Go... Cele... Damn it Rainbow what are you doing!? "First off is a song dedicated to a special fan in particular, this one's for you Silver Dust!" Almost instantly I heard the loudest ear piercing scream in history followed by a thud, Silver Dust fainted!

Back on sage Rainbow was tuning her guitar. "This one's called A Little Bit Excited!"

Every day of the week I'm listening twenty four seven.
I really don't care of others opinions.
I just can't help it I'm if a little bit excited!
Well maybe more than a little.

Can't get enough of this cool music.
At school, at home and everywhere in between.
I just swing my head to the righteous beat!
Don't care if it annoys you because this is my thing!

If I get a little bit excited it's because I'm hiding my freak out.
But not for long because this song's for me, yeah!
Release the freak out and hear me scream!
I really don't care if you complain just try and mess with me!

Every day of the week I listen twenty four seven.
I really don't care if of others opinions.
I can't help it I'm just a little bit excited!
Well maybe more than a little.

the way the verses went made it not just for Silver Dust but so when fan's listen to the song it sounds like it's for them too! Cleaver Rainbow, cleaver. Wait she said two! What the Hell is next!?

Rainbow took the mic again. "Well now how did you like that one!?" The stadium actually started shaking from the crowds screams of joy. "The next is also a song, obviously but is a little more on the mushy side." Is she!? "I'm not one for mushy romance stuff but there is one person who will always act like that and her name is Sonic Boom, now get up here!" Sonic walked gingerly on stage over to Rainbow dash with a red blushing face, large smile and tears in her eyes. "We told the band now let’s tell our fans. This is my girlfriend Sonic Boom!" Rainbow then kissed Sonic Boom smack on the lips and the crowd went even crazier. I think I saw some fanboys crying but everyone else was applauding and screaming in joy. Sonic Boom got off stage. "This song is called I Always Win With You!"

Ever since I was young I've always been a winner.
Great friends, good grades and I rock the sports teams!
But on that day just before graduation I saw you there and thought I was dreaming.
Never seen anyone run that fast before well other than me of course!

Took you on, one on one eight times around to see who'd win.
But the whole entire time I never got ahead and you never fell behind!
Eight laps, three times and two hours later and there was still no winner.
Beat and tired I headed home, but not before you placed a peck on my cheek and said
Let's do this again and we'll see who'll win.

Ten years, eight tours and three nations later. We still haven't had that winner.
But you know what? I really don't care anymore we've done almost everything on those tours.
And we've done everything that a couple ought to, first date, first kiss and much, much more!
There's only one thing left to do now and I think you know what I mean now!?

One of these day's I'll get on my knee, holding a box and you'll be standing in front of me.
Never thought our love would come to this, in the box is a ring that's just your fit.
Place it on and I'll ask the question and I hope that you'll say yes I do!
You're the only one who can get me to act like this and I hope I can be with you forever!

Did Rainbow Dash just say... er sing that she plans on proposing to Sonic Boom!? When I looked around and saw Sonic Boom she had a big smile and tears were pouring from her eyes. She has to be the happiest girl in the world right now, well her and Silver dust but she's still out cold. Hope Rainbow Dash is going to record those songs when we can, Silver will definitely want a copy and Sonic Boom is going to want to keep that song for years to come.

Author's Note:

Do you have a muse? I do a little gray coated, mane and tail-less pony without a cutie mark and ever since I started this chapter she has been going crazy about what was written. I was against most of this but she would not stop bugging! That Sonic boom was one of them but she would not let it go, so I caved and put her in (she might not appear much in future chapters). And the songs I was really against but then My Little Muse starts playing them like I was listing to music and damn it they were good! So yeah My Little Muse had quite a field day on this chapter and I hope she won't go this crazy in future chapters.:pinkiecrazy: