• Published 7th Feb 2015
  • 2,452 Views, 124 Comments

Fallacies of the Elements - Dapper Guy

The Elements of Harmony are tied togther by the bonds of friendship. Yet, what would happen if those bonds were severed?

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Faded Colors

Friend? Friend? Why would I still want you as a friend, Rainbow Crash?

Rainbow Dash sped through the air, leaving behind a special rainbow trail behind her as she rocketed through the open air. Small droplets of water condensed on her flight goggles, stinging her eyes as she flew. Her rose colored eyes were furrowed in silent anger as she performed her aerial display.

You were totally being rude to Fluttershy and Pinkie, Gilda. Why are you acting like such a jerk?

HOW can you say I was the jerk, Dash, after everything that happened ?? I thought it was just going to be the two of us hanging out, until that cotton candy head decided to jump in on us. She was a total dork.

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes as the painful memory of her last meeting with Gilda replayed in her mind. Her oldest ex-friend from the Weather Academy now looked at her with spite. After Spike confessed to double-crossing Twilight by snitching on her, she needed to find the perfect distraction. Throwing herself into her training had been a good start but she couldn’t seem to find her focus as she pushed herself.

A wall eyed mare was sent head over hooves by what could only be described as a rainbow colored lightning bolt shot past her. Letters and muffins fell to the ground as Derpy Hooves went straight eyed for a moment as Rainbow Dash’s raced by, disappearing off into the distance.

So you treated her like dirt because you didn’t like her, Gilda? Isn’t that how we met when we were in school? We both had to deal with those plotheads, Dumber Bell and Hopeless.

Her wings burned with exhaustion as she continued to propel herself forward, the pain dulling the throbbing sensation in her head. Rainbow couldn’t tell who she knocked silly, but at this point she couldn’t care any less.

Whatever, Crash. You wanna choose that yellow hippie and Stinkie Pie over me? Fine. You ponies are all alike after all.

That had happened several months ago, a day after Rainbow stood up to her at Pinkie’s party. The following day, she went out in search of Gilda, hoping to soothe any lingering feelings of anger. What she met with was a scorned griffon’s rage. Her golden eyes burned with a deep pain and unbridled fury as Gilda spat at Dash with tormented words.

It wasn’t like that. I didn’t want to hurt you, Gilda. Why couldn’t you see that? A noticeable shift in the air quickly pulled the rainbow maned mare from her inner turmoil. Her entire world had turned a solid shade of dark, steely grey, and small ice crystals drifted through the air. A sudden spark caught Rainbow’s eyes as the crystals began to collide against each other, and arcs of lightning lanced through the inside of the cloud as the ice churned violently.

“Lightning Cloud!” she screamed. Her predicament became painfully obvious as a stray bolt stabbed her dead center of her back, paralyzing her. Rainbow Dash fell through the bottom of the cloud, her wings flailing behind her as she continued to fall muzzle forward towards the ground.

Rainbow Dash tried in vain to spread out her wings but exhaustion coupled with the electrical shock she just received left her too weak. No, this can’t be how I go out. I still haven’t become a Wonderbolt yet, thought Rainbow. The wind whistled in her ears as she continued to spiral downwards. Rainbow clenched her eyes tight, wondering if Twilight would be allowed to tend her funeral at least.


Two very strong hooves clasped around her midsection as Rainbow was pulled out of her free fall. Peeping through her eyelids, she saw the ground slowly fade away from sight, until she was dropped delicately on top of a small nimbus cloud. Hovering over a small cloud, Rainbow was dropped carefully. Turning to face her savior, she nearly fell off the edge.

“Yeah!” Bulk ‘Snowflake’ Biceps flexed shamelessly in front of Rainbow as he flared his tiny wings behind his back.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Rainbow smiled up at Biceps. “Thanks, big guy. You saved my flank.”

“Yeah!” heartily agreed Biceps. The muscle ripped stallion seemed to only know one level of volume: ear splitting high.

Rainbow blushed, turning her cheeks a deep, russet purple. “Yeah, I shoulda watched where I was going,” she said, avoiding eye contact..

A pregnant pause grew as Rainbow kept her head down, Bulk Biceps looking at her expectantly.

“Well, I, uh, gotta go. Really busy, you know?”


“Because I’m totally free now that the weather for today is finished,” said Rainbow. “I’m going to be a Wonderbolt in no time!”


“That’s right. I’m glad somepony’s got my back, unlike Spike or Applejack.”

“Yea-whut?” Bulk Biceps stood across from Rainbow Dash, confused as he saw her rising anger.

“Could you believe that Spike tattled on Twilight?” Rainbow sat back on her haunches, crossing her forelegs over her chest. “I mean, that’s not what a friend does. Friends never rat each other out, ever.”

Had Rainbow even take a second to look up at the stallion, she would’ve seen the shift in Biceps’ usual gung ho personality. For the first in a long while he had been rendered speechless, a rare feat, when the stallion’s vocabulary consisted mainly of one particular word.

“I’m just so fluffing peeved,” seethed Rainbow with a stamp of her hoof. “Spike should’ve had Twilight’s back. That’s what makes a real friend loyal, you know?”

Biceps continued to stand idly by as Rainbow’s rant soared to even greater heights. “And don’t even get me started on how uncool it is that Princess Celestia wouldn’t cut Twi a break. One botched spell, big whoop, right?”


Rainbow Dash spun around so fast that the cloud shifted a little beneath her. In all of her time working with Bulk Biceps, his trademark ‘Yeah’ was the only word she even heard from him. “No? What do ya mean ‘no’?” as she made Hoofquotes in the air.

“Rainbow, you’re my captain and I respect you for that. You’re also sticking up for Twilight, that’s admirable,” said Biceps. “What I don’t support is that she used magic on my niece.”


“Speedy Scooter, or Scootaloo as she likes to be called by her friends?” said Biceps with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh! Oh...” Rainbow Dash’s cheek turned a light purple. “Look, B.B., I’ll level with ya cause you’re one of my best workers. Twilight made a mistake, nopony got hurt and-“

“Nopony got hurt?” Biceps leaned in so close to Rainbow that his snout was brushing up against hers. “Rainbow, Twilight used magic on my niece for whatever Celestia knows what and I shouldn’t be upset?”

Bulk Bicep's intimidating form seemed to eclipse her view as he leaned in close, forcing her to the edge of the cloud. “Well, yeah, no one was seriously injured, ya know?” she squeaked out.

Biceps took a step back before slapping a strong hoof against his muzzle. “So, despite all the unrestrained chaos your friend caused, you still think nopony was hurt?” Biceps ran a hoof through his Mohawk before looking up at Rainbow with a somber expression etched into his face. “Little Scoots has been having nightmares since that day. She’s even scared to go anywhere near Auntie Fairy Wind!”

“Why’s that?”

“She’s a unicorn,” stated Biceps flatly. “Poor little filly’s all worked up over some unicorn using magic on her again.” Biceps pawed at the cloud, his eyes peering down over the side of the little cloud. “When I picked her up after she went bucking crazy after that doll, Scoots wouldn’t let go of me. She been a bundle of nerves ever since.”

Rainbow Dash could hardly believe what she was hearing. Scootaloo never told her about having nightmares. Usually the orange Pegasus filly never hid a single thing from her, her biggest idol. Holding back from kicking herself in the flank, Rainbow regained her wits. “B.B., hear me out, ‘kay? Twilight saved Equestria twice. How can anypony hold a grudge against a pony so awesome?”

Biceps expression broke no argument. “Sorry, Rainbow Dash, but I can’t accept that. I grieve for my niece and for Twilight, but that doesn’t excuse her for what she did.” With a deflated sigh, the mighty Pegasus looked upwards towards the sky at Celestia’s sun, unblinking.

Rainbow’s tongue stuck to the top of her mouth as Bicep’s words stung her ears. “I thought I could count on you, Biceps,” spat Rainbow. Flapping her wings, she hovered over the top of the cloud. “I guess no pony but me knows what loyalty is anymore.”

Bulk Biceps shook his head solemnly as he watched his Weather Captain disappear amongst the clouds. There’s a big difference between loyalty and blind devotion, Rainbow Dash. Hopping over the side, Biceps spread his wings out, riding the air current and feeling the wind caress his form. I hope you’ll come to understand that someday.

Rainbow Dash flew at a slow pace far above the clouds. First Spike, now Bulk Biceps. Where does that meat-head get off telling me I’m wrong? I’m his boss! Shouldn’t he at least be a bit loyal to me? Can’t count on anypony anymore.

As the colorful mare flew, one thought continued to burn in her head like a hot coal from a forge. Scootaloo… The orange filly was always there, never wearing a frown when she was near. In fact, she hadn’t even seen Scootaloo around Ponyville today as she flew. She’s a kid, she’ll bounce right back.

“And now, I bring you all a show unlike any other in Equestria!”

Rainbow stopped immediately, nearly sending her into another nosedive fiasco. That voice, that annoying, snobbish voice. Down below, Rainbow could barely make out a rundown wagon with a fold out stage in front, where a blue mare clad in purple clothes could be seen shooting off sparks. “What does she want?”


The sound of the sewing machine was the only thing that could be heard inside of Carousel Boutique. Rarity sat at her workbench, carefully piecing together an azure dress with black trimmings. Since the little kerfuffle yesterday, Rarity hadn’t been outside of her boutique.

“Can’t believe someponies,” Rarity muttered darkly to herself. Sweat matted her usually stylish mane as she poured herself into her work. “Why can’t anypony grasp the big picture here?” Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t notice her own hoof edging too close to the machine’s needle.


“Ow,” whined Rarity as she began to suckle on her hoof. “Darn it all. Sweetie Belle, can you grab me a bandage?” The only response she was greeted with was the perpetual silence of her home.

“Sweetie?” she called out again, standing up from her chair.

She knew full well that that if Sweetie Belle wasn’t responding, then it meant one of two things: Either she left without telling Rarity, or she had done something to ‘help’ that caused an even bigger mess. Hopefully it doesn’t involve alphabetizing my make up again. I have no idea how she even light my entire mascara on fire, or that is was flammable.

Traversing the halls of her boutique, Rarity stood outside a crayon marked door. She tapped against her sister’s bedroom door three times, and waited for a response. A minute passed before she finally turned the handle and peeked inside.

The floor could be barely seen beneath the piles of scrap paper and small plush toys. Rarity cringed slightly at Sweetie’s version of chaotic organization.Making a mental note to lecture her sibling on how a proper mare must keep herself and her personal space clean, she began to inspect the room. Careful not to touch anything, all Rarity could find was a half-eaten cucumber sandwich and a still full glass of tomato juice. “Now where could Sweetie have gone? It’s–“

A small pink envelope, the same color as Sweetie’s mane, was taped to the back of her door. Opening it up, Rarity began to read the letter inside.


Went over to Scootaloo’s house today. She didn’t want to come outside so I’m going over to see what’s wrong. Be back soon.


Reading over the letter, Rarity felt slightly put off at her sister’s actions. Normally she would tell her if she was going to go out with her friends crusading. Her eyes trailed down to the rest of the letter.

P.S. I did tell you earlier but you were too busy to listen to me. So I put this in my room because I knew you’d go in my room. You always do when you need me.

Scrunching her face in annoyance, Rarity dropped the letter and made her way to the bathroom. “Let’s see here, salve? No. Ointment, nope, it’s not that serious. Where– Ah-ha!” Pulling out a small white tin with a red cross on the front, Rarity placed a Band-Aid over the small puncture wound. “I need to put a medical kit downstairs one of the days,” she said to herself.

She returned to her sewing station, and looked down at her current project with renewed interest. “Oh I can’t wait to see the look on Amber Eye’s face when I show her this. Rarity, I dare say you’ve outdone yourself this time. Now for the finishing touches. Oh, Spi–“ Rarity’s voice died in her throat.

She looked down at her creation with sad eyes. “That’s right…” Her usual assistant, the best helper of all time, as he would say, hadn’t shown his face since yesterday.

She remembered waking up in the morning and going to the library. Surely Spike would come out for her, and that he would recognize his mistake and contact Princess Celestia. However, after calling out for the young drake earlier this morning, she sadly received no response.

“Well then, guess I’m going to have to hunt for gems, all by myself,” said Rarity in a false, worried tone. “All alone in the gem fields, where those barbaric Diamond Dogs kidnapped me until some brave, strong drake came and rescued me.” Rarity threw her hoof over her head as continued to voice her troubles to the rest of Equestria. In the end, Rarity received no response from inside of the tree, not even the slightest creak of the stairs.

Gathering up her magic, Rarity levitated her favorite pincushion over to her side. She hardly remembered the last time that she used it since Spike started ‘offering’ his assistance. Grasping a few pins with her magic, she began to pin a few strands of ribbons to the barrel of the dress.

Rarity rubbed her nose in frustration as she tried to retain her focus as she used her magic to thread the fabric with three different pins working in unison. Whenever she began to form a steady rhythm in her sewing, one of the needles would go against the pattern. “Twilight, I do hope you’re alright, darling.” Rarity could see Twilight bawling her eyes out in front of a very displeased Princess Celestia. A sudden burst of inspiration burst into her head. “Idea! I could send her a dress.” Humming to herself, Rarity strained herself a bit harder to finish her current fashion project.


A large hole tore through the right sleeve of the dress. “Oh, pony feathers,” Rarity swore silently. Eyeing the tear in her work, Rarity puffed up her cheeks in frustration. While comical, it was an obvious sign of her pent-up frustration, five seconds away of her blowing her stack.

“Nothing’s going right today. Twilight, you are usually the one to fix everything when it all goes to Tartarus.” Digging through her sewing bag, Rarity pulled out a small piece of cloth that matched the dress. “I hope Amber won’t notice this mistake.”

As the fashionista repaired the tear, her mind wandered back to Twilight. “Once this is all over, maybe Celestia will thank us with an invitation to a private soiree.” She could see it now, her mingling with the upper crust as they ate hors d'oeuvres straight from Saddle Arabia, dessert fruit straight from the Arabian cactus; Frozen desserts from the far north where ’rain-deer’ were supposed to live; Princess Celestia herself sitting on her throne, with Twilight still by Celestia’s side wearing a look of approval.

But what if Twilight doesn’t ever come back? The sudden realization sent Rarity’s dreams of grandeur up in smoke. What if ponies start gossiping about Twilight’s incident? Nasty rumors and lies could easily spread, especially with Twilight’s position so close to the Princess.

Rarity was no stranger to gossip. Many clothiers in Canterlot often looked for her approval, yet some still considered her not Canterlot-worthy, since she was from Ponyville. Would her own image suffer if news got out? “Oh, what would ponies say if they found out? My career as a fashion designer would be ruined. I’ll never be able to afford a personal studio in Canterlot.”

Carousel Boutique, a rising star that fell from glory before it even began to touch the spotlight. No longer a spectacle for everypony walking by just to see the fabulous genius that worked so tirelessly inside. Her hopes of ever designing a dress for a pony like Fleur Dis Lee to wear one day in a fashion show. She’d be reduced to the lowest of the low, dry cleaning common clothes. Rarity rubbed her eyes, trying to wash away the horrible image from her mind.

As anxiety began to grow inside of her, Rarity let out a small sniffle. “Okay, Rarity, settle down,” she whispered, consoling herself. “Let’s not jump to any conclusions. Nopony knows about that doll, everything is fine...”


A tiny knock against her door alerted her that the Ponyville Press had arrived. Laying the dress across the table, she went to collect the newspaper. “Oh, Rarity, you silly filly. You let your imagination run wild sometimes.” Opening up the door, Rarity grabbed the newspaper with her magic. “Surely this will all blow over.”

As she snapped open the newsletter with an audible crack, Rarity’s eyes widened in abstract horror.

Princess’ Personal Protegé Produces Pandemonium in Ponyville read the headline in damning bold print. Right below was a picture of Princess Celestia standing in front of Twilight. The purple unicorn looked downtrodden. Judging from the angle and the small glare in the corner, the picture had to have been taken from outside a window.

The article below spewed out line after line of half-thought out bile and slander. Jerking her head up, Rarity watched the ponies outside grab their papers. “This is the worst! Possible! Thing! Ever! How could this possibly get any worse?” she cried, turning ponies’ heads towards the Carousel Boutique.

“And now, I bring you all a show unlike any other in Equestria!” announced a voice from somewhere in the middle of town.

Rarity nearly dropped to her hooves. “Of all the times to show up, now’s when you decided to come back to Ponyville?” She tossed the newspaper in a nearby trash bin. Trotting at a moderate pace, Rarity began to head towards the center of town.

Trixie watched as ponies began to make their way towards her wagon. Yes, it’s time for a day of wonders you simple minded yokels. I wonder who will step up this time to stop Trixie. The star speckled unicorn scanned the crowds, searching desperately for her targets.

She spotted a butter yellow pegasus off in the back, her pink mane covering her face. Right below her, she could see an orange earth pony with a weather worn stetson hat. Seems like only two showed up to be humiliated by Trixie this time. Ah well, once one of them falls, the rest will surely come.

As she continued to gloat to herself, she failed to see the Golden Oak’s Library door open. Spike made his way towards Trixie’s wagon, the tiny dragon’s eyes carrying a hidden rage that anypony in their right mind would fear.