• Published 7th Feb 2015
  • 2,444 Views, 124 Comments

Fallacies of the Elements - Dapper Guy

The Elements of Harmony are tied togther by the bonds of friendship. Yet, what would happen if those bonds were severed?

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Fallen Stars

Trixie watched the ponies all over Ponyville begin to surround her wagon. Many seemed to be curious as to who she was, especially young fillies and colts. Most of the adults, however, were grounding their teeth as their eyes shot daggers at Trixie.

They’ll change their attitudes when I show up those Elements, thought Trixie as she peered through the stage curtains. Checking herself and her costume in her vanity, her hooves ran over every stitching and thread on her cape. It wouldn’t be a true grand return to stardom if she wasn’t looking her best.

Oh, Trixie. You truly are our special little star.

Trixie clenched her cloak tightly in her hooves, hugging it to her barrel as if it was her foal. “I’m Equestria’s greatest magician, nopony will ever take that away from me again.” Smoothing the wrinkles out, she refitted the cape around her back. The taunting, the lies, the humiliation. All of those things would no longer plague Trixie starting today.

“Ready for your grand return to the stage, Trixie?”

The blue magician whirled around in the blink of an eye, knocking off her star speckled magician hat. She came snout to snout with an orange pegasus stallion. His green vest held a worn notebook with a yellow pencil through the wire spine. “When you sent that letter to my office, I almost threw it in the trash. Then again, with what happened two days ago, this would be an excellent side story to capitalize on.”

Popping off the lens cover, the stallion withdrew a rag from inside of his vest and began wiping off his camera. “What are the odds that I get a scoop on Twilight Sparkle’s biggest blunder and then the one mare that nearly came close to actually beating her? Seriously, I’m asking here, one in a mil’?”

“Trixie thinks that you should do what you do best and stick with it, Quick Shot,” snapped Trixie. “You’re only here for one reason and that’s it.”

“Getting the story of this century?”

“Staying out of Trixie’s way as Trixie takes down Twilight Sparkle’s friends and taking as many pictures of their defeat as you can. Now get out there, Trixie only has a few more minutes to prepare,” she said, pointing a hoof to the cart’s back door. Shrugging his wings, Quick Shot trotted out without another word, leaving Trixie alone in the confines of her cart.

When Sparkle sees her pathetic friends, she’ll have to come back. That’ll be my chance to fight her and then, only then, Trixie will be recognized as the greatest magician ever. Nothing’s going to stand in Trixie's way. As the blue unicorn went over her props to ensure that the magic infused fireworks were set to go off, Trixie felt a cold wave of fear run through her. Startled, she looked around the interior of her cart, expecting to see somepony there. She was greeted only with a silence that only the dead could make. Get ahold of yourself Trixie, now is not the time to let the past ruin your glorious future.

But, unknown to her, somepony was there. The hidden pony’s ethereal form blended into the darkness as her eyes watched Trixie prepare for her show. In the blink of an eye, the invisible pony was gone with one thought in mind: Who was this Trixie and what did she have to prove?

Outside of Trixie’s cart, Applejack was standing right near the front of the wooden stage. The mare’s back leg twitched with suppressed rage as she waited idly by for Trixie to show herself. A small blue feather dropped on top of Applejack’s muzzle. “Well now, look who decided to show up just for Trixie,” spat Applejack.

Rainbow Dash dropped to the ground with thunderous force. “Shut it, Apple Slack. If I wanted your opinion, I woulda asked for it.” Pulling back her flight goggles to the top of her head, Rainbow shook off any remaining water clinging to it. Everypony around the weather mare gave her a wide berth as the obvious tension between the two elements began to rise exponentially

“Hey, girls.” Pinkie Pie walked towards her two friends at a slow trot. Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked at Pinkie with guilty expressions. It was painful to even see the cotton candy mane without the usual bounce to her step. “Looks like we get to see a show today, heh.”

“Well, I wouldn’t exactly call it a show, more of a carny travesty on wheels.” Rarity sided up alongside Rainbow Dash, batting her long eyelashes at Applejack. “So, did anypony else read the morning headlines today?”

Pinkie nodded her head in confirmation. Applejack tilted her Stetson over her eyes. Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow in confusion to Rarity’s words. “I hope this at least brings some sense to you girls that I was right. Can you imagine how this will affect everypony’s judgement of her?”

“Oh, shut it, Rarity,” snapped Applejack, earning a sharp gasp from the Element of Generosity. “All this time you’ve been running your mouth about how ponies are going to talk about Twi’. Don’t you think we know that already?”

Rarity turned her head away from Applejack, pointing her muzzle up in the air. A tiny red tinge blossomed on her face at the rather less than casual remark from Applejack.

“Hello everypony.” Fluttershy’s voice was a welcomed distraction between the arguing Elements. The yellow pegasus flew down to the ground as graceful as a swan. “Does anypony know what’s going on?”

“Oh, that’s right dear, you were on your way to Fillydelphia Zoo last time ‘she’ showed up. I know you left early but trust me, Fluttershy, this is hardly what one would call a magic act.” Rarity opened up a small compact and began checking her mane, “If she tries any of her stunts like last time, I dare say this ordeal won’t last long at all.”

Before anypony could speak up, several flares shot up into the sky. Even in the noon day sun, the fireworks were clearly visible to everypony as the exploded in baroque styles and colors. Red dragons and blue moons formed in the sky above the cart, as the curtains were drawn by a blue aura. A small plume of blue smoke flared up from the center of the stage. As the smoke began to dissipate, a lone figure could be seen in the midst of the explosion.

“Greetings Ponyville! I, Trixie, have returned!” announced the magician as the fireworks burst into the air again. Trixie stood on her back legs, throwing her forehooves in the air as she waited for the oncoming cheers and praise. Instead, she was greeted with a few halfhearted claps and a chirping cricket.

“I see that Ponyville has forgotten how amazing the Great and Powerful Trixie is,” proclaimed Trixie, a bead of sweat trailing down the side of her neck. She threw her prized hat into the air above the clouds. Slowly, the hat began to unravel, the purple thread that held it together thinning and spreading out above the crowd. Ponies watched in awe as the purple thread expanded above their heads, giving off the impression that a giant spider web was covering them.


One end of the string flew down into the center of the crowd, causing a few ponies to jump back in fright. It began to wrap around itself like a snake, coalescing in the spot where it first touched down. Soon, the string began to spin faster, blurring until it took on a vague outline. Ponies began to step closer as its form became clear to them.

A purple string replica of Trixie, save for her hat and cloak, stood in the middle. Puppet Trixie moved forward with a wobbly, uncoordinated step, as if the marionettist’s hoof was right above it. Suddenly, Blue light erupted in the center and began racing along the string. Two small balls of azure light popped into the sockets where the eyes would go. “I’ll ask again, Ponyville, are you ready to see the return of the Great and Powerful Trixie?” asked the magic puppet in a perfect imitation of Trixie’s voice.

This time, the cheers of the crowd were deafening. Birds kicked off from their perches as everypony became enthralled by Trixie’s newest magic trick. As the rest of the town was busy watching, the Elements remained in front of her cart. None of them had moved an inch since the show had begun.

“I can’t believe this. Trixie pulls out some magic that Twi’ could’ve done in two seconds and now everypony is head over hooves for ‘er,” said Applejack. The cowpony returned her gaze to the magician, who had closed her eyes during the show. Her horn was sparkling with a blue nimbus around it, focusing on maintaining her spell.

“Yeah, duh. Someponies are just easily amused.” Rainbow felt her wings fluttering by her side, her agitation showing. “This time, Trickless won’t know what hit her after I get through with her.”

Applejack ground her teeth at the pegasus’ snarky remarks but kept her cool. Twilight wouldn’t want us to be fightin’ amongst ourselves like this. “Big words, partner’. Care to show her what you got then?”

“Trixie will gladly take you all on.” The Elements looked up to the stage to see that Trixie was looking down at them, her trademark cocksure smile plastered on her face. The purple string zipped past Applejack and Rainbow Dash and wrapped itself around Trixie’s head. The magician’s hat reformed on top of her head, just as it was before her spell. “So, please, entertain Trixie. “

In an incredible feat of speed, Rainbow Dash lunged at Trixie, toppling over the blue unicorn flat on her back. “Alright, Trickless the Weak and Lamest pony ever, of all time. I’m showing everypony why I’m the best there is.”

Regaining her composure, the showmare shoved her hoof against Rainbow Dash’s barrel. “If it’s anything like last time, Rainbow Trash, then Trixie is in for a short show,” irked Trixie.

“We’re all ready to take you up on your challenge, Trixie,” Applejack chimed in. “You think we’re just gonna to let ya waltz right back here into Ponyville after what ya did last time? You’re gonna be scampering outta here faster than a roadrunner outrunning a coyote.”

Trixie punched her hoof against the wooden floor, the wooden timbers groaning in protest of her harsh action. “Then stop talking and get on with it. Trixie wishes to have her revenge.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” Rainbow Dash hovered above the cart. She sailed high into the sky, just above the roofs of the nearby houses. Repositioning her goggles over her eyes, Rainbow performed a low sweep over the crowd, the tips of pony’s manes brushing against her pale underbelly. Performing a perfect upward turn, everypony watched as Rainbow Dash began to perform her stunt.

Alright, Dash, just like you practiced. After reaching the appropriate altitude, the pegasus dove down in a wide arc. Stretching her wings out to their fullest length, she began to spin. As she accelerated, Rainbow’s form turned into a blue blur. A spiraling current of air trailed behind Dash as she continued to plummet towards Trixie’s cart.

A shimmer of magic began to form around the cart as Trixie watched wide eyed Rainbow Dash hurl herself towards her. Just before she was about to crash down into the showmare, Rainbow vaulted upward, still in the middle of a corkscrew. The wind whipped off Trixie’s hat along with Applejack’s Stetson as she rocked into the sky. Focus, Dash, focus.


Rainbow bore through a cloud, a fine mist of water surrounding her revolving form.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

Several more clouds were destroyed as Rainbow Dash drilled through each one. A thin film of water encompassed the pegasus, giving her a wavering appearance. Time to wrap this up!

Rainbow shot towards the earth with the ferocity of a lightning bolt. A random mare screamed as everypony watched Rainbow Dash fly at unimaginable speeds towards where the crowd was gathered.

And…BAM! Rainbow snapped open her wings, sending out a rippling halo of water above Trixie’s cart. Time seemed to slow as she began to quickly circle around the water, leaving behind a rainbow after image.


The water spun into a powerful current, sparkling in the sunlight. A rainbow hue could be seen in the middle as small droplets flew off of the ring. Rainbow Dash dropped onto Trixie’s stage, sweat and rainwater matting her body. “And that”—wheeze—” everypony, is Rainbow Dash’s patented ‘Royal Rainbow Ring!’™.”

Everypony stomped the ground in agreement, rocking the very earth as Rainbow Dash drank in their praise.

“Hmph, ring, huh? A simple piece of jewelry for an even simpler mare, I suppose.” Trixie tossed back her cape as she studied the rainbow ring suspended above her. Creative for a simpleton like her. “But a truly royal piece of jewelry is nothing so base as a ring. No, instead…”

A blue aura of magic surrounded the water ring. Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes as the water began to slow down, coming to a stop. A sudden gale of icy wind sent a chill over Rainbow’s still sopping wet body. Ice began to form inside of the ring.


A jagged piece of ice sprung up at the front of the ring facing the crowd. Soon another, followed by yet another, until six long jagged blocks of ice protruded out of the ring. The ring began to solidify, connecting each block of ice together.

Krcck! Krrccckkk!

Small shards began to splinter and rain down from the massive piece of ice, as it was being shaped by Trixie’s magic. Ice fell, dropping onto anypony too close to the stage.


An ear ringing explosion coupled with a small hailstorm brought everypony to their knees. When they regained their senses, up in the sky was one of most astounding sights they had ever seen. A six pointed crown of clear ice shined in the sky, a wand with several small stars glowing in a deep neon blue inside each of its points.

“Behold! Trixie’s Crystal Cosmic Crown!™”

Rainbow Dash fell over, her mouth agape as everypony applauded louder than when she performed her stunt. Sulking back into the front by Rarity, the proud pegasus kicked at a pebble as ponies continued to applaud Trixie.

“Yes, Trixie thanks you all for recognizing her talent,” she said nonchalantly. The crown dissolved into a fine mist, raining down on Trixie, who didn’t even bat an eye as the water soaked her clothes. “Now then, Trixie is feeling extra powerful today. Are there any others who wish to try and upstage the Great and Powerful Trixie?” A wide variety of fireworks exploded as the showmare issued out her challenge.

Despite their ongoing feud, Applejack felt pity nipping at her heart upon seeing the cocksure Rainbow Dash brought down. Sugarcube, I’m gonna show this uppity manure for brains some real talent. “Alrighty, Trixie, think you can keep up with me then’?”

“Whatever you can do, Trixie has already surpassed,” she said. Casting a quick glance off into the crowd, she could see a flash of light going off. Quick Snap, the pegasus reporter from before was busily snapping up shots greedily. At least you’re being useful to Trixie. Featherbrained reporter...

Applejack walked up onto the stage, as cool as a cucumber as she approached Trixie. “Tell me somethin’, Trixie,” began Applejack as she pulled out a lasso from beneath her Stetson. “Why exactly did ya decide to show yerself back here in Ponyville?” Snapping the rope tightly in her hooves, the farm pony wrapped it around her right foreleg with a quick flourish.

“I decided to grace this town with an encore. There isn’t much else to it, Apple Smack.”

Applejack tapped her hoof, exuding a placid, rigid composure as she watched Trixie. “Well then, I think I’ve got a great routine to show everypony. Why don’t you step ta the side there’, Trixie? I’ve got a show nopony can match.”

Trixie let out a small grunt but conceded to Applejack’s request. Quick Snap waved a hoof at her from above Twilight’s library, his camera at the ready.

Snapping her lasso taught, Applejack tied a loop at the end of the rope.

“Didn’t you try this stunt last time, Apple Flack?” sneered Trixie as Applejack tied the rope to her tail.

Applejack remained silent as she popped her joints. Okay, A.J., let’s show her what we got. Snapping her tail, the lasso sprung to life and began to spin. With a flick of her tail, Applejack snared a barrel of apples from her market stand a few yards away from the stage. The rope went taut as the lasso snared the apple barrel.

The farm pony prayed to Celestia that her tail wouldn't be yanked off. Lurching forward, the barrel was launched into the air. Everypony watched as the wooden container rocket upward, soaring above their heads. With a might pull, Applejack yanked down on the barrel, sending it careening down into the stage.

Dozens of apples spun in the air before surrendering to gravity. Trixie began channeling magic into her before a dirt covered hoof was shoved in front of her face. “Watch.”

Pushing herself up on her front hooves, Applejack rested the barrel on her back hooves. With a light kick the barrel spun in the air, stretching out the lasso. Shifting her hips to the side with a strained grunt, the barrel began to circle in a wide around Applejack. A dull, hollow sound echoed in everypony’s ear as the wooden container was swung above their heads.

A pale green apple was within a hoof’s reach of Rainbow Dash’s head before it was scooped up by the barrel. The blue pegasus went cross eyed as the wind tussled her messy, rainbow mane, as the barrel continued uninhibited through the air.

Fwoosh. Fwoosh! FWOOSH!

As more apples continued to fall, each one was caught with masterful precision by Applejack. Her grass green eyes flickered as she continued to catch her produce. She could feel the increasing weight beginning to pile on but continued to stubbornly push herself. Don’t quit on yerself, AJ. Ya gotta show this two timin’ snake it ain’t right to show off.

“Applejack! Applejack! Applejack!” Ponies began chanting the farm mare’s name as she gathered the remaining fruits.

Trixie bit down on her tongue so hard that she could taste a small trace of blood. This is not how it will go down, Apple Smack. These backwater, uncultured ponies should be calling out for Trixie to dazzle and amaze them to brighten their pathetic lives.

As Applejack caught the final apple, she heaved with all her might and flung the now apple filled barrel at her. Bracing herself, she leapt onto her back hooves and caught the barrel with her forehooves. Skidding back, Applejack winced as she felt splinters digging into her hoofs. When she finally came to a stop, she gently placed the barrel onto the stage without making a sound.
Ponies screamed out in amazement of Applejack’s incredible performance.

Clap. Clap. Clap.

Trixie’s sarcastic, condescending claps pierced through the rest of cheering. “Well, well, well. You spun a dirty old barrel like a yo-yo. Trixie can’t believe how such an insignificant change from last time can appease these ponies’ interest,” she said, pointing an accusing hoof towards the still rowdy crowd. “But Trixie thinks that it’s time that an improvement was made to your act. A Trixie-esque improvement.”

A light blue glow enveloped the barrel, lifting it off the ground. Apples started floating out of it, and , one by one, they stacked up on top of each other in a single, gravity-defying pile. It went above the top of the cart’s curtains and capped off at an even level with the chimney of a nearby house. “So, Apple Smack, do you honestly think you’re a special little snowflake? That your fancy rope tricks can dare be compared to one such as Trixie? Allow Trixie to disillusion you then.”

The tower of apples rocked forward, as if it decided to take a step forward. A single, solitary apple fell off the stack. As the red fruit fell, several blue knives formed above the open hole of the barrel. Each one began to dance in the air, sunlight glinting off the magical blades.

When the apple came into contact with the blades, they shredded the fruit until it was liquefied. The golden, pulpy juice splashed into the barrel. The tower shook again but this time several apples fell towards the barrel. Each time an apple fell, it was turned into apple juice. The tower continued to rapidly dwindle away as the barrel filled up with juice. The leftover apples that were below the barrel’s lid leapt right into the whirlwind of knives, adding their contents to the barrel.

“Trixie has heard that no two snowflakes are alike. Each one is different no matter what,” said Trixie as she strutted over to Applejack.

You’re one of a kind Trixie. A special snowflake, echoed out an old memory in Trixie's mind.

Righting herself before tripping on her cape, Trixie pushed away the stray memory and regained her footing. “Trixie both does and does not believe this statement. Trixie thinks that snowflakes are alike, but some are well beyond the rest. To make it so simple that even you can understand, there are those that are much more incredible than the rest, greater than even the great.”

The barrel lifted off from the floor, letting spill a few drops of the amber drink over the lip. Apple juice began flowing upwards, carried by Trixie’s magic. As it rose, the it began churning and then spreading out into golden tendrils. Trixie took a few steps back as she continued to siphon more juice in order to guide her work towards her end result.

Up in the air stood a writhing mass akin to a gelatinous golden sun. Eight wiggling appendages swam through the air, connected to a swelling and shrinking orb, as if it was breathing. “Now, allow Trixie to show you what it means to stand above the rest.”

The orb began to shrink, the structure taking on a much more solid shape as it began to thin out. As it spread out even further the juice crystallized, tapering off to fine needle shape edges at the extremities. Trixie could barely repress her overwhelming excitement as Apple Smack looked dumbfounded at the end result.

A golden snowflake spun in the air at a lazy pace, like a piece of jewelry locked inside of a display case. It shone in the sunlight, casting small golden reflections on ponies. Trixie’s wand and moon cutie mark carved right into the center of the golden ice sculpture.

Applejack sank back onto the stage, watching dumbstruck as ponies stomped their hooves as Trixie moved her snowflake above them. “Yes, truly Trixie is the one that stands out above the crowds. Both figuratively and quite literally as anypony can see. Now then, does anypony else wish to-“

A cone of green fire shot up, shattering Trixie’s work. The enchanted fire’s intensity incinerated the snowflake, not even a single drop of juice falling on anypony beneath it. Ponies parted as something small made its way towards the stage. All that Trixie could see was that some kind of green reptilian fin moving closer. Ponies backpedalled away from whatever it was as it swam through the crowd like a shark.


A pair of small, purple claws clenched down on the edge of the wooden platform. Its nails dug through the weathered stage, gouging deep into the wood. A small green fin rose up, followed by a purple draconic head. Its green eyes seared her mind as it clambered its way onto her stage. Wrapped around its back were two wooden poles, held by a green and purple sash.

Trixie remembered seeing this creature before when she last arrived in Ponyville. What in Celestia’s name is this? Didn’t Twilight keep this thing as a pet? Her thoughts came to a grinding halt as a plume of smoke shot out of the tiny reptile’s nostrils and hit her in the face. Trixie could feel the heat radiating off this tiny, scaly thing. She had only felt this before when she had to go to a forge to repair the iron framing of her cart. The blacksmith’s shop was immense, and yet she could feel the same, if not greater, intensity given off by the creature.

“How about instead of somepony, Trixie, you try against somedrake?” said Spike with a quick gnash of his teeth.

Author's Note:

An ice cold wizard versus a dragon whose hearts burns with righteous indignation, who shall claim victory?