• Published 9th Jan 2015
  • 879 Views, 65 Comments

Spark Notes - Sharp Spark

A collection of shorts, digressions, and abandoned works.

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Delinquent x Honor Student

Twilight Sparkle had a lot of plans for senior year. As the leader of three different major student organizations and the current valedictorian by 2.3 grade points, she had a lot of responsibilities to live up to. But she felt supremely confident in her ability to manage those tasks and had already carefully planned out her schedule to make sure she was ready for almost any problem that might arise. Twilight Sparkle was good at handling problems. At least most problems.

There was one, however, that had remained stubbornly constant for all three years of high school so far.

This problem’s name was Sunset Shimmer.

Twilight took a deep breath and let it out slowly before she pushed the door open and walked out onto the roof. She could immediately see Sunset—well, at least her back? Sunset was sitting on the short railing that bounded the roof, her legs dangling dangerously over the three story drop as she stared off into the more literal sunset.

Twilight was momentarily taken aback by the sight. The setting sun had painted the sky with a palette of oranges, but it also caused the gold in Sunset’s hair to gleam like a halo. Which was a particularly ironic image, given the girl in question’s long-established history of delinquency and petty crime. Twilight still had to purse her lips and shake her head slightly to clear it of the image though. Honestly, it wasn’t quite fair for someone who was the constant source of so much trouble to also be so casually beautiful.

Stepping softly, Twilight approached Sunset, planning on waiting until the last moment to clear her throat loudly and score an invisible point over her number one high school nemesis. And of course, barely a moment before she could, Sunset spoke up.

“Hey Princess.”

“Don’t call me that!” Twilight reflexively snapped.

Sunset rolled her shoulders in a shrug, sending waves through her glimmering hair. “Miss Student Council President? Same thing basically. You’re the one always telling me to be more respectful.”

“I don’t know why I try on such a lost cause. You could make the most formal greeting in the world still sound somehow shameless.”

That caused Sunset to finally look back over her shoulder, the normal ever-present smirk in her eyes. “Only for you.”

Twilight didn’t even register the words. Her eyes were glued to the cigarette loosely hanging from Sunset’s lips. “I knew it!” she accused. “Smoking again. And on school property, too.”

Sunset’s smile only deepened. She swung her legs over the railing to sit facing Twilight. “Oh, is that against the rules?”

“You know it is!”

“And you’re going to report me?”

Twilight clenched her hands into fists at her side. “You don’t leave me any other choice, now do you?”

“Well gee,” Sunset said airily. “That sure would be embarrassing.”

“Then maybe you should have thought before—”

“For you.”

Twilight paused, caught off guard. “…I’m sorry?”

Sunset flipped a box out of her pocket, tapping it such that a white cylinder slid out the end. She held it out to Twilight. “Try one.”

The look Twilight gave her in response was obviously answer enough, as Sunset barely bit back a laugh.

“Chill,” Sunset said, rolling her eyes. “They’re not real cigarettes. They’re candy. See?” She tilted the box towards Twilight so the text on it was visible: Sugarcube Camels.

“You mean…”

“Yep!” Sunset said. “So sorry, but I think this time you got nothin’ to report.”

Twilight let out a breath of frustration through gritted teeth. “You are absolutely insufferable.”

“Only for you, Princess.”

Twilight froze. Something in her head clicked. And her brain, so used to quantifying and classifying and organizing until a trend in observed data blossomed into a provable theory, suddenly engaged on a subject she had never fully considered. I mean duh Twilight sort of had a thing for Sunset. Sunset was hot as the boiling point of tungsten, but that data had been considered and carefully filed away because she was also the worst and totally straight so. But…

“Huh. Out of curiosity, why exactly do you have candy cigarettes?”

Sunset raised an eyebrow, clearly a little suspicious of Twilight’s abruptly cool tone. “I’m trying to quit. You know. Helps with the… oral fixation.”

“Okay,” Twilight said, ignoring the clear attempt to get a rise out of her. “Since when? Why? That seems rather out of character.”

“Uh…” Sunset’s eyes abruptly slid away, gazing off into the distance. “You know. It’s kind of an unhealthy habit. As a certain someone has loudly complained to me about on numerous occasions.”

“Me. That’s me.”

Sunset snorted. “No kidding.”

“So. You’re quitting because of me?”

Sunset’s eyes flicked back to Twilight. “What? No.” Her voice came out too sudden, too loud, lacking its usual liquid confidence. Her smirk dropped away, too, like she had realized she was caught in a trap that she hadn’t seen coming.

Twilight realized that Sunset also looked extremely cute when she was thrown off and uncertain.

Twilight took a step forward, and Sunset swayed backwards before she realized that there was just air and a long drop that direction. “Um,” she said.

“I do think I want a cigarette after all,” Twilight said.

“S-sure, here—”

Twilight reached out and plucked the cigarette out of Sunset’s mouth. The two of them were very close now, and Sunset’s eyes were glued to the stick of sugar as Twilight put her own mouth right where Sunset’s had just been. Twilight’s tongue flicked out for the briefest second. Was it wetting her lips? Or…

With a crunch, Twilight’s teeth bit down on the cigarette. “Yup,” she murmured, her eyes staring into Sunset’s. “Just candy alright.”

Sunset’s face was a bright red now that almost matched the color of her hair. Twilight leaned forward, their faces so close that they could feel one another’s breaths on their lips.

“Just so you know,” Twilight said. “I’m still watching you. In fact I’ve always been watching you. So…”

Silence stretched out until finally Sunset responded with “Y-yeah?”

“So I’d be careful if I were you. Because if you break any more rules, I’d have to… deal with it.”

When Twilight stepped back, Sunset instinctively leaned forward. Twilight’s expression showed that she had clearly noticed, too. Now she was the one with a smirk, and this one was positively predatory.

Twilight turned on her heels, and waved one hand in the air as she strolled to the door to the stairwell. She could feel the heat of Sunset’s gaze on her the whole way, and she put a little extra sway in her hips as she walked.

It was only as the door closed behind her that Twilight let out a breath.

Senior year had just gotten a lot more complicated.

Twilight couldn’t wait.

Author's Note:

I dunno, sometimes you write something short and indulgent in an afternoon just because you want to.

Comments ( 2 )

I'm not entirely sure what to think about seductive/predatory Twilight, but I'm always up for Sunlight drabbles.

Author Interviewer

Damn, this is great. :D

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