• Published 9th Jan 2015
  • 1,379 Views, 36 Comments

Dawn of the Arcane - The Library

You were sent on a mission from the titan city of Ulduar to Dalaran to deliver the Alpha codes to Rhonen and Brann. Being stuck in a swamp, drowning and sealing yourself in ice you are in for an adventure of a life time.

  • ...

Literal breakthrough

(Switch point of view: Celestia.)

This was a momentous moment for everyone here in Canterlot. My niece marrying my captain of the royal guard, Shining Armor. I was standing at the top near the altar taking the role as a priest to bind Cadence and Shining Armor. But I found it rather strange that Twilight was still absent near her friends, I may have over reacted towards her during the rehearsal. But I didn't think it would make this much of an impact.

I was soon pulled from my thoughts as the music started to play, which indicates that the bride has entered the hall and that the wedding was about to start. I smiled towards Shining Armor, who looked really nervous for some reason, then to Twilights friends who looked concerned about Twilight.

Cadence reached the altar and stood next to Shining Armor. I smiled at the both of them and cleared my throat silencing the hall as I started.

"Welcome Ladies and Gentlecolts, we are here gathered today to witness the binding between Shining Armor and Princess Mi'amor Cadenza. If there is someone who wants to speak against this marriage, would that pony please speak now."

The entire hall stayed silent, but before I could continue the entire hall started to shake and vibrate. Everypony looked around in panic what was going on as in the middle of the hall the ground started to crack. I quickly reacted and teleported all the ponies nearby to safety without the chance of somepony falling in. To my shock the crack expended and suddenly stopped, as I walked down the altar towards the crack the ground exploded into a dozen pieces.

(Switch point of view: Sophia.)

As soon as I touched the rock I blasted through it without any trouble, I could feel Twilight and Cadence hold on for their lives as I soon broke through the last layer of stone. Dust and ruble surrounded me and my two clients, who still have their eyes closed. I focused on my hand and with a wave all the dusk disappeared. leaving me, Twilight and Cadence in the middle of a well decorated hall filled with many shocked ponies and a really pissed off looking mare with a colorful flowing mane, which by the way RADIATED energy.

The huge mare looked beyond pissed as soon as she spotted the state Twilight was in. She soon shifted her glare RIGHT into my own as I nearly fell backwards on the raw power she possess.

"Eh, hello there." I said with a low voice, but before I could say more I was surrounded by a powerful golden aura, as I looked towards the huge mare I noticed her horn was glowing.

as her glare intensified I felt my bones break and my muscles rip. I roared out in pain as slowly lifted my hand to fire a counter attack. But my concentration was broken by the yelling of Twilight who rushed towards the white mare.

"Please stop Celestia!" Twilight begged.

"Twilight, that 'thing' nearly killed ten ponies by arriving like this. Why should I stop?" she questioned as her eyes never left mine.

"Because 'she' is friendly! She helped me and Cadence escape the Crystal Caverns and many more, it's a bit of a long story."

Her gaze softened as she canceled the spell she was casting on me as I fell to the ground groaning in pain.

"Bloody hell! I think she broke a few ribs." I yelled as I hit the ground. Twilight quickly rushed to my side and helped me up while Cadence walked towards Celestia.

"Please everypony Listen to me!" She yelled into the hall. "She is a changeling! she replaced me to feed off Shinings' love for me, she locked me deep within the Caverns underneath Canterlot. I was locked and left there to die, but Twilight found out about her plans and freed me from my prison."

Suddenly one of the five ponies, who I guess were the brides maids, and pointed towards me. "Who is that then?"

Now it was my turn to speak up, I slowly stood up not to strain the broken ribs. "I am Sophia Springlock! Battle mage of the Kirin'Tor, and freed by Twilight and Cadence from my eternal slumber deep within the Crystal Caverns." I slowly turned my attention to the white mare which raised an eyebrow at me as I pointed a finger at her. "And you do well not to attack someone before asking questions, got it? I might be friendly, but those who attack me will get to feel my power!" I yelled at her as I hissed and grasp my chest as I kneeled down in pain.

"Applejack, is she speaking the truth?" Asked the white mare not leaving my gaze.

"As much as Ah thought she wasn't, she is tellin' tha truth." replied the orange pony named Applejack. Everyone was just trying to get everything together, why is there a small person in the hall and why does she keep glaring at Cadence next to Celestia.

"Oh before I forget, this is for locking Twilight and Cadence!" I yelled as I shot two arcane orbs rolling around each other knocking the Cadence next to Celestia into the wall behind her. "But on the other side I have to thank you, if you didn't lock them in the Crystal Caverns they would have never found me." I smirked at her as suddenly green flames surround her. Her form quickly changed from pink and kind of fluffy to a walking green Swiss cheese?

"Mhmm, clever little insect." she said in a demonic voice.

'Who is she calling insect?' I thought as I raised an eyebrow at her.

"But I can't let you live, you already interfered with my plans for too long. Pity, you could have been a great addition to my little army." She proclaimed as she started her hysterical laughter. Which sounded more like a evil giggle then something I would take seriously.

While the Swiss cheese insect like pony 'giggles' evilly I chanted an ancient spell allowing me to walk past the flow of time. allowing me to avoid harm of any kind, yet it takes a lot of my mana recourse and it takes a while to cast. While I was busy chanting my spell outside of the hall purple pinkish shards fall down towards the ground as masses and masses of insect like ponies fly down in a fury of green fire, causing explosions everywhere in the city making the ground shake.

"Now, it's time for me to take what belongs to me!" she yelled as she fires a magical beam from her horn towards Celestia who quickly tried to counter it with a beam of her own, but I could feel that the green queen was way more powerful than Celestia. Which is why after a few dramatic seconds the princess crashes into the wall behind her knocking her out cold.

"Celestia!" Twilight yelled as she ran towards her teacher to help her, but was stopped by a green sticky goo around her hooves which disabled her for the moment.

"Let us go!" Yelled the blue pony with a rainbow colored mane as she struggles to get loose.

"Oh little foolish ponies, I can't just let you go. You are all part of my master plan, and I plan not to lose against the likes of you." She hissed a little as she turned her gaze towards me.

Once her gaze met mine, my eyes started to glow a pale blue as energy is being sucked to the middle of the hall where I was standing. A faint yellow clock was floating above my head as it seems to slow down the longer I chant the spell. Once I finished chanting the spell took effect as everything around me slowed down till no one moved. I took the opportunity to take out a healing potion from my satchel to heal my bruised or slightly broken ribs. I quickly put the empty bottle away to save time since the spell will soon be wearing off.

I ran to the nearest window looking outside spotting an entire army of those bug ponies. Without a second thought I channeled arcane energy into my hands and around my body, forming bright arcane missiles as time slowly started to move forward. When my energy reached its peak the time was flowing normally once again. I heard several gasps of surprise as they noticed I was gone.

I quickly pointed my hands out the window sending a barrage of arcane missiles fly towards the descending army of changelings.

"Nooo!!" yelled the changeling queen as she saw her minions falling one by one. She glared daggers at me like I killed a puppy. "How dare you, HOW DARE YOU!" she yelled even louder as she charged at me at neck breaking speed. I could easily move to the side as she was full of openings, all I was doing was waiting for the enemy to make their first attack. predict their moves and try to see how they are going to counter a certain attack or move so I can take her off guard.

Once she was nearly in front of me I raised one hand to grab her horn and use it to my advantage, I noticed that her focus shifted from my face to my hand as her horn glowed green as my hand stops in mid air before I could grab her horn.

"You are so easy to read little worm, trying to grab a changelings horn to use it against them. Clever but it's the oldest trick in the book." She said as she smirked at me for seeing through my attempt. But she was about to learn an important lesson.

"Good you saw what I was going to do, clever indeed. but there is one thing you clearly forgot." I said to her as she looked at me in confusion. "We mages are trained for these situations, and you forgot I have another arm." This time it was my turn to smirk as I fired a single orb of arcane energy at her face causing her to release her magical grab on my arm and stumble back.

By the time she stood back on her hooves I was once again busy with her minions in the sky above the city. This is where I made a critical mistake, for me to use those arcane missiles I need to focus on one or more targets in sight. But that makes my back a weak spot in my defense for I heard one of the ponies yell "Watch out!". But before I could turn I was hit in the back by a green energy beam which left a nasty burn on my cloths and back causing me to hiss in pain as I grabbed the edge of the window causing small pieces of glass to enter the skin on my hands drawing blood.

I slowly pulled myself up causing the glass to get deeper into my hand, I rather have glass in my hand then being flat on the stone streets below.

Once I was back in the great hall I was face to face with the giggling Swiss cheese changeling who cowardly shot me in the back. her horn was once again glowing green as I felt myself being lifted off the floor into the air and then violently thrown against the granite wall on the other side of the hall. I heard twilight and the other ponies gasp and call my name, but they were getting more feint by the minute as my vision turned blurry as I soon lost conscious.

(3rd person POV)

the entire hall was silent after the changeling queen smashed Sophia into the wall on the other side of the hall. Celestia was still on her ground unconscious as twilight and her friends yelled out Sophia's name. Her eyes locked with twilights as she soon lost conscious which made the queen chuckle as she slowly walked towards the now unconscious Sophia.

"Such a shame." She said as she picks Sophia up in her levitation spell. "You're smart I give you that, but it only seems you play along the fair rules. You should have known that ponies tend to 'forget' these rules. So sad." she dropped Sophia on the floor with a loud thud. which earned a groan from the little gnome.

(Twilight POV)

I can't believe it, Such a cheap shot. And I thought ponies still had some honor when it came to fighting. I guess I have a lot to learn about these things.

'I need to do something, but with the power of Shining and her own combined I won't stand a chance against her one on one.' I thought as I saw Cadence look at Shining with tears in her eyes, while Shining was sitting on his rump, drooling and holding a distant look on his face. The I had an idea.

I used my magic to free myself. 'Why didn't I think of that in the first place?' as I silently moved towards Cadence. I poked my hoof on her shoulder as she slowly turns towards me.

"Cadence I need you to go to Shining armor. I believe only your love for him might break the spell." I told her as I pointed at Shining.

"Twilight, are you sure about this? Even Sophia couldn't stop her then why do you think freeing Shining will make a difference?" She replied as she lowers her head.

"Cadence it's our only shot, we need to stop her. For Sophia's sake." I said with my head held high. Cadence looked at me with a small smile on her face as I used my magic to release her from the sticky goo. She slowly made her way towards Shining.

(Sophia POV)

'I can't believe I was blindsided by that green insect!' I thought as I drifted through the eternal darkness of my conscious. After I get knocked out I show up in my own conscious to speed up the healing process which might take a few hours at its max. This time was slightly different, from what I can gather is that after I hit the wall my mind was open for anyone to enter, it's something I can't control and it seems that the Swiss cheese insect made clever use of that opportunity to browse through my memories, causing me to relive every horrible and just painful memory about my life, from the death of my parents, to the near destruction of Dalaran and the time a guy asked me out to soon later rob me of my virginity and my gold.

Now I was beyond angry, my flame was now a raging inferno. She dared to enter my head, use my memories against me. She hoped she could break me by showing these images, all she did was awaken the flame deep inside my soul.

I closed my mind's eye, banning the unwanted presence from my mind. Soon after I felt the presence no longer I regained my conscious, I opened my eyes to be face to face with the changeling who had the guts to enter my mind. I could see she was confused how I was able to cast her out.

"How... How did you do that. Answer me!" She yelled gritting her teeth.

"I'll tell you how I did that, it's because you made the biggest mistake in your little life. You made me relive all those events in my past up till the part where my parents died in front for me." I told her as I started to gather all the energy I can muster. "You made me see the horrors of the past, everything that has happened in the span of mere a thousand years."

"But how! Every time I do this to a pony they tremble in fear, they lose hope. Why isn't it happening to you!" she demanded as she stomps her hoof on the stone floor.

"Because I remember why I live and why I fight, instead of making me fear you, it gives me all the more reason to destroy you." I replied as I reached my energy peak, "Because there is nothing you can do to stop me." I closed my eyes for a moment before opening them a second later as they glow a bright bluish color.

I released the energy in the form of an arcane explosion, sending the queen into the wall next to the white pony as energy cracked over my body. As I stood on the floor once again I made my way towards the groaning queen, my eyes are still glowing as I stood in front of the queen. She locked eyes with me as I took hold of her jagged horn.

"I Sophia Springlock, Mage of the Kirin'Tor will judge you guilty for crimes against the lives of ponies and now gnomes alike. By the laws of the Kirin'Tor these crimes can only be punished by death." I said as I raised my hand as an orb of arcane energy hovers above it. "May the Titans have mercy on this sou-." I was interrupted as I felt a large magical presence nearby. I quickly dismissed the orb as I turned around to face the source. But what I saw only made me drop my jaw on the ground. Cadence was near the stallion, named Shining Armor I believe, nuzzling him and giving him a kiss. But what really made my nearly piss my pants is that when they touched horns their energy reached levels higher then my own. A purple/pinkish barrier appeared around them that expanded at an alarming rate causing to make the Swiss cheese changeling to scream as she is launched out of the window.

I shielded my eyes with my arm as the light faded away. I quickly looked around the room and saw Cadence and Shining somehow floating in the air before slowly returning to the ground as they once again shared a passionate kiss.

"Well that also solves the problem." I said as I once again fell on the ground unconscious.

Author's Note:

Holy moly! longerst chapter so far *cheers*
I know it is a little rushed, but the phase will improve as the story goes on, at least that is what I'm trying.
Well hope you enjoy, a like and comment always appreciated.