• Published 9th Jan 2015
  • 1,378 Views, 36 Comments

Dawn of the Arcane - The Library

You were sent on a mission from the titan city of Ulduar to Dalaran to deliver the Alpha codes to Rhonen and Brann. Being stuck in a swamp, drowning and sealing yourself in ice you are in for an adventure of a life time.

  • ...

Lunch and the hand!

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter, but I wanted to bring something out to let you guys know I'm still alive and all.
Well I hope you once again enjoy the chapter and I'll see you all in the next one.
Up next, the duel between Shining armor and Sophia and a possible ship between Twi and Sophia. Who will win? I'll let you guys vote on who will win.

Twilight giggles in embarrassment as I rub the back of my head as I greet Celestia with a wave of my hand, this causes some of the guards to tense up I quickly lowered my hand to avoid any more tension among the guards.

"Sorry that we fell into your court princess but someone didn't look where she was going." Twilight said as she gave me a glance. Oh no she didn't.

I quickly gave her a slap on her flank, that will teach her. But the result I got was far from what I was expecting. Every eye in the room was now glued to my face as well as the ones belonging to Twilight. But her face was bright red and held a look of shock on her face.

"What?" I asked as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Sophia dear," I heard Celestia say. "touching or slapping someponies flank is an act of intimacy." This time it was my turn to turn red as I looked between my hand and Twilight's flank where was now a red hand print which added more salt on the wound as a it was visible on her flank.

Everypony was dead silent as it was starting to bug me so I decided to break the unbearable silence. "Alright, fine!" I partly yelled as I threw my arms into the air in annoyance. "I shouldn't have slapped her flank, but it was to punish her for giving me a look that screamed attitude."

Twilight huffed as she was still somewhat blushing from the contact while I smirked at her. It didn't take long before nobles started to enter the court hall while Twilight and I talked silently about what happened a moment ago and came to the conclusion that we would never talk about this ever again.

have I ever told that I have a hate for nobles? No? Well now you know. All these stuck up good for nothing bleach asses keep whining and literally neighing about the raised taxes for wealthy ponies. Sometimes I had to contain myself not to slap some bloody sense into those thick skulls, but luckily court soon ended and Celestia motioned us to follow her to get something to eat.

Once we arrived at the dining hall Luna was also waiting there along with Cadence and Shining armor who were here for a short visit. At first things started off silently while Cadence and Twilight did their little dance, which was adorable, before Shining Armor noticed something was off about Twilight.

"say Twily?" He started. "What is there a print on your flank?" He finished as he raised an eyebrow and pointed his hoof at her flank which still had a slightly pink print of a hand with four fingers.

'Uh oh...' I thought to myself as I whistled innocently causing everypony to look at me with a confused look while Celestia had trouble to contain her giggle.

"Care to explain why there is a mark on Twilights flank that looks exactly the same as your hands, as you called them?" Shining asked as he took a step closer to me causing me to take a step back. I raised my hands in fear as he looked like he was about to rip me in two. Luckily he didn't commit such an act for that would go against his very nature.

"I can explain, honestly. It was merely a misunderstanding." I said in a rushed voice not wanting to anger him more. "She forced me to!" I yelled as I pointed at Twilight who was now looking at me with wide eyes and her mouth hanging open.

"I forced you?!" She replied as she walks towards me prodding my chest with her hoof. "You were the one that slapped my flank. Not that I didn't like it, but that aside!" Her face now was a bright red as she took a few steps back. I didn't expect that.

"Oh hohoho, Twilight. I didn't know you had such a naughty side." I said as I couldn't contain my laughter causing me to fall on the marble floor laughing out loud. Soon after Cadence joined me along with Celestia and Luna. Twilight was blushing madly as she tries to hide behind her hooves.

As my laughter finally died down to a light giggle I placed a hand on Twilights shoulder causing her to look straight into my eyes. "We are merely teasing you Twi, nothing wrong with some fun from time to time." I said as I smiled at her.

"I know Sophia, but it's just embarrassing."

"There, there." I said as I pulled Twilight into a hug patting her back and stroke her mane which was incredibly soft to touch. Not a few minutes later I pulled myself away from Twilight as I walked towards the dinner table where lunch was waiting for us. As I sat down on one of the chairs I had less trouble reaching the table for ponies aren't that taller than me.

During the entire lunch everypony was talking to each other and I told Shining and Cadence about the incident with Blueblood. This caused Shining to gain some more interest in me that I intended.

"Say Sophia," He started. "Why don't we have a friendly spar after lunch."

When he said that I was taking a sip from my water and immediately sprayed it all over Twilight who was sitting next to me. I coughed a little, but when I regained my breath I looked at Shining with an unsure look on my face.

"Are you sure you want to duel me?" I said as I kept my eyes glued on him.

"I'm quite sure, since you managed to fight Blueblood I want to know how you stand against the former captain of the royal guard."

"You're on." Was the only thing I said before continuing with my sandwich and my water, not before apologizing to Twilight for covering her with water. 'This might get interesting.'

Comments ( 3 )

Go wipe the floor with him. He doesn't know what to expect so it shouldn't be that hard. Although his defences will probably be hard to get around. But Celestia did have a hard time when she fired her rage beam.

So that's 1 for Sophia and 0 for shining.
Oh, I'm gonna enjoy writing this fighting scene :pinkiecrazy:

great yeah just use names and cities and all that bullshit that nobody knows
you do realise that this type of scheme is outdated right? that this slot is meant for CONTEXT, not CONFUSING THE READER.

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