• Published 3rd May 2012
  • 4,129 Views, 230 Comments

Artemis - gcsmith

The story of Artemis, an average young adult and his adventures of Equestria.

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Chapter 19 - Rainbow Smash

In the end, it wasn't that hard to find out more information about Trixie's performance, posters were plastered all around the market area of Canterlot. The show would take place in one of the towns smaller theaters, not that it wasn't a classy place. From the look of it as they walked past, it would cost lot to rent it for the shows. It was about ten in the morning as they passed the place, and a small group of ponies were moving some equipment into the place. Today would be Trixie's first show there, so a lot of last minute preparations were having to be made.

They approached the group, a small balding pony noticing them and coming forward, he seemed to be smoking a cigar. This shocked Artemis, he had yet to see any semblance to cigarettes in Equestria, but it seemed where you went, you couldn't escape their foul smell. Even to a world of magical talking ponies.

"Hey, you," he said as he got near. "Shows not till three o'clock, we're a wee bit busy." The ponies breath reeked of alcohol, and made no effort to be polite. It seemed Trixie's rise to fame hadn't earned her the cash to spend on a decent stage crew, yet.

"Actually, we were wondering where Trixie was."

"The 'Great' and 'Powerful' Trixie, does not do personal talks with members of the public before shows." He said, pointing a hoof at Rainbow. Then turning his attention to Artemis, "Nor, does she associate herself with freaks."

Rainbow got rather irate at this last statement, it's fair enough someone needs to prepare before a show, even if that person was an arrogant boastful mare. But, you never ever, called one of her friends a freak. "Freak? You think my friend here is a freak?!" she shouted. "Well this freak, was personally invited by Trixie herself, and even has a backstage pass." Then she turned to Artemis. "Come on, it seems Trixie hasn't changed a bit, I guess we can go see the Princesses while we were here."

Artemis didn't know what did it, the mention of his personal invitation, or the Princesses. But, suddenly, the demeanor of the pony changed. "Hang on," he started, so clearly worried that he didn't even notice his cigar falling down to the ground. "Lets not do anything hasty, I thought all backstage passes were for the press, and that they included all meeting details with them. The again, Trixie is free to send out personal invitations, it is her show." He grumbled wordlessly for a moment, clearly annoyed about the development of events. Eventually he held out a hoof, "Names Chuck, I manage the equipment for Trixie's shows."

Nervously he shook Chuck's hoof, Rainbow instead choosing to glare at him menacingly. "So about Trixie?"

Chuck spat a large gob of phlegm into the gutter before replying, his behavior causing a level of disgust in Rainbow that surprised Artemis. "Aye, she's around somewhere, although the show doesn't begin till three. How 'bout I let her know you turned up, and you come back at say half past one? Gives you time to get something to eat, and us time to set our stuff up without an extra couple of 'ponies' to get under our hooves."

Artemis agreed, while Rainbow continued to glare at the workmen, Chuck in particular. With great difficulty he managed to pull her away, and move back on into town, after missing out on breakfast brunch called.

It didn't take long to get back into the town center, and after looking at how busy the cafes in the main square were, they decided to find a smaller side street cafe to eat. Hopefully, they would avoid any queues and all the staring as ponies noticed Artemis.

The side streets of Canterlot were like a maze, and it was a good half an hour before they found a nice little place. The 'Hoof and Wing Cafe' as it was called, was a rather small cafe that seemed to be empty, apart from a rather short and really aged earth pony. As they entered and sat at a table, Rainbow having to sit on a rather cheap looking plastic seat, they noticed the cafe was also across the road from a small park. The sound of a fountain and birds chirping in the trees, as well as the sight of some foals playing on the small patch of grass gave the cafe a really welcoming feel.

They had barely sat down when they heard the sound of hooves clopping over to them, it was the elderly pony, who they now noticed was a mare. She hobbled over to them, and with agility that defied her age, placed a menu in front of each of them. "How are you today, dearies?" she asked, flashing both of them a smile.

"We're good," they replied at the same time. Artemis rather cheerily, and Rainbow through her teeth, still rather chewed up over Chuck's behavior.

"That's nice. Welcome to the Hoof and Wing, my name is Sandy, is there anything I can get you two to drink while you look over the menus?" Her voice was raspy, she clearly used it often.

"Do you have any fruit juice?" asked Artemis.

"Sure dear," said Sandy, reaching out for an old notepad and making a note. "And for you dear?"

"Um, I'll just have a mineral water please," said Rainbow.

Sandy made another note, "I'll just go get them for you."

They were left alone at the table, both reading their menus in silence as the waitress or possibly owner, went about preparing their drinks. Artemis studied his menu closely, his hunger requiring to find something filling, and hopefully a lot of it. Unfortunately, a lot of the menu was pony fair, it seemed this cafes specialty involved flowers or hay. A concerned look appeared upon Artemis is face, which the waitress noticed as she came back over setting their drinks in front of them.

"You ok hun? You don't look so good."

"I'm ok, just, have you got anything based around fruit or vegetables. Rather than hay or flowers?"

The waitress thought to herself for a second, hoof to her head. "Hmm, I guess I can do you some fruit salad if you like, anything you got against flowers and hay if you don't mind me asking?"

"Can't digest them, so they wouldn't do me any good."

Sandy laughed, "Oh, well on that case. Sure I'll do some, and for you miss?" she asked as she turned to face Rainbow.

The pegasus had the look of a hungry predator ready to go in for the kill, "I'm going to have the jumbo lily burger and hay fries, and don't hold back on the ketchup." Sandy just laughed as she noted down the order and went off to prepare their food.

Artemis stared at Rainbow with a look of disbelief, "I can't believe you just ordered that."

"Hey, don't give me that!" she snapped. "Just because you can't eat that stuff, doesn't mean I shouldn't."

"I wasn't commenting on what you're ordering," he retorted. "Rather, the volume. For someone wanting to join the Wonderbolts, you're doing all you can to put on love handles."

"I'll have you know I spend plenty of time exercising," she said poking him with a hoof. "Unlike you wheelchair boy. Besides, you made me miss breakfast, so I'm eating two meals at once."

Artemis punched her on the hoof that was still pressed against him, "You know I was only joking right?"

"I know you were, but I wasn't. Seriously, when you get out of that wheelchair me and Applejack need to run you through your paces." She paused for a second, "Maybe we could get Twilight involved, she could use the exercise. Not that she would agree, unless of course we say she could study you while she does it. That ought to get her to say yes."

He looked at her confused. "How will that get her to agree?"

"It just will, trust me."

"I could trust you, but you just called me fat."

"Well, you kind of are."

"Rainbow, that's not the point, you don't go around calling people fat willy nilly." He fixed her with an evil glare. Eventually, she faltered.

"Fine... I'm sorry." This caused him to burst into laughter. "Hey what gives?"

"I was only joking, Rainbow."

"Good, because I never intended to stop, tubby." She gave him a vicious grin. "So, what do you think of that Chuck guy, such a creep huh?"

"I dunno, seemed like a typical kind of truck driver character to me, at least from where I'm from."

"So you've got a lot of jerks like that where you're from, shesh, it must be bad back there. Come to think of it, you haven't told us much about where you're from, beyond the watching of a show."

The sudden talk of home made Artemis pause before replying, tears beginning to form in his eyes, he did miss his family.

"Oh, did I hurt a nerve there?"

"It's ok, Rainbow." He said not too enthusiastically, "Just, talking about them makes me realise I may not see my family again. And, besides, even I could go back, why would I? I may not be able to return back here, and then I would miss you guys, and you guys are far more interesting than people back home."

Rainbow placed a hoof on his back, comforting him. "It must be hard, but I'm sure your family miss you."

For a moment, he enjoyed the gentle warmth coming from her contact, before coming to a realization. What was up with her family?

"Rainbow, what about your family? Do they miss you?" the moment he asked it he wished he hadn't. He felt her arm stiffening, thrusting him forward and smashing his head against the table. Instantly, the blackness, that was becoming a constant companion, rushed up to greet him.

Sorry it has no Trixie, I got to the head smash bit and really wanted to end it there, seemed right that we end it with Rainbow getting true justice.