• Published 3rd May 2012
  • 4,129 Views, 230 Comments

Artemis - gcsmith

The story of Artemis, an average young adult and his adventures of Equestria.

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Chapter 7 - All 6

Here we go guys, the incredibly long chapter 7, hope you enjoy. As always Comments and constructive criticism welcome.

Artemis opened his eyes, he was lying on the floor in his room in the Library, his sheet was wrapped around his ankle. He sighed, great only one day in ponyville and he was already dreaming about the only ponies he had met.

He stood up and shook his body, ok so everything was working, the fall wasn’t as bad as it was in the dream.
As Artemis started walking around the room, he noticed to his cheer that the room also included a previously unseen en-suite shower, well at least he was able to clean himself before he had to risk facing Twilight almost nude to collect his clothes.

After a quick shower he draped a towel, a large one across himself, covering himself almost completely. He went to the door and opened it carefully, after all while wearing a towel the last thing you want to do is drawn the attention of crazy ponies who would probably think you silly for wearing a towel around the house and use their magic to take it off.

Artemis was soon glad he had chosen to open the door quietly, as soon as he did he heard the voices of several female ponies from below. Good thing he avoided attracting their attention, especially given the state he was in.

Tempted to wait until the other people were gone he started to walk back towards his bed when he heard his name being mentioned down stairs. He slowly crept back over to the door and listened, aiming to not make any noise to attract their attention.

“Speaking of Artemis, how is he?” The voice of Rarity carried up to him.
“I really do hope he likes the clothes I made him, I didn’t have much time but I put all the effort I could into making them perfect.”

“I’m sure he will like them Rarity, you’re the best designer around, and besides, I think he has a soft spot for you.” the Reasonable voice of Twilight carrying on from yesterday trying to embarrass him at every opportunity it seems.

“Oh don’t be silly twilight, I'm sure the little darling was just a bit shy, after all not many ponies are used to have clothes designed just for them, the measuring process can be a bit daunting.”

“No its true Rarity, he blushed every time you called him darling.”

“Oh the poor thing, it probably didn’t help when I said an extra long Darling when he left then.”

“Oh cheer up sugarcube, I’m sure he’s already over it.” the voice of the ever stalwart applejack chimed in. Twilight just giggled in response.

“What’s so funny twi?”

“Oh,” she giggled, “Just he blushed every time you called him sugarcube as well.”

“Aw shucks really? well a’ll be that's a bit sweet of him.”

“Anyway,” a new voice interjected, “who is this guy? he better keep his hands off my friends if he knows what’s good for him”
“Of course he knows what's good for him silly filly.” a giggly voice joined in,
“He’s chosen to be friends with Twilight out of all the ponies in equestria.”

“Well,” twilight blushed “I’m sure the princess’s had more input into the decision than he did.”

“um, Twilight?” a soft quiet voice that was barely audible squeaked.

“Yes fluttershy?” The violet unicorn responded.

“Um, well if its not too much trouble, I mean if it’s ok to ask?, who is he?”

“Well im sorry I wasn’t able to give you any more information before, the princess’s barely gave me any warning and as you all know, I asked you guys over here so I could tell you what I know.”

Unfortunately it was at this point a certain clumsy mail carrier flew into the doorway, the shock causing Artemis to go flying out the doorway over the stairs and to fall directly into the midst of the 6 ponies who had all fallen silent at the crash.

To the six ponies, who the regularly experienced the sight and sounds of Ditzy’s derps, the sight of a toweled human suddenly emerging out of nowhere caused a bigger effect than just silence.

For Pinkie Pie the effect was to go up the stairs and apparently copy what she mistook as Artemis trying to have fun in some strange unknown to her human pastime.

For twilight the effect was to cringe at her new friends obviously painful entry.

For Rarity, the effect was to just cringe at the sight of the towel Artemis was wearing.

For Fluttershy the effect was to hide behind a sofa at his sudden appearance, and then reappear straight as his side to provide any comfort she could to the human who was in obvious pain.

For applejack the effect was to just plant a hoof into her own face.

Finally for Rainbow Dash, the effect was to cheer and whoop loudly, mistaking the sudden entry as a way to be as cool as possible.

“Ohhh Yeh, now thats what I call an entry.”

“Rainbow! shut your feathered brain mouth, can’t y’all see he is in pain.” Applejack chided the multi coloured pegasus.

“um, mr Artemis sir.” said Fluttershy gently brushing his forehead. “are you alright?”

Artemis sat up collecting his senses as quickly as possible and brushing himself down, making sure to keep his towel close.

“Yes fluttershy, I’m ok.”

The yellow pegasus blushed, “you knowwwww mmmmy nammme?”

“Ahh about that...” Artemis started.

But thankfully for him Twilight interrupted. “I was about to get to that fluttershy, before we were interrupted at least.”

“Speaking of interruptions.” and with a flash, Rainbow dash zoomed over to the door.
“Are you alright Derpy?”

“Rainbow! Now that’s not a very nice thing to say to a friend.”

“Nah it’s ok rarity, “ Ditzy interrupted, “I know rainbow is only being affectionate.” Winking slyly at the rash pegasus who stood flabbergasted and denying it. “Anyway here is your mail twilight.”
With that, the clumsy mail carrier went off back into the air, narrowly missing twilights balcony in the process.

“Well that was interesting,” went twilight “and She got you good and proper this time rainbow.”

“Well I.I.I.I.I” Stuttered rainbow, “ I mean, even derpy has to win occasionally I guess.”

“Well its nice to see you up finally Artemis,” said Twilight as she turned to see the human awkwardly sitting on the sofa, wrapped in a towel and being accosted by both Pinky Pie who was sneezing confetti all over him, and Fluttershy who was gently nuzzling his shoulder where he had landed on the floor. “You ready for something to eat?”

“Actually,” replied Artemis who despite being incredibly hungry was feeling increasingly strange at the situation around him. “I would rather get the information about my knowledge out in the open quickly. Might make the room a little less tense.”

“Know what else makes a room a little less tense, Arty-Warty? A PARTY!”

“Um Pinkie Pie?” Rainbow pointed out, “Right now probably isn’t the best time to introduce a Artemis to your kind of parties.”

“But i thought someone said he knew all about us? how could he know about me and not my parties?” The thought of someone not knowing Pinkie Pie for her parties clearly upset her, her eyes quickly filled her with tears and her curly hair went straight.

Hating the sight of the deflated party pony, “Of course I know of your parties, Pinky, who wouldn’t?” upon hearing that pinky returned to her usual perky self. Artemis continued, “But Rainbow is right, while I look forward to any of your parties I get to visit, after all I’m sure they’re the best in this universe or mine.” This statement making pinky blush, “It’s only fair you know how I know you guys.”

“So Twilight,” Artemis went on to ask, “you care to do the honours or shall I?”

“Hay, why can’t you tell us Artemis?” Asked Applejack.

“Well I would applejack, but I think Twilight might be better at explaining, I don’t quite have her ability to explain things, at least from what i’ve seen?”

“you sure Twilight’s the best one to simplify something darling? Last time she tried to simplify something I got a headache.”

“Well, I guess that might be true, but I am afraid I may not be able to give the important stuff and bore you. Last thing I want to do is keep you 6 stuck inside all day.” Artemis said thoughtfully. “I know you guys are busy ponies, besides, i want to spend this afternoon seeing the town.”

“Really?” Asked Pinkie, “Well i can show you around town, and introduce you to everypony ‘cus I know everypony and everypony is my friend.”

“Thanks Pinky, I think I would like that, but don’t you have work today?”

“Nopey, I kinda made a mess in Sugarcube corner yesterday, and well the cakes said that I probably should take tomorrow, now today, off.”

“Erm Pinkie, that seems a bit extreme, even from the cakes.”

“You do not want to see the mess she made artemis,” came the reply from Rainbow dash. “Seriously, the building was more flour than wood at one point.”

“Ahh ok I see, well, sure Pinkie you can show me around town, just remember I can’t get around the place for me, and I am new so make sure you don’t lose me.”

“Well Duh mister grumpy pants, Of course your new, or you wouldn’t need me to be showing you around and...” she gasped. “I just remembered,” she said slapping her head with her foreleg, “your new. Silly Pinkie Pie.” she chided herself.

Next thing he knew, Pinkie Pie was standing there next to a strange box Artemis vaguely remembered.

For a second Pinkie Pie just stood there, then she kicked a button and music started.

“Welcome welcome welcome, A fine welcome to you.”
“Welcome welcome welcome, I say how do you do.”
“Welcome welcome welcome, I say hip hip hip hooray.”
“Welcome welcome welcome to Pony-ville to-day.”

Throughout the entire song Artemis was amazed. It seems Pinkie’s ability to dance, sing and blow trumpets through your head where real.

At the end of the song Artemis just sat there stunned, and not to anypony's surprise, covered in cake mix.”

“D’aww I put the cake mix in the confetti cannon and the confetti in the oven again didn’t I? silly pinkie.” Then turning to Artemis, “So what do you think?”

Artemis stood silent for a second, but noticing Pinkies face turn from that of expectation to sadness he quickly went and covered her in a big cakey hug.

“That was wonderful pinkie, thanks.”

Next thing he knew, Artemis was wrapped up in Pinkies tongue as she went to eat all the cake mix and let none go to waste. For Artemis, this was a strangely not displeasing experience.

“It’s ok Artie.”

“Artie?” asked Fluttershy

“Its his name silly filly.”
“Artemis, Artie” she explained waving her hooves around enthusiastically.

“Grr!” Interrupted rainbow dash, “Can we get a move on here, I got some serious napping to do since you got me up so early.” she complained, then turning to Artemis, “Not that your story will be boring.”

“It’s ok Rainbow, I kinda know what you mean.”

“um did you not get much sleep?” asked a concerned fluttershy, who was now leaning against Artemis, her wings tickling his cheek.

“No, I did,” he replied, then blushing, “Just I had some weird dreams.”

“Oh ok, I hope they were pleasant ones.” squeed fluttershy.

“I guess you could say that.” choked Artemis, his voice at this point barely more audible than fluttershy, as he sank slowly down the sofa turning a deep shade of mauve.

Twilight noticing his discomfort at the situation came to his rescue.

“Artemis, why don’t you go and get dressed, Rarity’s clothes are right over there on the table by the door. While you’re at it go and get some breakfast, I know you wanted to talk beforehand, but I can start it off and you can join in where your ready, I really can't stand to see a guest go hungry.”

“Ok Twi, to be honest I’m going to be happy to get out of this towel and try on Rarity’s clothes. Not to mention try another of Apple Jack’s apples.”

With that Artemis got up, the sudden movement causing Fluttershy to go scampering behind the sofa. Making sure the towel is securely in place, he headed towards the kitchen, picked up the clothes and closed the door behind him, so nopony could see him change.

A quick inspection of the clothes found not only the promised pair of crisp white briefs, but a nice dark purple t-shirt, a pair of denim jeans and a pair of black trainers. Artemis had to say Rarity was good, even with human clothes.

Artemis got dressed quickly, and soon came out of the kitchen, bringing with him one of the apples Twilight had purchased for him the day before, still perfectly fresh.
Noticing that Twilight was in the middle of explaining all about Artemis’ arrival to equestria and how he knew so much about them, he went and silent sat back next to fluttershy who had come out of hiding it seems. Afraid of making too much noise, and wanting to gauge everyponies reactions to what was said, he decide to wait until after Twilight finished speaking before beginning to eat.

As Twilight came to the end of her talking, Artemis expected for everypony there to find the story a load of sour apples. However much to his pleasure everypony seemed to take it just as well as Twilight did the day before, or in Rainbow Dash’s case, even better.

“Wait so I’m famous in your world as well she asked?” Realising Artemis was back in the room. Artemis gave a quick nod, finally taking a bite of the apple.

“Awesome” the rainbow mare exclaimed.

“Artemis, couldn’t ya of said no, now this mare is going to be twice as stubborn to deal with.” came the nugget of truth from Applejack.

“Speaking of Awesome,” said Artemis, “This apple is the best I’ve ever tasted, you really do grow the best apples Applejack.”

Applejack who now had a taste of Rainbow’s medicine blushed and humbly replied, “Shucks Artemis, you really know how to make a mare blush.”
“And Rarity” Artemis went on to say, “These clothes are some of the best I’ve ever worn.”

At first Rarity’s eye twitched, some of the best not being quite what she aimed for, but realising it was a compliment quickly regained composure and replied, “It was no trouble, it was nice to design something different for once, I mean designing for ponies is all well and good, but to design something for everyday use is a different challenge completely.”

“I just hope these clothes can survive my work for Applejack tomorrow.”

“I’m sure they will sugar cube, that Rarity is the best in the business.” Applejack assured Artemis.

“I know she is.” said Artemis.

“Anyway, speaking of work, I gotta get back to sweet apple achres, Big Mac will be waiting for me, nice to meet you again Artemis, ill pick you up bright and early tomorrow, so you might wanna get more sleep tonight.”

“Well it was nice to see you again Applejack” came Artemis’ reply, then turning to all of the ponies, “Was really nice to meet you too.”

Rainbow dash yawned, “Nice meeting you too.”

“Anypony staying for lunch?” asked Twilight.

“Nah, I need to go sleep.” And with that Rainbow dash followed Applejack out of the library.

“I’m sorry Twilight, I need to go and open the boutique, got some very important clients coming this afternoon.”

“Pinkie Pie? Fluttershy?”

“Of course I can stay Twilight,” giggled Pinkie Pie, “I’m showing around Artemis this afternoon.”

No response came from Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy?” Twilight asked again.

still no response.

Artemis looked at fluttershy who was starting to fall to sleep her head nuzzling Artemis’ shoulder gently, but noticed she gave a little nod.

“I’ll take that means a yes.” Laughed Artemis, moving his arm around to pull her body close to his.

Fluttershy blushed a little, but didn’t try to escape, instead she nuzzled closer and started to snore.

“D’aww how cute.” squeed Pinkie, who then sneezed confetti all over the apple Artemis was still eating, “oops sorry,” she said. Everyone including Artemis laughed.

As Twilight left the room to prepare lunch she agreed that it upon the cuteness of the scene, but upon turning away from the other two ponies and Artemis, blushed and gave a small wish that it was her instead of Fluttershy that was nuzzling up to Artemis.