• Published 10th Jan 2015
  • 22,406 Views, 574 Comments

It's Just Anatomy! - eLLen

When Rainbow Dash's final grade is in jeopardy, she enlists the help of most eggheadiest person she knows. Unfortunately, she encounters a problem. A naked problem. A very naked problem. A comedy of the nudist variety.

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It's Just Studying!

The bell rang out through the school and into the classroom, signaling the end of the period. To the students, however, it signaled a far greater event: school’s out for the day.

“Finally!” one particular Rainbow-haired girl hollered as she bolt up and out of her seat, drawing a wave of agreeing smirks from her classmates. In contrast, the teacher raised her eyebrow in a look that could only say, “Is that really necessary?” Rainbow Dash only snickered in return.

Nonetheless, the teacher drew up a smile of her own as she felt the mix of relief and excitement flowing from her students. “Alright,” she said, using her louder-than-a-crowd teaching voice to gain everyone’s attention. “I believe that wraps up our review of the graphs of trigonometry’s inverse ratios…”

Yada yada yada, Rainbow thought as she rolled her eyes. Just the usual reminder to study because your future depends on it. Slinging her backpack over her shoulder, she strode without a care in the world toward the door. Five… four… three…

“Rainbow Dash, I did not dismiss you yet.”

Early today, the girl thought as she spun around with a grin plastered across her face. “Yes, Miss Cheerilee,” she chimed all too sweetly.

The teacher only rolled her eyes, not bothering to recite the mantra of “The bell does not dismiss you. The teacher does.” Reapplying her mask of professionalism, Cheerilee spoke again. “As you all should know, the first half of the final begins this Thursday. Isn’t that exciting?”

A groaning mix of yes’s and ugh’s answered her. Rainbow happened to be on the latter half.

Flashing a knowing smile, she continued, “I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: don’t forget to study. And no, memorizing notes at eleven the night before does not count as studying. Sorry, Pinkie.”

“But it always works!”

“Anywho, class is…” She took a moment to watch the dears’ anxious faces. “…dismissed!”

The sound of a scooting chairs, zipping backpacks, and general cheers erupted in the room, shortly followed by a swarm of eager high schoolers being drained out the door. With a high five to Pinkie as she passed by, swept away in the mob, Rainbow moved to follow as she reached into jacket pocket for her phone. Nothing like a bit of good old-fashioned rock n’ roll to celebrate surviving another day at the grind. She fumbled with the knot formerly known as her headphones, but she was frozen as the sound of her teacher’s voice spoke up

“Rainbow? Do you have a moment?”

“Heh…” After watching the last of the students shuffle out, the girl turned her head back to the front of the classroom, wearing what she considered a thoroughly innocent grin. “Yes, Miss Cheerilee?” she replied as she approached the teacher’s desk.

Rainbow’s jovialness, however, dissipated as Cheerilee didn’t respond with her usual dime of playful banter, displaying a rather downtrodden frown across her lips instead. Uh-oh, serious time, Rainbow thought.

“Do you know why I asked you to stay behind?” Cheerilee asked, drawing an unseen cringe out of the girl. Ugh, why do adults always ask that? Rainbow thought as exactly thirteen different possible answers flashed through her mind.

“Um… Stop trying to leave class early? If you don’t like that, I can just not come in the first place,” she joked, giving a small chuckle.

Cheerilee cracked a smirk, but it evaporated just as quick. “No, not that. Rainbow? I called you back to discuss your grade.”

Possibility number seven, then… “Yeah?” she asked, no longer smiling.

“…I know you like things direct, so I’ll just tell you right out. You’re at serious risk of failing the class this semester.”


Cheerilee nodded after a moment. “I assume you know what you have to do to pass?”

Rainbow didn’t have to think about the question this time. “Yeah.”

“That’s right. The final. Considering how much of the final grade it is worth, it will either make or break you. Now, I know I’m not supposed to say this, but you’re one of my favorite students. You liven up every class, something I can’t thank you enough for after five hours’ worth of teaching and grading every day, and I’d hate to have to fail you.”

“Yeah…” she said for the fourth time in a row. Shaking herself into focus, she asked, “So… what? Just hope I score high enough to not fail?”

“You could,” she answered, “Or you could shoot for a higher grade. I’ll admit its impossible to get above a flat C at this point, but every little bit helps. I cannot recommend studying this time anymore.”

“Hey, I study,” she responded, slightly miffed, “Pinkie and I study for every test together.”

She received a blank stare.

“…It works for her.”

Cheerilee shook her head. “Sorry for accusing of not studying… however ineffective your method is… but why don’t you try a more traditional approach this time?”

“That’s what everyone does.”

“Not everyone. Why don’t you ask your friend Twilight to help? The last time she received any less than an “A” was two years ago.”

Rainbow shrugged, saying, “Sure, I guess.”

Finding her lost smile, Cheerilee said, “I wouldn’t pass up the chance. I believe you can pass Rainbow, honest.”

“Thanks, Miss Cheerilee,” she replied a bit distantly, her mind elsewhere in her thoughts.

“Alright, that’s all I had to say. You’re free to go.”

The girl nodded, readjusting her bag as she turned to leave. “See ya later,” she called.

“Goodbye Rainbow… Oh, and be careful if you’re out and about this evening. There’s a major downpour forecasted.”

“Will do,” she answered, “Bye.”

Trudging out of the classroom, Rainbow heaved a disappointed sigh. She’d known this was coming at some point, but that didn’t make the ordeal any more bearable. Ugh, why did she have to be so bad at triga-whats its? What really ate at her, however, was the knowledge that she could and probably would get kicked off of her sports teams if she couldn’t pass.

With a whip of her hair, she put a new swing into her step, accented by her trademarked grin of confidence. But why should that get her down? She was Rainbow Dash, and a little test wasn’t going to knock her out of the game.

“Hey, Dashie! What was the hold up?”

Rainbow glanced to her friend, seeing her spring to her side. “Eh, just some grade stuff. Final stuff.”

Throwing her arm around Rainbow, the pink haired girl said, “Yeah? I guess we got another study session heading our way, huh?” She nudged at her friend’s shoulder.

“Uh, yeah… That sounds fun, but I think I’m going to try studying with Twilight first. We can still do that, but...”

Pinkie nodded in understanding. “Aw, don’t worry about me, Dashie. You do whatever you need.”

“Heh, thanks,” she replied, shooting her a smile, “Now I just need to get in touch with Twilight.” Thinking for a moment, she added, “Say, do you know where she lives? I just realized I’ve never actually been to her house.”

Putting on her “thinking face” with her hand at her chin, she said, “Huh, same here. I mean, I’ve been outside it whenever I pick her up so we can all go out, but not inside.”

“Maybe she’s hiding her darkest secrets,” Rainbow laughed, “Like that test she got less than an ‘A’ on. Ha! Oh, but anyway, could you text me her address and save me the trouble of getting it later?”

“Okie-dokie-lokie!” she said, pulling out her phone. A few taps on the screen later, Rainbow’s own phone chimed as the message was received.

“Thanks, Pinkie.”

A while later, Rainbow bid farewell to her energetic friend, promising to meet up some other time. “Now then,” she thought aloud as she pulled out her phone, “Let’s see if Twilight’s up for studying… Heh, trick question. She’s always up for studying.”

Rainbow was cursing herself as she ran through the rain, splashing water with each hurried step. Note to self: you can’t outrun a storm. One hand held her sports jacket over her head, ineffective in keeping the downpour off of her, and the other hand held her phone. Wiping the droplets of water off the screen for the umpteenth time, she took a moment to reread the address on her phone.

“Should be… there.” She zeroed in on a one-story house coming up on her right. Matching the three numbers displayed on the front door, she veered up the cement path and bounded onto the porch, taking all three steps in a single stride. With a triumphant grin at being under a roof once again, she reached for the doorbell, but not before catching a glimpse of her soaking wet form. More specifically, her soaking wet t-shirt.

“Heh…” she said, setting down her book bag and putting on her jacket, making a point to zip it up. No more distractions, she rang the doorbell.

In a few moments, Rainbow heard the sound of shuffling coming from the other side, soon followed by the door opening a smidge to reveal one lavender skinned girl.

“…Oh! Hey Rainbow,” Twilight said as she recognized her friend.

“Hey Twi. Other than a hurricane, what’s up?”

The girl stepped onto the porch, closing the door behind her before saying, “Nothing much, really. I was just watching T.V.”

“Cool. Just get out of the shower or something?”

“Uh, no?” she replied, cocking her head, “What makes you say that?”

Rainbow limply pointed her finger at her. “The bathrobe.”

Twilight glanced down at her frilly, purple and pink robe before looking back up, letting out a completely honest laugh. “Ha, right… In any case, what brings you around? Not that I’m unhappy to see you, of course.”

“Huh? Didn’t you get my text?”

“I don’t recall.”

Pulling out her phone, Rainbow scrolled to her messages, only for her palm to meet her face at the words “Not delivered.” She grumbled, “Stupid storm messing up my signal… I was going to ask if it was cool if I came over to study for the Trig final.” Knowing her friend’s unhealthy eagerness at learning, she’d figured she’d head over anyway while waiting for a reply. Only now was she regretting the decision.

Twilight was quiet for a moment before she nodded her head. “I’d love to help you. In fact, I was already planning to do a bit of my own studying in an hour or so, but there’s no time like the present.” Giving a shrug of her shoulders, she continued, “I’ll just need a moment, alright?”

“Sure thing, Twi. And thanks for agreeing on such short notice.”

Grinning, she said, “You’re very welcome. It’s just what friends are for.” Turning on her heels, she grasped for the door knob, but looked over her shoulder at Rainbow. “Could you maybe… stay out here for a moment?”

Rainbow stopped in surprise, but her face shifted into one that was not of amusement. “In the cold rain?” she deadpanned.

“You have a jacket, and there’s a roof…” she defended, though lacking any real strength in her words, “…It’ll just be a minute.”

“Fine,” she said, waving her hand in a dismissive fashion.

“Thanks.” She cracked open the door and slipped through posthaste.

As she crossed her arms, Rainbow’s eyes meandered about her surroundings. It was a nice house, she had to admit. Strange how she and Twilight had been friends for a few years, yet this was the first time she’d actually seen it. As her vision wandered around, it came to focus on the door, noticing for the first time it had been left open by the smallest of amounts. Twilight probably expected it to swing shut as she closed it, Rainbow figured. …Wonder why she wanted me to stay out here…

The athlete kept a stare at the less-than-an-inch opening until curiosity got the better of her. “Eh, just a peek won’t do any harm. What could possibly happen?” Leaning in, she pressed her face against the door frame to look through one eye. “...Just looks like her living room,” she muttered as her vision came into focus, “T.V.’s on… Oh, there’s Twi. Looks like she’s talking to…”’

She gasped before she pushed herself away from the door as if it had suddenly caught fire. Shaking herself out of her shock, Rainbow had to take a long pause to register the fact that she’d just seen Twilight talking to a boy…

…A naked boy…

…A very naked boy.

“Um… uh…” she uttered, her mouth floundering for words that could possibly describe what had just happened. Then the train of realization smashed into her.

Slowly but surely, a Cheshire grin dawned began to grow upon her face. Wasting not a moment more, she crammed her head back to the crack on the door, just in time for it to swing open as Twilight came marching out, slamming it behind her.

“Whoa!” Rainbow said, jumping back and nearly stumbling off of the porch. Regaining her balance, she couldn’t help but feel the glare being sent her way.

“I heard you gasp,” Twilight accused, her arms crossed in the same way a jury member would when judging a guilty case.

Rainbow was left dumbfounded for a few seconds before she regained her composure, gaining a knowing look. “So… Twilight…” she started, trying and failing to sound casual.

Twilight narrowed her eyes.

Rainbow stared back with her ever widening grin. “I couldn’t help but notice someone else in there…”

“It’s not what it looks like,” she retorted.

The athlete rolled her eyes at the obvious denial. Rainbow would bet everything short of the Wonderbolts that Twilight wasn’t wearing a thing under her robe. “So… who’s the guy?”

Scowling at her for a moment longer, she deadpanned, “My brother.”

Rainbow froze stock-still at the answer as her mind faltered in connecting the answer to the picture. Suddenly, she looked at Twilight with surprise slapped across her face. “Whoa now, Twilight,” she said, her grin still in place, “I have to admit, that’s pretty hot.”

If Twilight’s reaction could be summarized in one word, it would be mortified. “Ew, Rainbow!” she shrieked, “How could you suggest… That’s disgusting!”

Rainbow’s brow furrowed in confusion as she said, “Wait… you mean you aren’t…”

“No, you pervert! How could you even suggest…” She paused to look at Rainbow. “You’re an only child aren’t you?” she monotoned.


Twilight groaned. “Just forget it.”

Shrugging, Rainbow let it go; though, she couldn’t help the disappointment she felt. Whatever, there would be time for her street gutter of a mind to fantasize later. “So…” she started, “Any reason you were ogling your brother’s dick?”

“Ah! Rainbow! Just…” She forced herself to take a deep breath, counting to ten in her head. “I was not… ogling... him in any manner.”

Rainbow cocked her head. “So what? You two just walk around naked with each other and you’re cool with that?”


Her head jerked back in surprise. “Come again?”

Twilight sighed. She glanced both ways as if looking for an eavesdropper before saying, “Yes, that’s what we do.”

“…I still think that’s kind of hot…”

“Er, will you stop?! Ugh… Listen, I’ll explain everything if you stop making incest jokes, deal?”

Deciding not to comment that those weren’t jokes, Rainbow nodded.

“Good. Now then…” Clearing her throat, she said, “We, my family and I, have partaken in a lifestyle that many, such as yourself, would probably find unusual, but…”

A blank expression fell over Rainbow’s features.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Ah, to heck with it. We’re a nudist family.”

She blinked. “You mean all of you...”


“Your brother?”


“Your parents?”

“Yes, Rainbow.”

“Your dog?”

Twilight raised an eyebrow.

“Okay, okay,” the girl said, waving her hands out in front of her, “Just joking. But really, that’s pretty—”

“Don’t say it.”

“—Unexpected,” she finished, “I can’t say I’ve ever met someone into that kind of thing.”

“Yeah,” was all Twilight replied. “…Could you not, you know, tell anyone? Especially at school?”

Rainbow nodded. “No problem,” she said, flashing a grin, “Your secret’s safe with me. Pinkie promise.”

“Thanks, Rainbow. It’s not exactly something I’d like to flaunt to the boys at school.” Perking back up, she said, “Well, you still up for studying? I’m ready if you are.”

“Uh, sure,” she said, having completely forgot the reason she’d come, “But is your brother going to be...? I’m happy either way, but—”

“No, Rainbow. He’ll be covered up,” she answered with a flash of annoyance in her eyes, “We all have something to wear when we have to the answer the door.”

“Like that robe?”

“Yes, like this—” Her eyes widened. Ignoring the cackling from her friend, she turned away. “Just come in,” she said in exasperation.

Rainbow had no qualms as she followed behind, grinning like a jailbird who’d just broken free.