• Published 10th Jan 2015
  • 22,421 Views, 574 Comments

It's Just Anatomy! - eLLen

When Rainbow Dash's final grade is in jeopardy, she enlists the help of most eggheadiest person she knows. Unfortunately, she encounters a problem. A naked problem. A very naked problem. A comedy of the nudist variety.

  • ...

It's Just Friends and Family!

To say Rainbow was dying of boredom would be incorrect. No, she’d died long ago. Now she was in purgatory.

The athelete’s eyes blinked to attention as the sight of her friend’s hand snapping in her face. “Come on, Rainbow,” Twilight said, “We can take a break in a few minutes. We’re almost done with this chapter’s material.”

Math purgatory, she thought, Worst. Existence. Ever. With a sigh, Rainbow grasped her pencil again as she looked over the problem written out in front of her. It was another “solve for the angle” problem, so she went through the steps that had been drilled into her brain, finally ending up with an answer after a page’s worth of equation manipulation. “…Seven pi over sixteen radians?” she drawled.

Twilight nodded as a triumphant grin whipped across her face. “Correct. I think you’ve finally gotten this.”

“I think we decided that six questions ago.”

“You can never be too sure,” she chimed in a sing-song voice.

“Yeah, yeah. Can I break now?”

“Answer me this first: is the inverse of cosine secant or cosecant?”

Rainbow groaned, pulling the blanket with sleeves she wore over her face. Ugh, she knew this. “…Cosecant?”

Twilight shook her head. “Secant. Don’t be fooled by cosine and cosecant both starting with ‘co.’”

“Cool. Break now?”

Rolling her eyes, she made a “shoo-shoo” gesture with her hand. “Fine. I’ll give you five minutes.”

Rainbow leaned forward on her knees and ran a smirk across her lips. “I’ll give you ten.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes. “Seven.”


“You… you just went higher.”

“And I’ll keep going higher. Take it or leave it.”

“…Eight,” she relented, shaking her head.

“Heh, awesome.” Satisfied in her glorious victory, Rainbow plopped onto her back, her head resting on her hands underneath. She let out a sigh, glad for the moment to get the endless amount of rules and identities out of her head even if just for a moment.

“Yeah, I guess I could use a break too,” she heard Twilight admit, causing her to chuckle.

“The queen egghead needs a break? How… un-egg-spected.”

“Dear goddesses, Rainbow.”

“Alright, alright, I’ll admit that was bad. Heh.” Rainbow let a few contained laughs fly by before shooting Twilight a glance. “Uh, hey? Where’s the bathroom.”

“Oh, it’s down the hall and around the corner.”

“Thanks,” she replied, pushing herself to her feet. Taking a moment to straighten out her makeshift robe, she took a few high steps over stacks of books, all of which she’d had the privilege of being forced through.

Rainbow glanced around the still empty house for a moment but quickly set off deeper down the hall. As she walked, she let out a grunt of annoyance as she felt her damp clothes riding shotgun. Being a blanket rather than a true robe, she simply reached behind her to straighten the fabric out. Still, she knew they’d get on her nerves again at some point or another, but… it’s not like she could just ditch them, right? She’d have to make due for now. Turning the corner, the girl locked onto the sight of the door and, with a quick shove, had no hesitation in charging through.

And the first thing she noticed was that she was not in a bathroom.

A TV playing some drama show in the corner, posters displaying bands hanging across the walls, and a dresser or two here and there told Rainbow everything she needed to know. She was in a bedroom. What caught her attention, however, was the bed planted in the center of the room, the form of Twilight’s brother laying across it. The naked form.

The very naked form.

A mix of a gasp and a squeal escaped Rainbow’s lips as her eyes instantly locked onto the one place she knew she shouldn’t be looking.

Shining shifted uncomfortably a few times as he noticed Rainbow’s sudden entry, visibly uncertain as to how he should react. “Uh… Need something?”

Rainbow’s mouth floundered a few times like a fish gasping for air, the fact that Shining was making no real attempt to cover himself not helping her in the slightest. “Uh… I, uh…” Letting out huff of breath, she forced her eyes shut before reopening them, pointedly meeting the boy’s face. “Bathroom?” she managed, not enough fight in her to be annoyed by her voice’s cracking.

“Other door. Across from this one.”

“Yes, thank you,” she squeaked. She was gone in a second, the door having been slammed shut before anything else could be said… or seen.

“Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!” Rainbow cried, stumbling into the bathroom, “That just happened! I-I thought I would be…” Planting her hands on the sink’s sides, she caught a glimpse of her face. If she didn’t know better, she would’ve said her skin was naturally a rosy red instead of cyan. “I guess we’re even now. Not that he cares. Ugh…” she said, shaking her head with an exhale.

“…Más grande.

In a few minutes, Rainbow was washing her hands, having taken care of her business and hopefully her indecent thoughts as well. She knew it was too much to ask for the images in her head to go with her. Those would be burned into her skull for the rest of her life. She had no doubt that they would come back to her during her final moments alive just to spite her.

Morbidly naked last thoughts aside, the girl paused before reaching for her blanket that she’d hung on an empty towel rack. Glancing at her clothes, she only needed a moment to think before she stripped them off—after checking that she’d remembered to lock the bathroom, that is. Barebacked save for her thankfully dry briefs, she wrung out her shirt and shorts over the sink then flapped each a bit to at least get some of the dampness out. Figuring they were as dry as they were going to get (not saying very much), she moved to pull her shorts back on, but not before catching sight of herself in the mirror.

You know what would be awkward to think about while you’re naked? her mind asked.

“…Dang it, brain!” she yelped as her cheeks were painted red once again. Grumbling, she hurriedly dressed herself.

“Oh good, you’re—something wrong? You look a little shaken.”

Rainbow took one glance at Twilight before looking away, shaking her head. “No. Everything’s fine. Let’s begin.”

Twilight shot a sidelong glance, but she didn’t pursue. “Uh… sure. Take a seat.”

No qualms to the order, Rainbow dropped to the floor. Just need to focus, she said to herself, Don’t let anything remind you of… Don’t even think it.

Pushing a book toward the other, Twilight pointed out a new set of problems. “Remember these types of equations from a few weeks back?”

“I need a refresher.”

“Sure thing. Well, you may remember how much everyone hated them. The process to solving them is way longer.”


“Mmhm. Doesn’t help that they’re also quite harder.”


“Yeah, I recall really having to work them. No offense, but I kind of noticed how much you were sucking at them. I offered to lend a hand, having gotten the hang of handling the entire package myself, but you insisted on finishing them off for yourself.”

Rainbow’s eye twitched. “Curse my dirty mind!” she cried, throwing her hands into the air before falling back onto the carpet.

“Um… what?” Twilight said, blinking a few times.

“Just forget it,” Rainbow said, defeated by her own head, “Just teach me your trigonometric ways, wise one.”

“So many identities… why are there so many identities?!” Rainbow cried, cringing down the list, “I need to know all of these?”


“It’s not worth my sanity. I’m quite happy having a D.”

“Don’t think so negatively. Just look for patterns between them and you’ll have them down in no time.”

Rainbow only huffed, her eyes half lidded in boredom as they scrambled through the pages spread out across the floor. As torturous as this was, she had to admit she was feeling more confident about all these fancy math stuffs. “Uh-huh. What’s next?”

“Well…” Twilight said, putting her hand to her chin in thought, “I have my own strategies to remember…” She trailed off, perking her head toward the door as if sensing something. Before Rainbow could ask, she heard someone approaching.

“…Ugh, need to get out of these. They’re soaked… Hey, Twily!” a woman’s voice called out, soon followed by her appearing the in the doorway. Rainbow couldn’t say she recognized her, but she couldn’t help but get a sense of familiarity at her face. Then it hit her. With one glance to check the resemblance, the athlete realized she was looking at her friend’s mom.

The top two buttons of her damp blouse were already undone, her hand fiddling for a third, but she stopped as she made out the sight of Rainbow. “Oh! Who’s your friend, Twily?”

“Hey, mom,” she replied, “This is Rainbow Dash. I think I’ve told you about her.”

“I’d say so.” Putting on her patented time-to-embarrass-my-kid smile, she said to Rainbow, “Why, when she came home from school one day saying she’d made a friend, that was all she could talk about for a week straight.”


“I always told her that having friends were fun, but did she ever listen to me until then? Nope.”

“Heh.” Rainbow shot her friend a look somewhere between “You’re not hearing the end of this” and “I know I’m that awesome.” Twilight, on the other hand, buried her face in her palms.

Twilight’s mom giggled a few times, but a knowing glint appeared in her eye as she glanced at her daughter. “Does she…?”

Twilight nodded. “I already told her.”

“Oh good. That just makes things easier. And less awkward,” she added with a laugh, “I imagine you would’ve been wondering why I was unbuttoning out here otherwise.” She gestured toward her blouse.

Rainbow, however, wasn’t quite comfortable seeing it for herself.

“Trust me, we’ve already been through enough awkward moments,” Twilight said, pointedly looking her friend’s way, “But everything’s cool now.”

That’s what you think, Rainbow thought. “Yeah, we’re cool, Miss…”

“Just call me Velvet. And don’t bother with the ‘Miss’ thing. Any friend of my daughter is a friend of mine.”

“Mom…” Twilight groaned.

Rainbow propped herself onto her knees to hold out her hand. “Cool. Nice to meet you.”

“Pleasure’s all mine,” Velvet replied as she shook her hand. Clearing her throat, she said, “Now dear, I have to ask you something a tad more serious. Would you want us to stay clothed? I know it can be uncomfortable if you’re not used to it.”

Rainbow blinked. “Erm, I don’t want to impose…”

“But…?” Velvet prompted, nodding along.

“Could you?” she finished, “I mean, I don’t want to make you guys do anything you don’t wanna.”

She waved her off. “Don’t worry about it, dear. It’s not a big deal to us. Hehe, Cadence was just like that at first: awkwardly polite… Speaking of the girl, did you know she’s coming over, Twily?”


“Your father and I actually ran into her on the way home. She was so polite as to not only share her umbrella when we were getting soaked but even to help carry the groceries. See Twilight, why can’t you get a boyfriend as good as that?”


“Just saying that Shining’s one step closer to giving me grandchildren than you are.”

“I-I’m still in high school!”

“I don’t want them now, but it’s nice to plan ahead. Remember, whoever supplies me grandchildren first is my favorite.”

“Tch—I don’t—Get out of my room!”

Velvet held up her hands defensively in front of her, saying “Okay, okay, I’ll stop. Anyway, back on topic. Cadence is here now. I expect she’s helping your father put away groceries.”

“Okay, thanks. Now get out.”

“Anytime!” she called back, disappearing out of sight.

Twilight lasted all of two seconds before letting out a moan. “Uuuuugh. She does this on purpose. Rainbow—”

“Bwahahaha!” she replied, wiping a tear from her eye, “Oh man. I’ve been holding that in ever since she started.”

“Gee thanks.”

“Haha…” she said, her laughter sputtering down. “Woo… So that was your mom, huh?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Unfortunately, yes. My dad’s no better. He just encourages her.”

“Sounds fun.” Rainbow hesitated a moment. “So… you all really are casual with being naked with each other.”

Twilight raised her eyebrow. “As I said earlier, yes, we’re quite comfortable seeing each other unclothed. Are you still on that?”

“Well,” she said, biting her lip, “I just can’t imagine having that kind of relationship with my folks. It’s just so… eugh. No offense.”

“None taken. I know nudism can seem bizarre to people who don’t practice it.”

“Yeah, I know…” Rainbow shrugged. “Do you ever…”


Letting out a nervous chuckle, Rainbow said, “Do you ever look at her crotch and think, ‘I came out of that?’”

Twilight blinked. “Uh… I’m aware of that?”

“Wait, you actually think that?” Rainbow reacted.

“Well, I don’t think about it. I just know I did. It’s the truth,” she defended.

“Eheh… ha?” She cleared her throat. “So who’s Cadence?”

Brow unfurrowing, Twilight answered with a newfound normalcy. “Oh, she’s my brother’s girlfriend and my old babysitter. I think you’ll like her… Oh, there she is now,” she said, pointing out through the door.

Rainbow turned to look just in time for a pink skinned girl to poke her head in. “Hey, Twily. Hey, Rainbow.”

“Hey. Have we met before?” Rainbow asked, wondering how she knew her name.

She shook her head. “You see, there was this one week where Twily wouldn’t stop talking about—”

“Okay!” Twilight interrupted, “Good to see you, Cadence. Yes, this is Rainbow Dash. Rainbow, this is Cadence.”

“Pleasure to meet you,” Cadence said.

“Right back at ya.”

Her eyes glancing at the papers giving the room a new carpet made of graphs and formulas, she asked, “What are you girls doing?”

“Trig final.”


“What brings you over?” Twilight piped in, “Not that I’m not happy to see you.”

“Just came over to hang out with Shining.”

Oh, he’s doing a lot of hanging out, Rainbow thought. Shaking the images from her mind, she put on a curious expression. “You’re going to spend time with him?”


“Like, right now?”

Cadence’s mouth curled into a frown. “I was planning to. Is something wrong?”

“No,no, but… You sure you’re going to see him now?”

“Rainbow, what are you talking about?” Twilight asked.


Cadence, however, slowly drew a smirk as a glint appeared in her eyes. “Oh, Twilight?” she said, “Could you go see your dad? I think there was something he wanted to talk to you about.”

“Uh, sure. Thanks for letting me know.” With a shrug, the lavender skinned girl pushed herself to her feet and walked out. In a few moments, Cadence turned toward Rainbow, the same smirk plastered across her face.

I… don’t like the look of that. Rainbow glanced both ways before speaking. “So… What’s up?”

Cadence stepped in and shut the door behind. Kneeling down, she said, “Rainbow? I know exactly what’s going through your head right now.”

“Why did you lock yourself in here with me?”

She laughed. “Okay, other than that. No, I’m talking about being the only person in the house with the urge to wear clothes.”

“Oh, that,” Rainbow replied, dismissively waving her hand, “Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

Cadence rolled her eyes. “Believe me, I went through the exact thing you’re going through already.”

Rainbow considered brushing off her words again (She was fine! Right? Maybe?), but she clammed herself up before any words could spill out. Actually, a talk with the one person here who could relate to her might not be such a bad thing. “Alright,” she said, “I’m listening. I was joking earlier and stuff, but things have just gotten...”


Rainbow nodded.

“Yeah, I remember that. They would wear clothes, but you would feel like you’re forcing them to?”

“Yeah, exactly!”

Cadence hummed in agreement. “Well, I just want you to know that you shouldn’t have to feel weird about that. Or any of this, really. It took me a long time to adjust, but I learned that all this awkward tension is just in your head.”

“What? You’re saying it’s only weird because I’m making myself feel that way?”

“That’s right!” she chimed.

“…Uh-huh,” was all she replied with. Her brow furrowed. “It took a long time to adjust? If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were getting naked with them.”

Cadence stared at her for a moment, a guilty smile slowly spreading across her face.

“You did?!”

“Yes I did,” she affirmed, “Or do.”

Rainbow stared wide-eyed at her, her mind buzzing in surprise. “B-but what? How did?”

Cadence laughed a few times, a rosy tint appearing on her cheeks before she said, “Well, the details are between me and Shining, but let’s just say I didn’t bother getting dressed again.”

“Uh, yeah,” Rainbow said, a hint of a blush on her own cheeks, “And Twilight and everyone was fine with that?”

“Why wouldn’t they be?”

To that, Rainbow had no answer. “I dunno. Anyway, thanks for the talk, I guess.”

Whipping up a warm smile, Cadence nodded. “No problem, girl. Anything to help you out in this awkward mess you’re in. Of course, you don’t have to go as far as me to feel comfortable… unless you want to,” she added with a mischievous grin.

“Haha, thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Giving Rainbow a slap on the back, she left, heading down the hall toward what Rainbow had no doubt was Shining’s room. ...Yeah, no way I’m getting naked in front of them. Not in a million years, she thought, letting out a few less-than-confident giggles.

Alone for the first time, Rainbow had nothing to do but wait as she let her mind wander aimlessly. Reaching into her blanket, she straightened out her clothes for the millionth time, annoyed at finding them in the wrinkly limbo where it’s not dry but not wet either. What she needed was a new set of clothes and preferably a shower. Maybe Twilight could help with that… With the clothes part, not the shower part! Ugh, now she had a whole new set of images burned into her head.

Rainbow’s attention turned upward as the door was pushed open again, this time with Twilight reentering, a tray balanced in her arm. Seeing her cheery smile, Rainbow couldn’t help but wonder what it would turn into should she know what fantasy she’d just been a part of.

“I don’t know what Cadence was talking about, but I decided to whip us up some food while I was in there,” Twilight said, setting down her tray where a pair of sandwiches, chips, and other snack foods were waiting to be eaten. “We’ve been at this longer than I realized. It’s dinner time.”

Eyebrows shooting up, Rainbow glanced around for a clock that wasn’t in the room. “Really? Huh, time flies when you’re not looking.”

“Indeed. Hey, Rainbow? I was thinking.”

“As usual?”

She rolled her eyes. “Considering that it’s still raining cats and dogs outside, why don’t you stay the night? We can even get more studying done.”

“Sounds fine to me,” Rainbow replied, shrugging, “I’ll just have to text my folks. Hopefully the message actually gets through, but hey, they know where I am.”

“Great! Oh, this is going to be fun!”

“Whatever you say,” Rainbow said, picking up her phone in one hand and a sandwich in the other as she took a bite. “Whatefer you sah…”