• Published 13th Jan 2015
  • 973 Views, 16 Comments

End of the Wormhole - colt alchemist

What happens when an unknown doorway appears out of the blue and transport our new princess to a unfamiliar world? [only the strange and unusual that anyone could imagine, to most to say the least]

  • ...

Ch 2. Magic is Real?

Henry was still in one of the quads near the school entrance listening and observing this strange new girl’s commotion. He really didn’t know how to feel about this. He felt confused on one hand seeing this girl make a big deal about some portal, and on the other hand he felt worried that this girl may be at the wrong place at the wrong time. He decided to do the logical thing and ask her what she knows. Mostly to see if she’s sane.

“This isn’t good, not good at all! What am I supposed to do? I have no way to contact the princess or my friends, I don’t have any magic, and I don’t even have Spike with me. Sure, he followed me last time, but now I really need him. Who knows what kind of dangers this new world has,” stammered the new girl apparently named Twilight.

“Uh, new girl,” asked Henry.

“What!?” yelled Twilight as she spun around. Henry jumped back at her outburst, having second thoughts about asking her. He even had his hand in front of his face just in case she was about to unintentionally smack him. Twilight noticed that she scared him a little and blinked. She then slumped her shoulders and looked away with a guilty expression.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap like that,” she apologized. Henry slowly let his hand down and looked at her, feeling a little more relaxed.

“I-it’s fine. I just have a few more questions is all,” he explained waving his hand.

“Oh. Like what?” she asked.

“Like, what’s with all of this portal business?” he asked. “Are you lost or something. Maybe I can help you?”

Twilight put a finger to her lip and thought about this for a moment.

“Can I really trust him? I mean, I just met the guy and I know nothing about him,” she thought to herself. “Then again, I also know nothing about this other Canterlot High, or of this world for that matter. Would he really be of help to me?”

She then looked back at Henry, who was just standing there patiently waiting for a response.

“I know I’d be risking a lot if I told him about where I’m actually from, but what other choice do I have? I can’t just lie to a stranger, use him, and then throw him away when I’m done. What kind of princess would that make me? Right now I need all of the help and knowledge I can get. Looks like I’ll have to befriend him. Besides, it’s always nice to make new friends right?” she concluded in thought. She then turned and faced Henry with an answer.

“So, you really want to help me?” she asked him.

“Uh, sure I guess,” replied Henry sounding unsure. “You just seem so lost.”

“Ok. But,” she paused as she looked around. “Do you think we could speak somewhere in private?”

“Why? If you want to tell me something, you can tell me right here,” stated Henry. “Besides, there’s nobody really around. All of the students and teachers have left anyway.”

Twilight looked around again and did notice most of the students leaving. In fact, there wasn’t a single soul in the entire quad.

“I suppose were out of an earshot of anyone,” she said. “The truth is…..I’m not supposed to be here.”

“Huh?” asked the now confused Henry.

“The truth is, I’m not from here. Not from this city, this country, or this world for that matter. I’m actually from a whole different world. A magical world called Equestria. I’m supposed to be the new princess of that kingdom, but as I was doing my normal studies, this vortex appeared out of nowhere and took me from my library. And here I am now, explaining it to you,” she explained honestly. “So you see, that’s why I said I’m not supposed to be here.”

Twilight was waiting for a response, but as she looked up all she could see was Henry’s blank expression. His eyes weren’t moving and his lips totally motionless.

“What?” he finally asked.

“I said, I’m not from here. I’m from a world called Equestria,” she explained again in a more agitated tone.

“………….What?” he repeated.

“I’m…..not……from…..here,” she explained slowly hoping he would follow better.

It was silent for a while and Henry was still trying to decide whether to buy what this girl was saying or just walk away and pretend he didn’t hear what he just heard. He blinked a few times until he finally came up with a proper response.

“Have you been helped?” he asked.

“What? Are you calling me a liar?!” she retorted.

“Sorry, it’s just how do you expect me to believe that?!” he inquired. “I’m not saying you’re a liar, I’m just saying it’s a little too much to take in. Why would you say you’re a magical princess from another dimension?”

“Because it’s true!”

“How? Magic isn’t real.”

“Yes it is! It’s the reason we all exist!”

“Nnnoooo. Science and evolution is the reason we all exist. Magic is just used as a form of entertainment to amuse tourists and little kids.”

“No it’s not! There’s many different uses for magic, I’m telling you the truth!” Twilight continues to rage.

“Ok then, do you have any proof?” he asked as he crossed his arms.

“Proof? What do you mean proof?”

“I don’t know. Perform a spell, levitate an object, or turn a student into a toad. Something that will make me believe you.”

“It’s kind of hard to do any of that, if I don’t have any magic in me.”

“What? Well…”

Henry turned to his left and noticed something stick out of the bush where Twilight was sleeping behind. He saw what looked like a brown satchel bag sticking out.

“What about that?” he said as he pointed to the bag.

Twilight looked to where he was pointing, and her eyes began to widen. She ran past him and went to pick up the object in the shrub. She lifted it into the air and there appeared to be a buckle holding the flap closed on the bag. The buckle looked exactly like the medallion she was wearing around her neck. She opened the bag and reached in to find what was inside. She reached in and pulled out a large book with a horse’s head on the cover, it looked large enough to be a textbook.

Henry didn’t know what that meant, but it looked Twilight knew as he eyes grew wider and a grin formed on her face. She opened it up and began to flip through the pages.

“It’s one of my spell books!” she exclaimed with excitement. “Maybe I can use this to get back home!”

“Well it looks like her journey is short and over with,” Henry thought to himself. He then noticed her happy expression suddenly disappeared and replaced with a sad one.

“But can I get home with this? This may not be the right book,” she said in a saddened tone.

“Is that supposed to be a spell book?” wondered Henry.

“One of them. I’m must’ve grabbed my saddle bag as the portal opened and this book was in it.”

“Well, if that’s a spell book, then perform a spell from it.”

“I don’t know if I can,” she admitted.

“What do you mean? You just said you were magical and can perform spells.”

“Yes well,” she paused. “I’m not sure if there’s enough magic in me to perform any spells, seeing how I’m in a whole different world with a new appearance. Plus, I can’t really do much without my horn.”

“Her horn? What’s that supposed to mean?” he thought.

“Why don’t you try performing with your hands?” suggested Henry.

“My hands?” asked Twilight as she looked at said hands.

“Yeah, I mean, most magicians in fiction normally perform spells with their hands. Sometimes they use a staff or a wand. But I’m assuming you don’t have any of those at your disposal?”

“No, I don’t,” said Twilight as she continued to gaze at her hands. “I can give it a try.”

She turned her head and focused on some nearby garbage cans. The silver cans were completely filthy and the trash wasn’t even in the containers, they were just scattered around it. Twilight opened her book and flipped through the pages. She stopped at one of the pages and began to scroll down it with her finger.

“Ah, levitation,” she said as she looked up again.

She extended her right arm and aimed her hand at the cans. Her brow furrowed and sweat begin to drip from her face. She closed her eyes and really concentrated.

Henry noticed something was happening to her hand, her palm was glowing a light pink. His eyes began to widen as the light began to grow brighter. He then heard some rattling medal and turned to the trash cans. The litter around it and the trash lids were also covered in the bright light, like some kind of aura. The trash suddenly began to float off the ground and the lids popped right off of the trash cans. The trash then dropped themselves into the cans as the lids were simply put back on the silver containers. The area was soon clean and the cans were no longer glowing. Twilight put her arm down and looked at Henry with a smirk on her face.

Henry just stood there dumbfounded at this girl’s magical levitation ability. Twilight just stared into her hands with amazement.

“So, do you believe me now?” she asked.

Henry just stood there with a blank stare. He just witnessed levitation magic, he saw it but did not want to believe it.

“Ok, am I tripping on something or did that actually just happened?” he thought in question. Henry then looked at Twilight.

“I-I….I’m still not convinced,” said Henry as he refused to believe what he just saw.

Twilight grew an annoyed look on her face as her hands began to glow again. Out of nowhere, an apple core came flying and smacked Henry right in his forehead, leaving a big red mark.

“OW! Ok, I believe you! Geez,” he complained as he rubbed his forehead.

Twilight chuckled to herself as she grew a satisfied smile. Her grin then disappeared as she continued to stare at her hand.

“It seems I do have a little magic in me left. But I don’t know how much, I should probably save some of it if I want to figure out how to activate the vortex,” she said as she clenched her fist.

“Ok……Well, good luck with that,” Henry said as he walked away. Twilight noticed him departing and grew more annoyed.

“Wha...hey! You’re just going to leave me here like this?! I thought you said you wanted to help me?!” she yelled in annoyance.

“That was before you told me you’re a magical alien from another dimension!” he retorted. “I don’t know how to deal with a situation like that!”

“First off, I’m not an alien I’m an alicorn princess! Well, technically I AM considered an alien since I’m not from this world and- Wait! Getting off topic here!” she continued to rant. “And second, you can’t just go back on your word!”

“I never promised anything! This is still a lot to take in for me.”

“Well what do you want me to do about it?!”

“Maybe you can start by telling me the full truth,” he explained as he walked back to her. “If I’m going to help you, I need to know exactly what you are and maybe a little more details about this world or this portal you’re talking about. I don’t know how I’ll be able to help you, seeing how you’re the first out-of-world person I know, but I’ll try my best. Do we have a deal?”

Twilight thought about this for a moment. She didn’t really have any other option, she won’t be able to figure out this mystery on her own and it looks like she’ll have to trust this boy if she ever wants to get back home.

“Deal,” said Twilight as she nodded in agreement. She then gathered her book and stored it in her saddlebag.

“Alright. I’m assuming you don’t have a place to stay?”

“What do you think?” she replied raising an eyebrow at him.

“Right, sorry. C’mon, you can crash at my place,” he said as he began to walk away.

“Are you sure that will be alright?” Twilight asked as she followed her soon to be friend.

“Where else are you going to stay? It’s not like you would want to stay here and make a bed out of old books or anything.”

“I’ve actually done that before,” she admitted quietly.


“Nothing. Let’s just go,” she said.


With that, the human boy and the princess walked through the exit, across the street, and on the sidewalk on the way to Henry’s home. He was just hoping he could get a proper explanation by the time they get there.

Author's Note:

I apologize if you feel like this chapter was a little short. The next chapter will be out as soon as possible, let me know what you think in the comments. Thanks.