• Published 13th Jan 2015
  • 973 Views, 16 Comments

End of the Wormhole - colt alchemist

What happens when an unknown doorway appears out of the blue and transport our new princess to a unfamiliar world? [only the strange and unusual that anyone could imagine, to most to say the least]

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Ch 3. Explanation and Temporary Home?

Henry and Twilight were walking on the sidewalk on the way to Henry’s place. As they were walking, Henry had so many questions on his mind about Twilight’s world. What the hometown was called, what her species was, how different is her world compared to his? He decided to get a full explanation out of her.

“Hey, Twilight.”


“Do you think you could tell me exactly how you got here? And I mean the full story?” he asked calmly and curiously. Twilight let out a sigh and decided to tell him the whole thing.

“Where do I begin?” she wondered to herself.

“Is it that long of a story?”

“Sort of.”

“Well, do you think you could explain what you are exactly?” asked Henry.

“What I am?” she replied sounding confused.

“Yeah, I mean, it’s kind of obvious you’re not a normal human being,” pointed out Henry.

“Would you believe me if I told you I wasn’t a human to begin with?”

“Sure, if it avoids having another apple launched at my head,” he answered. Twilight let out a giggle after he rubbed his forehead for emphasis.

“So what are?”

“Back in Equestria, I used to be a regular unicorn who would spend her days in Canterlot reading books in the library. But then my mentor, Princess Celestia, sent me to this small town called Ponyville to make some friends. Naturally I didn’t really see the point in that since I was actually trying to help with the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration and-“

“So you’re really a unicorn?” interrupted Henry wanting to speed the story up a bit.

“What, no? I USED to be a unicorn.”

“Well then what are?”

“Ok, I can see that you’re not into long stories,” she said in an annoyed tone.

“Sorry, I tend to doze off during school lectures,” he admitted. “I’m really trying to pay attention here.”

“Ok then,” she said still annoyed with his impatience. “If you’re wondering what I really am, I’m an alicorn princess.”


“Alicorn, it’s when a pony has both wings and a horn,” she explained. “I actually just got my wings a few weeks ago and I’m still trying to get used to them.”

“So you can perform magic and fly?” he asked intriguingly.

“Sort of. Well, as of now I can only use magic. Although, I don’t know why. I understand that back at Canterlot High both my wings and my horn have disappeared along with my magic. It wasn’t until my friends and I had a certain ‘encounter’ and discovered our own magic. But why am I suddenly able to use some of it here?”

“I don’t know. I’m not from this other human world you went to. Or this magical land full of horses.”

“Ponies.” She corrected.


“We’re not horses, ponies.”

“Sorry, it’s just that….well….I don’t know, horses just sounds more intimidating,” he stated.

“My apologies if our name doesn’t strike fear into your hearts, but we’re a peaceful land who try to bring harmony and compromise! What did you think Equestria was, a land filled with monsters, war, and necromancy?!”

“OK ok geez! I was just giving you my personal opinion, you didn’t have to take it so seriously,” he panicked.

Twilight let out a small sigh and calmed herself, “I’m sorry, I don’t know where that came from.”

“It’s fine. So, if I got this right, you’re a magical creature called an Alicorn from this other land and you were recently crowned a princess?” he recapped.

“Exactly,” she gladly replied.

“Cool, so now do you think you could explain how you got here?” he repeated.

“I’ll try to remember as much as I can. Just don’t doze off on this one.”


Spike, a purple and green baby dragon, was finishing up sorting out different packages and books for Twilight in her home/library. As he soon finished, he wiped the sweat off his brow and immediately hit his small basket bed. Just right when he closed his eyes, there was a knock at the door. His eyes shot open and groaned. Just when he can lie down he’s already getting back up. He slithered out of his bed and made his way to the staircase.

However, when he looked down, it seems that Twilight already beat him to it. There, he saw his lavender alicorn friend at the door accepting another package. Spike let out another groan knowing he’ll have to put away some more supplies. The door closed as Twilight brought the new package to her work desk. She had a big smile on her face as she began to open the box, Spike wasn’t really surprised to see it was filled with more books.

“Really Twi, more books?” he complained. “In case you haven’t noticed, but we live in a library.”

“I know that, Spike. But becoming the new soon-to-be princess of Equestria, I have a lot of research to do and I need to learn how to be good leader like Celestia and Luna. Plus, I’ll need to gain all the comprehension of everything around me if I’m going to rule a kingdom properly,” she explained with enthusiasm.

“Oh brother,” Spike sighed as he walked over to the new books. “What kind of books did you order this time?”

Twilight used her magic to levitate three books out of the box, Spike was still a little baffled at what they were all titled. One book read, The Multiverse Theory while another read, Beyond Equestria and the last one read Are we really alone out here?

“What’s with all these books?” wondered Spike.

“Well, I started thinking to myself, if I’m going to become the next great ruler, I need to know if there is another universe out just in case of any surprise invasions,” she explained. “That, and I’m just curious to know if we’re really alone out here.”

“Twi, since when has there been a sudden invasion that could put all of Equestria in jepordy?” inquired Spike.

“Really?” Twilight asked sarcastically cocking an eyebrow.

Spikes eyes widened as he remembered the Canterlot Wedding incident and his face grew red of embarrassment at forgetting an event.

“Oh, right,” he said sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.


"So, you need me to put these books away too?"

"No, I'm going to be using them for a while. I'm really eager to see what these books have to offer. You can take a break now if you want."

“Great. Then, I’ll just let you get…to it,” he finished as he exited the room and went back upstairs to take a nap.

Twilight took her new supplies to her work table and immediately cracked open one of them. She began to read it aloud.

“The Multiverse, a theory in which there are multiple universes co-existing within our own. How interesting!” she chirped as she kept reading. “There is only so much evidence claiming this theory to be true and exact. However, most individuals believe in this phenomenon and have been going through countless experiments in which to prove the existence of these many alternative universes. In rare cases, they even discover a magical vortex that can rip a hole in the very fabric of reality. These portals are known as ‘Wormholes’, they can be very powerful, happen at the most unsystematic of times, and difficult to restrain. There is still very little that we know about these theories…..”

As Twilight was reading her book, she didn’t notice that there were a few sparks happening right behind her. She began to hear a few strange crackling and sizzling noises as well. She turned her head and was shocked to see what she was witnessing. Sparks were flying and the crackling noise got louder, she even felt a strange wind pattern happening in her home, like a cyclone. It was so out of control that even her books were flying off the shelves from the event.

“What is going on?”

Out of nowhere, the very space in front of her began to tear. She saw the open air unwind itself like some kind of zipper. The rip got bigger and bigger creating more wind currents, creating a bigger indoor cyclone. Finally, a huge violet vortex ripped open and began to suck everything in. Twilight noticed her saddlebags were caught in the vortex and flew right off her desk and into the abyss.

“No!” she screamed as she tried to reach for her bag, but it was too late. Twilight held on for dear life as the portal kept trying to pull her in. “Somepony help me!”

She tried to hold on for dear life, but the vacuum was too strong. She felt her hooves slipping and pretty soon, she lost her grip and was sucked in. As she was being inhaled by the mysterious wormhole, she let out a final shriek for help.


“And then I woke up at your school. That’s all I remember,” she finished.

“Geez, that sounds heavy,” commented Henry, feeling sorry for Twilight.

“I don’t even know what happened. I know the book said that wormholes can happen at any given moment, but I didn’t think they would happen so unpredictably.”

“I’m sure there’s some kind of scientific reason to it,” Henry suggested.

“Or a magical reason.”

“Eh?” Henry asked as he cocked his head.

“Remember that there’s not a lot of science where I come from. The wormhole that appeared could be magic based. But I have no idea; that’s why I need to figure out how it happened and how I can re-open it.”


“There, so now will you help me? I told you the whole story” she inquired.

“Well, a deal is a deal,” he replied which resulted a huge smile on Twilights face. She let out a gasp of delight and wrapped her arms around the school boy, hugging him.

“Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!” she chirped many times.

“Twi…..you’re killing me,” Henry wheezed as he was struggling breathing through Twilight’s hug.

“OH, sorry!” she said as she let go. Henry gasped for air and began breathing normally again.

“Do all ponies in your world give death hugs?” he wondered.

“More or less,” she said sheepishly.

“Anyway, after what you told me, it’s not like I can just leave you and let you handle this problem by yourself.”

“You mean like how you did a few moments ago?” reminded Twilight.

“That was different, I didn’t know your situation,” he stammered. “B-but now that I do know, I guess I have to help you out or else you’ll get unwanted attention.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Nothing, nevermind.”

Henry then walked into a stone pathway and stopped in front of a big tan house. The roof looked old while the porch seemed fancy, with its chair swing, decorative pillars, small stairs, and glass tables. There were three windows in the front that looked like square eyes. Finally, there was the number 11037 next to the door.

“Well, here we are. Home sweet home,” announced Henry as he opened the door.

“You sure have a nice house,” Twilight commented.

Henry opened the door and they both walked in, however when they did, they were met by a mob of screaming and laughing kids. They were running around all over the place with toy guns and plastic swords. Some of them boys, some of them girls. They looked really young, around age’s four to eight, and they were just acting wild. Twilight didn’t expect to see running kids behind the door and stepped back from the surprise.

“Oh my,” she said with a gasp.

“Yeah, you’ll get used to that,” responded Henry.

He was then met with a charging force, knocking him off balance and dropping all of his stuff on the floor.

“Henry?” Twilight said in concern.

She then noticed a small girl latching onto Henry’s body like a leech. She looked a lot younger than Henry but still older than any of the toddlers running around. She looked to be around fourteen, was barefoot, wore an orange dress, and had chestnut hair put in two twin-tails. The girl was snuggling into Henry’s chest.

“Hey there, bro! Did you miss me?” she chirped.

“Mimi, hey how was your day?” Henry muttered.

She then took her face out of his chest and looked at Twilight. Her happy smile disappeared and was replaced with a confused gesture.

“Who’s this? Is she your girlfriend?” she teased.

Both Twilight and Henry broke out into a bright red blush at the comment. Twilight looked away as Henry tried to think up of an answer.

“Mimi! No, sh-she’s just a friend. We just met, she’s a n-new student at my school,” Henry stammered.

“Sure, for now,” she giggled.

“Anyway,” spoke Twilight. “Who’s this adorable little girl?”

“This is my,” he paused. “Sister, Mimi. Mimi, this is my new friend, Twilight.”

“Nice to meet you,” greeted Twilight as she reached out her hand.

Instead of shaking it, Mimi just hopped off of Henry and wrapped her arms around Twilight, nearly suffocating her.

“Nice to meet you too!” she squealed.

“Now you know how it feels,” Henry chuckled which made Twilight grumble. “Twilight is new in town and doesn’t have a place to stay. So she’ll be staying with us for a while.”

“Alright, a new big sister!”

“Are you sure it’s Ok with your parents that I stay here?” Twilight wondered. Both Henry and Mimi’s eyes widened at the question. Henry was sort of hoping that she wouldn’t ask that query and forget about it.

“Oh well…you see-“

“I’m sure Marge will be fine with you staying here,” covered Mimi. “It’s like she always says, the more the merrier. Hehehe.”


“Our mom,” Mimi answered.

“Oh, are you sure it’s ok? Where is she?”

“She’s not here right now, she’s out of town on a business trip. Henry and I are the ones in charge when that happens,” Mimi answered again. “Pretty cool right?”

“I suppose.”

“Mimi, why don’t you watch the kids while I show Twilight to the room,” suggested Henry.

“Got it, bro!” she smiled. She then let go of Twilight and ran off to the living room to play with the younger kids. Henry was leading Twilight up stairs to show her temporary sleeping quarters. As they were walking up the stairs, Twilight couldn’t help but be curious as to why Henry and Mimi acted so nervous when she asked about their parent. Nevertheless, she was still happy that she made a new friend who's willing to help her out……………

Author's Note:

Looks like Twilight found a place to stay and made a new friend. Let me know what you think in the comments. Thanks. Oh, and by the way, if you spotted the Danganronpa reference, you're awesome :twilightsmile: