• Published 19th Jan 2015
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Split Second - wille179

Twilight Sparkle broke time when she got her cutie mark. Now there's two of her with two different talents.

  • ...

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And What Sparkle Found There

The librarian of the Golden Oaks was more than just a caretaker of the books; she was the caretaker of the library itself. Every morning, she practiced with her light magic, stretching it and warming it up as if it were a muscle like any other. The effect of this was that her tree (and all the life within) flourished. The tree itself grew bigger, taller, and stronger.

One could say that it was quickly becoming her mage tower. And, like any good mage tower, it was decorated in a style representative of its current occupant. Twilight, in a moment of odd brilliance, had used her magic to grow a particularly tasty type of grass to grow indoors, directly from the living wood floor, in place of carpet.

Sparkle, not knowing that the grass was there to be eaten, gently crept down the grass covered stairs of her sister's home. Each hoof step was muffled by the soft plant matter, rendering her effectively silent as she descended. And, with it being a new moon tonight, she was moving in total darkness. The darkness didn't bother her, though; the light of the tree's life-force was plenty to see by, even if she and her son were the only ones who could see it.

The light made her hunger worse. It was a small, but tantalizing treat that was visible in every direction. To Sparkle, it was like being on the inside of a truly edible gingerbread house. Or, more accurately, it was like being inside of a gingerbread house while craving something with a bit more sustenance to it.

Sparkle silently trotted down the stairs in pursuit of food, ignoring her circadian rhythm's protests that it was go-back-to-bed o’clock. Her eyes darted around, taking in the details of the library as seen through her soul-sight alone. The whole structure glowed a soft gold-purple mix, which was expected considering how saturated it was with Twilight’s magic.

The necromancer made her way through the main area of the library. Her hoof prints in the indoor grass were noticeably more brown than the surrounding plant matter, such was the effect of her power. Stealthily, she slipped into the kitchen.

She pried open the refrigerator door and peered in. Nothing looked particularly appetizing to Sparkle at the moment, but she was hungry. Sighing, she grabbed a chunk of cheese - what kind, she couldn’t tell - and headed towards the kitchen table.

Flopping down in the chair, she nibbled on the cheese. Provolone. She set it down on the oak table and sighed.

A minute later, a quick motion caught her eye. A few lights, brighter than the tree, scurried around on the floor. Sparkle’s horn darkened in response to this sight as it formed her magic into a spell that she’d cast numerous times recently.

The mice on the floor squeaked in surprise when they felt the soothing magic wash over them. Come, there is food and shelter here, the magic seemed to say, and they trusted it completely. Quickly, they scurried out into the open and up a leg of the table. They paused momentarily when they saw the pony, but the magic assured them that she is nice and trustworthy. The mice shrugged in their little mousy way and scurried towards the block of cheese. And, while they would have prefered a sweeter meal, they were hungry and wouldn’t complain about an easy snack.

Above the mice, Sparkle smiled, revealing teeth that were sharper and more pointed than a pony’s had any right to be. She picked up one of the mice with her telekinesis and gave it its own little chunk of the provolone. With its mouth full of dairy, the mouse didn’t protest its current situation.

“Twas the night before Hearth’s Warming, and all through the tree, not a creature was stirring, well, except for we,” Sparkle sang softly. Then, dropping into a more conversational tone, she asked the mouse, “Can I talk to you?”

The little brown mouse nodded, though in truth it was an act of puppetry on Sparkle’s part. “Thanks,” Sparkle replied, as if it had genuinely nodded. Meanwhile, the entranced mouse just continued to nibble. “Have you ever had a dream that felt like a good dream while you were having it, but then when you woke up, you realized it was actually a nightmare? I did.

“My sister and I were alone together in a room. I thought, ‘Wouldn’t it be nice to have what she has? She has everything; I have nothing.’” Then, harsher, she growled, “So I killed her. I put on her pelt and wore it like a coat.

“Then I went outside. All her friends and family thought that I was her, and we had fun. It was lovely. And then I woke up.”

Sparkle held the mouse closer to her face. She watched it continue to nibble on its cheese, unaware of her intentions. “It made me feel... Bah, who am I kidding. You don’t care about how I feel; you probably can’t even understand what I’m saying. Well, down the hatch.”

In a movement so quick, she shoved the mouse into her her gaping mouth and bit down. She could feel it wriggle and panic inside her mouth, but she sucked the life out of it, ending it quickly. She chewed for a minute, and then swallowed, enjoying its flavor all the while.

She looked at the other mice on the table, which were still entranced by her spell. One by one, she scooped them up and sent them to their demise in her stomach. After the last one slid down her throat, she rubbed her belly and belched quietly but proudly.

The room’s lights came on.

Sparkle jumped and whirled around. There stood Twilight, hoof on the lightswitch. “Twilight?” Sparkle asked nervously.

Twilight didn’t say anything, though. She walked into the kitchen, past her sister, and to one of the back cabinets. Pulling it open, she pulled out a bottle of Applejack’s namesake, unscrewed the cap, and took a deep swig. Without turning back, Twilight said, “I’d offer you some, but I think I’ll need it. Either you’re going to tell me what I just saw, or I’m going to drink this whole bottle and let the hangover deal with the memory.”

“Errr...” Sparkle eloquently replied. “How much did you see?”

“You passed me as I was coming out of the bathroom,” the white mage replied. “I followed you down.”

Sparkle’s head flopped down on the table. “Great. You saw everything.” She sighed deeply. “So, which part are you confused about? That your sister secretly wants to kill you and take your life like the green-eyed monster that she is, or that she likes her midnight snacks still squirming?”

Twilight took another swig and sat down across from Sparkle. “There isn’t a unicorn alive who’s as vegetarian as they claim to be, so let’s talk about that dream instead.”

Without removing her face from the table, Sparkle replied, “What’s to tell? I’ve always been a bit jealous of you, Ms. Perfect Life. Student of Celestia, both parents alive, more than just a single friend-slash-student-slash-slave to have any sort of comradery with, and the freedom to go anywhere and use your abilities without restriction. All I have is money and and a title that, because of my own actions, is worth little more than the paper it’s written on.”

The golden-white aura deposited the bottle of Applejack next to Sparkle. “You know we’re still too young to drink, right?”

“It’s eighteen in Ponyville, not twenty-one.”

“And I’m pregnant.”

“Liver augmentation spell, easy.”

Sparkle picked her head up and looked her sister in the eye. She didn’t say anything, but that one glance said all that needed to be said. Sparkle’s black aura lifted the bottle up to her lips.

Applejack and live mice went surprisingly well together, Sparkle decided after taking a long drink. She set the bottle back down on the table, and the two fell into silence.

Sparkle watched Twilight, who in turn watched her back. Neither moved, neither spoke, and despite the growing tension in the air, neither moved to break the silence.

Finally, after a few minutes, Twilight said, “I don’t know what to do. You can’t have my life, but other than giving you that, I don’t know how to help you.”

“Maybe I just need to grow up,” Sparkle quipped.

“Even thousand year old princesses feel jealousy sometimes,” Twilight replied. She took another sip and passed the bottle back to Sparkle. “Now, if you’re sure you’re not going to puke all over my house because of your... snacking, let’s get you upstairs and in bed. We don’t want to be too tired for Hearth’s Warming today.”


“It’s three A.M.”

“Ah.” Sparkle took one last swig and then screwed the cap back on. “Yes, let’s.”

“Wake up, Mom! It’s Hearth’s Warming!”

Twilight found herself roughly awakened by Spike climbing up and jumping on her bed with her still in it. “Come on! Come on!” Spike eagerly chanted.

“Gah, I’m up. I’m up!” Twilight said as she tumbled out of bed. After shaking her head to clear the last cobwebs of sleep (and, unbeknownst to Spike, alcohol), Sparkle stood up and trotted towards the restroom.

“Mom! Where are you going?” Spike asked. “Everyone else is already awake and downstairs.”

“Let a mare have a moment to freshen up, will you?” Twilight shot back.

“Fine,” Spike relented. And while it really was just a moment, any child will tell you that every second between waking up on Hearth’s Warming day and the acquisition of colorfully wrapped Tiny Objects of Youthful Sport can seem like an eternity.

That eternity ended a moment later when a more awake Twilight walked through the door of the bathroom. Upon seeing Spike practically bouncing in place, Sparkle nodded. “Go ahead, you big goofball.”

“Thanks, Mom!” his fading dust trail said. Twilight merely chuckled at this. Lighting up her horn, she set to work fixing the path of shredded and browned grass from her house’s more destructive residents. As she worked her way down, she could hear Spike loudly ripping into his presents, as well as some light conversation between Sparkle and Cobalt.

The first thing Twilight noted as she walked in was that Cobalt’s black stripes were now red, making him look like a living candy-cane. “Somepony’s in the festive spirit,” she commented to announce her presence.

Sparkle glanced over, her smile fading slightly. “Twi, about last night...”

“Save it. We’re all family here,” - she glanced at Cobalt to let him know she had included him in that statement - “and it’s Hearth’s Warming. Let’s not ruin the mood.”

Sparkle looked as if she were about to reply, but then shut her mouth and nodded. “Right. I brought you a gift, Twi.” Sparkle passed a decidedly book-shaped package wrapped in lavender paper to her sister. “Ancient tomes of doom and gloom aren’t the only books I collect.”

Twilight took the book. “Thanks! I... Well, you surprised me with your visit and I didn’t quite have time to get you anything.”

“That’s fine, I-”

“No,” Twilight interrupted. “I want to get you something. How about I treat you to a Spa treatment later today? Cobalt and Thorn can come too, if they want.”

Thorn, who had been watching the exchange, waved a claw dismissively. “Nah, Spike and I were going sledding today.” Behind him, Spike nodded in agreement.

Cobalt had also been listening to the exchange by virtue of having not been in a conversation at the time. “No thank you. Spas are not my thing. Besides, I would think it would be better for the two of you to catch up and spend time together.”

Something in Cobalt’s tone caught Twilight’s attention. “Suit yourself. But Cobalt, may I have a quick word with you? In private?”

Caught slightly off guard by the request, Cobalt said, “Uh, sure.” He followed her into another room of the library and shut the door behind him. “What’s up?”

“How is she?”

“Ms. Sparkle? She’s... fine.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “See, I don’t believe that, and I don’t think you do either.”

“Did you know magic can make you lie?” Cobalt asked. “I just thought it was interesting.”

“Wait, did she do something to you?”

“If she did, I certainly wouldn’t tell you. But no, she didn’t,” Cobalt replied. Twilight looked for any hint of deception, but couldn’t discern anything to hint at his truthfulness from his expression or tone.

“Do you like being her student?” Twilight asked.

“Very much so. Ms. Sparkle is an excellent teacher and has taught me well,” Cobalt replied, smiling.

“And do you like her?”

“Very much so. Ms. Sparkle is an excellent teacher and has taught me well,” Cobalt repeated, still smiling.

“I meant on a personal level,” Twilight said.

Cobalt glanced away. “Our relationship is strictly professional, if friendly.”

“Do you wish it was more, then?”


“I see,” Twilight replied. “I think I can trust you. Please, look out for her. She needs somepony by her side to keep her strong. And, I think that whatever relationship you pursue, she will reciprocate it.”

A short silence fell between the two of them. “Thanks. I will.”

“That’s all I ask,” Twilight replied gratefully.

Cobalt scratched one of his forelegs with the other. “Um, Ms. Twilight, I had something I wanted to ask you, too.”

“What is it?”

“I suffered from amnesia back in October. Since then, more of my memories have come back than I had let Ms. Sparkle know,” Cobalt admitted. “I wish they had stayed gone, personally. I was in a bad place back then, and just didn’t know it until I met Ms. Sparkle. Then, I completely freed myself.

“And then there’s the me that’s here, in this timeline...” Cobalt concluded.

Twilight’s eyes widened when she realized the implications. “This you is still suffering.”

“Exactly. If you don’t mind, I’d like to send him a letter with my advice and a recommendation to come to you. I’d be grateful if you’d turn him into something a bit more respectable than I am,” Cobalt pleaded.

Twilight put a hoof around his shoulder. “Don’t you worry. Your doppelganger will be in good hooves.”

“Thank you, Ms. Twilight.”

That afternoon, after a hearty lunch of potato soup, Twilight and Sparkle made their way across town towards the spa. Upon entering, they were greeted by Aloe and Lotus. Twilight paid for the deluxe package, and they were quickly escorted back.

As it so happened, Rarity had just arrived minutes before, and was in the process of donning a sauna robe. "Oh, Twilight, Sparkle! What a surprise!"

"Hello, Rarity. I should've known that you would come here today," Twilight replied. She smiled cheerfully. "This will be fun."

"Yes, definitely. After all that happened in Canterlot, I really could use this to unwind," Sparkle replied. She shed her normal robe in exchange for the sauna robe, and then pulled off her prosthesis. Since the illusions she wore were still in effect, it looked to others like she had bloodlessly ripped off her own leg. "Where can I set this?" She saw their expressions. "What? It's fake."

The illusion dissipated, revealing a black, metal leg with a skull and bone motif embossed into the metal. Normally, such prosthetic limbs would have the same heart motif that permeated Equestrian society, so to see something quite contrary to that made it stand out that much more.

Aloe told her to set it with her clothes, and that it would be safe there. Sparkle did so, and then hobbled into the sauna. Rarity and Twilight followed after.

"Sparkle, your leg..." Rarity said.

"You were there. You saw it bleeding after Discord took it," Sparkle replied. "No need to dance around the topic."

"No, that wasn't what I wanted to know, Darling," Rarity replied. "I was wondering who made it. I sometimes work with metals and gems to create my dresses, and even at a glance, I could tell that it was made by a skilled hoof."

"Ah." Sparkle thought for a moment. "It was made by a stallion up in Fillydelphia. Gearbox, I believe it was." Sparkle shrugged. "Anyway, metalworking?"

"I dabble with casting precious metals from time to time. I even occasionally have Spike help me with it; his claws and fire are very helpful," Rarity replied.

Sparkle shifted her weight slightly. "I'm sure he loves helping you."

"He does!" the white mare agreed. "He's always coming by and asking to help me. Spike is such a wonderful little colt."

"You know, Spike's absolutely smitten with you. Thorn too," Sparkle said.

Twilight groaned, while Rarity said, "Really?"

"I promised Spike I wouldn't tell," Twilight mumbled.

"Yes. For a while, Thorn sent you, well, your double, love letters practically daily," Sparkle explained. "I'm guessing Spike didn't do the same."

"No, but he came over all the time."

Sparkle smiled. "You've earned the undying love and loyalty of a dragon, something he'll take to the grave." Her eyes narrowed dangerously. "Don't squander it."

Sparkle suddenly stood and stretched. "I'm done. I'll be getting a massage; join me when you're ready."

Once Sparkle had left the sauna, Rarity turned towards Twilight. "Twilight, darling, forgive me for saying so, but your sister seems rather... Oh, what's the word... Intense?"

"She's had a rough life, Rarity. I don't think that she could live with herself if she weren't aggressive in seizing opportunities when they knock," Twilight said.

Rarity took a moment to digest that. "Did she really mean that about Spikey-wikey?"


"Now I feel guilty about gushing over other stallions while he was helping me," Rarity admitted. Sighing, she too stood up. "Come on, Darling, let's not keep your sister waiting."

"Sure." Rarity helped Twilight up, and the two of them exited the sauna. They switched to less sweaty robes, and made their way over to the massage tables.

Just as they were rounding the corner, Lotus screamed. The spa pony stood pressed up against the wall, keeping her distance from Sparkle, who had dropped all her beauty illusions. Scars from wounds improperly healed crisscrossed her body, and bone spurs protruded from her back. Her horn curved sharply and was as sharp and pointed as a sword.

"What?" Sparkle asked. "You can't do it right if you can't see my body correctly. You could hurt yourself on my spines," she told Lotus. When the masseuse didn't relax, Sparkle added, "I'm not going to bite." Of course, in speaking her assurances, she revealed her shark-like teeth, which mitigated her words' effectiveness.

Meanwhile, Rarity leaned over and whispered into Twilight's ear, "I don't mean to be rude, but are the two of you really ponies?"

Twilight rolled her eyes. Trotting forwards, she hopped onto the massage table next to Sparkle. "Lotus, that's my sister. It's fine."

"Right. I am sorry if I offended," Lotus said apologetically. "Will you want a horn filing as well, ma'am? It's on the house for my overreaction."

Sparkle shrugged. "Sure, that sounds nice."

Lotus sighed, relieved that she hadn't just lost a customer. Her relief was short lived, as Aloe and Quake - a fellow masseuse - walked in and promptly screamed.

The door to the library opened, letting in two ponies and a blast of cold air. The fire in the fireplace danced merrily because of the wind as if inviting the two mares over. Peeling off their outer layers, they dropped them on the floor and trotted over to the warm blaze.

Each mare set herself down next to her own son; both dragons were reading by the fireplace. “Did you get cold?” Sparkle asked.

“Dragons don’t get cold, Mom,” Thorn replied, not looking away from his comic book.

“Right.” Sparkle chuckled softly, and then set her head down on the floor to bask in the warmth of the fire. Between the spa and the warm hearth, she was getting quite sleepy. She yawned softly. “Whatcha reading?”

Thorn tilted the comic book so that his mom could get a better look at the cover, which had been written on in black ink. “Power Ponies. Somehow, I’d missed this issue. The date’s misprinted, so I don’t know when it’s from. It says it’s from two years from now!”

“Well, publishers sometimes make mistakes,” Sparkle said. “Who are O.K. and T.?” On the cover of the comic book was written ‘from O.K. & T., with love.’

“No idea,” Thorn replied with a shrug. “It was that way when I got it.”

“Spike,” Twilight said, “let’s make hot chocolate for everypony.” Spike, liking the idea, leapt up from his position on the other couch and followed his mom into the kitchen.

From the kitchen door, going in the opposite direction, was Cobalt. After stepping aside to let Twilight and Spike in, he walked out into the main room of the library. “You're back, Ms. Sparkle. How was the spa?”

“It was good,” she replied. “Although, the spa ponies were scared by my spines. Still, I got a-”

“Hey!” Thorn suddenly. “That can’t be it!”

“What can’t be what?” Cobalt inquired, trotting over to Thorn.

“This!” Thorn said, holding up the comic book. “It just cuts off, like there are pages missing.”

“Well, you did say the date was messed up. Maybe there was more defective with it than we thought,” Sparkle suggested.

Cobalt gathered his magic and lifted the comic book closer to him. “No, it doesn’t look like pages are missing,” he declared after inspecting it. “There’s something written here. I can’t make it out. Does Twilight have a magnifying glass?”


“MY DESK, TOP DRAWER ON THE LEFT!” Twilight yelled back.

Sparkle opened the indicated drawer and pulled out the object of her desire. “THANKS! Here we go...”

Taking the lense from his mistress, Cobalt held it up to the comic book. “You can return to the place you started when the Mane-iac is defeated. Take a closer look to join the adventure in this book? What does that even mean?”

Suddenly, the comic book erupted with brilliant white light. Without warning, Cobalt found his face sucked into the book. Sparkle and Thorn, who had been just behind him as he read the small text, also found themselves being pulled along by the magical attraction.

They screamed, and then there was silence.

Spike and Twilight dashed into the room, only to see the comic book fall to the floor of an empty room.

“What the buck.”

“Language, Spike,” Twilight chided. “But what the buck, indeed."

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