• Published 20th Jan 2015
  • 748 Views, 28 Comments

A New Way In The Everfree - Cookie_Girl

Quite a few pokemon and humans turned pokemon wake up in the Everfree Forest. Maybe they should stay there.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Author's Note:

From now on this story will be narrated so that I can exploit the characters ability to break the forth wall. Please imagine that I sound like Patrick Stewart.

Circles. That is all that he knew at the moment. Circling around in the sky above the Everfree Forest. Circling around like a rodent running circles around a circular maze as it tries to reach the piece of cheese tied to its tail. The reason for his...

"If you say circles one more time I swear to Arceus that I will find some way to use the internet as a blunt weapon, and beat you to death with it."

... The Rattata continued on in his perfectly level rotating flight path. The reason for this was that his jetpack had malfunctioned. So it was that he continued on his rotating path that had started shortly after takeoff, and lasted for several hours.

He was quite sick to his stomach now, and felt like ejecting his breakfast.

"Yeah, right now would be a really inconvenient time for someone to be underneath meeeaaach!" he vomited. "Oh, gee ya think, bleeeaaach!" he vomited again. "Ugh, this feels like the time I tried that imitation MexIndian food at the mall, it was like I bleeeaaach!" and one more time. Luckily all of the vomit harmlessly landed on the ground.

"What?" he asked. "That's it? I puke while flying around in circles," he said circles. "and nothing else happens? Laaaaaaame."

Ah, but it seems that not all of it hit the ground, as one poor pokemon was unfortunate enough to be flying beneath him looking up in wonder at the flying Rattata. "Ha! Now that's more like it. So who got the hot wet facial."

It was Zapdos. "........jerk." Indeed Joker, indeed.

The Legendary came up behind him, great wings barely flapping as electricity sparked from them. Joker tried reasoning with the Legendary. "I don't suppose you'd believe me if I said it was the voice in my head who did that would you?"


I don't think you are forgiven Joker. "No shi" the attack hit its mark "iiieeieiiet!"

Electricity jolted through the jetpack connecting with the malfunctioning parts, and "Weeeeeeeeeee!" sent Joker flying off like a rocket. Zapdos followed closely behind, covered in a field of electricity.

The Legendary Electric Pokemon sent Zap Cannon after Zap Cannon at the rocket propelled Rattata missing every single time. "Ahhh yeah! Who's bad? I'm bad! Hammer time! Can't touch this!" Joker celebrated too soon. "Huh?" a shadow fell across him. When he looked up Joker found himself staring into the eyes of Electric vengeance. "Well, crap." he deadpanned.

A malicious grin appeared on Zapdos' beak. "Thunder!"

From the clear sky above a single bolt of powerful lightning shot down. It connected with Zapdos first, mixing with the Legendary's own power to become even stronger. When it struck Joker the Thunder was nearly twice its normal power. The jetpack exploded, causing Zapdos to look away from the rodent.

The attack that was once known as the most powerful Electric move continued on down, and would probably have harmlessly hit the ground if the lightning rod had not gotten in the way. Electricity traveled down the rod, along the many wires at the bottom, and into the dead body that the wires connected to. Dr Frankenstallion's monster lay motionless for a moment. Then the monster's hooves started to twitch.

Zapdos was still in the sky above, furiously searching for a target. "He went that way." Zapdos turned to look at the voice's owner. A small Spearow pointed its beak in a random direction. The Legendary thanked the tiny bird pokemon, and went hunting.

When Zapdos was out of earshot the Spearow opened its beak and laughed. "Good thing I'm a Ditto." Indeed Joker, indeed.

Joker flew down to the ground, and shapeshifted into an oddly costumed human. He then took a quick look around before setting himself to the task of gathering supplies. Moments later he started building a device that would allow him to send a message. When he was finished anyone who saw it would recognise it, but they would be confused as to how he had gotten the complicated looking targeting system.

He then picked up a coconut sized rock, and began writing on it with a permanent marker. "To Weiss. Haha, got you. With love, and a punch to the groin. From your pal, Joker."

Joker then loaded the ammunition into his giant slingshot, and looked through the scope. With the infrared lens he was able to see his target in the reflection of the layer of magic in the sky. "There you are!" He stepped back, and pulled the release lever. "Sling!"

Elsewhere, a Bisharp would be hit in the helm by a rock.