• Published 20th Jan 2015
  • 748 Views, 28 Comments

A New Way In The Everfree - Cookie_Girl

Quite a few pokemon and humans turned pokemon wake up in the Everfree Forest. Maybe they should stay there.

  • ...

Chapter 7

A low whistling sound could be heard growing louder by the second as a shadow on the ground grew larger. Soon the yelling of a very frightened someone could be heard increasing in volume. When the whistling and yelling did not seem as if they could get any louder a pink pony crashed into the ground. A dust cloud of rather impressive size erupted from the impact and took several moments to clear away. When it did finally clear the dust cloud revealed an impact crater in the shape of a pony, tail included. From out of this crater came the pained moans of a young mare.

"Ow..." was Screwball's only comment.

A pikachu climbed out of the hole with a berry held carefully in its mouth.

"Pecha, are you sure it's safe to stay with her?" the berry asked.

"...yes?" the pikachu whose name was Pecha said.

"Was that an answer or a question?"


"Well hey! Thanks for keeping me safe then." the berry said in a rather sarcastic voice.

"But Oran, if we don't stay with her we'll get eaten by monsters." Pecha reminded his brother. "I don't want to get eaten by monsters."

"Yeah getting eaten by monsters would be pretty bad especially if they don't completely kill you first but just swallow you whole and it would be even worse if you were eating dinner and you were just about to start desert but the monster came along and was like OM NOM NOM and ate you before you got to eat it and you were just like SHINY!" the pikachu that had been talking suddenly rushed off to dig up a gem that had been sticking out of the earth.

"Oh look, we found Cheri." Oran paused. "...yay?"

"Cheri!" Pecha ran to his other brother.

"Oh don't worry about me." Oran said. "I'll just sit here and enjoy being eaten by a rattata!"

Cheri and Pecha looked back at Oran who indeed had a rattata looking at him.

"That's not your Oran!" Cheri yelled and tackled the mouse pokemon away. "It's mine."

"Yeah I'm his Oran!" Oran said. "...wait a second."

Cheri picked up the Oran berry and held it to his mouth to eat it.

"That's not food." Screwball said after she climbed out of the hole. She put a hoof over Cheri's mouth. "That's a pikachu that got turned into a berry."

Cheri looked at the berry which was visibly trembling. "Please don't eat me."

"OhmygoshOranImsorry!" Cheri yelled and hugged his brother.

Screwball paid no more attention to them as she started to do something that she rarely ever did. She was making a plan. Soon enough she grinned a sinister grin that showed exactly how much like her father she truly was.

Scary Story shook her head as another round of aches assaulted it. The headaches had started after that hydra had stepped on her. Every now and then one would flare up and then disappear. Sometimes she could hear something like voices whispering in the back of her mind.

"Are you okay?" Joy asked.

"I'm fine." Scary told her and smiled. "You go on ahead and light the way, I'll stay back here and keep watch."

"Keep watch for what?" Joy asked.

"That hot tail of yours." Scary winked at Joy and the nurse blushed.

"Scary don't talk like that when other people area around!" Joy said.

"What do you mean? I'm just talking about your tail." Scary said and pointed at Joy's tail. "It's so hot and bright that I can keep track of you in the darkness of the Everfree."

"Oh, um, alrighty then." Joy could not tell if Scary was funny or not so she just trotted on ahead.

Scary let everyone else get ahead of her. When she was far enough behind the bat pony flicked her ears and listened.

There were definitely voices in her head. She scrunched up her face and concentrated on what she had learned from the Fourth Wall book.

Three demons were standing in the darkness of her mind talking to each other. They did not look like anything in particular and their forms kept shifting. Each of them had a defining trait to tell them apart. One has no eyes, another had no ears, and the last had no mouth.

The first demon who had no eyes spoke. "Where are we, I can't see a thing."

The demon with no mouth turned to the one with no ears and wiggled its fingers in a fluttering motion.

"You can't see anything because you're blind." said the earless demon. "We however can't see anything because there's nothing to see."

"What are you doing in my head?"

The two demons that could hear turned to face the speaker, and the deaf one had to be pointed in the right direction. Scary Story was standing not far from them and looking not too happy to see them.

"We are the demons three." they said together and completely out of sync so it just sounded like a bunch of rambling. They then proceeded to argue with each other about who had messed it up.

"Quiet!" Scary yelled at them. They stopped and looked at her. "Why are you in my head?"

"We aren't supposed to be in your head. We are supposed to be in your soul where we can corrupt you to evil. The book should have snatched it away from you and left you a blank slate, but that other book interrupted the process and now we're trying to possess you." the blind demon told her.

The mute demon finished signing what was said to the deaf one, who then slapped the blind one. "Silence you fool! You're telling her everything! Why don't you just tell her what we're afraid of?!"

"Oh I already know that." she said. "And if you don't behave then I'll make it happen."

"Oh really? What would that be?" asked the blind demon.

"Fluffy bunny clowns." Scary said.

The three demons all paled. "You wouldn't..." they said, though one was still mute.

"Fluffy! Bunny! Clowns!" Scary yelled. The sound of hopping and laughing could be heard coming closer.

"Please no! We will do anything!" they cowered before her.

"...alright then."

Back in the real world Scary snapped out of her trance. She looked around and saw that the others had moved on and left her behind. She jumped sideways into a shadow and popped up in front of them.

"Boo!" she shouted.

They all panicked and scrambled away from her. Joy accidentally set a tree on fire, Rusty drilled into the ground, Monk took up a karate stance, Jenny puffed up and started floating around, Kabutops turned her head away and waved her blades randomly, and the little eevee charged at her while saying "Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite Bite."

When Scary didn't run or attack he stopped. Scary patted him on the head and said "Good little Scrappy."

"So, what should we do now Yakko?" Dot asked her brother.

"Uuuuhhhhh, we could go say hi to Arceus." Yakko suggested.

"Well let's see what he's up to." Dot said.

Yakko reached under Wakko's hat and pulled out a script which he then read. "I think he may have enough to deal with already." he said before crumpling up the paper and passing it to Wakko who then ate it.

"We could go accidentally let the bad guys out of Tartarus and then catch them." Wakko suggested.

"No, then we would have to eventually deal with the stare." Yakko pointed out.

"Well, what are we gonna do?" Dot asked. "I'm getting bored."

A rustling could suddenly be heard from the trees. The three Spinda siblings paused in their plotting and waited to see if something fun would happen.

From out of the trees came Screwball, riding on the backs of a hoard of Pikachu that were all chanting , "Candy candy candy candy candy candy candy candy candy candy candy candy candy candy candy." as she pointed ahead with her right hoof and yelled , "The world shall be your candy my minions!"

The Spinda siblings for once did something very predictable and sensible. They ran in fear.

Author's Note:

Screwball now has an army of magically cloned hyperactive pikachu at her command.

Comments ( 3 )



It's the Pikadorapocalypse. :yay:

6122638 it has returned and oh sweet lord the candy is doomed lady mew save the candy

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