• Published 20th Jul 2015
  • 2,312 Views, 108 Comments

Ponies Meet New York - Caddy Finz

You may recall the events of a few years ago when a reformed criminal from New York City found a way to Equestria. The human-turned-pony Vincenzo is back and he's here to set things right once again! This time, he gets to revisit his old home.

  • ...

Chapter 8: Papa Vinnie

"Okay, fine I'll admit it!" I huffed as the girls persuaded me to make a confession. "I think she's hot, alright?"

"Bahahahaha! Did you hear that, everypony?" Rainbow Dash laughed. "Vinnie's got the hots for Luna!"

"Gahaha! What other juicy stuff ya gonna tell us?" Applejack asked.

"Probably more about how juicy he thinks Luna's butt is, am I right?" Fluttershy of all ponies added.

Though awkward as this moment was for me as my blush plainly showed, a moment where everypony could laugh and joke around was much needed at a time like this. Everypony in the car erupted in laughter and despite being embarrassed to no end, I found it hard to complain about. In fact, I even decided to humor them and go along with it.

"At least I waited until I was the same species to start finding her attractive." I chuckled in response causing Fluttershy to blush as her eyes darted around the car.

"Ohhh, feel the burn, Flutters!" Rainbow Dash laughed.

"Oh! Speaking of which..." Twilight began. "I bought a newspaper while you were running from that crazy guy. I find it hard to believe this citrus fruit with a toupe has almost as much political support as this Bernie guy. He seems to have some great ideas."

"Sparks, please." I said. "I'm in a good mood for once, let's not ruin it by reminding me how fucked this country is if the Trump chump wins."

Finally, at long last, we were over the bridge and just entering Manhattan. There it was; The glitz and glamour of the North side of the island. As much as I wanted to just slow down and admire the nice neighborhood, we did look a bit out of place driving an old rusty hunk of shit. All the other cars around were nice new luxury cars that belonged here. My smoking, backfiring mess would draw some unwanted attention from the local well to do so we would need to move it along. Still, I knew Rarity would enjoy seeing Park Avenue and it was nice to be able to show her at least for a few minutes.

At this point, we were getting quite close to Central Park and if I remembered correctly, the fountain that I fell into those years ago was on the North-East side of Central Park. As we went even further down, I even started to vividly recall taking a cab right around here before having the driver drop me off at the park to ponder where my life was about to go.

"Ah okay, if I turn right on East 104th street..." I mumbled to myself. "The entrance to the park should be right in front of us...there!"

We came to the end of the street and stopped for a red light with one of the many side streets leading into Central Park directly straight ahead. As we waited for the traffic to clear and the light to turn green, the girls looked in both directions to see just how long the park was from end to end. Seeming as though they couldn't see either end as it was much too long, they all just stared in awe at the massive spectacle that stood before us.

"This is a park?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Sure is." I replied. "One of the many wonders of the National icon that is New York City."

"It's huge!" Twilight said.

"That's what she said." Fluttershy blurted out, earning herself the perplexed stares from everypony in the car.

"Not that I mind but what's gotten into you lately?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I'm just trying to fit in."

"Okay, girls, I'm parking it right here." I said as I put the car in park, shut it off and hopped out. "It's all coming back to me now. C'mon, this way."

I left the car for what would be my last time. It was sad to see it rust and crumple but giving it a purpose one last time made me feel a little better. I looked around a bit more and remembered the area well. The day I left New York, I entered this side of the park and walked about a half mile North to where I was secretly followed by two old rivals. After reaching the fountain, they tried to snuff me out. I wasn't planning on going without a fight so after a struggle, I found myself under water which is how I ended up in Equestria.

We started our trot down the concrete path with Applejack being helped along by Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash as we all hummed among ourselves while we drew ever closer to our doorway back home. We would probably have to wait until tomorrow for Princess Celestia to show up and open the portal for us. On the bright side, there were plenty of places to hide. Lots of foliage to use as cover. The familiar area was so close, we could almost taste it. It was just then when something else that was about to come and throw a wrench in everything.

"Vinnie! Girls! Look!" Twilight gasped as she pointed at someone further down the path. "It's that guy we saw earlier!"

That wasn't something I wanted to hear. We had just outrun a large threat and were so close to our way home. The last thing we needed was more trouble from him. I froze up and looked over expecting to see that crazed dog catcher but instead saw the young guy who ran me over with the little Honda...and he looked like he was hitting the sauce again very hard.

"Yeesh, is that guy smashed again?" Applejack asked. "We only saw him tear off all wasted this morning!"

"Dude's got a problem." Rainbow Dash said.

It was a pitiful sight. To see such a young guy staggering around Central Park with a bottle of whiskey in his hand after getting plastered at eight o'clock in the morning was simply heartbreaking. After watching him for a moment, the kid took one final gulp finishing off his bottle before falling right to the ground and landing on his back. He was out cold.

"This is just sad." Twilight said as she trotted up to the passed out kid. "This poor guy needs help."

"Is he okay?" Pinkie asked."

"Well, he's alive but definitely not okay." Applejack said as she removed her hat.

"Vinnie?" Rarity asked. "C-can we all talk for a moment?"

"About what, Gem?" I replied.

"About...him. Now that he's lying still, take a good look at his face. Are you sure he doesn't look familiar?"

"Now that she brings that up..." Fluttershy began. "I swear we've seen his face before. I don't know where but we all just have this feeling."

"That and what are the odds we'd see him twice within less than a day in a city of eight million?" Rainbow Dash said. "This can't be a coincidence."

"I don't know, girls." I began as I searched the guy's pockets for clues. "All I know is we can't just leave him here like this. Ah, here. I'll see if I can find out where he lives so we can bring him back home in the car. We'll have to come back to meet the Princesses tomorrow."

As I pulled a wallet out of the guy's pocket, a small, wrinkled pink piece of paper fell out with it. I decided to check that first. After I flattened the paper out on the ground, I could see a part of what the kid's problem was.


Vincent: As you know, you were recently mandated to take a drug/alcohol test after appearing to be intoxicated during a shift at the store. We at Excelsior Auto Parts Inc. regret to inform you that you have failed and are being stripped of your employment status with the company. Nonetheless, we hope that you seek treatment for the issue and wish you the best of luck. It is not personal, we just cannot allow our employees to be intoxicated on the job.

"Poor kid just lost his job..." I said as I looked for a driver's license. "He's having a rough week but that still doesn't explain all the drinking. Apparently he had a problem before he got himself canned."

I ended up finding a license which showed his full name, date of birth, and most importantly his address.

Sachentov Vincent, Joseph

19872 Maple Street Apt C4

Brooklyn, NY

Sex/M Height/6'3'' Eyes/Brown

DOB 04/08/1993

"Sachentov!?" I gasped, ignoring the address. "Th-that was my girlfriend Jenny's last name...Okay, this is getting weird."

"Incredible!" Twilight said. "You must have some kind of connection with him! Keep looking!"

"He was born in April of ninety-three...that's...oh God..."

"Vinnie, what's wrong?" Pinkie asked.

"April of 1993. That's...nine months after Jenny left me...and now that I think about it, this kid looks a lot like..."

Before I finished my sentence, I pulled a small photograph out of the young man's wallet. What I saw in the picture startled me so much I nearly jumped out of my horseshoes.

"Yipe!" I squeaked as I dropped the picture.

I simply couldn't for the life of me comprehend what I had just seen. I nervously reached down to pick up the picture to double take and make sure I wasn't going crazy. I was very close to doing so when I took a good long look at the small photograph that sat on my hoof. It was of a happy looking couple both the man and woman in their late twenties...the woman was my old flame, Jenny and the man was me...

It all hit me like a truck full of bricks. All the signs and everything we've been through in the past few days just rushed through my head. The fact that we were sucked into a portal was for a reason. Fate caused this kid and I to meet for a reason. This kid looks nearly identical to me when I was a human, and the photo he was carrying of me and my girlfriend Jenny was the cherry on top of the clusterfuck sundae.

I Started to feel lightheaded and my back legs quickly gave out before I plopped my ass on the ground. I couldn't take my eyes of the picture but now that I was sitting down, the girls could finally get a look at what was putting me in such a trance. I had described what Jenny looked like to my friends before and they never forgot what I looked like as a human. That being the case, the gasps I heard from the girls after they peaked over my shoulder at the picture I was holding were expected. Soon after, my shock grew worse as I started to hyperventilate.

"Vinnie, buddy, just slow down." Rainbow Dash said as she placed a comforting hoof on my back. "Deep breaths, dude deep breaths."

"Vincenzo, dearest?" Rarity said, following suit. "I think we all know what all these things coming together mean but no matter what, we'll be by your side to support you every step of the way."

"G-girls?" I stuttered. "I don't...*urp* I don't feel so good."

Fluttershy and Rarity escorted me to a spot behind some bushes were I promptly threw up while Twilight, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash helped an injured Applejack and carried the passed out Vincent to the car. Finally, after several minutes of losing the contents of my stomach, I was ready to take some deep breaths and actually think rationally for a moment.

Okay, let's see...I and some friends of mine got forced through an underwater portal and stranded in one of the biggest cities in the world...got the police and animal control trying to catch us...found my old car that I drove when I was a human and now found a kid passed out drunk who happens to be my son I never knew I had. No biggie, right? As hard as I was being hit by all of this at once, I knew what we all had to do as our plans had changed dramatically. I was finally calmed down enough to get back into the car and put our new plan into action.

"Girls, here's what we're gonna do." I began as I started the car with our inebriated passenger in the back seat. "We're taking this Vincent guy back to his place...when he wakes up in the morning, we need to have a very serious talk with him. The princesses will have to wait. Now, we gotta head over to Brooklyn."