• ...

Mom, Dad guess what? I'm a pony!!

"Ow! Watch out where you're going you-" He says, rubbing his head, after thunking it on the floor from falling, until he notices what he's bumped into. "Pony?" He asks with a disbelieving dumbfounded look on his face. I simply sigh as I stand back on my feet, um...hooves. I'd help him as he stands, but, now I'm too short for doing that.

"H-hey Kevin..." I reply awkwardly , giving a slight wave of my hoof.

"How do you know my name?" HE asks, taking a step back wondering how a pony he's never seen before knows his name. I let out a deep sigh.

"Could I talk to you privately?" I ask. "I'm getting too much unwanted attention out here." I reply, trying to hide myself behind nothing. Just making myself feel smaller seems to be doing the trick to make me feel better, as people pass by shaking heads, stopping and staring in disbelief, taking pictures, etcetera.

"Why do you need to talk to me? I don't even...wait...you look like one of those ponies form that show my friend Dalton likes to watch!" He says, pointing a finger at me as he slowly begins to put the pieces of the puzzle back together. "This is very strange. Dalton just disappears, then you show up out of nowhere." He shrugs.

"About that..." I begin to respond when he speaks up again, cutting me off.

"Did you do something with my friend?! Cause if you did, you're gonna feel pain like you've never felt before!" He raises a fist into the air, showing he's really going to hit me.

"I didn't do anything to your friend. That's why I want to talk to you Kevin." I reply, taking a few steps back, and he lowers his hand.

"My friend disappears, then some weird pony pops up out of nowhere, and somehow knows my name, and wants to talk to...me...about...Dalton?" He begins to stutter at the end, and when he meant it in a way to ask If I'm Dalton. I nod in response. "Oh my god. I know you're a brony, but I didn't think you were to the point of obsession to where you'd turn yourself into one of them!"

"Look, I didn't do this! I passed out in the bathroom, and woke up in the body of Cloudchaser okay?"

"I don't know what to believe right now. All I know is that you're this...Cloudchaser now." Kevin replies waving his left hand in circles.

"Ugh, and my dad's picking me up today too! What's he gonna think about this?" I ask worryingly, as begin to slightly hyperventilate.

"You're gonna have to tell him man. It wouldn't seem right to run away out there like this when you don't know who could do what to you. I highly suggest just telling him. He may not believe it at first, but as soon as he realizes you're not there anymore and that there's a pony saying she's his son, it'll get through to him, I'm sure." He says, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

"Yeah, I-I guess you're right. He's outback." I reply, beginning to walk towards the rear side of he school. Luckily by now, there are only a few kids left to leave, but still I get many different reactions from them. Just before I get to the doors, I hear a voice call my name, well, her name.

"Cloudchaser?" The masculine voice asks. I turn to see a guy who looks to be about five foot six, black shades on his head over his short orange hair, and he's wearing...a...Cloud...chaser...shirt. "How the fuck are you real?!" He asks, walking over to me. He kneels down a bit, and begins stroking my mane. I sigh deeply. "Hey what's wrong?" The guy asks.

"I'm not Cloudchaser." I deadpan.

"Then who are you?"

"You wouldn't ever believe me." I push open the door, and I begin walking outside where I see my dad's wine red, 2008 Cadillac STS, with silver trim, and a slight glitter to the paint job to make it shine.

"Are you sure about this Kevin?" I ask, as he follows just behind me.

"Yeah. I just hope he doesn't take it to where he disowns you or something." He replies, giving me a pat on my neck.

"Okay..." I approach the drivers passenger side door, and I rear up on my hind legs a bit to see inside. He seems to be distracted by these groups of girls walking by. Must be perving over teenage buttocks again. I back down from the door. "Kevin?"

"Yeah Dalton?"

"Could you tell him for me? I just don't think I can do this." I sigh sadly, and I lower my head in shame.

"Sure pal." He replies, and he taps on the window to get dad's attention.

"What do you need?" I hear dad's deep voice ask from inside the car.

"Uh...it's about Dalton. Are you his father?" He asks nervously.

"Yes, what happened?"

"I don't think you'd believe me if I just told you. Your son had a pretty big change today." Kevin says, rubbing his neck again.

"I can tell since he's starting to skip classes. I got a call he was in a bathroom for two hours." Dad scoffs.

"Well, he didn't skip. He passed out, and well...he woke up like this." He says, opening the door, so dad could see me.

"D-D-Dalton?" He asks shockingly, his eyes wide, and his mouth agape.

"Hey dad." I reply quietly, avoiding his gaze. With a sigh, I hop into the car. I sit down on the chair, ad I fumble with the buckle to get buckled in.

"Here, let me help." Kevin says, taking the belt form me, and buckles me in.

"Thanks." I say, as he closes the door, and he begins to walk off.

"Call me later, that's if you can still dial the numbers!" He says as he walks back into the building.

Dad sits there staring at e for what seems like ages. I'd tell him to stop, but I can't blame him, because I'd be the same way too if he had been the one to go pony. I close my eyes, as I lay my head back against the seat, turned towards the window.

"So a pony huh?" Dad asks, finally breaking the silence.


"Well that's different."

"Can we just go home dad?" I ask impatiently.

"Oh...uh...yeah. Sorry." He starts up the car, and the engine comes to life with a low roar.

We pull out of the parking lot, and into the busy street, where cars are going back and forth. Neither me or dad say a thing due to the magnitude of weirdness that surrounds us, keeping us in a cell of silence. My new pony ears swivel around on the top of y head, trying to pick up as much sound as possible. Some people like to say that they just move on their own, but they are dead wrong. When you hear something, no matter how much attention you pay to it, you always take into account that a sound was just made, and the brain sends message to the muscles of the ear to get it to turn to face the sound, and thus, we have the swiveling motion. I look down on the rest of my body in disgust, and my tail flicks once like it just agreed with me. I glare at it, ad it tucks it's self closer to my body as if it were afraid. Seems as if my ears and tail according to my emotions.

"So...you do believe I'm Dalton...your son...right?" I ask dad, taking a few one second glances at him.

"I guess since it all kind of...adds up. Except for the being turned into a pony part. I don't suppose you know how this happened to you, do you?" I simply shake my head.

"You don't seem very affected by this at all actually." I have to admit it, he's acting as he usually does, well except for the fact we're talking most of the time.

"I'm kind of fighting my emotions right now. I feel angry because I know someone did this to you, I'm confused because I have no idea why they would do this to you, but most of all, I'm worried about it." He replies, not looking at me. Well, I bet he wants to see his son, but every time he looks at him, he sees the same purple pony each time. "I bet your mother's gonna freak out about it." He chuckles a bit. I can just imagine mom having an emotional roller coaster ride right now.

"You don't think any different of me...do you? You're not gonna make me stay outside, or treat me any less than you have?"

"Well...no, we're just going to have to adapt to it, and make some changes so things will go smoothly...I guess." He replies with a long sigh.

"I hope the dog won't try to tear me up or anything." I say, making a little chuckle.

The thought of my dog sinking her canines into me, and ripping me apart makes me want to gag. I never thought anything could get much worse than this until that horrific thought came into mind. She's a German Husky, that most of the time has an aggressive attitude, and she's only six years old, and she can already tackle my dad to the ground. He got me the dog for my tenth birthday, when the dog was only a year old. We had named her Snow, because her fur is that of a snow white color. I'm talking about snow, not that chick that lives with seven midgets in a cottage deep in the woods. Creepy. I wouldn't want to live alone with seven dwarfs in the middle of the woods. I'd never do it. Now if I was bribed a million bucks, then hell yeah, but who's gonna do that?

I remember a time, some dude tried to rob us in the middle of the night, and he didn't even last a full minute before Snow had him contained. I broke in via back door, and Snow had been sleeping with me in my bed. I awoke to her listening very cautiously, and when a loud banging, and cracking sound was made, she flew off the bed with much gusto, barking away. I heard a gunshot, and I immediately got worried, and I ran off to see if she was okay, and to my luck, she had the guys neck in her mouth. She wasn't biting down, but when the guy even tried to move, she'd tighten down a little until the guy was still again.

I took it upon myself to take the gun, and I pulled the magazine out after figuring out how it worked. The next day, snow was in the newspaper. Apparently the guy was a wanted guy for murder, attempted murder, drug trafficking, theft, possession of drugs, and many other things. She is really one smart dog, and only uses her large amount of strength when needed. So, if she were to use her power on me, I wouldn't even stand a chance. I know how to walk, but when it comes to running, I'm at a loss, Plus I can't fly either. Now that I do have wings I will learn how to fly, because flying would be the coolest thing ever!

Upon our arrival home, all I can think of is mom, and how she may react to me being...you know...a pony. When we get to the front door, dad stops to look at me, and he gives me a reassuring smile, and rubs his hand in my mane for a second before pulling away. I nod once, and slowly, then he pulls a ring of keys out of his pocket, and sticks them i the door, and opens the lock. He returns the keys to his pocket, and he turns the door knob and pushes the door open, as it creaks, spilling the afternoon light over the wooden living room floor. As soon as the door begins to creak, I hear barking, followed by the sound of claws scraping the wooden floor.

She emerges from the kitchen, and stops dead in her tracks. She only does this because she knows I'm home, but she doesn't see me. Instead she sees a light purple pegasus in my place. She walks up to me cautiously, and begins sniffing me. She begins with my muzzle, then goes to my ears, then to my neck, and forelegs. She continues onto my wings, then my back, next my hind legs, then my flank, and finally the tail. She steps back out in front of me, and coks her head, with a slight whimper, her blue eyes shimmering in the light, like diamonds. Not saying I find her beautiful. I'm just saying what her eyes look like.

"Hey Snow." I say softly, petting her head with a hoof.

"Back off now, you silly dog." Dad says, trying to push Snow away, but she doesn't budge.

"Dad, it's okay, I think she knows it's me." I reply, laying a hoof on my dads arm to reassure him it's okay.

"If you even think about barely scratching him, you're out." he states with a firm voice which he rarely uses to show he means business. Then he walks over to the couch by the door, and takes a seat. I look back at snow, who I'm just barely taller than, now. She begins licking my face, starting with my left cheek, then my right cheek, and then my neck, First it starts with seeing what I smell like, now she wants to know what I taste like XD.

"Okay okay I get it snow!" I try to push her off of me, but it's no use.

"Snow!" Dad shouts, and snow immediately removes herself from me, whimpering, her ears flat against her skull. I can't help but d'aww as she sits, so I wrap my forelegs around her for a hug, and I nuzzle the side of her neck, like always.

"Honey, you're home so soon?" I hear mom's voice coming from her bedroom, then footsteps. I let go, of Snow, and I step out in clear view from the hallway, right before she comes out. At first she doesn't notice me, until a clear my throat to get her attention. "H-hun? Where's Dalton, and what is this...pony thing...doing here?" She asks, her breath short and choppy.

"That would be your son, dear." Dad replies, looking at something on his phone.

"Hey mom." I say with a slight wave, just like i did with dad, and Kevin.

"Ok, this had better be some trick. My son isn't a talking pony."

"Want me to prove it, mom?" I say with an emphasis on mom.

"Try your best, then get out!" She yells, pointing at the door which is still wide open.

"Hey Snow, go get your leash girl!" I coo, and the white puppy, who obliges immediately, claws scraping the floor again. A minute later, she returns with the red leash in her mouth. I told her to do this because I'm the only one she'll wan to take a walk with. Whenever I tell her to get her leash, she gets it, but anybody else, she'll walk away like nothing was ever said to her. Plus I'm the only one she has ever asked to have take her out for walk. She pants furiously, gazing deep into my eyes, and mom gasps loudly, and gets don on her knees in front of me.

"Is that really you, Dalton?" She asks, tears creeping into her eyes.

"Yeah, sadly." I reply with Cloudchaser's voice, since I lost mine to hers.

"How is this even possible?" She reaches out to touch my mane, but pulls away when she makes contact, then she notices my wings. "Y-you're a pegasus?" I nod.

"This is the new me I guess." I say shrugging a little. Then mom does something unexpected. She holds me in her arms, hugging me tight. I go to hug her back, but I have to get up on my hind legs to reach her neck and shoulders.

"I'm so sorry I didn't believe you!" She moans, as she can no longer hold it back, and she begins to cry.

"I didn't expect you to, mom." I hug her tightly to show her it's alright. She pulls away from me, and cups my cheek in her hand.

"I'm still just so sorry." She says, giving me an apologetic smile.

"Okay then." It makes me feel good inside that they still think of me as their son, and no different that I'm a totally different species. Suddenly, I feel the urge to hug her again, and that's what I do. "Thanks mom." She holds one arm around my back, and rubs the back of my mane with the other.

"You're my son Dalton. I'm supposed to love you no matter what. Even if that means you turn into a winged pony." Mom replies softly, then she pulls away again, and kisses me on the forehead. "Are you sure you'll be okay? It's gonna taker a while to get used to this you know?"

"Yeah. Especially for me, since I'm the one who turned into a pony from a little girls show." I reply with a slight chuckle.

"What do you mean a little girls show?" She asks quizzically, cocking her head to one side, and lifting a brow.

"I've become a pegasus known as Cloudchaser from...My Little Pony." I look away blushing furiously with embarrassment.

"And how do you know this?"

"I'm a brony." First I turn into a pony during school, and luckily got out with little trouble, now I'm home admitting to my parents I'm a fan of a show filled with pastel colored ponies meant for girls, ages four through twelve. I think. Well, it doesn't matter now that eighty percent of viewers of the generation four My Little Pony are guys from ages twelve through I don't know how old after that.So basically, My Little Pony is getting the opposite audience than what they had intended on getting.

"What does that mean? Does it mean you like the show?" She sits down cross legged in front of me. I turn around quick to close the door with a sigh. Hanging my head, and I feel my ears go flat again, then perking up once more as I turn around, and I sit in fornt of mom.

"Yes mom. I like a show about colorful talking ponies okay? Now I've somehow turned into one of the characters." I reply sadly, knowing there most likely is no way that I will ever be able to turn back. Mom's about to say something, when dad turns on the T.V onto the news channel because this is what I hear; "Breaking news!"

"Hold on. I wonder what this is about." She says getting up, and taking a seat on the couch next to my father, and I move to stand next to the same couch.

"We've been getting a few reports of people claiming to have seen what happen to be ponies? From the hit cartoon, My Little Pony: Friendship is magic. We've also been getting reports about people who claim to have turned into some of the characters."

"Baah humbug." Dad scoffs.

"You don't believe them?" Mom asks.

"I kind of do, but it's just unbelievable that people all over the world are somehow transforming into ponies from that stupid show. Just when when we thought this world couldn't get any worse." Dad sighs, putting a hand over his face.

"Now we go live to a press conference where these two ponies claim to be Lauren Faust, the creator of the show, and Tara Strong, one of the cast members from the show."

Then the screen changes to where there are two alicorns on a podium, with microphones held out in front of them, and boomers, and what not. These two alicorns happen to be non other than Princess Luna, and Princess Celestia. They talk about how they are actually Lauren who became Celestia and Tara became Luna, and that everyday, more people will change until, but she never finished that part. Then they say how, if anybody finds themselves as an element of harmony, to go to New York city for some reason. Then Celes-...Lauren finally says no further comment, and they both walk off of the podium, heads hung low in shame. Well that answered a lot of my questions.

"And there you have it. We assure you that this was real, and not an animated trick. Now onto further new-" The lady goes on before getting cut off by dad shutting off the T.V. Then he turns to look at me.

"You're not one of those elements of harmony are you?" He asks firmly with a very stern and stern voice.

"No, I'm not luckily. The main six characters of the show are the elements of harmony, but I'm one of the side characters. Why?"

"I don't want to have to go all the way to New York. It would just get in the way of a lot of things." He scoffs.

"Just being a pony is getting in the way already." I chuckle a bit.

"Yeah. But since this is a known problem, you're still going to school since this is happening to a lot of people." He says, once again in a very firm voice.

"Seems fair. I wonder who you'll guys will be when you guys turn, that's if." I say, giving them a smirk.

"In your dreams pony boy." Dad says, punching my shoulder blade.

"Yeah, well, at least I'll be able to fly once I learn how to use these babies." I reply, extending out my wings, taking a look back at them.

"Sure whatever." He says mockingly, rolling his eyes.

"Welp, your mother and I are very tired, and we have to work tonight so we're off to bed early tonight." He states, and with that, he and mom walk into their room, shutting the door. Then Snow walks up to my side, and drops the leash on the floor in front of me, then licks my face, and begins to whimper a little as she sits next to me.

Darn, I still need to take you out for your walk.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, sorry I didn't get to the dog becoming Flitter yet, but that's gonna happen next chapter.