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Once a pet that barks, now my twin sister that can speak

Author's Note:

Just as I promised, I had Snow turn into Flitter in this chapter, so have fun reading :scootangel: And don't forget to like/fav if you enjoyed the story :raritywink: I'm also needing help with develping future chapters, so any ideas that won't change the flow of the story are welcome :twilightsmile:

So, how am I going to go about doing this? I haven't taken Snow for a walk while being a pony before, so, what am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to go about doing anything like this? I don't have a clue right now, because my brain is swimming with a boatload of question, that I don't know how to answer. Snow stares at me with pleading eyes, and nudges me with her muzzle, then licks me again. For right now, I take off my backpack, and I set it by the front door like always, and Snow follows, and begins to whimper. I turn around to see her with her leash in her mouth, sitting in the floor in front of me, panting. She puts the leash down in front of me again, and she sits there with her tongue out. I take in a deep breath and I let out a long sigh.

"Look. Snow, I'd love to take you out for a walk, but, I'm just not in the condition to do so right now. I'm tires as heck, my massive migraine is coming back, plus the fact that I'm a talking pegasus. I promise I'll take you out for a walk later, but I just really need some sleep okay?" I ask, giving the dog another nuzzling hug. Like I said, she's a very smart dog, because as soon as I say I'm tired, she pulls away from me, and trots off to my room. I slowly follow her, as I listen to the clop clop of my hooves on the wooden floor. I get into the hall way, and right before I get into the room, I think I hear somebody call my name. It was probably my parents, so I trot over to their room.

"Did you guys call me?" I ask, as I step inside, going form a hardwood floor to soft white carpeting. THey're laying in their bed, well, sitting up against the head board. Dad's on his phone as usual, and mom's reading a book.

"Yeah, I did." Mom replies, getting up from the bed, She makes her way over to me, and kneels down on one knee. "Are you going to be alright with this, Dalton?" She asks, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Uh, I don't know." I reply, turning away from her gaze, as I rub the back of my neck with a hoof. "I'm not even me anymore. I'm a cartoon pegasus known as Clouchaser, I've lost my humanity, obviously, I now have a vagina, so pretty much all that's left, is my own consciousness." I say bitterly, craning my neck to look down.

"Dalton, I will not have this!" She says sternly, lifting my chin, forcing me to look at her. "You are better than this! I will not stand by, watching my only child get down about something! This is happening to people all over the world, so why should you feel any different? Who knows? Maybe your father and I are next? We don't know, but I do know, is that I want you to be able to stand tall and strong. Scratch the tall part. But you are my son, and with that said, I want you to turn around, and do whatever it is you were about to do, and do it with pride! She continues, then, pulls me into her for a hug. "I love you Dalton. Don't ever doubt that for a second." She says, changing her tone of voice from powerful, so low and soft.

"I-I don't know what to say mom. I love you too." I respond, hugging her back. She hugs me tightly for another minute, stroking the back of my mane

"All I want you to say is that you won't let this get you down, okay?"

"Okay ma."

"So, say it."

"Say what?"

"That yo are proud and you won't let this get you down."


"Well, go on. You're not going anywhere till you say it. Now say it." Mom urges, poking my chest with a finger, which actually felt very annoying. I let out a small sigh.

"I'm proud, and I won't let this get me down." I said quietly

"What's that? You're a clown, strolling through town?" She says, earning a small giggle from me, as she turns her head, and puts her hand behind her ear.

"I'm proud, and I wont let this get me down." I say this time at a voice level, slightly below normal.

"Huh? You frown because you're in a gown?" She says sarcastically, leaning her head a little closer. Screw it. Dis bitch is gonna need new ear drums.

"I'm proud, and I won't let this get me down! I'm proud, and I won't let this get me down! I'M PROUND AND I WON'T LET THIS GET ME DOWN!"

"The hound is feeling down?" She says quietly, and backs away, rubbing her ear. With a loud, and frustrated groan, I collapse to the ground my forelegs over my now throbbing head. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding Dalton!" She says, throwing her hands in the air in surrender.

"I know, my head is just killing me." I reply, as my ears go flat against my head.

"Aw, does the pony have a headache? How about you go lay down, and I'll bring you a Tylenol?" She asks, with a mopey face.

"Please don't call me that." I reply, slowly getting up.

"Yeah, I'm just messing with ya. Just go lay down, and I'll bring you a Tylenol." She ruffles my mane a bit before walking off.

"What's gotten into that woman?" Dad asks as soon as mom is out of hearing range.

"I don't even want to know, but it's prone to causing devious headaches." I reply, raising a hoof to rub one of my temples.

"I think you're right, because, after all of that, my head is hurting a little. But, you should go do what your mother told you. Who knows how bad of a migraine she might be able to cause." He says, chuckling after.

"Yeah. Love ya dad." I reply, turning around, and making my way back to the room.

"Love you too my little pony, brony daughter." He respond, causing him to break out into a laughing fit.

"Yeah, whateves dad." I shake my head, and head into my room, where Snow, is waiting eagerly on my bed for me, on the opposite side of the room.

When I reach the bed, I see that only my head, and half of my neck reach over the top. Great. Another mission impossible. God knows how many of those I had this morning. I mentally sigh, as I try to find a way up. Maybe I could rear up again, put my forelegs on the bed, then kick up my hind legs, then swing them onto it. Okay, so let's try it. Phase one; place forelegs on bed. Check. Now, to jump off of the floor. Not too hard since-too late! I had kicked up as hard as I could, which sent me skyward, about three feet above the bed. I end up flipping head over hooves, as I close my eyes and I brace for impact on the soft plush bed, but it never happens.

I slowly pry open my eyes which half of me refuses to open, but I manage to do it anyway. I look down to see I'm somehow floating just above my bed, then I hear the swishing of wind around me. Then I notice that my wings are slowly flapping, keeping me suspended in mid air. I'm fricking flying! Well, floating. Maybe it happen upon instinct, because I'm not moving them. So I think about this, as I try to find out how each muscle would be operated and which would do what. I try by tensing up some of the muscles in my back, rather than moving them, throwing me off.

It doesn't take me too long since, once again, I process things faster than the average human brain by three times. Now, I take over my wings, and I make the attempt to keep them in the same flapping pattern, but to my demise, I fail epically, as I face plant on my bed. I sit up, rubbing my still hurting head, and Snow is right there, to my aid, by licking me.It's nice she's loyal to me even though I'm a different species, and that she over powers me now by I don't know how much. I bet she could have me torn to shreds in ten seconds flat. I get a silly thought that comes to my head, and may seem a bit gross, but I decide to do it anyway. I take her face in my hooves, and i extend my tongue out, and I lick from one side of her face to the other. Then my subconscious kicks in.

You shouldn't have done that.

And it was right. I find hairs all over my tongue, and the taste of sweatsocks. Not that I've ever tried tasting one, but I assume the smell is what you would be tasting. Instantly, I begin swatting at my tongue with my hooves, as I hear mom clattering in the kitchen from the other side of the wall. After the obserded white fur is out of my mouth, I the taste still left behind. I take a look at Snow who is rubbing pony saliva off of her face with the side of her paws. I need water. Anything. Anything to get this god awful taste out of my mouth. I walk over to the edge of the bed, and jump. Then I float over to the bathroom, but I get stopped by mom, who has finally returned with the Tylenol in her fist which I assume is where it is, and a glass of water in her other hand.


Did I say float?

I sneak a peak downwards to see my hooves aren't making contact with the ground anymore, then I look back up to see I'm at moms eye level. I'm flying!! Yay for me!!

"Dalton! You're...you're flying!"

"Yeah, I...I guess I am!" I look around more to see that I am definitely flying.


"Well, I am a pegasus mom." I roll my eyes. "But, I don't know how to fly. I kinda just thought of flying, and it happened. It's like these wings have a mind if their own. So, I guess I'll stick with this until I learn how to fly myself!"

"Yeah, so here's your Tylenol." She says, holding out her balled up fist to me, and opens it to show a small white pill.

"Thanks mom." I take it in my hoof, and I pop it in my mouth.

"And here's the water." She holds the glass out to me, which I take with both my hooves flat against the sides, and I gulp it down, tilting my head back, washing away the taste of dog fur, and the pill down my esophagus.

"Thanks again." I reply with a smile.

"Now go lay down sweetie, I don't want you up and about with such a migraine okay?"

"Okay mom, but I'll be fine." I say sheepishly, slowly plopping down on my hooves on the floor.

"Just please listen. I want to make sure you'll be okay." She kneels down, and kisses me on the forehead, causing me to blush a little.

"Oh, I know mom, I am. I'm just saying I will be okay.

"Okay, now go take your nap. I think we all need one." She replies with a yawn, stretching out her arms.

"Yeah, I agree with you there, so goodnight." She gives me a smile and another ruffling on my mane, I smile back, and we go our separate ways.

I fly up again, and over to my bed, and I plop down next to Snow who is about the size of a filly. By filly I mean the size of a filly pony. Now, If I were referring to her, I would have said pup, but she's been growing quite healthy, so she's a little bigger than normal. I wrap my forelegs around her, and I pull her into me, and I lay on my left side, facing her. She rests her head atop my shoulder, and I drape my wing over her. I crane my neck around the top of her head, and soon the little dog is fast asleep, and I can feel her breath on the base of my wing. We probably look so cut right now. I wonder why I'm the only one she looks up to. Maybe because I was like a parent to her? I did get her when she was just a pup, and I trained her to do, well, everything you could teach a dog to do at that age. Eventually, I manage to fall asleep since my headache has slowly subsided, thanks to the help of the Tylenol, which I didn't think would work since I'm a pony now, but I'm just happy it did work.

Later that afternoon...

I awaken just the way I had fallen to sleep, the late afternoon sun shining in from the window, but something didn't feel right. Not with me, but with what I'm holding. I open my eyes to be welcomed to light blue hair, and pink bow. Why did it look so familiar, and where in the hay is my dog? Why does she feel smaller? Wait...did she change too? It didn't say that in the news that pets were changing too. I back away from Snow to see that in her place is Clouchaser's sister, Flitter. Yep. She changed, but why? I don't know, but since Snow accepted me with my change I'll do the same for her. I prob my hoof on her shoulder, but only for her to roll over. This time I shake her, and this time, she tries to sit up, but to fail since her body operates not like a dog's anymore, but a pony. they are quite the same, but some differences. She turns back around, to look at me, with another yawn.

"Hi Dalton." She says

"Oh, my Celestia!" I freak, backing away form her a little more. "You can talk now?!"

"N-no, I'm barking. I'm a dog. It's what dog do. We bark." She replies, completely oblivious to the fact her deep bark is now a higher pitched english speaking voice. How is this happening? Maybe dogs adapted to the human language in their minds, so if they wanted to say something, they said it in english in their heads, but for it to be translated into a dog bark when leaving the mouth.

"Uh, no, you're speaking plain english, Snow." I reply flatly.

"I am? Oh my gawd I am!" She squeals happily, sitting up, and now she notices she's not a dog anymore. "Hey, look! I'm Flitter!" She exclaims, taking a look at her new body. You may be wondering how she knows, but since I'm a brony, I watch My Little Pony of course, and since Snow is so attached to me, she was always right there to watch it with me, and dogs do understand english so there's your answer. "Oh Celestia! Do you know what this means Dalton?!" She has the biggest grin on her face now, that I have ever seen in my life.


"We're sisters!!" Snow shouts, throwing her forelegs around me. "I guess I can't call you daddy anymore. But now we're sisters which is so much better!" She tightens her hug on me, and I can't help but to hug her back. "I love you Dalton!"

"I love you too snow. What do you mean by you can't call me daddy anymore?" I ask curiously.

"Well, that's what I would say whenever I called for you, but you didn't understand since you could only hear barking. Mommy would have loved you too, but mommy is..." She trails off.

"Mommy is what?"

"She's...she's in a better place, let's just say." She replies with a sniff.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Snow." I rub her back reassuringly.

"It's okay da- sis. At least I have you." She replies with a change of attitude, from sad to happy again, as she nuzzles my chest.

"Awe. What did you think of me when I came home yesterday? I just have to know, why you were having a sniff fest with me." I say softly with a little giggle.

"I was like, Whaaaa! Then I smelled you because I left my scent on you, and you had it, then I was like OMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH MY DADDY IS A PONY!!" She replies, then she begins to giggle as well. "And you never took me out for a walk." She says bluntly, pulling away from me, crossing her forelegs.

"We could go now if you want, but I'm hungry. Are you?" I ask, but she, has no time to answer because her stomach does it for her with a menacing growl.

"I think that means a yes." She says pointing at her stomach with a hoof.

"Well come on then." I reply, floating off the bed.

"Hey no fair!!" She pouts, giving me a little lip.

"Did you forget you have wings too?" I ask with a small chuckle, as I float just above he bed.

"Haha, oh yeah." She blushes a little as embarrassment takes over her face. Then she extends her wings out, and makes a little jump like I did, and tries to flap, but unevenly, and she falls on her back, her head on the floor, and her hind legs up on the bed. She giggles a little, as she climbs to her hooves. "Well, maybe I'll try that later." She stands there, and scratches at her chin with a hoof. "Hey da-. Ugh, I gotta get over that. SISTER can I ride on your back? I know how humans like to ride horses and ponies, but I've kinda wanted to try it, so could I ride on you to the kitchen?" She asks, giving me puppydog eyes.

"Yeah, sure." I reply, landing back down on the ground, and she jumps onto my back. She makes for a cute filly Flitter. Like, really cute. I begin trotting out of the room, and at the same time, mom emerges from hers.

"Hey Dal-" She says, but cuts off when she sees Snow on my back. "Is...is that...Snow?" She asks, pointing a finger.

"Yep! The one and only!" Snow replies cheerfully, before I even have the chance to open my mouth.

"Oh, my goodness!" Mom exclaims, taking a step back. "She can talk?!"

"Yeah, I had the same reaction mom, but this is actually quite fun. I can actually have conversations with her now!"

"Yeah! I've turned into Flitter! In the show, she's Cloudchaser's twin sister, so now me and dalton are sisters!" She says, once again, very cheerfully. I feel her scoot forward on my back, and she puts her forelegs around my neck.

"You two stay right there! I have to take a picture!" Mom coo's, running back into her room, and coming back out after a few seconds with her red Blackberry in hand. "This is going to be a keeper!" She says, as she turns it on, the dim light coming to life. She taps it a couple times, and then she turns it on its side. "Say cheeeese!" Even though I'm not very happy about this whole, being-a-pony thing, but I try to give her at least a happy smile, but not an over-happy smile which is normally used for a pic like this. On the other hoof, I bet Snow is making a biggest smile she can muster up.



"Got it!" Mom exclaims, singing. "D'aaww, you two look so cute!" Mom coo's, turning the phone to show me the picture. Since me and Snow are cartoon ponies now, I could make out exactly what the picture would look like, and I was right with every solitary detail. It pretty much looks like the cover picture, except Snow is on me, rather than next to me.

"I guess." I reply flatly.

"Well, you being a brony, should find this as cute." She says bluntly, with a roll of her eyes.

"I think it's cute!" Snow exclaims, moving her head closer to the phone. Mom smiles a little, then pets Snow's head. "You can hold me if you want mom." She says, holding her hooves out to mom.

"Oh, okay." Mom reaches down, and pulls Snow up from under her legs where they meet with her body, and places her in her arms. "You're so light." Mom comments, bouncing Snow up and down a little.

"I take it you know so little about pegasai, don't you mom?"

"Yeah, I take it you're lighter too now?

"Yep." I reply with a nod.

"Um, why did you call me mom, Snow?" Mom asks.

"I've been calling you mom like a month after you guys got me." Snow replies, sniggling her head into mom's chest.

"Awe." Mom leans her head down, and gives Snow a kiss on the forehead.

"So mom. do we have any oats, veggies, and or fruits?" I ask, as my stomach growls.

"Yeah, I think so. You two are hungry I suppose. I guess it's what you'll have to eat since you two are ponies now." She replies with a shrug.

"Yeah, so why don't we go see then?" Snow says excitedly. "I wanna see what human food tastes like! That dog food was okay, but eventually it got really boring. She rolls her eyes, putting an emphasis on boring.

"Okay then." Mom replies, she turns towards the kitchen, still holding Snow in her arms.

When we get into the kitchen, mom places Snow on a counter, and begins rummaging through every cupboard that may have food in it, and the fridge. I stand there watching, like, what does she think she's even doing? Snow on the other hand is giggling her flank off. So, did her changing into Flitter like, somehow inject her with everlasting laughing gas? I don't know, and I don't think I want to, but overall it's cute beyond all compare. To be completely honest, I think it's the coolest thing ever that I can actually talk to my dog now, who has now become my little sister. I know both Cloudchaser, and Flitter were mares, but since Snow was only six, she became a filly form of Flitter. I also think it's pretty cool that my parents have already mostly adapted to me being a pony, but I'm still working on it.

After a few minutes, mom has found four bananas, two apples, six carrots, a few packages of instant oatmeal, and a head of lettuce. Looks like we're gonna need more food that fits ponies. This wouldn't last even half a day, with what we have here. This wouldn't even bee enough to last Snow a day. She eats a lot, which surprises me she's a bit heavier than average, but that extra weight is all muscle, well it used to be, since now she's a powerless filly. She hops down from the counter, and trots over to me, with her big purple eyes staring up at me. She smiles, and nuzzles the side of her face into my chest. I really want to know why she's so affectionate towards me, but with everybody else, you have to do something to get affection from her. I don't care really.

I nuzzle her back on the top of her head as mom begins to rationalize the food out for us. I head back out into the dinning room, and reach up to flip a light switch, that turns on the light in the kitchen. I don't know why they didn't put it in the kitchen, but as long as there's a light to turn on, I'm fine with it. Now, if it were a few rooms away, then that's just ridiculous! Anywho, mom gets two, plain white plates from a cupboard above the stove, and places them on the counter. She has to rub her eyes a bit since I had just turned on the light because it's gotten a little darker out. I wonder what's going through her head right now. She puts a banana and an apple and two carrots on each plate with a handful of lettuce. She takes the plates, and carries them out to the coffee table in the living room since it's shorter than the dining room table, and both me, and Snow can reach our plates.

"There you two go. Food. I know it's not much, but I've never raised ponies before, let alone one of them being my son, and the other, the family dog." She says with light chuckle, but stops soon after she sees I'm giving her the 'Are you serious' face. "Okay, I guess I might have taken it a bit far, and I'm sorry." Said mom apologetically, with a shrug.

"Nah, it's cool mom, I'm just messing with you." I reply, as I sit on the rug under the table. I don't sit under the table. I sit on the rug by the table, but the rug is under the table. Just to clear that up. Mom sits next to me, and puts an arm around my back. Snow trots over to mom, and happily takes a seat in her lap.

"Wow, I just can't get over how cute you are, Snow." Mom says softly, rubbing Her mane a bit.

"So, I wasn't cute when I was a dog?" Snow asks, quizzically.

"Yes you were, but know it's just like, oh my gawd the cuteness!!" Mom replies hysterically.

"Awe, really? Is it only because I can talk now, like you guys?"

"Well, it's also that, but eat your food now okay?" Mom takes the banana, and peels the peel peeling of the banana which is having its peel being peeled by moms peel peeling fingers. She holds into out in front of Snow's mouth. She's resistant to taking a bite since she's never had a banana in her life.

"It's not bad is it?" She asks.

"Oh my goodness you're going to love it. There isn't a single person I know of who doesn't like bananas."

"Okay mom." Snow replies, as she takes a small first bite, and her face lights up as soon as she processes the good flavor I assume. Her eyes grow wide, as she takes it from mom's hands, and shoves like half of it into her mouth, and chomps down on it. "You were frighht muhm! Rish ish reawy...really good!" She says her mouth full of banana, but pauses to swallow, then finishes what she's saying then finishes the banana.

"I know. I still think it's so adorable how you call me mom." Mom replies, hugging her new daughter.

Despite all that has happened so far, I think I'm going to enjoy being Cloudchaser. It's fun as hell to fly, even though it was really slow like, but still, being able to do something that, we as a species have dreamed of doing since the first pair of eyes were set upon a winged creature soaring through the sky. I know as soon as I get the chance, I'm going to try to fly myself, and become to first turned human to make a sonic rainboom, or just a sonic boom, Which ever happens, but I'll be happy either way, even though a sonic rainboom would be more preferable. I ponder over this as I chew on one of my three carrots. As long as I have my family, and my newly made sister, I know I'm going to have a lot of fun with this.