• Published 23rd Jan 2015
  • 1,124 Views, 47 Comments

Hexagons: Part l - Wand3r3r3

Rewriting the tragic history of the Crystal Ponies is impossible . . . unless you're immortal.

  • ...



On the dawn of the only day in a week that presented a cloudless sky, the residents of a small town all gathered together. That said, from a bird's-eye view, they were coming from any and all directions, no matter how small the size of the population was. Not everypony was awake at the time, but a still-well number of them knew the importance of participating in a town meeting. No other dire news was ever to be heard of here.


"What do you think happened?" asked one of the residents; a shorter mare with a teal coat that leaned its color to the lighter side of contrast. Her mane and tail made rough shapes similar to a mechanized cutting saw, if viewed from a good distance, but the mere shapes were obviously not as deadly. Her looks were the only deadly part about her. "Nothing ever happens here. This town's almost dead."

The mare who answered her--that of a similar build--was just as skeptical as the original inquirer, and it proved true through her voice.

"I...don't have the slightest clue," she replied, sporting a heavy coat on her back, the hood lifted above her neck and sheltering her head. It was evident, by the small bulge at the top of her head, that she was a unicorn. She must have been especially sensitive to the cold setting that the morning provided, in more senses than just the temperature.

Nevertheless, the two females decided to pair up, just as everyone else had been doing. Everypony who lived in this town was summoned to a mandatory gathering near its library, where a supposed crime had taken place the night prior.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The End of the Beginning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

---Fate Foretold---

Ponyville, one of the most well-known places of residence in Equestria, was also, at one point, at a competition with Canterlot for the most visited area by tourists. It was a bright, bustling, albeit loud town where nothing but crazy, random shenanigans mainly took place, and no more.

The ponies there lived absolutely carefree, as they knew nothing would ever happen. The little ones would only dread the time of day where the sun sank behind the massive stalagmite to the south, where they would have to cease play and head back into their homes until morning came again. The golden, glimmering silhouette of Canterlot would shower the small town with a similarly gilded glow, but only for a few minutes as the sun hid behind the spires of the royal sister's towers. This presented an excellent opportunity for the older ponies to find new beauty within the town they had lived in for so long.

Everyone's lives were simple, but rather amazing at the same time.

But then there was the one day that all of that changed...

No pony saw it coming.

The town's local library was where they were summoned to appear, as this was the place that the crime took place. Its exterior was made out to be the body of a gigantic tree in the nearest, rightmost edge of the town's limits, all too familiar to the ponies who lived there.

The natural parts of the tree itself, such as its many branches and the nutrient-sapping weeds growing all around it, had remained untrimmed and unkempt for a few months prior to the gathering, subtracting the ones that were torn apart by the storm the night before. They all hung low, weighed down by the early morning dew and other remains plants that were attached to higher altitudes on the tree, and also torn apart.

It really started to look unattractive ever since Twilight Sparkle, the newest Alicorn princess who had been bestowed a crown, had left Ponyville for the country's best benefit. The library had remained mostly unattended since then.

When everypony in the town was seen to be present and heard to be shushed, a beautiful mare with an almost holy coat of highly contrasted grey walked up to greet the crowd.

"Thank you to all who chose to attend this calling we've set forth," she called out to her audience. The spokesmare felt comfortable enough to be talking to her neighbors, largely due to the small amount of those who chose to come.

Her mane and tail, showing off a bright, brilliant gleam upon the perfect saturation of royal purple. They both curled up around all the most seemingly intricate places at the ends of each; twists and turns. With a slight breeze that suddenly decided to blow through the area, the impeccable beauty in the hairs that her divine coat was comprised of remained the very same.

Her name was Rarity, and she had groomed herself flawlessly for the occasion.

"So," a small colt asked out from the even smaller crowd. He addressed her while she was speaking to a few other stallions behind her, those who wore black suits and looked like official figures of authority, based on their intimidating looks from afar. "What happened here? Anything important?" His own impatient demeanor told everyone a lot about him, though the whole town knew him. He was the school bully at Ponyville Elementary, located in the furthest, west-most direction from the library. "I have school in like, an hour."

Rarity was still talking with the well-dressed characters at the very rear of his sight, at the end of everyone's, really. It was a few more moments before Rarity dismissed the suited stallions with a few nods of her head, then turned her attention back to the crowd.

"Actually, ahem," she started, clearing her throat. "This situation has been, ah, unofficially resolved. "You're all free to go back to your daily tasks." Rarity stumbled in her speech a little as most her audience dispersed into several directions. A few stayed in their general position, chatting with their friends, discussing their disappointment with their, perhaps, unnecessary summoning.

Eventually, after everypony else left the scene, aside Rarity, one mare was left to wander the quiet, cold grounds that laid all around the library, which she approached with fair enthusiasm. It was the one who wore the thick-layered coat on the back, with the neck's strings tied around her neck and its sleeves filled in with her legs.


"Excuse me," she called to Rarity, who was once again preoccupied, speaking with the same stallions in black. "Miss?"

Immediately after bidding her friends adieu, Rarity turned around to greet the mare seeking her attention, and she did so with an insomnia-stricken look on her face. She looked exhausted.

"Oh, my dear, I'm sorry for not noticing you earlier. It's just that, well..." Talking to a more common mind helped her clear her own. "Well, there was an investigation going on here, about four O'-clock this morning when most of us were asleep."

Rarity explained the details of the events to the best of her ability;

"Someone would bother to steal a little piece of a history tome?" The somewhat clothed mare looked absolutely puzzled, but inside, she understood the gravity of the situation.


Apparently, under everypony's sleeping muzzles, one singular character broke into the town's library--Golden Oaks--overnight. A thick pallet comprised of nothing but parchment was taken; stolen. Being the new abandoned nature of the building, it was a perfect opportunity for the silent, unsuspecting crime to go unnoticed, and the odds would have been in the criminal's favor.

The significance of this act seemed belittled to most ponies, no matter how hard they might have thought about it. Those who aren't able to see the full magnitude of something as specific as this;

Especially this...

They're special, in so many more ways than the mind could conceive, let alone believe.

"That's impossible!" The mare suddenly snapped. The fury that had shaken her head tossed the hood of her material coat even further down her back, revealing a sensitive, bodily coat that took a fair amount of time for its hairs to stand up on end, due to the cold, but rising, temperature.

She wore a heavy seafoam-themed color all along her coat, which quickly shrunk back down to her skin as she already grew acclimated to the warming temperature. Her mane and the tip of her wavy tail were both streaked heavily; a pattern lined with a pure, holy white and a pale-ish green shade that shined bright upon contact with the sunlight. She could have been seen from half-a-mile away.

Her eyes shined bright along with her seemingly glimmering hairs, numbered in the thousands. Their clean golden color absolutely mesmerized those of an unfamiliar tint. It was a well-known fact that organic beauty like that was unnatural, but this mare possessed them regardless.

She was incredibly beautiful, to say the very least, and her name was Lyra Heartstrings.

"I know, it's strange," Rarity responded, unclear of the description she received from Lyra's shock. "There were so many other things the culprit could have stolen, whoever she was."

"She? So we know it was a mare?" asked Lyra, in a crisp lash of her gentle voice.

"Well, no, not exactly. But I assume that, since the majority of everpony who lives here is female, this ongoing investigation can be lead to believe that it was indeed the same sex."

Lyra saw the bit of logic in that, but there was still plenty of flaws within it. "Huh, good point. I suppose everyone here is a suspect for the-"


Lyra and Rarity both jumped almost a whole foot from the ground as a high scream was heard from somewhere nearby. But it also sounded muffled, as if somepony had instantaneously felt an incredible type of pain. The thought occurred to them, however inexact, but they instinctively acted upon the happening regardless.


Circumventing the library, Lyra led the way. They were both convinced that the scream came from somewhere behind the massive obstacle that was the building itself. The thick and heavy ligaments that became grounded also became an obstacle for them to have to avoid as they hastily trotted to sound, wherever it was, exactly.

They were almost running with how many other ponies noticed the vocal cue and headed towards it. It had alerted the whole town, apparently. But then again, it wasn't every day the residents heard something that sounded like a legitimate attack.

"They're back?" Rarity slurred through a delicate combination of anxiety and exhaust. She also spoke the truth, as the tall stallions from before—the private investigators that Rarity had hired—returned to the scene. They undoubtedly noticed the happening from their far distance, all thanks to the same vocal cue.

"They must have heard it too, just like everyone else!"

It didn't take too much time for all the other ponies to frolic to the scene, whatever it was, and it took even less time for them to block the view that Rarity and Lyra could have had-

"If only we were faster," Lyra muttered. Rarity concurred with her and tried to work out a solution when her ears perked up all of a sudden.

"Police?!" Rarity panicked.


Rarity was correct, as the sound of carriages was heard, and quite prominently over the crowd. Before they arrived, these two mares could hear the vocalize what they had seen, and some others reacted in shock to what they heard from those who were closer to the scene.

"Did they just say..." Lyra shook her head in utter disbelief. "Did they say that there was a death here?!"

Soon enough, official figures of authority shoved their way through the crowd, getting in Rarity's way as they did the same to her. Lyra headed off in a different direction, circling the crowd and trying to make her way past, but her semi-passive nature started to get the best of her, and she was stuck for a while, trying to decide what she wanted to do.

"Body confirmed," spoke one of the officers from the inner circle of the growing crowd. "You guys were right."

"That's it get out of my way!"

Frustrated and anxious beyond control, Rarity threw her body through the thickened crowd of ponies. She couldn't fathom why ponies were so attracted to something like this; something that was beginning to sound like a dangerous situation. She was able to push through, but Lyra had quickly returned to Rarity and pulled her back as much as she could.

"I don't think we should get too involved in this," she yelled, over the voices all around them. Rarity thought heavy about this, as well as something else that was running through her mind at the time; the whole morning, actually.

"I heard them mention a body," she continued. Rarity nodded again, but this time, she did it slowly. She seemed...defeated.


Finally, after a few more agonizing series of seconds passed, one new, somewhat bellowing voice towered over all the others that were present.

"Alright, everyone move outta the way! This ain't a scene for you to be enjoying!"

The thick voice was also feminine, yet intimidating, as ponies were already clearing a path for her as she commanded. The entire crowd began to disperse as well, as she closed into the scene.

"Kinda seems like this town isn't exactly as innocent and quiet as everyone thinks."

It was true. With the way the entire town responded to this event, whatever it really was, everypony had the potential to be the cause of this whole investigation...


Out in the distance, while everypony else was out of their homes, one lone figure watched the scene play out, in what little shelter the house was; where this character resided.

She had laid her stomach on the wooden floor, barely holding the scarlet curtains open and peering between them, panicking deep in the back of her mind. Her streaked, two-toned, raspberry mane and tail had its said flavored color distributed between both sides of them. And straight down the center of each, a sweet, candied pink streak ran through, exemplifying her magnificent beauty in so many ways.

Her eyes gleamed their dark emerald radiance as the rising sun had been touching them for a good series of minutes as she just watched. But eventually, she had to retreat behind the drapes' cover, with how much more intense the sun--and the situation--had gotten over such a short amount of time.

As she pulled her head back, her long and suede-like mane covered her entire forehead, and a little more than that. It was difficult for her to see past the hair in front of her eyes.

"We need to get out of here now."

Author's Note:

Not sure if the author's notes thingy is appearing twice.
But either way, my apologies for having this take so long. I seem to be getting back into the groove of writing again, and I'm pleased with how I'm developing this story. There are a few incorrections with the spacing of a few paragraphs that I intentionally left; to add to the feeling of what you'll be reading